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Pete Mellor

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Everything posted by Pete Mellor

  1. Great thread this. I've always suspected something surrounding Williams' story of eating his lunch on the 6th floor while the accused sniper is silently hiding behind his stack of boxes in the corner! A ridiculous scenario! Was he threatened by the real mechanics to leave & keep quiet? Did he ever divulge any secrets to his family about these events?
  2. Ilan Pappe is an Israeli historian and activist. He is a professor with the College of Social Sciences and International Studies at the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom, director of the university's European Centre for Palestine Studies, and co-director of the Exeter Centre for Ethno-Political Studies. Pappé was born in Haifa, Israel. Prior to coming to the UK, he was a senior lecturer in political science at the University of Haifa (1984–2007) and chair of the Emil Touma Institute for Palestinian and Israeli Studies in Haifa (2000–2008). Some years back I read his 2006 publication 'The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine'. Pappé is one of Israel's 'New Historians' who, since the release of pertinent British and Israeli government documents in the early 1980s, have offered an unconventional view of Israel's creation in 1948, and the corresponding expulsion or flight of 700,000 Palestinians in the same year. He has written that the expulsions were not decided on an ad hoc basis, as other historians have argued, but constituted the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in accordance with Plan Dalet, drawn up in 1947 by Israel's future leaders. His book chronicles the destruction of Palestinian villages and farms beginning in 1947 by Ben Gurion's terrorist group and the murders of thousands of Palestinian unarmed and innocent males. He blames the creation of Israel for the lack of peace in the Middle East, arguing that Zionism is more dangerous than Islamic militancy. He has also called for a boycott of Israeli academics, for which he received death threats.
  3. Ben, let's hear it from Geraldine Reid, "I was threatened to keep my mouth shut, or else." About one minute before the fatal shots were fired at the motorcade, Lee Oswald walked into the office across the 2nd floor hallway. He wanted to buy a bottle of soda and did not have the required change for the machine. He walked up to Geraldine Reid at her desk and handed her a dollar bill and asked her for change. "As I was counting out the change, I heard what I later learned were gunshots. Mr Oswald and I looked at each other quizzically for a moment, but neither of us said anything about the sounds. I did not know that they were shots at the time. I gave Mr Oswald the change and he turned and walked back into the hallway toward the snack room " Diversion? JFK's head X-Ray shows the tiny metallic fragments from the flightpath of a projectile almost the entire length of the skull. These debris deposits had to have come from a bullet (certainly not a full metal jacketed round) transiting Kennedy's head on a front-to-back trajectory. Maybe, or maybe not. When Ruby snuffed out Oswald there was to be no court case, so his framing could be completed by Warren etc. I look forward to the targeted release date of John Orr's DP3D documentary, set for the 60th anniversary in 2023. It will certainly discard the stupid 'single bullet nonsense' with modern state-of-the-art use of laser scanning, photogrammetry and 3D imaging technologies that promise to provide surprising results to point to the origins of shots to both Kennedy and Connally.
  4. A professor of English rather than an English professor. Interesting article Bill. I do think that Bob was into 'imitatio' in his Greenwich Village days with his Guthriesque image. I have always marvelled at Dylan more as a 'sponge' than a direct imitator. It has been written that Bob could listen to a song just once and pick up the whole thing but maybe make it his own, as the example of 'Hard Rain' in Falco's piece. His sponge has soaked up traditional English folk roots and American Folk/Country/Blues etc., as anyone can hear who has tuned into his 'Radio Hour' broadcasts. Yet, he remains unique. I would love to delve through his recorded music collection! He has tipped his hat to many artists to acknowledge their influence, from Guthrie to "nobody can sing the blues like Blind Willie McTell" and his latest album 'Rough & Rowdy Ways' has that photograph of Jimmie Rogers on the cover. The Rogers tribute continues with various artists covering Rogers's songs on Dylan's own record label Egyptian Records. I'm not one to argue with the learned prof., & his 'imitatio', but Zimmy for me is a unique musical artist, just one of a kind. Sure, it's all been done before, it's all been written in the book, but (getting back on topic) who else in the music world would release a single like 'Murder Most Foul'? Just another 14 days to go before I watch him play 'live' in a 7th continuous decade!
  5. At the recent DPUK Conference researcher Dave O'brien told of a project fronted by John Orr that should be ready in 2023 named DP3D a 3D visual model of Dealey Plaza and model of shots to a scientific certainty.
