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George Govus

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Everything posted by George Govus

  1. Mysterious rocket crash creates odd double crater on moon. Rocket spotted headed for the Moon late in 2021. I gather the trajectory indicated it was terrestrial in origin. From the nature and size of the craters formed, the rocket must have had significant mass at both ends, despite being pretty small, and/or not traveling very fast. No one has claimed responsibility.
  2. Dog and pony show. Another demonstration of WC contrivance. Thanks, Gil.
  3. Biden's enemies are like Kennedy's were: both foreign and domestic. So, Biden is checking out an electric presidential limo. That reminds me of how Neil Young fostered development of LincVolt, a 1959 Lincoln Continental and the world's first full sized luxury series hybrid electric car powered by biomass.
  4. There was a business news article the other day on all the factors driving economic inflation in the U.S. One factor is consumer spending. People gotta eat. People gotta have gasoline. People gotta boogaloo. The article pointed out that Joe Biden could see wanton consumer spending out his window while he rode in a presidential motorcade. Which got me to wondering what a president rides in today. As opposed to the 100% un-armored convertible limousine JFK rode in. Duck Duck Go led me to a Motor Trend article from last year. Maybe someone here hasn't seen the modern ride. Nick-named "The Beast." What got me was one of the pictures accompanying the Motor Trend article. The limo is moving down the street. Six Secret Service guys are walking a cordon around the car. Uniform cops at the curb every twenty yards. In Darby, PA.
  5. Who What Why podcast 10 May 2022 link, synopsis, transcript.
  6. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/texas-school-shooting-police-face-questions-response_n_628f8fcde4b0edd2d0209e00 Cough-cough. Fifty-nine years on, still trying for clarity on the Kennedy shooting. Edit: no, this guy did not play Lt. Worf, or appear on Castle.
  7. Regardless of whether Chris gets on board, Greg, I appreciate hearing about Piketty's Inheritance For All proposal. It's a major improvement on the epiphany I had when a teenager, to do with de-linking labor and compensation.
  8. In the first account the man arrested is twice quoted saying "I've killed me a cop and a president. Now I'm gonna get me two more." The next speaker on the clip is a different announcer with a different "quote." "I've killed me a president and a cop. Now, all I need is two more." "Two more" could be the two police officers putting the collar on Oswald, I suppose. He's mad with murder lust. I'd love to see his bingo card. Two more could be... a pope and a movie star? A sailor and a fireman?
  9. I guess! Dan Rather was backed by a full-scale CBS network crew on hand in Dallas. The other networks were under-prepared.
  10. Yes, and all the people on the Triple Underpass, who shouldn't have been there, could have given him pause. On the other hand, you have Greer's son, interviewed by Vince, attempting to rationalize his father's behavior that day. Greer was Protestant Irish, he explained; Kennedy, Catholic.
  11. Gee whiz. Maybe I am pre-ordering here will help. It's two films, in two formats, I've done the math.
  12. Great to read favorable JFK mentions in a mainstream publication, albeit in a terrifying context.
  13. That black blob puts me in mind of what Nigel Tufnel said in This Is Spinal Tap.
  14. Impressive speaker! Is this peak John Judge? Quite a moving address. I was glad for the appreciative crowd. He rips it up during the Q and A, too. Thank you, Vince.
  15. A long read I could not put down. Douglas, if I were you, I would pitch the screenplay. "Irrational: The G. Gordon Liddy story."
  16. Dog bless Mr. Schnapf and his team. I'm going to assume the role Mr. McBride plays, sometimes, grammar and spelling cop. It's "sic" em, Michael. No 'k."
  17. I read half of Harvey And Lee while it was for a time years ago freely available for browsing on the Internet. I was gonna finish, and still mean to. IIRC, Harvey And Lee maintains the following: Marina's uncle worked for MVD (Ministry of Internal Affairs). Marina knew English, covered it up. Knew the "defector" Webster, in the USSR, before Oswald "defected" there. Not your average immigrant.
  18. Bugliosi has Oswald entering the bus at 12:39. Craig said it was 12:40 when he saw a white male in his twenties run down the knoll from the direction of the book depository.
  19. Sandy, I read the article about the phone operator's inadvertent eavesdropping on the collect call placed 22 November 63. Thanks for sharing that, another angle new to me. From what is written there, I don't understand why you characterize the call as "faked." Could you elaborate? Were the speakers Ruth and Michael? Were they being impersonated? Wilderness of mirrors!
  20. Biden's pardon statement makes the same omission of the true circumstances leading to Bolden being framed. So who is wagging the dog here?
  21. John Butler, in another topic on this forum, indicated that there was a train in motion across the Triple Underpass around the time of the assassination. Others, as I recall, discounted the notion. So this is fascinating. The motorcade was late getting to Dealey Plaza, by, what, fifteen minutes? This "switcher train" would have pulled in early, unless it was apprised of the motorcade's progress.
  22. Great news. Would that there were mention Secret Service accused Bolden subsequent to his reaching out to the Warren Commission.
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