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Pete Mellor

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Everything posted by Pete Mellor

  1. Ron, I ended up with the blues a bit later in 1968. October 26, 1968 Free Trade Hall, Manchester. Man, I was just 15yo for this American Folk Blues Festival gig with John Lee Hooker, T-Bone Walker, Big Joe Williams, Jimmy Reed, Curtis Jones & Eddie Taylor Blues Band. You've brought back lots of memories of the long gone Free Trade Hall. So many great gigs. Sadly too young for Dylan's 1966 appearance. I knew Clive Palmer (original member of Incredible String Band) & he invited me back stage when he supported Pentangle with his band COB. I picked up a guitar and sat strumming when I was aware of someone behind me. It was Bert Jansch & it was his guitar. He was great. Got invited back to their hotel after the gig & got so out of my head don't remember how I got back to my flat that night. Saw Tom Paxton too the same year as the Blues Festival. Loudon Wainwright supported Soft Machine there. One of the most memorable was the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band in '69 with exploding robots on stage! Happy daze.
  2. It is interesting what John Whitten (WH division in charge 23.11.63-mid 1.64) stated in secret testimony in '78, "In the early stages Angleton was not able to influence the course of the investigation. He was extremely embittered that I was entrusted with the investigation, and he wasn't. Angleton then sandbagged me as quickly as he could." After the W.C.'s Lee Rankin requested copies of CIA cables relating to MC, Angleton's deputy Ray Rocca told Helms that Jim would prefer to 'wait out' the Commission! Why would a senior CIA official want to wait out the investigators of a presidential assassination?
  3. Malcolm Blunt's Archive on William Kent, credit to Zack Robertson. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yV4rcfBdGI0zjiYzlx8tWLL7ZmO6zuH6/view
  4. Adam, taken some days to answer your question, but I have this comment from Bart Kamp:- It is too open ended and loaded that question and I have tried this before and he will not step into that bear trap.
  5. I'm sure we are both aware that JFKA authors have intimated that Oswald's outbursts in the Moscow embassy were for the benefit of Soviet bugs in the building. If so, that would also point towards 'intelligence backing'. Anticipating your reply, If U.S. Intelligence KNEW their embassy in Moscow was bugged by KGB, surely they would have de-bugged the premises. Who knows Jonathan?
  6. Well, clearly we are in the territory of 'hypotheticaland' here. However, I can't see Oswald having no idea who was behind his defection. Simply because of his route through Finland. I'm not saying CIA or ONI, but it does appear to me his journey into USSR was too clever for some ex-marine private, not to mention the financial aspect. So I lean towards some kind of intelligence backing. Who was it called him "a useful idiot?" I can't recall off the top of my old head. As for your 2nd paragraph, I more or less concur. However, Popov had informed CIA that KGB had the full specifications of U2's technical data long before Oswald defected. Would KGB be that interested in a mere radar operator? They weren't as it turned out. To me, it fits Solie, to keep Oswald files away from SR & convincing Angleton that the mole was hidden in that department. “‘Tis strange—but true; for truth is always strange,—stranger than fiction” John Byrom
  7. Many thanks Joe! That's a quite concise summation of things relating to Malcolm's work & CIA files. It's a world I don't inhabit but fascinating none the less. I'll stick to just reading books. So, one more question. Are you of the opinion that Oswald (a willing defector) was Solie's man in his being sent to USSR? I've always thought Angleton was handling Oswald as well as driving the mole hunt, but it now seems that Solie was playing Angleton like a puppet master.
  8. Ron, I think I have read that the White House turntable was spinning a version of this 1960 Broadway hit.
  9. More information on this concerning Hansen please Joseph. Clearly Uncle Malcolm & John Newman point towards Bruce Sollie in the Office of Security as per 'Uncovering Popov's Mole'. Although CIA is a 'wilderness of mirrors' to me per se, I've been collecting stuff on Angleton, so this reference to Robert Hansen is interesting. Don't tell me there were TWO moles!
  10. David, at this moment I'm having problems with my laptop & scanner, but your request duly noted. I'll e-mail the Osborne letter to you when things resolved.
  11. CNN. George, you should see the tv stuff on over here! Jumpin' Jesus, I detest the whole lot of 'em. King's coronation my left foot, thankfully I'm off to watch Sale Sharks v Newcastle Falcons. A few hours relief from the insanity.
  12. Ron, D.J.'s Zoom was a biggie! Somewhere around 4 hours. I usually get a msg from Bart when the recording has been uploaded onto D.P.U.K.'s You Tube. When that has been completed I'll post onto the Forum.
  13. Jonathan, Have you read Jefferson Morley's 'C IA & Mossad'? Quote:-"Angleton, it is fair to say, thought collaboration with Israel was more important than U.S. policy."
  14. Interesting, thanks for that Ron. My quote on Rabin comes from Michael Collins Piper, who I feel did go very left field at times. p.s. I noticed you have been away from the Forum recently, good to get your posts again.
  15. Well, with reference to NUMEC, it was set-up by David Lowenthal & he was a Zionist financier. Keeping it in God's family, NUMEC was run by Zalman Shapiro (Whoopa Oh yeah yeah!) he was the son of an orthodox rabbi from Lithuania, who was also head of the local chapter of the Zionist Organisation of America. (I have answered this thread because JFK & Ben Gurion's problems over Dimona in '61 & '62 puts Israel's Mossad in the frame to act on Nov. '63. I see too many links between LHO & Angleton along with the post assassination cover-up, & Angleton & Mossad to not discount this possibility. Of course, as regards all the possible players behind the 'big event', until proof is uncovered, nobody knows. I do feel that, certainly in my remaining life time, nobody will know.)
