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John Butler

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Everything posted by John Butler

  1. Robert, I believe those motorbikes first seen in Zapruder are the 3 Advance Motorcycles and we do not get to see either the Lead Car or the Lead Motorcycles since they are in the Zapruder Gap.
  2. Mark, I would like to make a few suggestions to you. 1. First, a technical issue or two. Place the time clock just directly above where it is at and this would put it on Main Street. Keep the motorcade progress bar active and viewable all the time. This would separate the two and help stop the simulation for better viewing as a stopped frame. I know the location of the various photographers, but I would think it would help to briefly show the name of the photographer in the lighted area shown. 2. You need to show the Pilot Car. You don't show this vehicle ahead of the Advance Motorcycles. It is not necessary to show the Advance Car this turned from Main St. onto Market St. and left the motorcade. See AMIPA film. 3. You mix up the 3 Advance Motorcycles and the 5 Lead Motorcycles. The 3 Advance Motorcycles do not have two Lead Motorcycles trailing directly behind them. There is considerable distance between the two units. If you analyze the time of the Zapruder Gap you will understand this. 4. You don't show Glen McBride stopping to allow Mary Moorman to take a photo of him. He gets separated from the others briefly. 5. I would have to check on this, but I believe that not all of the Lead and Advance motorbikes left Dealey Plaza. 6. The wide turn onto Elm St. by the P. Limo was witnessed by many as is generally accepted as having happened. 7. You don't show part of the motorcade stopping for a brief time. Mrs. Earle Cabell and Dave Wiegman indicate the motorcade stopped as Mrs. Cabell's vehicle turned into the intersection. Mrs. Cabell and the car following her were released, but the Camera Cars were stopped for a longer period of time. 8. The Camera Cars stop briefly to pick up Dave Weigman. Other forum members estimate there is 29 seconds difference between the stop and movement of Mrs. Cabell's vehicle and the starting of the Camera Cars off Houston Street unto Ellm. Hope this helps.
  3. A few points taken from: Oswald’s Intelligence Connections: How Richard Schweiker clashes with Fake History Saturday, 29 July 2017 06:00 Written by Paul Bleau Paul Bleau offers an exhaustive review of sixty-four individuals with whom Oswald came in contact, and who had either plausible, probable, or definite intelligence links –– something that Bob Baer seems almost entirely to have missed in the “Tracking Oswald” series. Here are some of these: In early 1956, Oswald joined Gerard Tujague’s shipping company. Tujague was also vice-president of the Friends of Democratic Cuba (FDC). An Oswald also worked at J. R. Michels in the same building and business as Tujaques. In a strange incident in 1961 while Oswald was in Russia, the FDC used Oswald’s name in an attempt to buy 10 Ford pick-up trucks at the Bolton Ford lot in New Orleans. While in Atsugi, Japan, Oswald met up with Army Intel agent Richard Case Nagell for the first time. Nagell began a CIA career in 1955-56. Friends of Democratic Cuba (FDC) which is believed to be a CIA and FBI front that was largely created by Guy Banister and Sergio Arcacha Smith, and was also linked to Clay Shaw. In a strange incident in 1961 while Oswald was in Russia, the FDC used Oswald’s name in an attempt to buy 10 Ford pick-up trucks at the Bolton Ford lot in New Orleans. An FBI memo states that Thornley and Oswald went to Mexico together. And despite preliminary denials,Thornley eventually admitted links to David Ferrie, Guy Banister, Carlos Bringuier and Ed Butler –– all intelligence-connected persons of interest. Gerry P. Hemming also spent some time in Atsugi. Though the CIA has denied any relationship with Hemming and Sturgis, this has been contradicted by files that show that Hemming frequently interacted with the CIA. Frank Sturgis’ later association with CIA’s E. Howard Hunt and James McCord, along with Cuban exiles, during the Watergate scandal, further contradicts this claim. Researcher Mae Brussell argued that Oswald’s mission in Russia was to help the Russians bring down Gary Powers’ U2 flight over Russia and therefore sabotage Eisenhower’s attempt at rapprochement with the Russians at an upcoming summit meeting. Others have pointed to those who were convinced Oswald was a spy, including Marines Oswald served with, Gerry Patrick Hemming, Oswald’s mother and others According to author and intelligence specialist John Newman, a CIA propaganda associate of David Phillips, William Kent, intimated to his daughter at a family Thanksgiving gathering: “Oswald was a useful idiot.” John Newman is one of the researchers who did the most work in analyzing intelligence files on Oswald, and has uncovered, along with Malcolm Blunt, content and patterns that can only be explained by Oswald being