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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. We have a separate thread for Christmas good will sharing. I posted an uplifting message and song there. This thread is and pretty much has been a sharing of our countries most pressing issues of the day, which Donald Trump daily thrust himself into every way he can with his insatiable appetite addiction for attention in the most antagonizing and controversy inciting energy and manner. I do think I try to keep my postings on our main JFK threads appropriately focused on the subjects proposed therein. I do occasionally let off on Trump in this thread I admit. If someday the moderators move it out...I'll be fine with that decision.
  2. Matt ... Someday? Right now! Bizaare is one aspect, but the appropriate fuller truth description is hugely criminal and damaging. Just look at what Trump has been and is right now involved in regards the most serious, high crime legal investigations, charges and other major areas of suspected criminal and constitution violating activities. Mar a Lago. January 6th. insurrection, coup attempt. New York tax cheating investigations and charges both business and personal. One already with a conviction of guilty. Reportedly dozens of past shady business dealings with shady characters in his business life career. The Georgia election manipulation, intimidation and coercion attempt probe. The fake electors probe. The E. Jean Carroll rape charge. Missing inaugural funds scandal. Suspected Emoluments Clause violations. Money laundering through exaggerated charges personal business funding by Saudis and many others. Huge trove of donation monies ( over 100 million!) still unspent and not used for the reasons he told the givers in his begging campaign for such. January 6th committee witness intimidation and tampering regards Cassidy Hutchison, etc. by a Trump lawyer. Trump's tearing up and flushing down toilets official government documents. Trump having his deceased ex-wife buried on one of his golf courses for tax break reasons. Same with placing some goats there. Trump physically grappling with his SS driver in a rage over the driver refusing his demand to be driven to the Capital building on January 6th, 2021. The willful destruction of government property ( paid for by tax payers ) in throwing ketchup and a plate at a wall, smashing the plate and incurring unnecessary White House employee man hours cleaning it up. Sued by hundreds over his Trump University scam and settling out of court to the tune of millions plus court costs. Hillary Clinton was blasted about Benghazi ( one scandal ) and she willingly and bravely went on national TV to answer 8 hours of angry toned loaded questions about her role by a worked up Republican biased committee. No cowardly hiding behind the 5th amendment claims. Bill Clinton was impeached and had to face a grand jury over his Monica Lewinsky BJ in the Oval Office affair. Again, one charge. Nixon had Watergate. But Trump? A guy who lost both Presidential elections via the popular vote by millions? Was impeached "twice?" Who is charged with more criminal doings than any President in our history and who has been caught in more lies than any President by a factor of thousands? "I never had sex with Stormy Daniels or Karen McDougal." "I never authorized any payments to them." "I like to grab em by the Pu$$y." Trump is and always will be encased in a presidential historical legacy world so beyond any other past presidents regards personal character failures it's new to unimaginable degrees territory. Way beyond simply "bizaare." Criminal, mentally unbalanced, dangerous, divisive, truly circus side show stuff. A biographical story that will never be able to be adequately told and covered in just one film or book alone. To do this there would have to be an entire Trump Presidential library built separately than a traditional one. Maybe one with an amusement park ride and interactive exhibit theme? Come on folks, step right up...hit the wall target with a plate of catchup and win a MAGA bear. Spin the wheel of scams and win a Trump digital card? Hey kid...come on...test your grip strength on the GEBTP stick! Pop Corn here...get your orange colored Trump pop corn here. Sorry for being so cynical here. However, this is exactly what Trump's horrible legacy has saddled our societal conscious with imo.
  3. Clearly coordinated mass obstruction. Scores of Trump inner circle all saying " I don't remember" "I don't recall" " I plead the 5th" cumulatively 1,000's of times? They all had amnesia for the exact same fear shocking historical event time period? You would not ( could not ) forget "everything" you said and did on a day when a massive attack is taking place on our Capital building full of our entire Congree and you are in physical or at least verbal contact with the President of the United States....could you? Of course not.
  4. Eartha Kitt - Santa Baby (Original) HQ 1953 - YouTube
  5. Our own Poet Laureate! Right On Denny Zartman!
  6. God Help my fellow Americans! Is Ted Cruz once again abandoning ship and jetting to the beaches of Can Cun Mexico to escape the cold?
  7. If Carlson's public announcement of knowledge of JFK blame turns out to be proven true, it will change American history and American society in ways almost hard to fathom and describe. Public mistrust of our federal government will rise to unprecedented levels. Our Fourth Estate as well. Anger and cynicism will prevail. This truth will actually make us feel let down, lied to and even physically sick. We will have no choice but to consider our whole government to blame for this highest crime 60 year long coverup. This truth will cripple us. To what degree? One which we can heal from and get through and again feel trust, faith and national honor? And not totally lose faith and trust in our constitutional democracy foundations and institutions? Our "God Bless America" mind set and way of life? So much to consider regards where a truth such as this will lead and effect us all imo. The history of humanity is constantly shaken up and re-shaped by major reality rocking event change. Some occurring in just one day. Entire societies changed forever. A JFK revelation such as this would be one of those imo. Yet, if this story is true and proven so...we must deal with it and try to use it in constructive ways. I'm not saying the story isn't true, I just don't trust the messenger. I guess in the weeks and months ahead we will see what becomes of it. We and the rest of the world have been through some heavy and stressing reality rocking change in the last 3 years with the deadly virus knocking us all back on our heels socially and economically. We are getting through it. Best wishes to the JFK Truth and Justice community this holiday and throughout the next year. JB. Proud recipient of the Professor Irwin Cory Fellowship Society award for outstanding contribution to world humanity understanding and advancement.
