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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Leavelle hated JFK and it's obvious why. JFK's killing meant nothing to Leavelle. What percentage of the entire Dallas Police felt the same as Leavelle toward JFK? I think a reasonable guess would have been 70,80 maybe even 90+%? Over decades it's easy to forget the true level of hatred toward JFK in the South in 1963 due to Kennedy's perceived ****** lovin' policies and sentiments.
  2. I know the Tippit story is a deadly serious and sad one, but honestly ... I can't help but laugh at poor Mrs. Markham's "whose on 1st" responses to Ball's questions. Number 1? No. Number 2? Yes. No number one? No. Whose number 2? No, he's number 1! I thought you said he was number 2! Who was number 1? There is no number 1. Which one is number 2? When you say number 2 do you mean number 1? No, I mean he's number 2! So, number 1 is really number 2? No, number 2 is number 2 Markham "When I saw the man I wasn't sure." "I thought you wanted to know about the clothing!" "When I said that I just kind of fell over." I'm sure even the transcriber was confused! That is all Mrs. Markham...you are free to go now.
  3. Oh Sarah, I've adored you since I first saw you making a fool out of Katie Couric about reading newspapers. I've adored you since I first saw you shooting at Mooses and making burgers out of them. I've adored you since you said you could see Russia from your front yard. Sarah, oh Sarah. Be my running mate in 2024 won't you?
  4. Was Oswald disheveled looking more so than his fellow lineup members? Maybe with unkempt hair and sporting a swollen left eye in these lineups as if he had been in a scuffle? Joseph McBride says Oswald did not kill Tippet. Whether he did or not, it's true that Helen Markham was a very unstable witness. One that prosecutors in an Oswald trial would do anything to keep from cross examination. The woman was either extremely traumatized by witnessing the shooting or already so before hand. Completely paranoid about everything. Her statements were so convoluted and contradictory, it is hard to stick with them in reading. I'm on the fence here.
  5. The argument that Ruby leaving his beloved dog Sheba alone in his car while he sauntered down the street to the DPD building basement entrance and down into it inferring his doing so and then killing Oswald was totally impulsive has just enough known Ruby personal and psychological background weight ( Sheba was his wife? ) to not be easily dismissed by some. Leaving behind his keys and a good amount of cash in his car not so much? The entire story of Ruby and his actions that day, that weekend ( and even weeks before 11,22,1963 ) are so full of these types of odd conundrums it's just adds to the mix of contrary points which makes trying to understand the truth such a frustrating ( even gut wrenching ) experience and effort. One thing Ruby didn't leave behind in his car that morning however, was his loaded gun. Was that a impulsive act as well? We've heard all the stories about why Ruby carried a gun, or at least kept it close in his car. He did most of his financial dealings in cash. And he so often had many hundreds, if not a couple of thousands of dollars on his person. Late at night cash receipt carrying errands in a big city makes sense in his gun carrying, but a Sunday morning jaunt downtown to send a $25 Western Union check? Ruby also had his gun on him Friday night when he immersed himself into the press crowd in the DPD building. ( maybe not a place and time you want to do this Mr. Ruby?) Stayed there for hours. Surprised not "one" of the hundreds of DPD officers who knew Jack Ruby didn't recognize him there and have some pause as to the appropriateness of his presence considering the super serious, highest in history security alert atmosphere going on inside the DPD at that time. Didn't the DPD screen those they allowed into their inner sanctum that night? Oh, hi Jack. How's the strip joint business going buddy? Got any deli sandwiches for us tonight? Preposterous. Dallas DA Wade knew Jack Ruby. He had been to his strip joint personally himself. Ruby was known by everybody who was anybody in Dallas back then. How could anyone act as if they didn't know of the Carousel Club which operated there for years and it's crazy hot tempered owner operator? I believe Ruby was let into the DPD basement that morning. Just one second before he leaped out to shoot Oswald he was shoulder to shoulder with DPD officer Big Willie " Blackie" Harrison. One of the closest DPD acquaintances of Ruby from years back. Officer Blackie Harrison knew Jack Ruby