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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Tom: Re; Ruth taking in Marina, I think you and Jonathan are both right. I think it's self interest and a bit of concern. But the question has become so loaded, even apart from alleged spying, it breaks into speculation about interrelationships, lesbianism, marriage breaking. Yes, very loaded. Ruth's personal life proclivities are shaky ground.
  2. The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that the evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial. Let us debate the true intent message of the above paragraph. On second thought ... let's not. I think one's first brain processing is adequate in understanding it. Talk about cherry picking the railroad men's recollection testimonies and interviews. They all describe every other physical aspect of seeing JFK's limo and the follow up SS car coming around into view on Elm with uncanny unembellished agreement. Almost the same with hearing the shots, seeing JFK hit and slumping to his left and a few even relate hearing Jackie (or someone) yell "Oh No.." when the last shot occurred. These salt of the Earth working men are believed in these aspects of their recollection comments. Their integrity and honesty and accuracy are not really questioned. Yet, when they talk about seeing smoke or where the shots may have come from...they become duplicitous story changers, not the brightest bulbs and even manipulated by their questioners, especially the evil Mark Lane. That rush of railroad men to the back of the picket fence area where they found " freshly made" muddy foot prints and discarded cigarette butts was just a kind of ducks blindly following one idly waddling lead duck affair ?
  3. Doug, you actually spoke to Rothstein today? Amazing. Does Rothstein feel there is much more to the Lorenz story and her files than Tunheim would ever acknowledge? What do you feel Doug? About the Lorenz story? And her take on the assassination?
  4. Fascinating. So Tunheim never saw any files from Marita Lorenz or any regarding Frank Sturgis? Your New York detective friend James Rothstein personally saw the boxes of these in Marita Lorenz's apartment. He knew they existed. Did Rothstein smell a big fish in this missing file business? If Tunheim was oblivious to those files...then he was presiding over a seriously truth stripped hearing investigation. I sense that Tunheim was purposely kept from seeing much relevant evidence. Thus his final assessment that there was no conspiracy...imo.
  5. Judge Tunheim from Minnesota oversaw a series of federal level product liability trials back in 2006 to 2007 or 08. The Johnson & Johnson drug company was being sued be many hundreds of individuals who claimed they were severely injured by their antibiotic drug Levaquin. Several large law firms all across the country handled many individual cases each. I was a client of one of those law firms. The first trial decided by jury found Johnson & Johnson liable and awarded the injured victim quite a large amount of damages. From there, everything fell apart for the rest of trials and injured parties. Every jury after the first trial ( six in all ) found Johnson & Johnson not liable for the physical injury damages to those who were prescribed and took this drug Levaquin. Even though they acknowledged this drug caused their injuries! It's a long story. Soon after the last of the sixth trial ... my law firm and all the others dropped out of the law-suit effort after all these other juries decided in favor of Johnson & Johnson over injured parties who took this drug and claimed it severely injured them. Basically, there were members of every jury who decided the claimants should have known of the injury potential of Levaquin as it was stated in their information packets accompanying the drug bottles. However, in my case ( and in thousands of others ) we were all just prescribed and administered this drug in ER situations without any ability to see and even know of these warning information papers. I was given 4 doses of Levaquin in a 6 to 7 hour time period after fainting from electrolyte imbalance brought on by a body flu and being dehydrated from this. I had hit the floor head on with concussion and smashed nose and mouth head injuries and was so out of it when I went to our local hospital at night I couldn't even talk or think straight. The ER doctor ordered the Levaquin pills ( 2 at a time ) because ( he said) he saw beginning symptoms of bronchitis. I was discharged from our hospital right around 12:pm because the hospital was full ( Christmas night I believe ) and against my pleading begging to not be discharged as I had so many traumatic head injuries along with being incredibly weak from the flu and dehydration as well! Sorry, hit the road Jack! 3 to 4 minutes after my wife drove me away from the ER and less than 10 minutes after being given my first two Levaquin pills, I fainted in my wife's car. I was revived back at the hospital. They said it was probably a vasovagal episode. I found out later by calling the Johnson & Johnson information hot line that they felt I should not have been prescribed two Levaquin tablets so soon after being diagnosed with an electrolyte imbalance. My system was just too weakened by the electrolyte imbalance to handle such a powerful drug. Levaquin ( same as Cipro and in a class of antibiotics called "fluoroquinolones" ) was known as a very powerful new drug. Too powerful for many. Doctors called it ..."The Big Gun" of antibiotics. Some have said the administration of Cipro to Gulf War personnel because of the anthrax scare was the cause of the Gulf War syndrome...with serious adverse reactions to thousands. Many doctors will not prescribe Levaquin or Cipro at all anymore after years of severe injuries being reported by thousands of patients administered this.