used for intel purposes. This includes the very late opening of a standard CIA 201 file that would have been normally immediately opened upon a defection. A clue to Oswald’s real loyalties came during a televised interview he gave in August 1963 with a revealing Freudian slip he made when he said he was (while in Russia) “under the protection of the government,” which he quickly corrected –– but it was too late. The “Hands Off Cuba” flyers that he distributed with the now infamous Camp Street address represented a major gaffe, as it placed him directly in the presence of his anti-Castro friends and blew his cover to people willing to investigate this like Jim Garrison and Senator Schweiker. Oswald’s first Intel connection is one of the most important for confirming Schweiker’s assertion. David Ferrie plays an important role in Oswald’s fate during two phases of Oswald’s short life. In 1955, both Ferrie and Oswald were members of the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol. During the summer of 1963, Ferrie and Oswald link up once again at 544 Camp Street. This location was an address on some of Lee Harvey Oswald’s Fair Play for Cuba literature. The building was a hub for right-wing, anti-Castro activities centered around the office of FBI- and CIA-connected Guy Banister, as well as intelligence-backed Cuban exiles. During this period, Ferrie was frequently seen in the building and elsewhere, in the company of Banister, CIA agent Clay Shaw, CIA-connected Sergio Arcacha Smith, Oswald and others of this ilk who became key suspects in the Garrison investigation, which was sabotaged by special interest groups. The HSCA and ARRB findings clearly confirm as much. Ferrie confessed a lot about the assassination to Garrison’s investigator Louis Ivon, but died mysteriously before he could be taken to trial. In 1962, he served as a double agent in Mexico City. He hinted to a friend that he knew the CIA’s David Phillips who, as we will see, became a key suspect for many researchers with respect to the Oswald sheep-dipping operations. By October 1962, the Soviets advised him that the violent Cuban exile group Alpha 66 was plotting to assassinate Kennedy. They thought this would be blamed on them. So they hired him to investigate, and possibly abort the plot. His investigations allowed him to identify Arcacha Smith, Ferrie, Carlos Quiroga, Tony Cuesta and a Leopoldo as possible conspirators. In 1963, he tried to convince Oswald he was being set up to be the fall guy. He failed. Nagell eventually faked a bank robbery so as to be in jail when the assassination took place. His interviews with researcher Dick Russell, his material links to Oswald when he was arrested, and his pre-assassination warnings go a long way in proving his credibility. According to what Nagell told Russell, while Oswald was in Atsugi, he met with GRU agent Colonel Eroshkin: a CIA defection target. Gerry P. Hemming claims that Oswald bumped into him at the Cuban consulate in Los Angeles and inquired about joining up with him. Hemming thought of him as a snitch and later met him at the base gate where he confronted him. He says he relayed this information to James Angleton. There is some corroboration of these meetings to be found in CIA files, and from Nelson Delgado, who confirmed that Oswald was at the Cuban consulate for discussions about their project and met a civilian for almost two hours at the base gate at the times Hemming states these took place. HSCA Report Findings on the Issue of Oswald's Visa: In an effort to resolve this issue, the committee reviewed classified information pertaining to Gregory Golub, who was the Soviet consul in Helsinki when Oswald was issued his tourist visa. This review revealed that, in addition to his consular activities, Golub was suspected of having been an officer of the Soviet KGB. Two American Embassy dispatches concerning Golub were of particular significance with regard to the time necessary for issuance of visas to Americans for travel into the Soviet Union. According to John Newman, Oswald had a name he could contact while he was in Russia if he needed anything. Leo Setyaev is a name that appears in Oswald's address book, and, according to Marina, is who Oswald intended to call in 1961 when visiting the American embassy. She also stated that he had met Oswald in the Hotel Metropole in Moscow shortly after his arrival and had helped Oswald get on a Radio Moscow show, where he criticized the U.S. for a Russian audience. The FBI and CIA had files on Setyaev, who was quite possibly an informant for the CIA. Marina’s uncle worked for the Russian version of the FBI. Her interactions with both Oswald and Webster and the ease by which she was allowed to leave Russia are among the reasons that some researchers believe Marina was intelligence-linked, and that Oswald’s and Webster’s suspected false defector roles are why she was made to cross paths with them in the first place. These are just a few of the possible connections of an Oswald to the CIA.