well enough that he couldn't miss him in a crowd if he tried. When Oswald was being led down the lower floor entrance corridor to his County jail transfer ride with less personal body security ( wide open from the front ) than Howdie Doodie at a kiddie convention, Officer Harrison just stared straight at Oswald the whole time from the press crowd pictures I have seen. If Harrison's job was basement and crowd security, wouldn't his focus responsibilities be to not look at Oswald, especially during Oswald's one minute perp walk exposure, and instead scan the basement and press crowd right at that time? Imagine Chief Curry and all the investigative officers questioning Harrison about his duties that morning and wondering how Jack Ruby himself could be rubbing shoulders with Harrison seconds before and right up to Ruby leaping out to shoot Oswald? "Officer Harrison, Jack Ruby was right next to you as Oswald was feet from you both...and you didn't even look two inches to your left to notice him? Great security work there Harrison. And did you have to smoke a big stogie with smoke getting in your eyes right as Oswald was being led to his death? I am not a writer. Barely able to understand the basic rules of doing so. My postings reflect this I am sure. I also probably have some form of adult attention disorder. However, I have always pondered that if I could write a book about the JFK event, it would focus on Oswald's murder right inside of the DPD basement. How it all came about, how it played out. How no police officials involved in this security failure of the century were ever reprimanded and held accountable. From the insanely illogical plans to move Oswald to the County jail in broad daylight ( despite many insider warnings to do this at night without publicity ) and just feet away from a loosely screened frantic flash bulb popping press crowd and with an Oswald death chanting lynch mob assembled right outside due to publicly announcing this move ... to the ease with which this Oswald killing obsessed strip joint owner just sauntered down a guarded ramp to do this and while standing right next to one of his longest known DPD acquaintances ... this JFK truth loss event just begs such a book imo. I have even had a title in mind since I first came up with my book idea. "HE'S BEEN SHOT!" "HE'S BEEN SHOT!" "LEE OSWALD'S BEEN SHOT!" Those exact shocking words were shouted out to a live national TV broadcast audience by on site NBC NEWS correspondent Tom Pettit ... and which I heard with my own ears as I was watching the event myself at 12 years of age. And I imagined a front cover picture of the famous photo showing Ruby plugging a bent over and crying out Oswald. Oswald was all we had to learn the truth about who did JFK and why. Losing him to the most incomprehensible security failure one could ever imagine just leaves you numb with mistrust. A mistrust I have personally never felt relief from even 60 years after it's occurrance. And for an over-all book meaning, the effect Oswald's killing had on our collective sense of reality and especially loss of trust of our government on every level. I believe Oswald's killing and it's effect on our national consciousness has never been adequately summarized in it's true power of reality perception change. Losing Oswald was one of the greatest losses of truth this country has ever experienced. One of the 4 great losses our nation experienced in the 1960's.
  6. The argument that Ruby leaving his beloved dog Sheba alone in his car while he sauntered down the street to the DPD building basement entrance and down into it meant his doing so and then killing Oswald was totally impulsive might have some weight according to testimony regards Ruby's personal and psychological background ( Sheba was his wife? ) but in my opinion, not enough. Ruby leaving behind his keys and a good amount of cash in his car was also impulsive? The entire story of Ruby and his actions that day, that weekend ( and even weeks before 11,22,1963 ) are so full of these types of odd conundrums it's just adds to the mix of contrary points which makes trying to understand the truth such a frustrating ( even gut wrenching ) experience and effort. One thing Ruby didn't leave behind in his car that morning however, was his loaded gun. Was that an impulsive act as well? We've heard all the stories about why Ruby carried a gun, or at least kept it close in his car. He did most of his financial dealings in cash. And he so often had many hundreds, if not a couple of thousands of dollars on his person. Late at night cash receipt carrying errands in a big city makes sense in his gun carrying, but a Sunday