  6. Some thoughts. Based on what we know of Lee Oswald, he was very unsatisfied with most of the jobs he found upon returning back to the states and especially in 1963. The map photography related job seemed to be his favorite. The metal fabricating one the physically hardest and dirtiest. He hated his coffee machine cleaning job at Reily's Coffee and was so neglectful in his duties there they fired him. Lee goes on unemployment for a time in New Orleans. This frees him to have fun doing political activities like passing out leaflets downtown. This was also a paid job according to New Orleans attorney Dean Andrews who testified this is what Oswald told him when Andrews confronted Lee ( for an unpaid legal fee debt ) while he was passing out his fliers. Lee moves to Oak Cliff. He gets the job at the TXSBD. The job is kind of mindless in it's simple book order separating tasks. It pays minimum wage. Lee's fellow workmates aren't exactly the most intellectually stimulating conversationalists and Lee simply reads newspapers on his breaks versus shooting the bull with the guys. It's reasonable Oswald would have left this mindless, lowest paying, uninteresting co-worker job in a minute if something better came about. However, the ride sharing situation with Wesley Frazier was a true lucky bonus for Oswald. With Frazier living just a block away from Ruth Paine, Lee had a ride right to Ruth's house after work on Friday! And a ride back to work on Monday morning. And both free of charge! Surely this lucky ride share convenience helped make the TXSBD job a little more palatable for Lee. And then, the time comes for Lee to throw everything in his life away. Lee goes on a suicide and family ruining mission to use his job at the TXSBD as a JFK killing location. The JFK limo motorcade passing right in front of his workplace was just too lucky an opportunity to pass up for his chance to be a changer of history and hopefully be looked upon as a heroic destroyer of one of the great evils afflicting mankind ... the enslavement of the working class by the ruling wealthy elite. However, Lee didn't want to be a "dead" martyr. He wanted to be a living one. Hence his desperate attempt to avoid being shot and killed after his monumentally world changing act. His incredible happenstance luck at getting the perfect location job with the perfect isolated shooting perch layout and at the perfect JFK arriving time right down from his perch window was just too much luck to not take advantage of in fulfilling his martyr destiny. Thank you RP. Thank you Wesley Frazier. Thank you JFK Dallas motorcade planners. Thank you "Assignment Oswald" agent James Hosty for taking your lunch break at a diner during the motorcade. Thank you D.H. BYRD.
  7. OUTRAGEOUS! Chief Justice Roberts Exposes SCOTUS's outrageous political bias! This Trump/Republican party biased and defending Supreme Court majority should be impeached! OUTRAGEOUS! Delaying is the same as denying. To these Trump lover justices Trump's interests are more important than the rest of the country! Every democracy loving and respecting journalist, jurist and other influential position American should condemn this despicable and even dangerous Trump defending SCOTUS bias to the highest outrage degree!
  8. There you go! The worst person to take over Twitter...Maga Mush Minded Elon Musk!
  9. Anyone here a former resident of...CAMP LEJEUNE? If so I URGENTLY BEG YOU to link up to www. Camp LeJeune Survivor, Victim Relief.com! Like J.J. Walker says in his own infomercial..."NOOOWWW!" I've never seen such a massive inundation of all our media airwaves as this CAMP LEJEUNE victim finding advertising campaign. Every 15 minutes every TV station I have on blares out this "are you a former Camp Lejeune resident?" message. And the same goes for radio advertising and the internet as well! I wake up at all hours of the night half asleep with that question repeating in my mind! Camp LeJeune...Camp LeJeune ... Camp LeJeune ... contact us NOOOWWW! If the Democrats had initiated a vote encouragement campaign 1/5th the energy of this Camp LeJeune victim search one...they would win these mid-terms imo. There is a real and valuable lesson here. And that is...if the Democrats REALLY WANTED TO WIN ELECTIONS...they could do so if they would only study the CAMP LEJEUNE media saturation project and get off the dime and do the same! These work! There is definitely truth to the mass broadcasting repetition of suggestive behavior in it's ability to make such messages a part of your daily life thoughts and even lexicon. I wouldn't be surprised to learn of many girls being born now and given the first name "Le Jeune!" Or hot selling caps and T-shirts with the message ... " CAMP LEJEUNE VETERAN!" Republican party campaign slogan sound bites and bumper stickers ... "Don't Let The Democrats Camp LeJeune you!" Trump deriding his enemies... "I think they drank the water at Cam LeJeune."
