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Pete Mellor

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Everything posted by Pete Mellor

  1. Thanks. No, I have not read of that either & O'Neill does not accompany the text with any Note to validate. So, once more another pinch of sodium chloride.
  2. Thank you, Robbie! A 3 hour vid, I will get round to listening asap.
  3. Cheers James, & really enjoyed the podcast with Lori. I don't know where Tom O'Neill got the above quote from in his book 'Chaos'. Have you come across this before, that LeMay tried to organise a coup among the Joint Chiefs to flout JFK's orders? I know he was in favour of bombing the missile sites and invading Cuba, but I have never heard of him actually organising a coup with military chiefs! Add this to JFK's plans to withdraw from Vietnam, the limited test ban treaty, the peace speech, moves toward detente with Soviets and Cuba, and Dallas becomes inevitable.
  4. Absolutely! Something I had not come across previously I have just read in Tom O'Neill's book 'Chaos', "General Curtis E. LeMay, a legendary fighter pilot who'd implemented the carpet bombing of Japan during World War II. A notorious hawk. LeMay had served as chief of staff of the U.S. Air Force under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. In 1962, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, he'd tried to organise a coup against Kennedy among the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he wanted to force the military to flout the president's orders and bomb the Soviet missile bases they'd found in Cuba." Is that what LeMay was thinking when he told JFK that he was in hell of a fix? No Note in the book as to where O'Neill obtained the quote about the coup, but it fits the cigar smoking freak in the Bethesda morgue.
  5. Thanks again Gene. I must have read 'Helter Skelter' many moons ago. I'm just through the first 100 pages of 'Chaos' and already it's becoming quite a profound read.
  6. Cheers Gene, by coincidence I have just found and borrowed O'Neill's book from my local library. Looks really interesting!
  7. The British researcher that Jim D could not recall is Russell Kent who is to speak in Dallas at the CAPA conference, he spoke last year about the HSCA Forensic Pathology Panel, will be speaking about the Clark Panel. His recent publication, which is a great read, is 'JFK Medical Betrayal-Where the Evidence Lies'.
  8. Being an old Brit, I just love these U.S. history lessons! By coincidence, on this 60th anniversary of the CMC, I have re-read RFK's '13 Days'. Although I was just a 10yo kid, I have vivid memories of this world crisis. I know that statement was from LeMay "You're in a pretty bad fix Mr President." I noticed in RFK's book that he attributed that statement to Gen. Shoup.
  9. While waiting for the better half to complete her hospital visit I drifted into the shop to find something to read. On the shelf was the National Enquirer with it's headline 'JFK Assassination Cover-Up Unravels After 60 Years'. The text on the article is very much as per Greg's first post in this thread. Nice to see this headline with front page pics of JFK & Biden, even in an otherwise turgid rag as the National Enquirer.
  10. Yeah, double Wow! Bet the Times-Picayune photography department have long been relieved of these pictures, but has anyone checked?
  11. J.P. Interesting to see your model of the presidential Lincoln, it's different to mine, as I have all six figures, dressed as per 22/11/63. Also, I note that your car has the two flags on the wrong sides. On the day the American flag was on JFK's/passenger side. $200 is a hunk of bread for the book. Incidentally, that was the figure I was quoted in Dallas for the model car, which I didn't take up. But, Kelin's PFAFG is a very interesting read, worth getting, and available on Amazon for $40-$50.
  12. In June '67 Mick Jagger was sentenced to three months in prison for possession of amphetamine pills after a police raid at Keith Richards' Redlands house in Sussex. The police were tipped off after a mystery caller to the press informed of the drug party. LBJ's Operation CHAOS fell on the U.K. as it did in the States. Robert Lashbrook, a representative of the Human Ecology Fund-the notorious CIA front at Cornell that quietly disbursed funds for mind control experimentation, with or without the consent of the human subjects-was then assigned to the London station. Agents under Lashbrook's supervision slipped LSD to English rock groups before performing without their prior knowledge to "study the drug's effects on their musical abilities." Some of the most popular rock acts in Britain were scoring LSD directly from Lashbrook's CIA colleagues. With the Stones at the West Sussex bust in '67 was the drug supplier, one David Schneidermann. Jagger recalled, was a sinister 'Yank' hailing from California, but he had so many passports no one was certain of his origin. Schneidermann had a suitcase that contained every herb and chemical, along with choice LSD from San Francisco. Marianne Faithfull told historian A.E. Hotcher "Schneidermann came to our rooms and distributed Sunshine (LSD) to all of us, by afternoon we all began to emerge, floating on LSD trips." The whole raid was a set-up, Faithfull insists to the present day. Keith Richards and others who witnessed the bust likewise came to the conclusion that Schneidermann had arranged it, who, despite having a suitcase full of drugs, was not searched. Also, Schneidermann mysteriously disappeared that very evening, never to be seen again. The busting of Jagger and Richards was an act of political harassment, a coordinated attempt to discredit the Stones.
  13. Not in this particular segment, but part II of this 'Meet the Press' programme featured Nixon's campaign manager Leonard W. Hall.
  14. W. Great rendition of 'IBYBT'. True to the original. Bobby's performances of all the 'Rough & Rowdy' songs were true to the album. It was his usual re-arrangements of old stuff that had me struggling to catch what song he was singing until he hit the song title line, so different were his new interpretations of old stuff. But he's been doing that for years! Getting back 'on-topic' I was wishing for 'Murder Most Foul' to be in the set list. Sadly, not included.