  8. I am sensing the story will just fizzle out. If it got any hotter...Carlson's career would be seriously threatened.
  9. Seems like it would be easy to identify this waitress. She seemed very sure about most of her answers. She had nothing to gain by agreeing to this 2003 interview.
  10. 51:48NOW PLAYING "Ms. X"—witness who knew that J.D. Tippit, Lee Oswald & Jack Ruby all knew each other 5.9K views1 year ago MT Douthit
  11. Just as some related that the Watergate affair was just the tip of the iceberg regards other illegal domestic activities by such covert groups whose targets were always adversaries of the MIC Republican party. And don't forget Jessie Ventura recounting his being called down to his Capital building basement right after he was elected as Governor of Minnesota to be questioned by a circled group of disparate average looking people including even young college age men and women who quizzed him about his ideological stances. They were CIA...according to Ventura. Ventura said he thought their role mandate was not supposed to be domestic. It really disturbed him that he was confronted like that.
  12. If only DPD Chief Jessie Curry had not felt so obsessed that the public needed to see that his department was not mistreating Oswald in their custody that he overruled the concerned suggestions by many that he move Oswald ( the most threatened criminal suspect in our history ) at night without public announcement and under much more physical protection versus announcing his broad daylight transfer to the press along with a time frame and allowing his rather small and tight parking basement to be filled by a crowd of jostling, blinding flash bulb press people resulting in security breach negligence that allowed the armed strip joint owning, DPD deli sandwich delivery boy Jack Ruby unchecked access into that press crowd to blow a hole into the wide open LHO. Thereby creating the largest public event movement of government suspicion and mistrust in our history.
  13. "The new reports of possible CIA involvement in the killing of JFK come in the middle of revelations that the intelligence community and FBI actively worked to remove Donald Trump from office. This time they did not use bullets. This time they used Big Tech and the media. This time, we’re the patsies." When I saw this at the end of the article, I dismissed it.
  14. Harrison L. wasn't the only JFK researcher feeling threatened. There is a video of John Judge speaking to a large group ( in Canada and which I will try to find and post a link to) and who worked off and on with Mae Brussell. He related how he felt Brussell was indeed followed and tracked. Directly across from Brussell's Carmel, California home a new home was built during her last year or two of broadcasting from there. Judge said that there were an unusually high number of contractors coming and going from the building site from what Brussell could tell. After the home was finished, it sat apparently empty from the time of it's completed construction to when Brussell walked over to the front door and knocked, hoping to ask for some sugar from whomever might be inside. Of course no one answered the door. Brussell then looked through some windows ( I presume partially curtained ) and saw no furniture. Just loads of electronic equipment. 3 days after Mae Brussell passed away...this new but never occupied home burnt to the ground! And the local newspapers ( again I assume the Carmel Pine Cone and Monterey Herald ) never reported a cause or ownership information or any typical fire department investigation report.
  15. 10% of our population now. And you need to make $50,000 to $60,000 gross yearly income or more to afford a one to two bedroom apartment in a safe area to boot. Unless you share this with one or more persons.
  16. My prediction: The story will go away. Carlson will come up with some flimsy excuse why it did. The man is not going to risk his career sticking with this.