  10. I think Ruth became protective of Marina the more she was involved with her and Lee over a period of many months and even more so after having a vulnerable and pregnancy health neglected Marina move in with her in her home. Maybe even a little possessive? Ruth was clearly smitten with Marina the minute she met her. Marina was an interesting person especially to someone like Ruth who was drawn to the Russian culture to the point of learning it's language to a serious degree. So, here she meets a bright and mesmerizing blue eyed beauty young Russian girl with a fascinating story of Russian upbringing, meeting and marrying an odd duck American enigma character, then emigrating here to the states and now living in a financially and pregnancy stressed life situation with a controlling, boorish, lowest income earning husband who Ruth surely feels is a bad catch for such an attractive full of promise young woman. Obviously Ruth is intrigued with Marina. Like so many others in the Dallas White Russian community. Marina's interesting background, youthful physical beauty and intelligence made it easier for many of them to want to get to know her and try to help her in her difficult life with Lee whom it seemed was disliked immediately by these same people, outside of George DeMohrenschildt who in his own quirky way found Lee to be interesting enough to at least talk to. The closer Ruth became to Marina I believe the more she disliked and eventually despised Lee. I believe she saw Lee's 11,22,1963 arrest and certain life long incarceration ending fate as a relief for Marina. The strange and selfish political activities, boorish, mistreating, poorly providing cad is gone! I also think Ruth assumed that after Lee was out of Marina's life, Marina would continue to depend on and stay with her and Ruth could continue their close relationship which Ruth obviously enjoyed and found fulfilling. I think Ruth was surprised at the immediate separation of Marina from her and which Marina made permanent of her own volition. I think Ruth was hurt that Marina would do this after everything Ruth had done for her and which also suggested that Marina probably didn't like her as much as Ruth thought she did. And not even Ruth could have foreseen the huge amounts of money sent to Marina by sympathetic persons all across the country. So much, Marina was suddenly independently financially secure. In today's dollars estimates range up to half a million dollars! I have seen young women in need ( especially with babies ) who married other young men who were obviously incapable of supporting them and sometimes even mistreated them. When people step in to help these young mothers and see that their young husbands are like this, my observation is they often eventually try to steer these young mothers away from these ill-equipped young fathers. Especially if they are abusive to boot. Ruth certainly was never going to be Lee Oswald's biggest defender and supporter especially after his arrest for the JFK killing. To what extent is reasonably debatable.
  11. nald Trump speaks at a rally on October 22, 2022, in Robstown, Texas. Brandon Bell/Getty Images CNN — Donald Trump asked the Supreme Court on Monday to stop the turning over of his tax returns to a House committee, the latest in a series of attempts by the former President to keep that information from going public. Trump’s latest gambit came days after a federal appeals court declined to hold up the release of his tax returns to the Democratic-controlled House Ways and Means Committee. “No Congress has ever wielded its legislative powers to demand a President’s tax returns,” Trump said in his emergency request to the Supreme Court. Trump broke with recent tradition for presidents and presidential candidates by refusing to release his past tax records, insisting that he was under audit and therefore could not release the returns. He can release them even while he’s under audit. He has also repeatedly insisted that tax returns provide little financial information. (This is also not true.) Trump’s repeated attempts to keep his tax returns private – over years – begs the simple question: Why? And there are several potential reasons that jump to mind: 1) Trump may not be as rich as he says he is. Not long after Trump launched his presidential campaign in 2015, he said he was worth upwards of $10 billion. Forbes estimated his net worth was less than half that that year. Trump appears to use outlandishly elevated claims of his wealth as proof positive he is smarter (and better) than most people. It’s uniquely possible that a release of his tax returns would take the air out of a balloon that Trump has been blowing up for much of his adult life. 2) He may not pay (or hasn’t paid) his fair share of taxes, despite his claims that he pays “a lot.” We know, thanks to reporting from The New York Times, that Trump paid zero federal taxes in 11 of the 18 years of returns that the publication was able to obtain. And even in 