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Pete Mellor

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Everything posted by Pete Mellor

  1. Cough the money Gerry. Even the PM pages are very interesting, as Bart documents the long history of researchers who have examined the Weigman, Darnell & Couch stills. I never knew it began in the late 60's! Still not through the book but I reckon it's well worth the money. I've searched Cadigan & Recordak with no items found.
  2. Mart, I'm busy with a number of interests and commitments, so I'm not quite half way through the book, one of four that I have on the go too. As far as the text is concerned, and Bart is Dutch, and as he states English is his second language, I have so far only come across a couple of words to edit. I am a fellow member of Dealey Plaza U.K., but I have no knowledge of any review/edit to his work prior to publication. & as stated I'm under half way through, so too early to comment. I assume Malcolm Blunt gave it the green light as he wrote a Foreword, apart from advice from a few sources it's all down to Bart.
  3. Yes, Bart has a link to Hosty's notes. Written during the interrogation (one) & directly after (two). Hosty passed his notes to the ARRB in '97. The book also links to the Fritz notes that were also donated to the ARRB in '97. Negative. I'm not one to post photographic images on E.F. or anywhere. I'm just a book reader Leslie. 📚
  4. Gerry, Bart's publication is more than a fuzzy picture, to quote the title. Suggest you buy the book as the papers are transformed into the book, as his essays are not available any more on the website. Under £8, cheap at half the price!
  5. However, there are also the notes from the Oswald interviews i.e. 'Out with Bill Shelley in front' & 'then he went outside to watch P parade'. Interested to know if you have, or will obtain Bart's book & then post your opinion?
  6. Leslie, the early pages provide a brief history of the depository building's ownerships. Having just downloaded the book I've only just covered the first hundred pages. Slow going as there are so many interesting photographic and textual links embedded into the pages. So far the text has documented statements given by TSBD employees along with the other occupants of the building, Scott Foresman & S.W. Publishing Co., etc., establishing their whereabouts and actions before, during & after the assassination.
  7. Ron, Although Bart doesn't post here anymore, he e-mailed me after I opened this thread, so he is well aware of Forum activity. I would suspect he is aware of your post too. Anyway I'll pass on your thanks, as well as that 'howdy' to Mr. Blunt.
  8. Gerry, maybe that recommendation came from Langley.
  9. Sure! & as Poulgrain's books on Indonesia documented, with JFK's supporting stance for Sukarno, would Allen Dulles have resorted to assassinating the President of the United States to ensure the achievement of his ‘Indonesian strategy’? This is the central question addressed by Greg Poulgrain.
  10. Cheers George. The link to Amazon is below. https://www.amazon.com/Prayer-Man-More-Fuzzy-Picture-ebook/dp/B0CD9GB83W/ref=sr_1_7?crid=2F84IJBF04IO&keywords=prayer+man&qid=1691144930&sprefix=prayer+man%2Caps%2C745&sr=8-7 Bart informs me that the hardback book will be available in 7-14 days. However, as pointed out, the Kindle book does contain multiple links for reference to further information.
  11. Bart Kamp's book 'Prayer Man More Than A Fuzzy Picture' is now available on Kindle for just short of eight squid on Amazon U.K. Amazon's review:- The publication of Prayer Man: More Than a Fuzzy Picture represents an unprecedented decade-long investigation of Lee Harvey Oswald’s last 48 hours. Bart Kamp has produced a comprehensive work which delves into Lee Harvey Oswald and the other Texas School Book Depository employees inside the building during and shortly after President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22nd 1963. Kamp’s detailed research also examines the period of Oswald’s incarceration and interrogations. It presents an entirely new and deep perspective of how the law enforcement agencies gathered their evidence that weekend. It reveals a dramatic new context in relation to understanding Lee Harvey Oswald's innocence. Within these pages are many new and never before published revelations that contrast the altered accounts that were represented before the Warren Commission and challenges many commonly accepted assumptions and interpretations. Prayer Man: More Than a Fuzzy Picture is Kamp’s debut on the JFK Assassination.
  12. I seem to recall Bill Decker in the 'lead' car reported seeing a shot hit the street. I've always assumed this hit to be in front of the presidential limousine but not certain. Bet there's a separate thread on this Forum covering the 'flurry' of shots on Elm St.
