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Pete Mellor

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Everything posted by Pete Mellor

  1. Nice one Rich! Typical of a 'lone nut' member to question Garner's eyesight but ignore the Warren Commission's obvious suppression of witnesses who would not support their Oswald assassin agenda, or their clear alteration of statements, or their clear leading questions to witnesses and destruction of evidence in archives and the placement of these false testimonies in the Warren volumes. I could see these illegalities being passed off in a third world or totalitarian state, but to be supported in a democracy staggers belief.
  2. J.P. Do you smell a rat? Olsen's testimony is just so smelly imo. & it was to Specter. It is yet another mystery, just what he was up to on the 22nd & what his meeting with Ruby was about & why he & Kay skipped out of Dallas so quickly. Was Ruby's phone call to Kay on Fri afternoon traced on his telephone records? We'll never know the answers.
  3. Ruth Paine was asked by the WC if she thought that LHO was a Soviet agent or a U.S. agent. This testimony appears in WC Vol 2 pgs 510-512 with no mention of 'role playing'. She also appears in Vols III, IX and XI, which will take some time to check.
  4. 'JFK Medical Betrayal-Where the Evidence Lies' is the work of Russell Kent who holds an honours degree from the University of London in physiology. Russell has studied the JFKA case over 30 years with his equally long membership of Dealey Plaza U.K. The work on his 2022 publication began some five years ago with his reading of Gary Aguilar and Kathy Cunningham's article 'How Five Investigations into JFK's Medical/Autopsy Evidence Got It Wrong'. Why were these reviews necessary? Because, as Kent states unanswerably, "nobody knows how Kennedy died." 'JFK Medical Betrayal's narrative begins in the frantic efforts to save the dying president in Dallas' Parkland Hospital and the following botched autopsy at the Bethesda Naval Hospital in Washington D.C. As Dr. Wecht writes in his Foreword, "In every autopsy of a victim due to multiple gunshot wounds, it is of critical importance to determine the basic aspects via a thorough medicolegal autopsy performed by a trained, experienced, competent forensic pathologist. Identification of every wound, differentiation between entrance and exit sites, approximate distance from which the shots were fired, trajectories, sequence, correlation of external wounds with damage to internal body organs and tissues-all are critical." As has long been documented, all of the above criteria were not met in relation to JFK's autopsy. With this medicolegal bungling and the lack of exact scientific evidence the Warren Commission resolved the injuries sustained by Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally with the absurd 'Magic Bullet Theory'. Russell Kent goes in great detail to explore the following government panels and commissions, (The Clark Panel-The Rockefeller Commission-The H.S.C.A., and A.R.R.B.) how they came about, and how they reviewed the medical aspects of the JFKA. In his meticulous scrutiny of the selected personnel, their career backgrounds, their qualifications, and their professional relationships and associations, Kent reveals corruption in the choice of panellists, the mystifying ways that these doctors worked together and why their conclusions continue to fail the dead President and hide the truth of his murder. We are introduced to a veritable 'old boy's network', some doctors serving on more than one panel, some friends of the original Bethesda autopsists, many who had co-authored books with fellow panellists and/or who had personal relationships with fellow panellists. Many had worked together previously, all factors to inhibit independence or give possible bias. Most of these selected doctors worked in government funded institutions where it was highly unlikely they would rock the 'single bullet theory boat' or seriously investigate the possibility of a second gunman in Dealey Plaza. Also included in these supposed investigations were several anthropologists, a veterinarian, as well as a WWII Luftwaffe doctor part of Operation Paperclip. In his Conclusion, Kent writes, "The medical evidence shows that Oswald could not have done it alone." I would have added here "if at all." Yet 'JFK Medical Betrayal' is highly recommended reading in the JFKA medical canon. Every chapter is meticulously researched, the two-hundred-and-seventy-page book comes with some seven hundred and fifty citations, Bibliography and Index. For those attending COPA's 2022 Conference in Dallas, Russell will be presenting there.
  5. We'll never know the answer to that. But we do know that the TSBD wasn't secure till around 13:00hrs and there was a report of S.S. men around the back door of the building + the strange report of the power outage. Did Baker & Truly see someone on the 4th floor? Maybe the mechanics just walked out. Who knows?