  4. From an article by: Barry Seal, the Dallas get-away plane, and the JFK assassination By Daniel Hopsicker - November 22, 2013 David Atlee Phillips, Antonio Veciana, Lee Oswald and David Ferrie were seen on film by the deputy legal counsel of the HSCA at a training camp north of Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana? David Atlee Phillips was in charge of the CIA disinformation campaign against the Fair Play For Cuba Committee (Oswald’s one man committee) through the CIA’s George Joannides. I have read recently about Vecianna's book in which he said that David Atlee Phillips' was his handler and also Oswald's handler. More from the same article: "From Researcher Jim DiEugenio: Watergate “ Burglar” James McCord and David Atlee Phillips. Interestingly, John Newman later revealed in Oswald and the CIA that the CIA had an anti-FPCC program ongoing at the time. It was run by Phillips and Hunt’s friend, James McCord.[29]"
  5. Jim, You might think about "How did Oswald know so many intelligence people if he wasn't connected to an intelligence agency like the CIA?" Some where in my records I have a list of about 30 in the Marines, New Orleans, and Texas I put together just from memory.
  6. Three Oswalds? Rich, Your statement of “the silly two Oswald theory” gets even “sillier” if you believe this memo. During the time mentioned in the memo when Oswald was at Camp Peary, September 6 to Oct.17, 1958 there were two other Oswalds out and about. Lee Oswald- was at Atsugi, Japan during this period Harvey Oswald- beginning on September 14, 1958, Harvey was on the USS Skagit en route to Taiwan. He was at Ping Tung, Taiwan for a short period of time. From about October 6, 1958, he was stationed at Iwakuni, Japan for a short period of time. Depending on how he returned to the US and appeared at Santa Ana, CA on October 29, 1958, he could have been on board a naval transport en route to Santa Ana on October 17, 1958. The third Oswald, if this memo is true (most people think otherwise) was at Camp Peary, the CIA training institute. I have a notion that there is a third Oswald, but have little evidence to support that notion. I don’t consider the memo above factual. It is an anonymous piece that is almost certainly a fraud. I don’t consider it evidence for a third Oswald. Early on, from 2004, there has been discussion of this memo.
  7. Jim, Well, has all these debaters convinced you that you are a deluded fantatist and a devotee of the Harvey and Lee religion. If I have my guess I would say NOT!!!! There are tons of reasons why Harvey and Lee ideas are credible. I like this one the best. I haven't followed this thread very well. My mind rebels when I try to read your opponent's postings. They lack creditability when compared to the records you are posting. And, they use to many propaganda techniques. I think debating these fellows is a waste of time.