  13. Mellen also interviewed Wallace's son Michael (a 30 year law enforcement officer) who recalled Mac at home in Anaheim, California on the 22nd Nov., '63. (Faustian Bargains-Joan Mellen p257)
  14. Digress some more Robert. I am led to believe that the mysterious aka Jerry Droller was originally one Friedrich Schwend. Do you have any links between Herr Schwend and James Angleton back in '44/'45 when Angleton was head of X2?
  15. George, according to Newman's excellent 'Uncovering Popov's Mole' it was Bruce Solie in the Office of Security/Security Research Staff who kept the mole hunt spotlight on the Soviet Russia Div., causing much damage therein. Was LHO's Soviet sojourn flypaper to catch the mole in CIA, set up by Solie? Solie's report on Nosenko gave a verdict that Nosenko was a bona fide defector! Nosenko then marries Solie's wife's sister!! Le Carrie couldn't write this stuff.
  16. The Jewish News Syndicate make no mention of Angleton's blind eye non-reporting of the stealing of weapons-grade uranium from NUMEC to facilitate Israel building its first nuclear weapon by 1967. As Jefferson Morley wrote, Angleton thought collaboration with Israel was more important than U.S. non-proliferation policy under JFK.
  17. I think 14 ex-members of the Cambridge paper is a lot more black & white that the call never happened, than any claim that Osborne was responsible even if it did happen. I'm sure, if such a tip off was received by such a relatively small newspaper the buzz would have been, as stated, talked about all round the office. I don't see anything factual in regard to Osborne and a school for assassins. With regard to John Howard Bowen's death, a newspaper obit was found by researcher John Kowalski, of this Forum. No. The only J.W.H. I'm aware of is the British journalist with the Cuba link to Trafficante & Ruby. 😄It happens all the time. It's the n for r in the surname that should be corrected. Prost!
  18. It's remarkable he had opted to make a phone call related to the assassination; I want everything in black & white or I get cynical, which in the JFKA case is quite often. I assume you are referring to the supposed phone call to the Cambridge News, linked to Albert Osborne, just hours prior to the assassination. My take is it never happened. Former Cambridge News editor Keith Whetstone, who worked at the paper in '63, said in 1981 "It sounds like a completely fictitious story." He traced 12 members of staff who also worked at the paper in '63 and none of them recalled the telephone call. Also former senior reporter Jock Gillespie said, "There is no way that would have happened without being talked about. That's been a wind-up, are you sure it isn't Cambridge Massachusetts they are talking about?" It's high time this fabrication was put in the trash can. With regard to 'Coup in Dallas' on Osborne, pgs.239-242:- Albert Alexander Osborne first tole the FBI when they tracked him down in 1964 His birth certificate reads Albert Osborne. The 'Alexander' was Albert's invention, among a few other monikers. Intrepid researcher Mae Brussell, long overdue for recognition by the wider community of assassination research, confirms, and takes it a bit further: "Bowen-Osborne had been running a school for highly professional marksmen in Oaxaca, Mexico, since 1934. Maybe one of the real researchers on this Forum can educate me with evidence on this aspect & I haven't dug into the Floyd case either, but once again I am somewhat cynical of this 'academy of assassins' stuff. Torbitt's 'Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal' is typical of these fairy stories that has Osborne & his men in a safe house at 3126 Harlendale in Oak Cliff, Dallas on the 22nd November '63. These tales are repeated in quite a few books, as is Hugh McDonald rhubarb about Osborne being a Soviet agent. No sale for me! A women who contributed to both Osborne's and Bowen's missions told Russell that Bowen who died probably in 1958, but that the two had a history of working together. Not surprising that people get confused about Osborne. To be clear, it is Albert Osborne that we are dealing with here. Osborne met John Howard Bowen in North Carolina in the 1920's and thereafter stole & used Bowen's identity. Bowen never worked with Osborne and took no part in Osborne's shenanigans. Osborne travelled to MC in '63 using the Bowen alias because Mexican authorities had previously bunged him out of Mexico as Osborne. The real John Howard Bowen died in 1962 as a result of injuries from a car accident. Visiting family he had not seen in 40 years. Not true. Albert visited family in Grimsby in 1953, Daryl Featherstone still had the 'Bible Stories for Children' that Uncle Albert presented to him at Christmas 1953 when I visited him c2019 in Grimsby. p.s. In any future Index of 'Coup' my name is Pete Mellor, not Peter Mellon. Cheers!
