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Pete Mellor

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Everything posted by Pete Mellor

  1. I'm reading 'A.A.' at present. Always been agnostic on 'Badgeman' & Roscoe White. However, co-authors J. Gary Shaw & Brian Edwards are sound investigators. The book points to White being part of an ONI assassination team, his code name Mandarin on three cables sent by a 'C. Bowers' with acronym 'OSHA', interpreted as Office of Special Handling Assignments. With each message indicating 'RE-rifle'. Up to a point, (I'm only half way through the book) it is an interesting story, although not completely sold on the Tippit claims. Interested to hear from Denny or others who have read Admitted Assassin for their thoughts.
  2. Let's be fair Denis, there was a hefty mud pack smeared over the facts of this case within hours of Kennedy's assassination by the likes of J. Edgar & various other government administrations, continued in the following months by the Warren Commission. As for the 26 volumes, they cost me £1000, yet I've learned more factual information on this case from private researchers than from those Warren tomes. Why CT's want to cover up the truth? Do you not also think that those who fully concur with the Warren verdicts on Oswald, 3 shots, Ruby, no conspiracy etc., also cover up the truth? (Whatever the truth is.)
  3. Nice work Denis. Were the two guys on the knoll steps with Hudson ever identified? Did he take the lead role in Blazing Saddles?
  4. Very interesting comments Greg. I do think that the events at Tenth & Patton were as contentious as Dealey Plaza. As for McMahon's presentation, the two parts lasted over four hours and I missed a couple of small sections. I do need to repeat Part II, especially the Markham gang stuff. I would really like to read the Garrison article too. So far I'm not sure what to make of McMahon's research, but I'm past the point of being surprised by anything in this case.
  5. & D.P.U.K.'s recorded Zoom with Gavan McMahon (Part 2)
  6. Shop floor operatives perhaps, but not upper office management.
  7. Australian researcher Gavan McMahon, a retired law enforcement officer, recently had a 60 page article printed in November 2023 in the 'Garrison' journal Issue 15. McMahon has held interviews with surviving family members of Helen Markham and William Scoggins who have given statements that both Markham & Scoggins were planted witnesses for the arrest of Oswald at 10th & Patton. William Scoggins, was previously paid by Ruby to recommend the Carousel club to his taxi pick-ups. According to his grandson Ken, who was told by his father that Scoggins was contacted by a Ruby associate and instructed to be at 10th & Patton that day, no reason given. Scoggins always took his lunch break at his home, but on the 22nd took his lunch to work with him so he could eat his sandwiches during his lunch break at the Oak Cliff location. He told family that he saw two men running from the Tippit killing in two different directions. At the time, Scoggins was warned that if he told what happened he would disappear. Later, for his silence, he was rewarded with a high paid job with General Dynamics. Today, (2nd March) Dealey Plaza U.K. held a four hour recorded Zoom conference with McMahon, soon to be loaded onto D.P.U.K.'s You Tube channel. Other McMahon articles on his research are soon to be loaded on D.P.U.K.'s web pages.
  8. Assassination researcher Chris Gallop got to know and interview Roy Vaughn, who swore to his dying day Ruby did not get past him down the Main St., ramp.
  9. My question to Johnny today would be, "Did he have any assistant working with him in Hardy's Shoe Store?"
  10. The book touches on all the biggest stories of JFK’s term, including the Bay of Pigs Invasion, his relations with the Soviet Union, and his shocking assassination at the hands of Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963. So much for academia.
  11. Paul, Yes seen it before, and agree with John K., essential viewing. Dag was assassinated by elements of CIA, MI6, South African & Belgium agencies.
  12. Elementary my dear Mr Doudna! So is there any record of a Rowe moving into Ruby's apartment in '64?
  13. No docs, just assume this Tommy Rowe was at one time interviewed by Penn Jones who then published his story in his Midlothian Mirror. Never heard of the undercover cop 'Rowe'. It was Tommy who moved into Ruby's apartment.