  8. Here is a map of the TSBD to Hutchins area today. In 1963 there would be considerably less city in either area. The growth comes later as 3 presidents (Johnson, Bush, and Bush) get to spend a lot of money in Texas. We do know that Houston Street north of the TSBD was under construction at the time of the assassination. This can be seen in various films on that day. At the time this was south of the river but north of the city proper with not much going on towards the Trinity River. The Houston Street north on the TSBD was not there and under construction. So, one could guess there was not much in that area. Hutchins is 11 miles south of the TSBD very near the Trinity. I don't see any major roads near the river, but one just off the river. Is there any evidence there was road construction there at the time of the assassination? A red line indicates where Houston Street heads north toward the Trinity River. All things considered Vinson's description is a better fit for the Houston Street / TSBD area than Hutchins. Who knows. There may have been regular landings of planes in that area. I doubt it, but we have no proof one way or the other. That is simply based upon lack of evidence for the Hutchins area. I would tend to agree Hutchins was probably less of an urban area in those days. Who in the city would see a low flying plane (100 to 200 ft) make a landing out there in Hutchins and who would care any way. Paul Jolliffe offers an interesting map of the area. I have backed off from his image for more distance and this is what we see. The Hutchins area to the southwest is still a less urbanized area today. We need to keep in mind that most of what we see between the city proper and the Trinity River was not there in 1963. I suspect what we see between Dallas proper and the Trinity River was once flood plain no one wanted to build on. It appears today that flooding of the Trinity River is contained by embankments on each side of the river allowing building in what was once flood plain. Unless I have screwed up the direction of Houston Street in should look like this back in 1963. It is based on the loop moving north from the Trinity as noticed on the first Google map. The spot on this map is marked by an X. The Trinity is about four tenths of a mile from the TSBD. Some witness, I believe a policemen, said he saw birds flying up from this area directly after the shooting.
  9. Jim, It is not particularly germane to the Oswald story. Roswell Air Force base is the home or UFOs, little grey aliens, space ship wreckage, and that kind of stuff. Other than that it was the largest of Strategic Air Command bases during the Cold War. A lot of things with B-52 bombers and missiles there. As far as the Oswald story goes, if true, it was another top secret military based that Oswald visited. Not just anyone gets to visit these bases. Atsugi, Iwakuni, El Toro, Nellis Air Force Base, Vincent Air Force Base (a big Marine Corps radar base), and Roswell. I really haven't ruled out Keflavik as a stop over for an Oswald coming back from Russia through Iceland. I believe the Paine photos were mixed with the Oswald photos to confuse the issue of whose who. For the Oswald story, the only mention of Roswell is by Robert Vinson. Nellis Air Force Base that Lee Oswald visited in 1959 is Area 51. That was the home of the U2. The U2 was tested extensively at Nellis. Nellis was a place where the A-10 was also being tested at that time as a replacement for the U2. The A-10 later grew up to be the SR-71 Blackbird. You said, "The hardest part of Vinson's story for me to accept is that a big C-54 cargo plane could land by the Trinity River near Dallas and not attract widespread attention." And, that is hard to explain. There is no mention of anyone talking about planes landing on under construction North Houston Street that I know. I am not dismissing it out of hand. Strange things happen. Would anyone care on the afternoon of the assassination?
  10. Robert Harvey Erdrich. It is interesting that this person was in New Orleans on June 5, 1963. He could of been there for a couple of days or 17 days of temporary duty if TY days are the same as TDY days. While there he was briefly attached to the 112th INTC group at Fort Sam Houston, TX.
  11. Karl, I believe he Oswald double seen by Robert Vinson was the original Lee Harvey Oswald known by the Harvey and Lee folks as Lee Oswald. Why? Depending on one's facial recognition abilities one could actually distinguish the two. Most could not. They would be seen as the same person based on memory, or a very similar person. The second thing is where they went. This is the reason for this speculation that who Vinson saw was the original Lee Harvey Oswald. They went to Roswell Air Force Base, formerly Walker Air Force base. This was a important and high level clearance secret military base. It was a Strategic Air Command base. Lee Oswald was no stranger to secret military installations. He was stationed at several and visited others. Oswald was not a wannabe spy or a low level intelligence agent. The Oswald Project was involved in high level government secret operations since the two, Harvey and Lee, entered the Marine Corps. Lee Oswald was trained to be a defector by the CIA with high level information on the U2 spy plane and other military secrets. He was exposed to more secrets than most. If Oswald, either one, was a wannabe spy then how did he come into contact with so many intelligence people and why was he at so many super secret military bases with advance knowledge of spy planes and nuclear secrets. How did he find spies to associate with? Think about it for a moment. A secret CIA C-54 cargo plane diverts from its original destination to pick up two men in Dallas, Tx directly after the assassination of a president. The diversion of the plane says these two men were very important. The place they landed was south of the Trinity River. This has to be Houston Street down by the Trinity River. That particular street was under construction on its north end south of the Trinity. (Which makes me wonder was the construction part of the cover-up plan to have a rapid get away plan handy if needed. That is a bit too speculative.) The original Lee Harvey Oswald vanishes from history never to be heard from again after this incident. As Jim Hargrove says just how many doubles would you want hanging around after the assassination? A good question to ask is did Lee Oswald know his destiny after Harvey Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby?