  6. Apologies, I wrote hardback when I should have said paperback, which were copies Russell had with him in Canterbury. The paperback copies are due to be on sale shortly according to Bart.
  7. Too right George! Although I was a kid in Junior school, I was fully aware of what was going on. Scary stuff. For the past sixty years I've held the belief that JFK saved my life. As a coincidence, this last weekend I picked up a copy of RFK's 'Thirteen Days'. Even though I read this book years ago it seemed right to re-read, & at just £1 a no brainer.
  8. Got my hardback copy off Russell last Sunday. Although I was mid-way through another book, I have put it aside to jump into Kent's book, which I am now 100 pages into. The D.P.U.K. Conference thread on this site has Russell's presentation. I rate the book very strongly! A must read in the JFKA medical evidence field.
  9. B.C. It never happened. A fairy tale, only he didn't live happily ever after.
  10. Russell Kent's 'Medical Evidence' presentation at the D.P.U.K. seminar was certainly a highlight & his 2022 publication 'JFK Medical Betrayal-Where the Evidence Lies' is an absolute stormer! Amazon U.K. shows this on Kindle at £9.99. I picked up the hardback, signed, for £20. In the field of JFKA medical publications this book is up there! Read how the various U.S. government commissions and panels have deleted evidence not supportive of the SBT. Read of the 3 drafts of the Introduction to the HSBC forensic pathology panel along with the doctor selections for both the Clark Panel and Rockefeller Commission. Kent reveals corruption in the choice of panellists, the mystifying ways that the doctors worked together and why their conclusions continue to hide the truth.
  11. This Kathleen Cunningham lived & died in Philadelphia & her obit states that she suffered from cerebral palsy, not that this condition should prevent her doing research. There is a post on the Forum from earlier this year that states Kathy Cunningham had stepped back from JFK medical research and given her research papers to a university in Florida. Would that indicate that K.C. was not from Philly?
  12. When the laughable SBT is pontificated upon, it is also necessary to include consideration of the 3 hulls found on the 6th floor of the TSBD, particularly CE543. See Ed Forum posts from 2009 here:-
  13. Caught a touch of Paul Simon there J.P. I am just a poor boyThough my story's seldom toldI have squandered my resistanceFor a pocketful of mumblesSuch are promisesAll lies and jestStill, a man hears what he wants to hearAnd disregards the rest
  14. I've always been interested in the alleged windshield hole, primarily because of the first day statement of Dr. Perry at Parkland viewing the throat wound as an entry wound. I therefore look forward to hearing David Knight's presentation this Saturday 1st Oct., at D.P.U.K.'s conference. The Throat Shot (revisiting the case with new technology) – David Knight (remote)
  15. The final update on D.P.U.K.'s Canterbury Conference received from Bart today. Saturday 1st 09:45 – 10:00 Opening Remarks – Neale Safaty 10:00 – 11:00 The Anatomy Papers Update – Bart Kamp 11:00 – 11:20 Tea/Coffee Break 11:20 – 12:20 A 1970s Journalist’s Perspective – Dave O Brien (remote) interviewed by Neale Safaty 12:20 – 13:55 Lunch at Two Sawyers (or own arrangements) 14:00 – 15:00 The Network of Men & Institutions Involved in the JFKA – Casey Quinlan (remote) 15:00 – 16:00 Tactical Ambush in Dealey Plaza – Brian Edwards (remote) 16:00 – 16:15 Tea/Coffee Break 16:15 – 17:15 The Throat Shot (revisiting the case with new technology) – David Knight (remote) 17:15 – 18:15 JFK Records Litigation – Larry Schnapf (remote) Sunday 2nd October 09:30 – 09:45 Book Sale - Mike Dworentsky 09:45 – 10:30 Malcolm Blunt interviewed by Bart Kamp 10:30 – 11:30 William Duff – Scott Reid (remote) 11:30 – 12:30 The Tippit Physical Evidence – Johnny Cairns (remote) interviewed by Neale Safaty 12:30 – 13:15 Lunch Buffet 13:15 – 14:15 The Medical Evidence – Russell Kent 14:15 – 15:15 The Paines – Paul Brown 15:15 – 15:30 Comfort Break 15:30 – 16:30 Oswald in New Orleans – Larry Hancock & David Boylan (remote) 16:30 – 16:40 Closing Remarks – Neale Safaty