  17. The bloody January 6th insurrection is the biggest and most important American democracy threatening event in my lifetime. A sedition minded, death threat screaming mob of thousands ( hundreds armed or using stolen items as weapons ) violently storming our "very own Capital building" full of our Congress members, their aides and Capital police and causing unprecedented injury ( with related deaths) to 100+ police, lifetime traumatizing of them and our Congress members with life and death siege concern for 3 hours and rampaging through the building, shattering windows, vandalizing offices, even defecating throughout the halls and elsewhere. Imagine, our entire Congress fearing for their lives for 3 hours? In their own house? Think home invasion level fear. Or a bank robbery hostage situation? Only in exaggerated U.S. government takeover Hollywood films did we ever imagine such highest level violent insurrection events like this happening. No one here can come up with anything more seriously threatening to our entire Congress in our lifetimes. No other political protest event ( Black Lives Matter ) in Trump times comes close to the seriousness and democracy threatening impact and importance of the huge mob Capital building attack on January 6th, 2001. This organized and Trump incited marauding attacking mob's goal was to stop the peaceful transfer of our duly elected new officers into office. A direct attack upon our constitution itself. An unprecedented violent action one. Our very own President during this event sat back and watched the violent mob attack against his own Congress, in their own sacred place of government business and purposely allowed it to continue for "3 hours" knowing of the great injury and trauma and physical damage to the building itself that was taking place right before his own eyes ... and did nothing to stop it? Who doesn't understand why we had a highest level congressional investigation into this unprecedented insurgency event and why Trump has just been recommended for felony criminal indictment ( 4 ) in their final concluding report? To me, the downplaying of this large mob physical injury and democracy threatening attack right inside of our revered Capital building full of our Congress members is as much a threat against our constitutional democracy as the event itself. Media giant Fox News has led this downplaying and with it's massive audience influence deserves justified condemnation for doing so. This is just one main reason I don't give that extreme right wing propaganda machine and their main propaganda commentators any quarter of respect including any for some diversionary news story like this JFK one. You give Fox News an inch of respect and they will milk it for a mile. Judge Littig said this to the Amercian people on national TV: "Trump is a clear and present danger to our democracy." With his blindly obedient, rage inflamed followers doing his bidding, even if it means violent attacks against our own government resulting in great injury, lifelong fear trauma and even death. Trump has brought us all to a precipice of unprecedented constitutional threat danger. IMO Fox News has been his main MSM enabler in doing so...and they are still doing so. If my take on Fox News and their main propagandist commentators ( Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham and their great moral ethics Fox News birth father Roger Ailes included ) seems over-the-top emotion driven and irrational to a degree...well, I'll live with that take and trust that in the end it will be revealed as more rational than not.
  18. Not blinded so much as very wary and mistrusting. And could this story be a purposeful ( and typical Fox News ) distraction ploy from all the huge Trump bad news filling the MSM airways? And if this story goes nowhere ... will those who are defending and even praising TC here still continue to do so? I thought the majority of our members here shared my take on Fox News as a shameless extreme right wing propaganda machine and nothing more.
  19. Harrison Livingstone lived here on the Monterey Peninsula for a time. I had seen a couple photos of him from somewhere ( there was an article about him published in our local Monterey Herald newspaper ) and I believe I saw him in person around that time. I was walking out of the Monterey city library one day. Entering and leaving required walking through a narrow 30 to 40 foot long shared traffic corridor. In this corridor was an old wooden shelf mounted pay phone. I noticed a fellow using this and nervously looking around while doing so. I thought this person was Livingstone. For some naive reason I stopped and stared at him longer than I should have. When he noticed me doing so he really went into anxiety mode. Animatedly darting his eyes and looking at me with an almost angry "what are you staring at" glare. I cannot say "for sure" it was HL however, at the time I thought it was.
  20. Getting back to this new debate regards a well-known yet controversial pundit from an extremely politically biased news commentary organization and his public proclamation of CIA involvement in the JFK assassination ... Where does it go? I have thrown out my lifetime mistrust of TC and his company as a reason for downplaying this latest JFK revelation event and questioning it's true agenda intent. If some other major player or blockbuster documentary evidence doesn't soon come out to bolster TC's shocking JFK assassination proposition claim, this whole episode will just fade out of the news cycle and then what? Shouldn't we JFK truth seeking purists be angry at the perpetrators of high importance false flag stories like this and who have the national news coverage stage and spotlight weight to widely showcase and promote it? Is this TC pronouncement event going to turn out to be just another National Enquirer headline story? If TC's JFK/CIA claim gains real legs and actually becomes a major American historical truth changing revelation, I'll give it and him a lot of credit. But if it doesn't? Here we are next to the 60th year anniversary of 11,22,1963. Are we any closer to knowing exactly who did JFK, RFK, MLK? Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, Sirhan Sirhan by themselves? Or any number of suspect groups and individuals involved with Oswald and those other fellows or not? After a lifetime or reading, speculation and pondering, I am feeling that probably the closest answer to the truth is that the over-all "blame" for JFK's murder rests with all those other powerful groups and individuals who hated JFK to murderous minded levels and who actually celebrated his brutal slaughter. JFK was a totally serious real threat to their gains and interests. His removal, as well as RFK's and MLK's, removed that threat and furthered their gains. The interests of common/average American citizens received the opposite result. Perhaps a future time machine technology breakthrough will someday enable us to know exactly who did JFK. H.G. Wells...Nicola Tesla. If we can think it...it can be done, yes?
  21. LP, why do you think the Church committee was formed? Do you also think the CIA ever truly opened and revealed their most important secret doings to that committee? For decades, as far back as Kennedy ( and even Eisenhower ) Presidents themselves were expressing grave concerns about our secret agencies gaining too much power and influence. Even keeping Presidents from knowing about their most secret doings. Their black budgets have totaled TRILLIONS of dollars in this time. Wasn't Eisenhower's 1960 departing office MIC warning speech directly indicating such? And by the way...your own Arizona Governor Fife Symington ( former Air Force officer? ) publicly stated that he lied to the press about your own UFO event...the "Phoenix Lights" incident when it happened. Made a joke about it. To calm the worked up citizenry who witnessed them by the tens of thousands? He believed this incident was not a secret American military event. Do you think Symington was or is one of your conspiracy loon types?
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