  14. Dag Hammarskjöld’s Plane Crash: The Continuing Search for Truth Next Steps for the UN Commission of Inquiry “From the totality of the information at hand, it appears plausible that an external attack or threat may have been a cause of the crash, whether by way of a direct attack … or by distracting the pilots at the critical stage of preparing to land.” Justice Mohamed Chande Othman, Eminent Person leading the continuing UN Commission of Inquiry (2022 Report) School of Advanced Study, University of London Senate House, London WC1E 7HU and online Thursday 29 February 2024 BOOK RESERVATION NOW Hosted by The Institute of Commonwealth Studies (ICwS), School of Advanced Study, University of London, & Westminster United Nations Association (Westminster UNA) Convenors Mandy Banton (Senior Research Fellow, ICwS), Susan Williams (Senior Research Fellow, ICwS), David Wardrop (Chair, Westminster UNA) ———————————————————————————————————— UK time 1020 Open for online attendees to join 1030 Welcome and Introduction Professor Kingsley Abbott, Director, ICwS Her Excellency Ms Macenje Florence Mazoka, High Commissioner for the Republic of Zambia to the UK 1045 Session 1: The Continuing Search for the Truth: Decades waiting for the answer Chair: Professor Kingsley Abbott • Mama Chibesa Kankasa: An important voice from the night of 17-18 September 1961, Ndola A recording of the late Mama Kankasa, Zambia’s Minister for Women’s Affairs between 1969 and 1988. Introduced by Dr Stuart Mole, Senior Research Fellow, ICwS • Conducting a judicious inquiry Sir Stephen Sedley, Chair, 2012-13 independent Hammarskjöld Commission. Presentation introduced and read aloud by Dr Stuart Mole 1100 • Sweden’s policy change: from passivity to activism Dr Henning Melber, Director Emeritus, Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, Uppsala, and author, Dag Hammarskjöld, the United Nations and the Decolonisation of Africa 1115 • The UN mission in Congo and the mysterious case of the Fouga jet Dr Alanna O’Malley, Associate Professor, Institute for History, Leiden University, author of The Diplomacy of Decolonisation. America, Britain and the United Nations during the Congo crisis 1960-1964 1135 Q&A 1150 Session 2: Keynote address Dag Hammarskjöld – The Incomplete File Ambassador Jan Eliasson, Former UN Deputy Secretary-General and Swedish Foreign Minister, author of Ord och Handling: ett liv i diplomatins tjänst (Words and Action : a life in service of diplomacy) Chair: Dr Ian Martin, Former Special Representative of the UN Secretary General, author of All Necessary Measures? The United Nations and International Intervention in Libya 1210 Q&A 1230 Lunch break 1330 Session 3: Statesmen and their incomplete legacy Chair: Dr Henning Melber • “That life be conducted with dignity”: Dag Hammarskjöld as statesman and man of spirit Dr Roger Lipsey, author of Hammarskjöld. A Life 1345 • U Thant and the Congo 1960-1964: A lost episode in United Nations history Dr Thant Myint-U, Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Christ’s College, University of Cambridge; UN Special Adviser on Humanitarian Diplomacy 1400 • The UK imperial archives mountain: A failure to deliver Dr Mandy Banton, Senior Research Fellow, ICwS 1415 • Hammarskjöld the Peacemaker The Rt. Revd. Dr Trevor Musonda Mwamba, President, United National Independence Party (UNIP), Zambia, and former Bishop of Botswana 1430 Session 4: Different routes to the truth: will they lead to it? Chair: Dr Stuart Mole, Senior Research Fellow, ICwS • The French officers’ plot against the UN and a hostile OAS cell in Katanga Maurin Picard, US correspondent, Le Figaro and Le Soir; author, Ils ont tué Monsieur H 1445 • Searching for answers in US government records Dr Susan Williams, Senior Research Fellow, ICwS, and author, Who Killed Hammarskjöld? and White Malice 1505 • The investigation into the circumstances of the tragic death of Dag Hammarskjöld and the party accompanying him: A UN perspective Stephen D Mathias, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Legal Affairs 1515 • A progress report in joining the dots David Wardrop, Chair, Westminster UNA; Editor, hammarskjöldinquiry.info 1530 Q&A for sessions 3 and 4 1540 Tea break 1600 Session 5: Round Table: What Next? Chair: The Rt Hon the Lord Boateng, Former UK High Commissioner to South Africa, and Cabinet Minister Joe Lauria, Editor-in-Chief Consortium News, former UN correspondent at The Wall Street Journal Dr Henning Melber Dr Alanna O’Malley Maurin Picard 1700 Closing Remarks Lord Boateng and Professor Kingsley Abbott
  15. I suspect that too Gil. However, the claim that Rowe pointed out Oswald to the cops in the Theatre is another matter.