  16. Below is the D.P.U.K. Canterbury Conference programme with slight revisions. Saturday 1st 09:45 – 10:00 Opening Remarks – Neale Safaty 10:00 – 11:00 The Anatomy Papers Update – Bart Kamp 11:00 – 11:20 Tea/Coffee Break 11:20 – 12:20 A 1970s Journalist’s Perspective Q&A – Dave O Brien (remote) interviewed by Neale Safaty 12:20 – 13:55 Lunch at the Two Sawyers 14:00 – 15:00 The network of men & institutions involved in the JFKA – Casey Quinlan (remote) 15:00 – 16:00 Tactical Ambush in Dealey Plaza – Brian Edwards (remote) 16:00 – 16:15 Tea/Coffee Break 16:15 – 17:15 The Throat Shot (revisiting the case with new technology) – David Knight (remote) 17:15 – 18:15 JFK Records litigation – Larry Schnapf (remote) Sunday 2nd 09:30 – 10:15 Bart Kamp interviews Malcolm Blunt 10:15 – 11:15 William Duff – Scott Reid (remote) 11:15 – 12:00 Researching the physical evidence on Tippit – Johnny Cairns 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch Buffet 13:00 – 14:00 The Medical Evidence – Russell Kent 14:00 – 14:45 The Paines – Paul Brown 14:45 – 15:00 Comfort Break 15:00 – 16:00 Oswald in New Orleans – Larry Hancock & David Boylan (remote) 16:00 – 16:10 Closing Remarks – Neale Safaty
  17. Yes, by all means continue David! Although I can't say I'm too much of a fan of CIA crypts and the vast host of Latino names. A short web search informs me that a Sandalio Herminio Diaz was killed in a raid in Cuba in March '66. Assume same guy.
  18. As we say in U.K., "You wait for ages for a bus and then two come along at the same time." Just been catching up with Herminio Diaz Garcia & his supposed presence in the TSBD with del Valle. See p140 'ZR Rifle' Furiati.
  19. Phew! Hell of a long transcript, kept me quiet for a good few hours! I was intrigued to read Escalante's statement from Tape One, "Herminio Diaz Garcia is one of the people we feel was most definitely involved in the plot against Kennedy." He then adds that he would elaborate on that statement later. However, having trawled through the rest of the tape's transcripts HDG's name does not come up again. All I have is in Furiati's 'ZR Rifle' where it is proposed that Yito del Valle and Herminio Diaz were the two Latinos whose descriptions were given by witnesses seen in the TSBD. Does anyone know what happened to Herminio Diaz after November '63?
  20. Ron, that's another million-dollar question, 'stationed where after coming back before his discharge'? Seeing as how the Marine Corps weren't paying Oswald's last quarter of earnings prior to his defection to the Soviet Union.
  21. This thread reminded me of my tour with Ken Holmes almost twenty years ago. Ken's tour showed me the Plaza, the site of Ruby's Carousel Club, the D.P.D. building, Nealy Street with a visit to the backyard, a derelict Texas Theatre and 10th & Patton prior to its re-development. He was a great guide, and very knowledgeable, particularly on the Tippit scene. I also recall he offered a trip out to Lubbock for a Holly tour which sadly I couldn't take him up on due to time restraints. I believe Ken passed away a decade back.
  22. Jamey, this rings a distant memory from somewhere. Got this from Wiki= In 1959, Carlin met Jack Burns, a fellow DJ at radio station KXOL in Fort Worth, Texas.[23] They formed a comedy team and after successful performances at Fort Worth's beat coffeehouse called The Cellar, Burns and Carlin headed for California in February 1960. So it certainly seems possible.
  23. Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961-63, vol. 10. The CIA's Inspector General Report, declassified by the ARRB, states there was no presidential approval for these plots to kill Castro (pp. 132-34). From 'JFK Revisited Through the Looking Glass' p. 180. However, I have read statements from various JM/Wave agents that RFK was vigorously driving these plots, if so, his brother must have been aware. Not sure of what the truth is here, Jim D may be the best man to comment.
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