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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. McClellan's high level surgery doctor credentials may mean a lot in his opinions on JFK's wounds but his personal opinions on the character of Garrison verses Specter? No more credibility worthy than any person on the street ... imo.
  2. Thank you CB. Sorry to say, today I felt 50% worse than the day before! I was hoping my scary bad reaction was just a two day affair. Looks like it may be a two week long one like your friends. What is going on here? I'll never come close to learning and knowing what our top resident JFK researchers here have discovered in their decades of mind boggling hard work, expense and I am sure personal sacrifice digging through tons of documents, evidential facts and findings and conducting interviews. They are the seven pillars of this great truth seeking, sacred temple edifice. And not to mention their forum forefathers like John Simpkin.
  3. Ron I was here during The Monterey Pop! 15 years old. Didn't pay to see it though. Just drove back and forth with buddies in front of the Monterey Fair Grounds to see all the interesting and beautiful young people. You could hear the music from the main stage very loudly ( it's just feet away from the main frontal street Fairgrounds Road ) and for the entire festival the smell of Patchouli Oil and Marijuana was heavy in the air continuously. Super intoxicating. Eric Burden said in his 1967 Monterey Pop Festival celebrating and honoring song "Down In Monterey" ... "Even the cops grooved with us" was absolutely true. There were many, many police all around but they were incredibly accommodating. Very restrained, tolerant even nice and helpful. Not one violent incident as I recall. Maybe the heavily fragrant cloud of Marijuana which was everywhere at all times ( maybe even visible? ) made them very mellow as well. Fellow members, everybody, thank you for the very kind and supportive words. It really means more to me than you know. The forum has even helped me get through this Covid nightmare. Lastly, some good news. I actually got 4 to 5 hours sleep last night. And upon waking this morning my symptoms had improved 65 %! Still very weak legged. Sweats off and on all day. But the arm, body and head pain is hugely improved! Appetite better as well. Nausea gone. If I was still as bad today as I have been the last two days I was going to go to our local hospital ER. I am saying my prayerful thank you's over my improvement believe me. So appreciative. What was this nightmare experience? A booster shot reaction? If so ... Dear God! Or, did I actually have the Omicron variant? I haven't been tested since I first posted my crisis here so I don't know. Well, thanks again everybody. Doug, I don't know how you got through your 4 day bout. Just guts I guess. Regards the JFK Truth Search mission. If any of you ( like me ) watched Jack Ruby get within inches of Lee Oswald to blast a death hole inside his guts right inside the Dallas PD building basement crawling with 70 armed police security personnel LIVE on National TV on the morning of 11,24,1963 ... I am sure from that second on you understood the Big Event was a conspiracy like me. Go forth my fellow honorable men and women of JFK truth seeking will, courage and valor. May the righteous light of truth and justice shine brighter upon you, your families and all of us forever because of your efforts. Joe B. from Monterey, CA. Also home to JFK assassination writer Harrison Livingstone and Intrepid JFK and American dark side researcher and radio broadcaster Mae Magnin Brussell ( neighboring Carmel Valley.)
  4. Pat, so Shaw and his team never saw any bullet during their surgery time with Governor Connelly? Were they even curious about where the injury causing bullet ended up?
  5. I really think I should get tested. Thanks Paul and everyone else who have sent feedback and well wishes. Doug Caddy, if you had this for 4 straight days two weeks ago I feel for you. That is a long time to go through this.
