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Ron Bulman

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Everything posted by Ron Bulman

  1. Pat, I wasn't questioning your source. Just noting Barts role in exposing us all to Uncle Malcom's work. Thanks for your original post regarding this, it was informative, to me at least.
  2. Before this thread disappears, I mentioned in an earlier post that it should include Pierre's affiliation with Lucien Conein. Who I was not very familiar with before A Terrible Mistake. Skipping through, Nuremburg, transferred to work for William King Harvey in Berlin. Liaison, interviews/assessments of prospective German scientists. 1954, dispatched to work with General Edward Lansdale in Southeast Asia. This and following from ATM, pgs. 335-337. "Conein had known Laffite since his war time days in France, and later used Laffite for at least one sensitive mission in Vietnam. The two men shared in common not only their French heritage, but also a mysterious connection to the Corsican Brotherhood. Laffite had years earlier been awarded a special Corsican Brotherhood medallion bearing the Brotherhood's coat-of-farms and Napoleonic Imperial Eagle. . . . Pierre Laffite - - was an expert in many so called black operations, including breaking and entering, covert surveillance, disguises, and impersonation. According to Gerald Patrick Hemming, a former soldier of fortune and CIA contractor who knew Conien well, "Laffite, . . . , was a master of all, except killing." According to Conein, Laffite had been in Vietnam at the time of Diem's death and had "assisted in important ways, but never in any way related to the actual murder." In 1962 Conein would put CIA officer William King Harvey in touch with Laffite. In November 1973 Conein was asked to work for the Drug Enforcment Administration. (reportedly, he was approached by E, Howar Hunt, then a 'special employee' in the Nixon Whitehouse). Conein naturally though of his fiend, Laffite, . . . FBN (Federal Bureau of Narcotics). Laffite, who knew virtually every major drug trafficker in the world, including the entire cast of infamous French Connection case, now gave his friend Conein a crash course in the machinations of international drug trafficking. Thanks to Laffite, Conein quickly progressed from consultant to director of the DEA's newly formed Special Operations and Field Support Division." Much more there on Conein developing assassination teams targeting foreign drug traffickers.
  3. I guess this is from what Bart Kamp found in Uncle Malcom's archives?
  4. The photo I found in Groden's book is actually Altgens 7. It's clear the limo has taken off after it's stop or near stop. Hill is all the way on the bumper step and Jackie is starting to climb onto the trunk. It does appear the brake lights on the lead car are on, compared to the darkness of those on the limo. It seems they stopped or slowed way down. After they heard shots? Or a radio report by Kellerman? Probably trying to see what was going on behind them before going under the RR overpass/starting into the curve of the entrance ramp? IDK, make sense?
  5. I looked at Robert Groden's "The Killing of a President" today for what I mentioned earlier. Pg. 42. Black and white, hard to tell for sure but it looks like exactly what you said' Brake lights. Which makes sense. At the sound of the shots the limo finally sped up, the lead car slowed down. What I gather from the photo, only 30-40 yards apart? First post, welcome Jeff.
  6. Thank you sir. That explains a lot possibly. I've read of Ms. Wilkinsons evaluation of the high-resolution frames she obtained. And those of several others in her profession she conferred with. Through my limited reading of Doug Horne and associates. Dr's Mantick and Chesser, independently I believe, went to the National Archives to observe the x-ray's and photographs with modern technology, the first and only ones to do so. Ms., Wilkinson and company may well have the best expertise in the field to evaluate the film given their combined work in the industry. From what I've read. Yet their work is still denied to us, the people.
  7. This is a very good article. I guess that's what brought out Greg and Steve to defend Ruth. Johnny looks at the evidence from a little different or unique perspective. After reading it I thought not everyone has to be a historian, political science major or trained detective. An electrician has to be intelligent to learn about current, voltage, amperage etc. They have to pay attention to detail, if they don't want to get electrocuted. Heck, if I remember right Peter Dale Scott is a professor emeritus in English (?) and known beyond the JFKA for poetry (?). I've heard Oswald saying "I didn't shoot anybody", read about that and the "did you kill the President?, No sir. But I never realized he said this or virtually the same thing five times, to five different reporters. Seeing that fact in this perspective was enlightening for me. Reporter. “Did you shoot the President?” Lee Oswald. “I didn't shoot anybody, no sir.” Reporter. “Oswald did you shoot the President?” Lee Oswald. “I didn't shoot anybody sir I haven't been told what I am here for.” Reporter. “Kill the President?” Lee Oswald. “No sir I didn't. People keep asking me that.” Reporter. “Did you kill the President?” Lee Oswald. “No, I have not been charged with that in fact no one has said that to me yet. The first thing I heard about it was when the newspaper reporters in the hall asked me that question.” Lee Oswald. “I don’t know what dispatches you people have been given but I emphatically deny these charges… I have not committed any acts of violence.” (see this) I also was not aware that Oswald reportedly shook his head (back and forth?) when on the jail office floor after being shot when asked if he had anything to say by officer Combest. I think I'd read someone tried to get him to confess. But I thought there was no response at all. The shaking the head is mentioned in the article, but not in Combest's Office Memorandum to Friz. Is the shaking of the head something Combest mentioned later to someone or seen by another officer or possibly reporter?