morning jaunt downtown to send a $25 Western Union transfer? Ruby had his gun on him Friday night when he immersed himself into the press crowd in the DPD building. Stayed there for hours. Surprised not "one" of the hundreds of DPD officers who knew Jack Ruby didn't recognize him there and have some pause as to the appropriateness of his presence considering the super serious, highest in history alert atmosphere going on inside the DPD at that time. Didn't the DPD screen those they allowed into their inner sanctum that night? Oh, hi Jack. How's the strip joint business going buddy? Got any deli sandwiches for us tonight? Preposterous. Dallas DA Wade knew Jack Ruby. He had been to his strip joint personally himself. Ruby was known by everybody who was anybody in Dallas back then. How could anyone act as if they didn't know of the Carousel Club which operated there for years and it's crazy hot tempered owner operator? I believe Ruby was let into the DPD basement that morning. Just one second before he leaped out to shoot Oswald he was shoulder to shoulder with DPD officer Big Willie " Blackie" Harrison. One of the closest DPD acquaintances of Ruby from years back. Officer Blackie Harrison knew Jack Ruby well enough that he couldn't miss him in a crowd if he tried. When Oswald was being led down the lower floor entrance corridor to his County jail transfer ride with less personal body security ( wide open from the front ) than Howdie Doodie at a kiddie convention, Officer Harrison just stared straight at Oswald the whole time from the press crowd pictures I have seen. If Harrison's job was basement and crowd security, wouldn't his focus responsibilities be to not look at Oswald, especially during Oswald's one minute perp walk exposure, and instead scan the basement and press crowd right at that time? Imagine Chief Curry and all the investigative officers questioning Harrison about his duties that morning and wondering how Jack Ruby himself could be rubbing shoulders with Harrison seconds before and right up to Ruby leaping out to shoot Oswald? "Officer Harrison, Jack Ruby was right next to you as Oswald was feet from you both...and you didn't even look two inches to your left to notice him? Great security work there Harrison. I am not a writer. Barely able to understand the basic rules of doing so. My postings reflect this I am sure. However, I have always pondered that if I could write a book about the JFK event, it would focus on Oswald's murder right inside of the DPD basement. How it all came about, how it played out. How no police officials involved in this security failure of the century were ever reprimanded and held accountable. From the insanely illogical plans to move Oswald to the County jail in broad daylight ( despite many insider warnings to do this at night without publicity ) and just feet away from a bright light glaring packed press crowd and with a small but vocal crowd assembled right outside due to publicly announcing this move ... to the ease with which this Oswald killing obsessed strip joint owner just sauntered down a guarded ramp to do this and while standing right next to one of his longest known DPD acquaintances ... this JFK truth loss event just begs such a book imo. I have even had a title in mind since I first came up with my book idea. "HE'S BEEN SHOT!" "HE'S BEEN SHOT!" "LEE OSWALD'S BEEN SHOT!" The exact shocking words shouted out to a live national TV broadcast audience by on site NBC NEWS correspondent Tom Pettit ... and which I heard with my own ears as I was watching the event myself at 12 years of age. And with a front cover picture of the famous photo showing Ruby plugging a bent over and crying out Oswald. Oswald was all we had to learn the truth about who did JFK and why. Losing him to the most incomprehensible security failure one could ever imagine just leaves you numb with mistrust. A mistrust I have personally never felt relief from even 60 years after it's occurrence. And for an over-all book theme, the effect Oswald's killing had on our almost entire society collective sense of reality and especially loss of trust of our government on every level for decades. I believe Oswald's killing and it's effect on our national consciousness has never been adequately explained and summarized in it's true power of reality perception change. Losing Oswald was one of the greatest losses of truth and trust this country has ever experienced. One of the 4 great losses our nation experienced in the 1960's.
  7. Why isn't this the Trump introduction song at his rallies? It's "perfect" as Trump likes to say. The O'Jays - For The Love of Money (Official Audio) The O'Jays
