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Dan Rice

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    St. Clair Shores, MI
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    Music listening, Music making (playing guitar and recording) JFK Assassinatiom

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  1. The 'other film' refers to the original un-altered Zapruder film, not a film shot by a second photographer. Personally, I'm undecided as to whether the Zapruder film was altered.
  2. I have heard this before but I can't seem to find a verification source. I thought it might be in the Shaw trial transcripts, which I have, but I now can't find where Zapruder said he never stopped filming.
  3. Ten year old me was in the fifth grade. At about 2 o'clock EST the intercom started playing the radio news that the president had been shot. At about 2:30, the announcement was made that the president was dead. The principal came on the intercom and dismissed the students for the day. When I got home, the tv was already on with the assassination coverage. It was quite monumental for this 10 year old.
  4. Well, that settles it... Seriously, thanks for posting.
  5. My two favorites (cuz it's kind of a tie) are: Accessories After the Fact - Sylvia Meagher Whitewash - Harold Weisberg
  6. Not to nit pick but the car of the right is a 1960 Ford determined by the taillights. I'm pretty sure the car on the left is a 1967 Ford Fairlane.
  7. I'm guessing that it's a reply to the title of this thread, How corrupt was Connally? Very
  8. I was 10 years old at the time. My parents and I were watching TV and I'm guessing it was CBS. Oswald's murder was not shown real time as we were watching. Only a screen crawl alerted us to Oswald's being shot and his eventual death.
  9. Oglesby, Carl - The Yankee and Cowboy War.pdf (archive.org)
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