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Pete Mellor

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Everything posted by Pete Mellor

  1. Is that so B.C.? Interesting that on the 23rd & 24th supposed Secret Service man, ( a 'Mr. Smith') was in NPIC in D.C. with the Zapruder film.
  2. Stringer also stated the images in the Nat Archives are not on the same type of film that he used + he shot only views of the top of the brain & most of the images in the Archives are of the underside (basilar views).
  3. Scott joined the FBI in March 1941. Originally assigned to the Cryptography division, he asked to become a Special Agent. He was sent to spy on the German population in Pittsburgh, and in February 1943 loaned to the US Embassy in Cuba. After returning to Washington, D.C. he was recruited by the Office of Strategic Services and assigned to London, where he became head of the Germany section of X-2 (OSS' Counter Espionage Branch). After the end of World War II Scott remained stationed in London, becoming the CIA's first London station chief in 1947. In 1950 he became head of the Western European division of the Office of Special Operations, overseeing espionage throughout Western Europe. In 1955 Scott asked for a transfer to Mexico City, and took office as station chief there in August 1956.
  4. In just over ninety pages + large font text, this 'booklet' is done in just a couple of hours. 'The JFK Assassination-A Technical Review of the Evidence' by Anthony Rante is not worth the money or the reading time. Perhaps this is aimed at first time readers of the case, but anyone with even basic knowledge of facts will encounter glaring errors. Rante states "While in Mexico City, [Oswald] he allegedly entered the US embassy." "The president was riding in an open limousine on his way from a main airport (Loves Field)." When describing the Grassy Knoll & police officer Joe M. Smith he writes, "He was likely the first person to arrive. The officer dropped his motorcycle near the curb and ran up the hill seconds after the assassination took place." All these errors in the first chapter and there are many more littering these pages. I'll be generous, and rate it with one star.
  5. Very many thanks Joe for putting up this video. A superb 3 hours spent listening to this. The James McCord info was new and fascinating to me. I highly recommend people should spare the time to watch this.
  6. Indeed. I contacted Greg via e-mail some time back & he had traced one or both of the Aussie girls, and he said to me that they would not talk, which I find suspect after the passage of time. He also stated that Dr McFarland had been seconded to work in a hospital in the U.S., prior to the supposed MC trip. Would love to know more on that!
  7. Well, I had an Amazon gift card so I have only paid £6 for this & Monica Wiesak's 'America's Last President'.
  8. That's a brilliant piece Joe! I know it's not a funny subject, but made me laugh. I was hearing Arlo's 'Alice's Restaurant'.
  9. OMG, so it was Bond on the knoll after all. If John Hamer's JFKA theories are anything approaching his 'Titanic' was 'Olympic' theory I'd give him a wide berth.
  10. Amazon U.K. have it available in paperback & Kindle. Ordered & arriving on Friday.
  11. I've found this perplexing for ages Sandy. I tend to lean toward believing Albert Osborne's statements that he wrote in '64 in a letter to his relatives in U.K. that he did not travel on the Flecha Roja bus sitting next to LHO. On the other hand, we have the supposed fellow travellers Mr & Mrs McFarland from Liverpool and the two Aussie girls Mumford & Winston, who put the two together! As someone described it, 'it's a swamp'.
  12. Not possible Ron! Willis took his pics on Elm. He would have to fly with a red cape on to snap the other shot...just around 30 Zapruder frames after from Main. That's Bronson.
  13. Ron, for what it's worth, from a non expert of these photographs, I think the top one is cropped from Charles Bronson, and the bottom one is Phil Willis.
  14. I have the Kindle app on my pc, so bought 'Prayer Man: More Than A Fuzzy Picture' which I finished reading yesterday. My review:- Bart Kamp's book presents the reader with documents, photographs and films from W.C. testimonies, newspaper sources, research archives, JFKA published books as well as information from internet forums (including the Education Forum) all aided by the proliferation of links throughout the Kindle text. In over five hundred and seventy pages this book covers Bart's ten year investigation of the blurry figure in the TSBD front steps at the time of the shooting in Dealey Plaza, found in the films of Dave Weigman and James Darnell. Perhaps only until researchers are able to obtain access to the original film, now locked away in a safe at NBC's offices in New York will this matter ever be resolved. However, Bart's work is covering much more than 'a fuzzy picture'. It also challenges the famous 2nd floor lunchroom encounter between Oswald, Truly and DPD Officer Baker as well as casting doubts on the many aspects of 'so called evidence' presented by the Dallas Police over that assassination weekend, accompanied with a chronological order of events over the three days inside City Hall. As Malcolm Blunt writes in his Foreword, "the reader may discover, at last, a true representation of Lee Harvey Oswald's final hours." Also, these intriguing pages include a comprehensive floor by floor study of the TSBD building and the persons employed therein, as well as their whereabouts, before, during and immediately after the killing of Kennedy. To quote Blunt's Foreword once again, "Bart's huge effort has produced the ultimate reference point for future authors and researchers working on this aspect of the Kennedy assassination."
  15. Cough the money Gerry. Even the PM pages are very interesting, as Bart documents the long history of researchers who have examined the Weigman, Darnell & Couch stills. I never knew it began in the late 60's! Still not through the book but I reckon it's well worth the money. I've searched Cadigan & Recordak with no items found.
  16. Mart, I'm busy with a number of interests and commitments, so I'm not quite half way through the book, one of four that I have on the go too. As far as the text is concerned, and Bart is Dutch, and as he states English is his second language, I have so far only come across a couple of words to edit. I am a fellow member of Dealey Plaza U.K., but I have no knowledge of any review/edit to his work prior to publication. & as stated I'm under half way through, so too early to comment. I assume Malcolm Blunt gave it the green light as he wrote a Foreword, apart from advice from a few sources it's all down to Bart.
  17. Yes, Bart has a link to Hosty's notes. Written during the interrogation (one) & directly after (two). Hosty passed his notes to the ARRB in '97. The book also links to the Fritz notes that were also donated to the ARRB in '97. Negative. I'm not one to post photographic images on E.F. or anywhere. I'm just a book reader Leslie. 📚
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