  12. Why would anyone pick on and put down the "dope fiend" Willie Nelson? I've enjoyed his music since the 1950's. I wish he would be around for another 50 years.
  13. Karl, This should give you general information on Robert Vinson: Is Robert Vinson's 'Oswald Double' Story Credible? Summary Vinson claimed to have been a passenger on a cargo plane which whisked an Oswald impostor away from Dallas three hours after the assassination. The plane landed close to downtown Dallas, but no-one seems to have noticed it. 22 November 1963: A Brief Guide to the JFK Assassination is the essential JFK assassination book. It is available as a paperback and ebook from Amazon (USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and more) and Google Play. A former US Air Force sergeant, Robert Vinson, claimed to have witnessed an interesting event on the afternoon of the JFK assassination. Vinson’s story was first reported in James Johnston and Jon Roe, Flight from Dallas: New Evidence of CIA Involvement in the Murder of President John F. Kennedy, 1st Books, 2003. A later account placed Vinson’s story in the context of the events immediately after the assassination; see James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters, Orbis Books, 2008, pp.298–304. The popularity of JFK and the Unspeakable has prompted the following discussion of Vinson’s story. Robert Vinson and the JFK Assassination According to Robert Vinson, he travelled by bus on the morning of 22 November 1963 from Washington, DC, to the nearby Andrews Air Force Base, with the intention of hitching a ride on an Air Force plane to Ent Air Force Base in Colorado Springs. He was told that the only available flight was on a cargo plane heading to Lowry Air Force Base in Denver, about 50 miles north of Colorado Springs. He and two pilots were the only people on the plane, which lacked the usual Air Force markings. Two Mysterious Passengers in Dallas At some point during the flight, the pilot announced over the intercom that “the president was shot at 12:29.” The plane immediately turned and headed south. At about 3:30, Vinson recognised the city of Dallas. The plane landed on a rough patch of land close to the Trinity River, between downtown Dallas and Oak Cliff. With the plane’s engines still running, two men in beige overalls got on board, not speaking to each other or acknowledging Vinson’s presence. The plane quickly took off again, and landed shortly after dusk on a proper runway. The two passengers and the two pilots all rapidly left the plane. Vinson, alone, made his way to a building, where he was told to his surprise that he had landed not in Denver but at Roswell Air Force Base in New Mexico. He made his way to Colorado Springs the next day. Watching the television coverage of the assassination, he was struck by a resemblance between Lee Oswald and one of the two men who had got on the plane in Dallas. Robert Vinson Works for the CIA About a year later, Robert Vinson was summoned back to Washington, DC, and from there to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. He spent five days there, undergoing psychological and physical tests, after which he was formally invited to join the CIA. He declined the offer. Early in 1965, the Air Force informed Vinson that he would be working in an administrative role for the CIA at a secret base north of Las Vegas. At the base, he discovered other planes which contained the same unusual markings as the plane he had taken on the day of the assassination. Robert Vinson Tells His Story After a year and a half working for the CIA, Robert Vinson retired. For nearly thirty years, he told very few people about his experiences on the day of the JFK assassination. After the passage of the JFK Records Act in 1992, Vinson consulted his Congressional representative, who informed him that he was now free from any restrictions imposed by his former employment. Vinson gave an interview to a local television station. The ensuing publicity brought him to the attention of a local lawyer, James Johnston, who collaborated with a journalist, Jon Roe, on the book, Flight from Dallas. The Context of the JFK Assassination James Douglass takes Robert Vinson’s account and places it next to those of several other witnesses to form a consistent narrative of events immediately after the assassination.