  16. Chris, Who were Ben Gurion's close friends in the West? Look no further than CIA's head of the Israeli desk, namely James Jesus Angleton. He was having regular one on one meetings with Ben Gurion at his home in the Negev. "There were just the two of them. He had business to transact" according to Efraim Halevy, who served as Mossad's liason officer to the CIA station in Tel Aviv in the early 1960's. Angleton visited Ben Gurion pre and post his time in office. As John Newman wrote in 'Oswald & the CIA', I would like to place on record, however, that Angleton's professional friends overseas, then and subsequently, came from the Mossad and that he was held in immense esteem by his Israeli colleagues and by the State of Israel, which was to award him profound honours after his death. As for Dimona, in 1960 Angleton ignored a request from the U.S. Intelligence Board, which reviewed CIA operations on behalf of the White House, that all information regarding Dimona be transmitted expeditiously. Angleton also ignored or failed to report about the stealing of weapons grade enriched uranium from NUMEC. Over the nine years from 1959 to 1968 the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission estimated that 267 kg of uranium went missing from NUMEC. One Israeli who visited the NUMEC plant, masquerading as a nuclear engineer was a Mossad agent named Rafael Eitan, who was known to Angleton. His close personal ties with the De Shalit family and others in Israel made it inevitable that he would learn about the Dimona construction in the Negev. Yet he never reported any of this, committing treason against JFK's nuclear non-proliferation policy. As I have posted in other threads, Yitzhak Rabin, then a high ranking military officer, purportedly on a military briefing tour, just happened to be in Dallas at the time of JFK's assassination, according to Rabin's widow. Angleton is also reported to have met Rabin as often as five times a week in the late '60's when Rabin was Israeli Ambassador in D.C. It was Angleton's CIA Israeli desk that wrote the report for LBJ on the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty, nothing to see here, move along. The alleged assassin's assassin Jacob Rubinstein, always reputed to have mob ties, who stated that he rubbed out Oswald because, "I did it for the Jews." It is documented in W.C. testimony that Ruby was with Yiddish speaking 'reporters' in the D.P.D. stalking Oswald. I am also surprised at how little thought seems to be directed towards Israel as being in some way a promoter of JFK's removal from office. We hear CIA, Anti Castro, Big Oil, JCS, MIC etc etc being involved, but rarely Israel. The anti-semitic slurs are very often directed at anyone who so much as gives any negative opinion on Israeli politics etc., I consider these to be just stupid & negative, exactly the same as calling anyone who questions the U.S. verdicts on the assassinations of the 60's a wacky conspiracy theorist.
  17. My son, a school teacher, recently began using AI to produce worksheets etc for his work. He was telling me how fantastic this was in producing stuff that normally had him working for hours when AI had his assignments done in minutes. "Just ask it anything and it sends the completed paperwork back, all done!" So, I told him to ask AI "Who shot Kennedy?" It came back, unlike the U.S. version, with a really fair report. Although LHO was charged with the shooting, the official government investigations have failed to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt, and there are many possible explanations as to who was behind JFK's assassination. (or words to that effect.)
  18. Leslie, according to John Newman he states that de Vosjoli holed up in Colorado, and quotes de Vosjoli's autobiography 'Lamia' for that info.
  19. Zilch Leslie. The Wiki on Foccart is not well endowed with citations unfortunately. I don't see him as communist though. A long time French colonialist who acted as advisor to many French presidents on African affairs. Yes, de Vosjoli was Head of French Intelligence in U.S. & he learned from CIA's KGB defector Major Anatoly Golitsyn (KGB's First Chief Directorate) in early 60's about KGB agents in de Gaulle's cabinet & in France's SDECE. In fact from Golitsyn's revelations CIA informed JFK of these spies in French intelligence, causing JFK to write a warning letter to de Gaulle. The French Ambassador to Moscow, Maurice Dejean was also compromised in an adulterous affair with a KGB 'swallow' However, it wasn't just in de Gaulle's cabinet and SDECE, but the Paris H.Q. of NATO was riddled with KGB agents, so much so that agents could produce on two or three days notice any NATO document Moscow asked for. Just hours after Kennedy's assassination, de Vosjoli was summoned back to Paris. He then received a telegram warning him that he would be killed upon his arrival back in France. He then went on the run to Mexico. A 'goon' squad from France was sent to kill him, but he eluded them. Subsequently U.S. authorities provided him a quiet life somewhere in Colorado. Ian Fleming couldn't write this stuff.
  20. It wasn’t until 1983, when journalist Jim Gaines got to interview Mark Chapman in prison and conducted lengthy audio interviews with him, that Perdomo’s name surfaced to the world. In a subsequent 1987 People magazine article, Gaines wrote: At the Dakota, Chapman had only the Dakota’s night doorman, José Perdomo, to keep him company. José was an anti-Castro Cuban, and they talked that night of the Bay of Pigs and the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Directly after the shooting, as public & press began gathering outside on the street, Perdomo stated he did not want to be outside as doorman, and got one of the other Dakota staff to work as doorman. So Perdomo was never seen or interviewed or photographed by press. Also, Perdomo was supposed to have given a statement to police and D.A. in N.Y. but this has never seen the light of day.
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