  6. Dr. Robert Shaw was Governor John Connally's chest wound treating surgeon at Parkland hospital the day Connally was shot. The following are excerpts from his Warren Commission testimony. Notice how his main questioner Arlen Specter keeps steering Dr. Shaw towards affirming one bullet could have caused all 3 wounds in Connally's body and still look as pristine as the exhibit 399 one? Read Shaw's answering testimony closely, especially the last part here. Mr. SPECTER - Is it possible that the bullet which went through the Governor's chest could have emerged being as fully intact as that bullet is? Dr. SHAW - Yes; I believe it is possible because of the fact that the bullet struck the fifth rib at a very acute angle and struck a portion of the rib which would not offer a great amount of resistance. Mr. SPECTER - Does that bullet appear to you to have any of its metal flaked off? Dr. SHAW - I have been told that the one point on the nose of this bullet that is deformed was cut off for purposes of examination. With that information, I would have to say that this bullet has lost literally none of its substance. Mr. SPECTER - Now, as to the wound on the thigh, could that bullet have gone into the Governor's thigh without causing any more damage than appears on the face of that bullet? Dr. SHAW - If it was a spent bullet; yes. As far as the bullet is concerned it could have caused the Governor's thigh wound as a spent missile. Mr. SPECTER - Why do you say it is a spent missile, would you elaborate on what your thinking is on that issue? Dr. SHAW - Only from what I have been told by Dr. Shires and Dr. Gregory, that the depth of the wound was only into the subcutaneous tissue, not actually into the muscle of the leg, so it meant that missile had penetrated for a very short period. Am I quoting you correctly, Dr. Gregory? Mr. SPECTER - May the record show Dr. Gregory is present during this testimony and----Dr. GREGORY - I will say yes. Mr. SPECTER - And indicates in the affirmative. Do you have sufficient knowledge of the wound of the wrist to render an opinion as to whether that bullet could have gone through Governor Connally's wrist and emerged being as much intact as it is? Dr. SHAW - I do not. Mr. SPECTER - Dr. Shaw, assume if you will certain facts to be true in hpyothetical form, that is, that the President was struck in the upper portion of the back or lower portion of the neck with a 6.5-mm. missile passing between the strap muscles of the President's neck, proceeding through a facia channel striking no bones, not violating the pleural cavity, and emerging through the anterior third of the neck, with the missile having been fired from a weapon having a muzzle velocity of approximately 2,000 feet per second, with the muzzle being approximately 160 to 250 feet from the President's body; that the missile was a copper jacketed bullet. Would it be possible for that bullet to have then proceeded approximately 4 or 5 feet and then would it be possible for it to have struck Governor Connally in the back and have inflicted the wound which you have described on the posterior aspect of his chest, and also on the anterior aspect of his chest? Dr. SHAW - Yes. Mr. SPECTER - And what would your reason be for giving an affirmative answer to that question, Dr. Shaw? Dr. SHAW - Because I would feel that a missile with this velocity and weight striking no more than the soft tissues of the neck would have adequate velocity and mass to inflict the wound that we found on the Governor's chest. Mr. SPECTER - Now, without respect to whether or not the bullet identified as Commission Exhibit 399 is or is not the one which inflicted the wound on the Governor, is it possible that a missile similar to the one which I have just described in the hypothetical question could have inflicted all of the Governor's wounds in accordance with the theory which you have outlined on Commission Exhibit No. 689? Dr. SHAW - Assuming that it also had passed through the President's neck you mean? Mr. SPECTER - No; I had not added that factor in. I will in the next question. Dr. SHAW - All right. As far as the wounds of the chest are concerned, I feel that this bullet could have inflicted those wounds. >>> But the examination of the wrist both by X-ray and at the time of surgery showed some fragments of metal that make it difficult to believe that the same missile could have caused these two wounds.<<< >>>There seems to be more than three grains of metal missing as far as the I mean in the wrist. <<< Mr. SPECTER - Your answer there, though, depends upon the assumption that the bullet which we have identified as Exhibit 399 is the bullet which did the damage to the Governor. Aside from whether or not that is the bullet which inflicted the Governor's wounds. Dr. SHAW - I see. Mr. SPECTER - Could a bullet traveling in the path which I have described in the prior hypothetical question, have inflicted all of the wounds on the Governor? Dr. SHAW - Yes. Mr. SPECTER - And so far as the velocity and the dimension of the bullet are concerned, is it possible that the same bullet could have gone through the President in the way that I have described and proceed through the Governor causing all of his wounds without regard to whether or not it was bullet 399? Dr. SHAW - Yes. >>> Mr. SPECTER - When you started to comment about it not being possible, was that in reference to the existing mass and shape of bullet 399? <<< >>> Dr. SHAW - I thought you were referring directly to the bullet shown as Exhibit 399.<<< Mr. SPECTER - What is your opinion as to whether bullet 399 could have inflicted all of the wounds on the Governor, then, without respect at this point to the wound of the President's neck? >>> Dr. SHAW - I feel that there would be some difficulty in explaining all of the wounds as being inflicted by bullet Exhibit 399 without causing more in the way of loss of substance to the bullet or deformation of the bullet. <<< (Discussion off the record.)