2017, his first year as president, Trump paid just $750 in federal taxes – a paltry sum for someone as wealthy as he is. The Times estimated that “Trump has paid about $400 million less in combined federal income taxes than a very wealthy person who paid the average for that group each year.” 3) The $73 million refund. We learned from the Times’ reporting that Trump applied for a $72.9 million tax refund in 2010. (He claimed large losses that were widely attributed at the time to the decline of his Atlantic City casinos.) The Internal Revenue Service started its audit of the refund in 2011, which was still ongoing as of 2020. It’s uniquely possible that Trump simply doesn’t want to have the refund issue brought back up, for fear he might be on the hook for the amount. 4) Trump may have loans with foreign countries or individuals. We know, via congressional testimony from former Trump confidante Michael Cohen, that the former president was deeply involved in the potential construction of Trump Tower Moscow. And that Cohen lied about that involvement (and how long it stretched) to protect Trump. Donald Trump Jr. reportedly said at a 2008 real estate conference: “In terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. Say, in Dubai, and certainly with our project in SoHo, and anywhere in New York. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.” 5) He might not donate much (or anything) to charity. Trump long used his charitable organization to feather his own nest and collect political chits rather than for any philanthropic purposes. (Trump shut down the charity in 2018.) It’s not at all clear how generous (if at all) Trump has been to other charities over the past few decades. While there is no requirement for wealthy individuals to make large charitable donations, many do. And so, it would be a decidedly bad look for Trump if it looked like his repeated claims of largesse donated to charity wound up being false. Whatever the reason – or reasons – it’s been clear for the last seven years that Trump is absolutely dead set on keeping his returns private. Which makes me wonder what he is hiding – still.
  12. So, the matter of the DCM and UM sitting down next to each other on the grassy knoll border curb close enough to hold hands and hug ( lots of open room on that curb ) seconds after the shootings means nothing? Some family members and couples dropped down next to each other during and after the shootings. However, the DCM and UM were supposedly not even friends and were many feet apart "before" the shootings.
  13. The whole umbrella man, DCM story warrants logical suspicion. Their location position ( right next to JFK's limo at the split second he is first shot ) combined with their mutual odd actions right before, during and after the shooting, and then their disappearing from identification or questioning for so many years ( the DCM forever ) begs such. I'm going to look for those pics that show the DCM walking around on the knoll after the shooting and that seem to show something unusually larger shaped protruding from some back part of his waist area. Is it a walkie talkie? Regards the JFK limo stop debate: If Greer slowed the limo to just 2 to 3 mph just before the JFK head shot ( which to curb side bystanders would look like an almost stop ) and actually did this by letting up on the accelerator or touching even lightly the brake petal for a second which would explain the brake lights in back illuminating for that brief second, what is the debate? Stop versus almost stopped? It was this slowdown ( from 11 mph to 2 or 3 ) that enabled Clint Hill to leap off the SS car and cover the several feet to the back of JFK's limo just in time before Greer shot away. Hill had to run faster than the SS car and JFK's limo to do so. If the limo and SS car didn't slow down from 11 mph, wing tip shoe wearing Hill wasn't running at 15 to 20 mph.
  14. Check the Z film clip link below. Just a micro-second before JFK is hit in the head, you can see the limo almost come to a stop...then BAM! You can also clearly see driver Bill Greer's head and shoulders turned maybe 150% behind him on his right side with Greer looking right at JFK just as the head shot hits. How can there be any debate over this easily seen Greer head turn back to see JFK right at the time of the head shot? It's right there in front of one's eyes! [4k, 60fps] JFK Assassination (Zapruder Film) 75K views2 years ago
  15. If anyone here wants to see what Donald Trump is really like in a deposition, click on the link above. Trump defenders won't. They always hope the awful truth about Trump will just fade away with public apathy. And usually...it does.
  16. Honesty and integrity ... Donald Trump style. If the following Trump prevarication trash talk doesn't make you sick...what would? And the shameless arrogance! REVEALED: Trump’s hidden video deposition in Trump University fraud case 3.9M views2 years ago Mother Jones
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