  14. Sorry, for sidetracking this main point of Jim Hargrove about teeth. I've simply found the analysis of teeth interesting, particularly in the study of pre-human evolution. Did you know that anthropologists have roughly 150 descriptive terms to describe the surface features of teeth. Jim's main point was posted on the first page and is here posted again. I fail to see the argument about what he is saying. These records clearly state there was an Oswald arrested in the theater balcony. There was a main floor Oswald arrested, Harvey. There was a balcony Oswald arrested. This is clearly indicated by these records. The balcony Oswald as described is more than likely Lee Oswald or some double that looks pretty much like Harvey Oswald. Although the Dallas Police can be held accountable as part of the assassination cover-up, I fail to see why they would fake these records. What's the point? These reports were made on the day of the assassination or a day after. The cover-up story had not been completely formulated and disseminated at this time and known by most or everyone. Contrary to others, I believe there was an assassination planner/cover-up team in Dealey Plaza located in the Court House on Main and Houston. The afternoon of the assassination many records were taken with the Sheriff's Office from what the witnesses said in a fairly accurate manner. These records had to be adjusted later by the FBI for the correct story as adjusted by this team on the afternoon of the assassination. For some, this is why first day reports are considered to be more accurate than adjusted testimony taken later.
  15. I want to correct a mistake I made on Harvey Oswalds teeth. If you look at this photo it looks like Harvey is missing a 3rd molar in the right quadrant of his mandible. In Harvey's teeth, the 2nd and 3rd molar has shifted forward and partially closes a gap between his second pre-molar and his second molar. He is actually missing a first molar. This slight gap of the missing first molar is easy to miss, particularly if one is looking down at the top of his teeth as shown in the first photos. He has 31 teeth and is not missing about 5 teeth as shown for Lee Oswald. I understand Sandy Larsen's reasoning on his Marine Corps dental chart being a limited chart. So, Sandy if you can please publish the instructions for the chart for a better understanding of the Lee Harvey Oswald Marine Corps dental chart you published. Thanks.
  16. Sandy, That is very reasonable. I suspected something was wrong with the chart. It is simply of limited use and not the entire record. Still, it lists missing teeth. The dental record then lists four 3rd molars and one 1st molar missing. From this chart 27 teeth (natural or artificial) are present. Clear and convincing proof beyond a reasonable doubt that there were two Oswalds.
  17. Continuing on with the look at Harvey's and Lee's teeth we really don't need to match front teeth in order to examine the difference between the two. Harvey Oswald had 31 teeth and Lee Oswald what appears to have 27 with 5 teeth missing from this mouth according to his Marine Corps dental chart. Harvey is missing one 3rd molar from the lower right molar section of his mandible. He has 31 teeth. The missing 3rd molar could be natural since this does occur in people. It happens with a greater frequency in Asians. Lee Oswald according to the charts has 5 teeth missing. This evidence is clear, factual, and incontrovertible. Great Job!!!! Sandy Larsen. The only problem I have with this is that the dental chart for Lee Harvey Oswald does not show any missing upper front teeth. There are no Xs there. There seems to be filling marks there but no X for missing teeth. Perhaps, the dental prosthetic is being counted as teeth. It clearly says one has failed. Once again my problem is that 7 missing teeth should be noted. This may indicate this is not Lee Oswald's dental record.
  18. I agree with Sandy Larsen. The two photos are disturbing on which teeth are missing in Lee Oswald's upper mouth. This picture clearly shows that the upper left central incisor is gone and the upper left lateral incisor is gone. The right upper central incisor is there. The left upper canine appears to be there. The Civil Air Patrol photo of Oswald came from a Robert Groden book, The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald. clear enough to scan and crop to this image: It appears in this photo that Lee Oswald retained both upper central incisors. But, the gap in his upper teeth appears large enough for two teeth. If so, that would be the left upper lateral incisor and the left upper canine. It doesn't match the classroom photo. All I can speculate is that because of the angle of Lee Oswald's head this confusion might be an illusion and what teeth that are missing actually match the classroom photo. We could be seeing the upper left right central incisor and the upper right lateral incisor and mistaking them for two central incisors. If one looks, the tooth directly to the right of the upper right central incisor is small for a central incisor thus indicating it may actually be an upper right lateral incisor. If this is the true situation then both photos match. And, Lee Oswald was missing an upper left central incisor and an upper left lateral incisor which can be more clearly seen in the classroom photo. Sandy Larsen says: "However the CAP photo shows that the central incisor is NOT missing. I have to conclude that Oswald got only his central incisor fixed some time between the school photo and the CAP photo. He must have gotten the other tooth fixed at at some later date because military dental records don't indicate a missing tooth there." This is a reasonable explanation for the tooth mismatch.