  19. Nice one Ron! Here's another Nice one.
  20. Leslie, Apologies for quoting your opening post on this thread, I've been away for some days. I got hold of a letter that Uncle Albert wrote on the 13th April 1964 from Mexico to his relatives in Grimsby U.K. He wrote:- For the past few months I have been under investigation by the American F.B.I. They claim when I travelled to Mexico City on Sept 25th, a man named Lee Oswald sat next to me and held a conversation with me. While I have not the slightest idea of travelling with such a man, they still are questioning about what he talked about. It is strange in this day and age how a person can get involved. But my conscious (sic) is clear on this matter. So why should I worry.
  21. Nice one David. Cyril arrived at Lancer with Doug Horne and I had the chance to briefly speak with both of them. Good guys.
  22. Paul, I've had a similar impression of Angleton & have wondered if the popular image of 'the legendary CI chief' is really a true picture. I have not read a detailed appraisal of his WWII CI work in Italy as chief of XI. However, a number of Angleton's post war intelligence assets were exposed as frauds by John Whitten. At CIA his world was largely a closed shop. CI & CI/SIG were compartmentalised entities that seemed to operate without any external audit or control. Angleton's operations were financed with totally unaudited funds. He ran complete control of his own internal filing vaults and safes. He held the same tight personal control of the Israeli desk. His tenure ran through half a dozen agency Directors without any real interference or scrutiny. Legend is defined as a story handed down, the truth of which has never been ascertained. Could that be applied to J.A.? Ann Goodpasture who worked closely with Angleton described him as weird. I can well imagine his paranoia upon learning of a high echelon mole in Langley! It must have driven him nuts for years. Add the Philby defection in '63, along with KGB infiltration of British, French, W. German & NATO agencies, his world was coming apart at the seams. He then suspects many leading politicians around the globe of being Soviet agents. Britain's Harold Wilson, Whitlam in Australia, Palme in Sweden, Trudeau in Canada and West German Chancellor Willy Brandt. He even suspected Averill Harriman & Henry Kissinger to be Soviet spies. With the calamitous damage to SR division caused by SIG as a result of the internal mole hunt, it really wasn't until '74/75 with Petty's CIA report on the CI and its chief that any probative assessment of the situation in Angleton's domain had ever been produced, that no doubt caused William Colby to bring the curtain down, or perhaps up, on Angleton's career, that was in reality littered with failures and treasons.
  23. Treasonous with regard to the theft of weapons grade uranium from NUMEC. Treasonous with regard to his close one to one meetings with Ben Gurion & his none reporting about Dimona, totally against JFK's nuclear non-proliferation policy. As Meir Amit stated in his memoir, "Angleton was the biggest Zionist of the lot."
  24. UPM is a profound piece of work, the review by Paul says it all. Was Nosenko a genuine defector? I go with Newman, that he was a provocation. Angleton was right about him because at that time he was heavily influenced by the revelations from Golitsyn that "future Soviet defectors would be false." Was the reason the mole was not revealed because he was Bruce Solie, in charge of the hunt? Place your bets. I'm 2-1 on. & Nosenko gets married to Solie's wife's sister! Edward Clare Petty's CI/SIG report to CIA in 1975 stated that the 'mole' in CIA, that Angleton had been hunting for 25 years was, in fact, Angleton! Was this the impetus for Director William Colby to firstly remove Angleton from the Israeli desk & then quickly retire Angleton completely in December of '75? UPM is spy wars not really JFKA, but as complex as any le Carre novel. The chronology fluctuates, so requires careful reading and some re-reading too. But, is a must read for all interested in the JFK case. Can't wait for Vol V Armageddon.
  25. Paul, mistaken or blowing a smokescreen. I've always smelt something fishy with Sturgis' statement of Perdomo's death in '74 & the man buried before his family knew anything about his death! If that is true. However, the Dakota Perdomo appears to be part of a family group of Perdomo's employed at the Dakota. Jose is employed there in '69, following a brother already working there. It is also believed that a further later generation of Perdomo's also gained employment at the building. However, with or without any Operation 40 link, the Dakota Perdomo must be in the frame if a 2nd shooter is considered. The ballistics raise suspicion, as does some confused witness statements and Perdomo's withdrawal from the limelight immediately following the shooting. Sadly, just like all the other lone-nut assassinations of the liberal/anti-war/peace advocates the truth eludes.
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