  8. And billion dollar bailouts for your daughter's husband.
  9. Ginny Thomas is our defacto 10th SCOTUS justice. In influence for sure.
  10. Full Phone Call: Trump Pressures Georgia Secretary of State https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW_Bdf_jGaA During an hourlong phone call, President Trump pressured Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to overturn the 2020 election results. Trump said, “I ... How many here have actually taken the time to listen to Trump's infamous 1 hour long intimidation and pressuring telephone call to Georgia election official Brad Raffensberger in it's entirety? I have. And here it is if you want to listen to all or just part of it. Warning - in it's entirety it is exhausting. Trump's high energy manic pushing of his own reality facts ( versus those Raffensberger cites ) and ever more exaggerated hyperbole of numbers of voter fraud crimes and thousand times repeating of them in the course of this one hour long diatribe leaves you drained. Trump just pounds and pounds and pounds away with his alternate universe reality Georgia election fraud claims. Combined with a desperateness so animated it all comes across as irrationally disturbing. Some thoughts: If this call isn't as intimidating, pressuring, demeaningly insulting and even humiliating ( "they're laughing at you Brad", They don't like you Brad") and threatening ( "you're taking a big risk here Brad") as a Mafia godfather call to some out-of-line underling needing to be reminded of "who's in charge" like you see in the gangster movies ... what is? I hadn't listened to this famous Trump pressuring call in it's entirety until yesterday. I had to take several breaks while doing so because it was so exhaustively charged up manic and repeating and non-stop heavy handed, even oppressively so. Trump never stops talking! I think Trump truly feels he can actually "wear down" others who threaten his standing and self-interests by his hammering, pounding and pounding again force of will. Which, in his business life before 2016, this bullying tactic by Trump obviously worked so well and often enough that it became hard wired into his obsessively self-absorbed and "never enough"" money obsessed deal making brain. Good luck sticking with the ranting Trump to Raffensberger call through it's entirety. I'll bet most won't stay with it. And if this classic "Godfather" type pressuring Trump call to Raffensberger isn't blatant election interference ... what else is? Commendably, Raffensberger took this one hour hammering call by Trump, and still held his oath honoring ground stance of no election fraud in his state of Georgia. Angering Trump to no end as you can tell by a more and more frustrated Trump insulting Raffensberger near the end of the call. "They are laughing at you Brad." "They don't like you Brad." Typical Trump intimidation bullying.
  11. I sure hope Doug Caddy views the interview above. Just the 10 minutes or so I cited.
  12. All totally logical and reasonable points. Kinney finding and then removing prime importance evidence from the crime scene and then corruptly manipulating any further investigation even more by placing this bullet where it could be found elsewhere ( and where it would initiate a million more suspicion minded questions- which it did ) is beyond any rational motivation explanation imo. Kinney had to have known how serious a crime his doing these things was. It was so blatantly wrong it was crazy! I can't for one second buy Kinney's stated reasoning for picking up the bullet from the limo while cleaning it and then pocketing it. That he didn't want JFK to be remembered that way? PLEASE! That didn't make any sense at all. All the brain matter and blood and skull pieces splashed everywhere had already defined JFK's death as a horrifically savage and brutal event. JFK's murder will always be remembered in this horrific scene way no matter whether a pristine bullet was found in the limo or not. If caught removing this bullet and placing it in some other place, Kinney would have not just been immediately fired from the SS but also arrested and convicted of this serious crime. He was willing to risk all that to try to make the killing scene less ugly or to protect JFK's memory? Heck, if Kinney was so in shock about the killing I don't see how it came into his head to do something so irrational. Seems a normal security trained and assigned person would have just gone on automatic order following mental mode. Pass anything of importance on to your superior officer, correct? Or, in the least, keep the bullet and then later in the day toss it into a storm drain or grassy lot? This is one of those classic "suspend belief" situations in the JFK story.
  13. Some here may find parts of this interview interesting. The interviewed party is a well known and nationally published UFO researcher named Richard Dolan. At the 2 hour 9 minute mark of this interview ( you don't need to sit through the earlier 2 hours although I did ) you will hear what I believe is a very thought provoking take on not just the killing of JFK but the true position of limited access authority all Presidents have in certain areas of our government doings. Doug Caddy, this is right up your alley. And by the way...Dolan's father was a retired long time career New York City cop. I am sure others here will also find this Richard Dolan interview extremely interesting even beyond his JFK death speculations. Richard Dolan on the Wilson Memo, Lazar, Psychedelics and Alien Encounters
  14. How many here have seen this X-ray image above of John Connally's wrist bone injury from 11,22,1963? Look at it closely. This is a significant bone injury. Cyril Wecht has always described it's impact damage being of a "shattering" degree. Looks shattered to me. And this is "after" this same bullet had also hit one of John Connally's ribs and fractured that as well. The bullet that caused this damage to Connally's wrist bone had it's trajectory changed to be able to leave the wrist and imbed itself into Connally's thigh as well. That is force against force. Connally was not a "skinny" 6 foot 4 inch tall man. He was well built with large bones including his wrist bones. Hardly damaged CE 399 could not have been the bullet that caused Connally's injuries. Testing other Carcano fired bullets where they met bone resistance like Connally's should have proven this to a laughably absurd degree.
  15. During Watergate millions of Nixon voting people just didn't want to face the crimes their hero committed. And when it was all exposed and dealt with...25 of his closest staff were convicted of these same crimes and sent to jail! 25! So, in this crime scheme endeavor, if we have 10 of Trump's closest go to jail...it wouldn't be that big of deal to blindly loyal Trump supporters.
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