  6. No sign of Newman's book 'Uncovering Popov's Mole' on Amazon yet, on both sides of the Atlantic.
  7. 🤣 You're splitting hairs here David. It was you that posted the ridiculous idea of Oswald dashing in and out of the 4th floor on his rushing downstairs while Garner, just feet away, and maybe looking the other way didn't notice. Do you propose that the woman was deaf also? While you commented on that aspect of the post, you did not have anything to say on the clear and obvious acts of the unethical Warren Commission lawyers as they manufactured this fairy tale of Oswald on the 6th floor.
  8. A revue of the Canterbury conference has been completed by Bart Kamp & loaded onto the D.P.U.K. website here:- http://dealeyplazauk.com/uncategorized/canterbury-2022-conference/
  9. Nice one Rich! Typical of a 'lone nut' member to question Garner's eyesight but ignore the Warren Commission's obvious suppression of witnesses who would not support their Oswald assassin agenda, or their clear alteration of statements, or their clear leading questions to witnesses and destruction of evidence in archives and the placement of these false testimonies in the Warren volumes. I could see these illegalities being passed off in a third world or totalitarian state, but to be supported in a democracy staggers belief.
  10. J.P. Do you smell a rat? Olsen's testimony is just so smelly imo. & it was to Specter. It is yet another mystery, just what he was up to on the 22nd & what his meeting with Ruby was about & why he & Kay skipped out of Dallas so quickly. Was Ruby's phone call to Kay on Fri afternoon traced on his telephone records? We'll never know the answers.
  11. Ruth Paine was asked by the WC if she thought that LHO was a Soviet agent or a U.S. agent. This testimony appears in WC Vol 2 pgs 510-512 with no mention of 'role playing'. She also appears in Vols III, IX and XI, which will take some time to check.
  12. 'JFK Medical Betrayal-Where the Evidence Lies' is the work of Russell Kent who holds an honours degree from the University of London in physiology. Russell has studied the JFKA case over 30 years with his equally long membership of Dealey Plaza U.K. The work on his 2022 publication began some five years ago with his reading of Gary Aguilar and Kathy Cunningham's article 'How Five Investigations into JFK's Medical/Autopsy Evidence Got It Wrong'. Why were these reviews necessary? Because, as Kent states unanswerably, "nobody knows how Kennedy died." 'JFK Medical Betrayal's narrative begins in the frantic efforts to save the dying president in Dallas' Parkland Hospital and the following botched autopsy at the Bethesda Naval Hospital in Washington D.C. As Dr. Wecht writes in his Foreword, "In every autopsy of a victim due to multiple gunshot wounds, it is of critical importance to determine the basic aspects via a thorough medicolegal autopsy performed by a trained, experienced, competent forensic pathologist. Identification of every wound, differentiation between entrance and exit sites, approximate distance from which the shots were fired, trajectories, sequence, correlation of external wounds with damage to internal body organs and tissues-all are critical." As has long been documented, all of the above criteria were not met in relation to JFK's autopsy. With this medicolegal bungling and the lack of exact scientific evidence the Warren Commission resolved the injuries sustained by Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally with the absurd 'Magic Bullet Theory'. Russell Kent goes in great detail to explore the following government panels and commissions, (The Clark Panel-The Rockefeller Commission-The H.S.C.A., and A.R.R.B.) how they came about, and how they reviewed the medical aspects of the JFKA. In his meticulous scrutiny of the selected personnel, their career backgrounds, their qualifications, and their professional relationships and associations, Kent reveals corruption in the choice of panellists, the mystifying ways that these doctors worked together and why their conclusions continue to fail the dead President and hide the truth of his murder. We are introduced to a veritable 'old boy's network', some doctors serving on more than one panel, some friends of the original Bethesda autopsists, many who had co-authored books with fellow panellists and/or who had personal relationships with fellow panellists. Many had worked together previously, all factors to inhibit independence or give possible bias. Most of these selected doctors worked in government funded institutions where it was highly unlikely they would rock the 'single bullet theory boat' or seriously investigate the possibility of a second gunman in Dealey Plaza. Also included in these supposed investigations were several anthropologists, a veterinarian, as well as a WWII Luftwaffe doctor part of Operation Paperclip. In his Conclusion, Kent writes, "The medical evidence shows that Oswald could not have done it alone." I would have added here "if at all." Yet 'JFK Medical Betrayal' is highly recommended reading in the JFKA medical canon. Every chapter is meticulously researched, the two-hundred-and-seventy-page book comes with some seven hundred and fifty citations, Bibliography and Index. For those attending COPA's 2022 Conference in Dallas, Russell will be presenting there.