  7. Thanks for the link WN. Just viewed it. The most powerful symptoms for me are the body weakness ( just incredible) pronounced body flu pain everywhere, nausea and stomach pain, pain behind eyes and in the temples and lesser ones of chills and sweats. Just laying here in bed I feel weak. Still feel all this 46 hours after the shot! Getting this 12 hours after this latest booster shot is what confounds me. Did the booster shot cause this? Or did I pick up the variant just before the shot? Take care all.
  8. Yes, stomach deep soreness type pain with nausea. Complete loss of appetite. With me I am having "all" these other symptoms as well: Kind of torturous. Extreme arm pain of course. Pain all over like a bad body flu. Pain in sinus and temple area. Spontaneous runny nose off on and off. Chills. Sweats. Hot face. No fever though. Weak, weak. And I couldn't fall asleep at all last night. Not one minute! The non-stop nausea is the worst. I still can't believe this booster reaction. Could getting the Omicron be any worse? I wouldn't have gotten the booster if I knew in advance that I would be going through this powerful bad reaction. And I must tell you, that at 70 years old, overweight with heart and other issues, there is a fear there. Hope this all goes away.
  9. Hate to say this but today I feel like I have been run over by a truck! Like a really powerful pain all over body flu. Constant chills like I haven't had in years. Even with our house heat up high. Sinus and forehead pain. Face skin feels hot. Runny nose that won't stop. Spontaneous coughing. When I pee it kind of hurts? What's that? Really didn't expect this powerful of a reaction to this booster. First two Pfizer shots made me feel somewhat sick but nothing like these multiple symptoms. What the heck? It feels like this booster shot GAVE ME THE VIRUS! Can't even get off my cot in the garden shed. Just have to bear through I guess. Geeminy.
  10. UPDATE: My booster shot receiving upper left arm is now "killing" me with pain. Pain started last night about 7 hours after the shot. Really surprised at the pain level. Although I do remember similar but lesser pain in my arm after my first two Pfizer shots. Have read where this shot location arm pain takes a couple days to wane. Just a heads up update note to those here who may be considering the booster vac.
  11. Just had my Pfizer booster shot 5 hours ago at our local Rite Aid drug store. So far, no noticeable reactions outside of my eyes crossing and lower lip drooping. Seriously, nothing negative yet. Several people who have gotten the booster have stated to me they felt quite weak and slightly sick the next day so we'll see about that. I had the first two Pfizer vaccines many months ago. Kept holding off on the booster though. I hear even people who have had all 3 shots are getting this new Covid strain. Many in my own family from one Coast to the other have gotten hit in the last month or so. All different ages as well. Crazy, anxious and depressing times we live in now. Unlike anything I have seen in my lifetime.
  12. I've been told by many that in my younger days ( 20's and 30's - see my picture here ) I was somewhat good looking myself. Ah, the gift of youth.