  8. Hi Pat. Your link gives me a 403 Error, your client does not have permission, Forbidden "That's all we know".
  9. I thought there was a photograph or film frames of the lead car approaching/starting under the underpass as JFK's limo approached/was in front of the grassy knoll. Taken from behind. Not sure where I might have seen this. Maybe Robin Unger or Robert Groden's book, I may look. I think that would be roughly 100 yards? I've walked it before, but it's been a while. To be considered, the lead car stopped at Houston and Elm for Curry to say something to the DPD officer on the corner. How far in front was it then? I forget who all was in the lead car besides Curry, Decker, FBI, ? Were such officials, in the lead, part of JFK's security/protection? Looking out ahead to protect him, like for open window's? Then JFK's limo stopped or almost stopped. The lead car kept going at normal speed? Also, of note in relation to this, the normal flat bed press truck in front of JFK's limo with a film crew and photographers was scrapped for Dallas, not sure about San Antone or the swamp (Houston).
  10. Threads disappear from the first page within a day to two. I thought this was worth a bump for any who might have missed it.
  11. One of the moderators recently nominated Jonathan Cohen to be placed on probation. The reasons include excessive violation of forum rules and "troll-like behavior." Regarding the latter, we have noticed that Jonathan is quick to criticize others' beliefs, but usually does so without offering any argument whatsoever to support his claim. This behavior adds nothing of value to the discussion and serves only to disrupt it. The moderators voted on this issue and the decision was made to place Jonathan on probation. This is a consensus decision among the moderators, based on reports from forum members and review of Jonathan's repetitive argumentative comments with them, and with moderators regarding forum rules and decorum. Jonathan is hereby put on notice that he risks being banned from the forum if he continues excessively violating forum rules or exhibiting "troll-like behavior," as described above. Note: If a member occasionally comments that he disagrees with another member's opinion, that would NOT be considered to be trolling. The moderators are locking this thread from member discussion. Nowhere in the rules does it state that The Education Forum is a democracy. Members agree to abide by the forum rules when they join. When rules are modified, continued participation implies an agreement to continue following the rules.
  12. As topics disappear quickly on here, bump. Important info in this. How about this to draw attention to it?
  13. I've never read of Hank before. That doesn't mean much, a lot we've all never seen, buried. Interesting. Thanks to Pat and you for a legitimate point of interest given the FBI documentation.
  14. True. I remember the sensationalism in the D/FW newspapers and TV reports at the time of Ricky's revelations about his dad's diary. Some of which still seem somewhat incredulous. The involvement of Shaw, Edwards and Marcedes do make me wonder again though.
  15. If I remember right Dr. McLellan later said he saw an entrance wound first in the left temple, then after that referred to his orientation at the time and said it was the right temple. Not sure where to check for that. It seems like there was another mention or two by other doctors, later or buried of an entrance wound in the hair line/temple and/or another over the right eye (in the hairline). The best evidence of this imho is the written and video work of Doug Horne regarding the work of Dr. Michael Chesser and Dr. David Mantik. Their own evaluations, also quoted and available on video are the truest such of the evidence. To my knowledge they are the only qualified experts to examine the extant Xray's and autopsy photographs in the National Archives scientifically with modern technology (available what, 15 years ago now).
  16. Thanks Chuck, I've always respected your posts and found them insightful. Roscoe White made me think, huh? J. Gary Shaw of Cleburne Texas, Brian Edwards, and Dr. Marcades, Roses's son, gave me pause. They are all respected researchers. ADMITTED ASSASSIN | Peniel Unlimited LLC
  17. Thanks for posting this Douglas. I was just about to post this version of the story when I saw yours. Reading the one I'm posting I had to chuckle to myself regarding the source. I suspect this may chap the ass of many fox news followers. Oh No, trump last! Reagan the actor so low! Biden That High? Obama? Trump said he wasn't even born in the US. I did notice in the article you posted Jimmy Carter at 22. Which surprised me given what I've read by many about him being such an ineffective peanut farmer from Georgia. I found this kind of vindicating of my own thoughts. That his Peace efforts in office and afterwards were admirable. That he inherited and had to deal with a terrible economy. That but for a desert storm, sand in helicopter carburetors on a mission to rescue the Iranian hostages he might have been perceived as a hero. That he was sandbagged by ghwb, reagan et al with the October Surprise. I did notice neither article mentioned where JFK was ranked. Both articles should be of interest to many followers of the forum and I urge them to take the time to read, both. New presidential rankings place Obama in top 10, Reagan and Trump below Biden (msn.com)
  18. Excellent. Thank you for your insight, Counselor, several new details for me. I urge others here to read it. I first encountered Lesie at JFKFACTS many years ago. I respected her posts there. She responded kindly to some of mine. It's nice to see her work since taken seriously and complimented.
  19. Given the musical vibe of this thread. One of my daughters sent me this. Which I never knew of, despite knowing of the 13th floor elevators. Great documentary on them available, not including this. Facebook Which inspired me to find their first "hit" on fm radio before it was much of a thing, few/no commercials, from their first album. Re done even slower, 50 years later in Gruene Hall, where my wife and I have danced.
  20. No, I had not seen the video, thanks for posting it. I have read it before, I can't remember the officer's name at the moment. I have no doubt Ruby was told to kill Oswald, as it was premeditated, he had foreknowledge. Regarding the JFKA itself I have little doubt anymore he had foreknowledge something was going to happen. Hence, the statement from the FBI informant about JR saying, Let's go watch the fireworks.
  21. JR is an enigma. Re reading his Warren Commission testimony the other day a couple of statements to Warren himself made me wonder further about foreknowledge. One, I have been used for a purpose . . . now a new form of government (will come about? - paraphrased from memory). I'll look for the other in a few days, going to be busy. Or see/look for yourself. Testimony Of Mr. Jack Ruby (jfk-assassination.net)
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