  19. I would like to add this photo of Lee Oswald to Sandy Larsen's data set on Lee Oswald's teeth:
  20. Jim, Correct me if I am wrong. I don't trust my memory much anymore. It gets me into to much trouble. But, didn't the autopsy of Harvey fail to list a mastoid scar behind his left ear. If so, I don't think a trained examiner would have missed that at the autopsy since he listed scars as small as 1/4 inch.
  21. Karl, Your right. Could be a rope or belt or a 2 x 4 or a crowbar or lead pipe. The death certificate does not provide enough information. Maybe the autopsy report if available would be more conclusive.
  22. This photo also shows the lack of a mastoid surgery scar behind the ear.
  23. Spartacus Educational Jim Koethe Jim Koethe worked as a reporter for the Dallas Times Herald. He was involved in the investigation of the killing of President John F. Kennedy. On 24th November, 1963, Koethe and Bill Hunter of the Long Beach Press Telegram interviewed George Senator. Also there was the attorney Tom Howard. Earlier that day Senator and Howard had both visited Jack Ruby in jail. That evening Senator arranged for Koethe, Hunter and Howard to search Ruby's apartment. It is not known what the journalists found but on 23rd April 1964, Bill Hunter was shot dead by Creighton Wiggins, a policeman in the pressroom of a Long Beach police station. Wiggins initially claimed that his gun fired when he dropped it and tried to pick it up. In court this was discovered that this was impossible and it was decided that Hunter had been murdered. Wiggins finally admitted he was playing a game of quick draw with his fellow officer. The other officer, Errol F. Greenleaf, testified he had his back turned when the shooting took place. In January 1965, both were convicted and sentenced to three years probation. Jim Koethe decided to write a book about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. However, he died on 21st September, 1964. It seems that a man broke into his Dallas apartment and killed him by a karate chop to the throat. Tom Howard died of a heart-attack, aged 48, in March, 1965. Assassination of John F. Kennedy Encyclopedia I guess more than one person is making this error about the karate chop. I notice that in the amended copy of the death certificate that the injury occurred at home. The first copy omits this information. The amended copy lists the cause as strangulation. If your throat is crushed I would guess you would die of strangulation. Karl says there "are dozens and dozens" of references to the karate chop.
  24. The angle of the iliac blades seem to be wrong. They should be the same and match from side to side since the structure is locked in by bones and cartilage. Each side of the human pelvis is spread out in a flatter orientation than the model. If things are off in just a minor arrangement than that causes big problems with femoral orientation. I realize that the femur is a ball and joint operation, but there is little room for changes in orientation. The orientation of the lilac blades in the model are more simian in orientation than human. With that type of orientation the model needs a simian ball and joint arrangement and simian legs. Josephs reconstruction is a better way to look at it. The angle of Oswald's hips in the 133-A photo is a clear example of photo manipulation. The angle of the femur from the pelvis places the knee below the pelvis when standing erect. It does so at an angle that allows us to stand erect, to stride without staggering, and run successfully. The model has the right femur bone bent to meet this condition. The left leg doesn't and is in an unnatural position. The red lines I used are not technically correct for the Oswald figure's stance. It is for a normal standing position. I believe Andrej's model is built without proper consideration of anatomy. Particularly in the femoral neck joint and it's orientation to the rest of the lower limb. If possible a human skeleton could be a better model if his software could handle that.
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