  13. This is fantastic. Excuse my simple minded ponderance here but ... If the Warren Commission finding "Magic Bullet" was found on a stretcher at 1:pm and the bullet which entered Connally through his back and "obliterated" a rib bone, continued on to enter and create a "compound fracture" of his left wrist and continued on again to enter his left thigh as reported by his surgeon and to "still be lodged" in his left thigh when this news conference was being held ( hours later ) isn't it laughingly obvious we are talking two different bullets? If this completely contradictory magic bullet on a stretcher discovery time line versus left thigh imbedded bullet scenario two or three hours later is true doesn't it blow the entire "almost pristine" magic bullet conclusion of the WC into La La Land? Also, I wonder what the velocity force must have been for a Carcano caliber bullet to travel 265 feet, enter Connally and pass through perhaps outer and inner skin, tendon and or muscle tissue to then obliterate a rib bone, and after this velocity slowing bone breaking contact, exit again through similar tissue to then re-enter another part of the body with still enough velocity force to compound fracture another significant bone then exit again that body part to penetrate into another one and lodge itself there? And this is all after this same bullet supposedly had already entered and penetrated though JFK's tendon and/or muscle tissue of his back and neck ... with no velocity slowing at all from that contact? Was this Connally surgery doctor ever asked if the bullet ( or fragment ) he or any other doctor later took out of Connally's left thigh looked like the infamous "Magic Bullet" entered into the WC finding record? Or was small enough to fit the Magic Bullet metal loss? Wasn't there an X ray taken of this bullet/fragment while it was still in Connally's thigh? If so, did it show a very small fragment versus anything larger? This long time experience surgeon must have performed hundreds of bone damaging bullet injury surgeries before Connally's. I wonder if he ever saw or was ever shown any part or parts of Connally's bone breaking bullet or fragments of it and stated any opinion as to whether the "Magic Bullet" one that the WC claimed did the three body part damage injuries to Connally could look as pristine as it was? And whether Connally's wrist bone fracturing bullet obliterated enough to thrust a much smaller fragment into his left thigh? If so, what happened to the rest of the wrist bone fracturing bullet? That small thigh entering fragment alone could not do the amount of bone breaking damage to Connally's wrist...correct? Even Hercule Poirot's head would be spinning with this case and it's contradictory facts and findings...no?
  14. Much to think about in your essay above. Will comment later regards many specific points.
  15. Calling them "halfwits" is a weak downplaying of their actions and intent. Like saying they were mentally challenged or disturbed? Most were employed. Some firefighters, police, even military. Brainwashed and inspired by Trump's obsessive rants of a stolen election and to march down to the Capital building and fight like hell? Yes. Trump's own words to his stop the steal crowd just before sending them on their whooping, yelling riled up way to the Capital bldg. "Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we're going to walk down and I'll be there with you. We're going to walk down-- We're going to walk down. Anyone you want, but I think right here, we're going to walk down to the Capitol-- And we're going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women and we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong." Yesterday I heard a Jan 6th insurrection documentarian say the huge majority of the Capital march crowd were peaceful. That only 700 of 5,000 broke through the barriers and went on a rampage through the Capital Bldg. Did anyone ever catch on video or audio "anyone" in that larger so-called peace minded Trump incited Capital building march crowd calling back the front line stormers? Calling for them to stop the rampage? Or physically trying to stop or even slow them down once they saw the real bad physical violence beginning? The assaults on the Capital police? The smashing of doors and windows? They had 3 hours time to do so. I sure never saw anyone in the larger crowd doing anything or saying/yelling to their fellow storm troopers "STOP" or "THIS VIOLENCE IS WRONG." What I saw was even the larger crowd yelling Trump slogans and wildly waving their Trump flags and posters both before and during the assault. If the larger crowd was peaceful in intent, they sure didn't express this or show disagreement with the brutal actions of their fellow charging violent posse members. And when interviewed during and after the violent attack, I have never seen on video any comments from the larger crowd members condemning the attack and violence. Most of those interviewed seemed okay with the violence and some even expressed it hadn't gone far enough! That entire Capital building march crowd is culpable in the attack imo. None of them made any effort verbally or physically to stop, slow down or call back their fellow non-peaceful attackers. And I have yet to see anyone interviewed in that Trump worked up crowd after or during the attack express remorse over it's occurrence.
  16. To say otherwise would have ruined him as a viable candidate for the presidency. He "had" to say that.
  17. Experienced cab drivers are experts at finding alternate driving routes to get their fares to their destinations when traffic backs up from my experience. They know the streets like the back of their hands. Dallas Sheriff Roger Craig's account of Oswald's response in Captain Fritz's interrogation room regards Oswald being asked about Officer Craig supposedly seeing him run down the grass outside of the TXSBD and into a pulled over station wagon throws another wrench into the machinery. Craig stated that Oswald responded " that car belongs to Ruth Paine. Don't try to pull her into this."