  13. We'll never know the answer to that. But we do know that the TSBD wasn't secure till around 13:00hrs and there was a report of S.S. men around the back door of the building + the strange report of the power outage. Did Baker & Truly see someone on the 4th floor? Maybe the mechanics just walked out. Who knows?
  14. Apologies, I wrote hardback when I should have said paperback, which were copies Russell had with him in Canterbury. The paperback copies are due to be on sale shortly according to Bart.
  15. Too right George! Although I was a kid in Junior school, I was fully aware of what was going on. Scary stuff. For the past sixty years I've held the belief that JFK saved my life. As a coincidence, this last weekend I picked up a copy of RFK's 'Thirteen Days'. Even though I read this book years ago it seemed right to re-read, & at just £1 a no brainer.
  16. Got my hardback copy off Russell last Sunday. Although I was mid-way through another book, I have put it aside to jump into Kent's book, which I am now 100 pages into. The D.P.U.K. Conference thread on this site has Russell's presentation. I rate the book very strongly! A must read in the JFKA medical evidence field.
  17. B.C. It never happened. A fairy tale, only he didn't live happily ever after.
  18. Russell Kent's 'Medical Evidence' presentation at the D.P.U.K. seminar was certainly a highlight & his 2022 publication 'JFK Medical Betrayal-Where the Evidence Lies' is an absolute stormer! Amazon U.K. shows this on Kindle at £9.99. I picked up the hardback, signed, for £20. In the field of JFKA medical publications this book is up there! Read how the various U.S. government commissions and panels have deleted evidence not supportive of the SBT. Read of the 3 drafts of the Introduction to the HSBC forensic pathology panel along with the doctor selections for both the Clark Panel and Rockefeller Commission. Kent reveals corruption in the choice of panellists, the mystifying ways that the doctors worked together and why their conclusions continue to hide the truth.
  19. This Kathleen Cunningham lived & died in Philadelphia & her obit states that she suffered from cerebral palsy, not that this condition should prevent her doing research. There is a post on the Forum from earlier this year that states Kathy Cunningham had stepped back from JFK medical research and given her research papers to a university in Florida. Would that indicate that K.C. was not from Philly?
  20. When the laughable SBT is pontificated upon, it is also necessary to include consideration of the 3 hulls found on the 6th floor of the TSBD, particularly CE543. See Ed Forum posts from 2009 here:-
  21. Caught a touch of Paul Simon there J.P. I am just a poor boyThough my story's seldom toldI have squandered my resistanceFor a pocketful of mumblesSuch are promisesAll lies and jestStill, a man hears what he wants to hearAnd disregards the rest
  22. I've always been interested in the alleged windshield hole, primarily because of the first day statement of Dr. Perry at Parkland viewing the throat wound as an entry wound. I therefore look forward to hearing David Knight's presentation this Saturday 1st Oct., at D.P.U.K.'s conference. The Throat Shot (revisiting the case with new technology) – David Knight (remote)
  23. The final update on D.P.U.K.'s Canterbury Conference received from Bart today. Saturday 1st 09:45 – 10:00 Opening Remarks – Neale Safaty 10:00 – 11:00 The Anatomy Papers Update – Bart Kamp 11:00 – 11:20 Tea/Coffee Break 11:20 – 12:20 A 1970s Journalist’s Perspective – Dave O Brien (remote) interviewed by Neale Safaty 12:20 – 13:55 Lunch at Two Sawyers (or own arrangements) 14:00 – 15:00 The Network of Men & Institutions Involved in the JFKA – Casey Quinlan (remote) 15:00 – 16:00 Tactical Ambush in Dealey Plaza – Brian Edwards (remote) 16:00 – 16:15 Tea/Coffee Break 16:15 – 17:15 The Throat Shot (revisiting the case with new technology) – David Knight (remote) 17:15 – 18:15 JFK Records Litigation – Larry Schnapf (remote) Sunday 2nd October 09:30 – 09:45 Book Sale - Mike Dworentsky 09:45 – 10:30 Malcolm Blunt interviewed by Bart Kamp 10:30 – 11:30 William Duff – Scott Reid (remote) 11:30 – 12:30 The Tippit Physical Evidence – Johnny Cairns (remote) interviewed by Neale Safaty 12:30 – 13:15 Lunch Buffet 13:15 – 14:15 The Medical Evidence – Russell Kent 14:15 – 15:15 The Paines – Paul Brown 15:15 – 15:30 Comfort Break 15:30 – 16:30 Oswald in New Orleans – Larry Hancock & David Boylan (remote) 16:30 – 16:40 Closing Remarks – Neale Safaty
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