  15. I'll probably give this a miss. Rather see a 'Chronicles II'. Was in the presence of the man last night. A lot less 'rocky' set, but maybe understandable for a man over 80y.o. A mix of the 'Rough & Rowdy' album with old songs re-worked such as :- "Watching the River Flow", "Most Likely You Go Your Way and I'll Go Mine", "When I Paint My Masterpiece", "I'll Be Your Baby Tonight", "To Be Alone With You", "Gotta Serve Somebody" and finishing with "Every Grain of Sand". We also got the old standard "That Old Black Magic".
  16. David, Always find these conversations between Bart & Malcolm very interesting. So, it seems Veciana states that his second case officer, after Phillips, was the spitting image of Phillips, as per the drawing obtained by Fonzi.
  17. A 37 minute conversation between Malcolm Blunt and Bart Kamp from the D.P.U.K. Canterbury conf. https://youtu.be/bFXn8YIfxSU ᐧ
  18. Bill, It's a hotchpotch for certain! I've always thought that the west end was a far more logical location to shoot from, greater field of view, no tree obscuring and not as cramped and awkward for a right-handed shooter as the SE corner and easier to be concealed, when shooting in the kill zone, from witnesses in the plaza. What to think of Johnny Powell & his fellow inmates viewing on a level with the 6th floor seeing two men, one adjusting the scope of a rifle. The two men in the window across the street 'looked darker' than whites and were wearing 'kind of brownish looking or duller clothes...like work clothes' Powell said. Another description of a heavy set man in a tan or brown suit, which matches Carolyn Walthers & Price's descriptions At the same time we have Carolyn Arnold around 12:25 as she was heading out to watch the parade, she stated she saw Oswald on the 2nd floor near the lunchroom. Also, Carolyn Arnold claimed to see Oswald on the 1st floor only a few minutes before the shots rang out. We all have our opinions, which are:-a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
  19. Geneva Hine stayed behind in the second floor office. She noticed that the phone lines and the power was shut down while the motorcade passed the building. After the shooting, she went into the corridor to knock on a few doors of neighbouring offices and got no reply from anyone (even though she heard someone on the other side of the door speaking on the phone). She then went back into the office and said as per her Warren Commission testimony that she saw Reid come back into the office as part of a group. Hine’s FBI statement from Nov 23rd states: 1. She was alone in the office between 12:25 and 12:35 2. She was aware of who Oswald was, not knowing his name though, but that he would come to the 2nd floor to get change for the Coke machine from one of the other employees and that she did NOT see him on Nov. 22nd! 3. The first person to arrive in the offices was a police man, who told her not to leave. Geneva Hine’s Warren Commission, testimony:- Mr. BALL. When you came back in did you see Mrs. Reid? Miss HINE. No, sir; I don’t believe there was a soul in the office when I came back in right then. Mr. BALL. Did you see anybody else go in through there? Miss HINE. No, sir; after I answered the telephone then there was about four or five people that came in. Mr. BALL. Was there anybody in that room when you came back in and went to the telephone? Miss HINE. No, sir; not to my knowledge. Mr. BALL. Did you see Mrs. Reid come back in? Miss HINE. Yes, sir; I think I felt sure that I did. I thought that there were five or six that came in together. I thought she was one of those. Mr. BALL. Mrs. Reid told us she came in alone and when she came in she didn’t see anybody there. Miss HINE. Well, it could be that she did, sir. I was talking on the phones and then came the policemen and then came the press. Everybody was wanting an outside line and then our vice president came in and he said “The next one that was clear, I have to have it and so I was busy with the phone. Mr. BALL. From the time you walked into the room you became immediately busy with the phone? Miss HINE. Yes, sir; sure was. Mr. BALL. Did you see Oswald come in? Miss HINE. My back would have been to the door he was supposed to have come in at. Mr. BALL. Were you facing the door he is supposed to have left by? Miss HINE. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. Do you recall seeing him? Miss HINE. No, sir. Mr. BALL. Do you have any definite recollection of Mrs. Reid coming in? Miss HINE. No, sir; I only saw four or five people that came by and they all came and were all talking about how terrible it was. Mr. BALL. Do you remember their names? Miss HINE. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. Who were they? Miss HINE. Mr. Williams, Mr. Molina (spelling), Miss Martha Reed, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Sarah Stanton, and Mr. Campbell; that’s all I recall, sir.
  20. No prob. Ben posted a link to K's & K that Jim D. wrote also on the Reid info. (See 'Killing Floor' thread.)
  21. This ex-CIA Moscow Station Chief thinks Dick Helms was fired after the BOP! Just confusing Dulles with Helms, but he's dead right on the files release.
  22. Sandy, Yeah, I did see that, but posted anyway, sorry for the confusion. As for the Reid quote, it came from just reading Dave O'Brien's book 'Case Not Closed', which in turn came from Robert Groden. Reid did not see LHO in the 2nd floor office during the shooting! Made up by Groden?!? I did post the proof of the misinfo in the thread 'Killing Floor'.
  23. B.C. I have mentioned that it is the medical evidence that predominately convinces me of 'right/front' hit or hits. However, there is also the Z image of JFK's limp body back and to the left as well as Hargis' splatter which just does not jibe with me for rear gunshots. On JBC's wounds- I suspect many will be surprised at the results of John Orr's DP3D probe! Look forward to that.
  24. Another concise summing up of the autopsy fraud Gil. Just to note that Warren did not use Ida Dox, she of course was later part of the HSCA medical fraud.
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