  18. The bigger head shaking pondering for me is the impossibly improbable and unchecked "walk away" for Oswald right after he allegedly shot three super loud high caliber rifle shots at JFK in broad daylight and right in front of hundreds of bystanders just feet below. And hitting him twice with the second hit a "farther away" better aim, perfect skull obliterating "Bullseye" into a 8 to 9 inch wide circle 265 feet away and that was moving 10 mph farther away and downward the entire shooting time sequence? One can't help imagine the hand sweating, breath taking, life and death fearing tension anyone must have felt doing what Oswald or someone else supposedly did. You just loudly shot the president of the U.S. and took off his head! In front of hundreds of eye witnesses! Oswald or whoever did the shooting "must have sensed" their life was in the most highest threat danger during the shooting and seconds and minutes after. Yet, Oswald supposedly saunters down 4 flights of wooden stairs unseen to the TXSBD second floor, walks into the lunch room and over to the soda pop machine, deposits 25 cents, gets a Dr. Pepper and stands there calmly sipping this as a big, super anxious gun pointing DPD officer bursts in and confronts him before Roy Truly redirects the officer's suspicion and they both run off and up the stairs. And seconds or minutes later Oswald is walking around the first floor lobby and even giving news reporter Robert McNeil directions to a wall mounted pay phone? Then, it's off to the bus stop. Calmly getting on, paying his fare, grabbing a seat and riding this until this bus gets stalled in traffic. Then departing the bus and hailing a taxi, Southern Gentleman Oswald graciously gives up the first available taxi to a Southern Belle lady looking as if she needed the ride more than he? This scenario of JFK's alleged assassin escaping the frantic search hornets nest scene of the Texas School Book building so pedestrianly is highly if not impossibly improbable to me. Why did it take more than 3 to 5 minutes to secure every entrance and exit to the TXSBD? How long was Oswald in the TXSCB before he finally walked out and away? In a way, one could look at Oswald's poorest working class escape plan as brilliant and totally a success if he actually did the shooting. And his noted calmness through it all and even interacting with half a dozen people during this an incredible, almost unbelievable marvel of emotional control.
  19. Just watched Matt Allison's posted video. If the contents of this documentary don't seriously frighten you regards the direction this country is headed via Trump inspired supporters and their use of violence ... and the acceptance of this violence by tens of millions of other Trump supporters, what would? I posted the following link in the Trump thread earlier. Watching MA's video link above compels me to post it here as well. It's gut wrenching disturbing to see how irrationally entrenched these Trump supporter people are in the obsessively pushed Trump delusion that the 2020 presidential election was rigged and stolen. Tens of millions of Americans! Maybe over 100 million? It's mass denial of reality and delusion to the highest irrational degree. To the very scary real point that these 100 million are now saying extreme violence actions like the 2021 January 6th attack on our sacred democracy representing Capital building ( while full of our Congress members! ) ... are OKAY! Include in this embracing violence craziness the heroization of illegal assault weapon using and two protester killing and just 17 year old kid Kyle Rittenhouse. What has Trump and his worked up base wrought upon us? Scary violence advocating chaos? Donie O’Sullivan Confronts Trump Supporters Over Jaw ... https://www.mediaite.com/news/donie-osullivan...
  20. It's gut wrenching disturbing to see how irrationally entrenched these Trump supporter people are in the obsessively pushed Trump delusion that the 2020 presidential election was rigged. Tens of millions of Americans! Maybe over 100 million? It's mass denial of reality and delusion to the highest irrational degree. To the very scary real point that these 100 million are now saying extreme violence action like the 2021 January 6th attack on our sacred democracy representing Capital building ( while full of our Congress members! ) ... is OKAY! What has Trump and his worked up base wrought upon us? Scary violence advocating chaos? Donie O’Sullivan Confronts Trump Supporters Over Jaw ... https://www.mediaite.com/news/donie-osullivan...
  21. Great research GD and extremely interesting and thought/question provoking. As are LH's follow up questions and comments regards the FBI. Hundreds of times with investigatory and missing or altered documentation dead- ends in important areas of JFK/Oswald/Ruby related testimonies and stories one is so often left with only the simplest and last base line option of either believing the story and testimony tellers or not. Mrs. Treon, Albert Bogard, Sylvia and Annie Odio, Julia Ann Mercer, Arnold Rowland and Carolyn Walther, police department dispatcher Billie Grammer, May Newman and on and on. Then it's just a personal gut feeling judgment call. Do you believe Mrs. Treon and/or her daughter in this call story matter or not? Personally, I believe almost all these witnesses and that their testimonies are not hugely mistaken or made up for personal gain reasons.
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