  16. Ron, I checked the list of Echo journals that have been loaded onto DPUK's website in pdf format. The edition from 2014 is not on the list.
  17. Why not? In a case that is cluttered with confusion and oddities here is another. A very close friend of Jack Ruby was Tommy Rowe. He just happened to work at Hardy's Shoe Store with Johnny Brewer. In 1964 Rowe told friends, relatives and JFKA researchers that it was he, NOT Brewer, who pointed out Oswald to the police in the dark of the Texas Theatre. Rowe was so close to Jack Ruby that Rowe moved into Ruby's apartment when he went to jail for killing Oswald. Rowe was never interviewed by the DPD or FBI. Rowe's account was published by Penn Jones in his Midlothian Mirror.
  18. To continue to clarify from previous post, Mr. Blunt also obtained the research papers of Harrison Livingstone. These have been partially put on-line on D.P.U.K.'s website. Livingstone's papers on JFK's autopsy are expected to follow sometime next year.
  19. Coming from your eloquent self Joe, I take that as a great compliment. The above posts come from my article 'Jack Ruby and the events of November 22nd 1963' that was published in the Dealey Plaza Echo in the winter edition of 2014. Vol.17 Issue 2.
  20. There's more! Carracci & Pecora were associates of Marcello in NOLA. On October 10th Ruby took flight 985 on American Airlines to NOLA, he was seen meeting with Carracci. Weiner was linked to Trafficante & Hoffa. Baker was a bagman for Hoffa & Gruber was one of Hoffa's 'key officials'. Miller was head of the Southern Conference of Teamsters. On the 21st., Ruby visited Lawrence Meyers at the Cabana Hotel. Meyers was with Jean West aka Jean Aase who lived in a Chicago apartment that David Ferrie telephoned on 24th September. Dallas cabdriver Raymond Cummings informed Garrison that he had driven Ferrie and Oswald to the Carousel in early '63. Around 8pm on November 23rd., David Ferrie arrived in Galveston, just before the arrival in that town of Ruby's friend Breck Wall, and just before Ruby made a phone call to Galveston. As for Mrs. Louis Valez, she and two co-workers saw Ruby walking up and down the street near the TSBD. The 3 women observed Ruby handing a pistol to a man who was identical to LHO. Was this the pistol with the defective firing pin taken from the possession of the man arrested in the Texas Theatre? Mrs. Valez told her story of Ruby giving Oswald a pistol to her mother (Mrs Evelyn Harris), who was interviewed by FBI agent Manning on 30th November '63. Neither Mrs. Valez nor her co-workers were interviewed by the DPD or FBI. Also remember Dallas police patrolman Tom G. Tilson Jr., alleged that he saw a man loading a rifle into a vehicle immediately after the assassination. According to Marrs' 'Crossfire' Tilson immediately recognised the man as Jack Ruby. I do not know Wilma Tice's profession. I had always assumed she was just an onlooker outside Parkland. As for Roy Stamps, he was a newsman and was in the hall at Parkland when he noticed Ruby enter the hospital. He said Ruby was carrying some television equipment and trailing behind a tv crew. Penn Jones was also at Parkland, and he took a photograph that he published in his 'Forgive My Grief', that he claimed contained the image of Ruby. This post could go on longer with Ruby's links to witnesses etc., in the Tippit murder case.
  21. Ron, I'm certainly in the 'he was involved camp'. As for your three question marked sentences, I have no answers. Ruby's upsurge in his telephone records and his meetings with known 'mafia' which began in May '63 through to November tell there own story. Links to Frank Carracci, Nofio Pecora, Harold Tannenbaum, Louis McWillie, Irwin Weiner, Barney Baker, Dusty Miller, Alex Gruber and Paul R. Jones. On the 20th Nov., Ruby attended a party at Frank Tortoriello's Tanglewood Apartment in Dallas. On the 21st Ruby is at the Cabana Hotel where Eugene Brading and Morgan Brown are checked into Suite 301. On the morning of the 22nd we have the sighting by Julia Ann Mercer, who thought the driver in the pickup truck was Ruby. Garrison also wondered if the man with the gun case could have been Larry Crafard. Garrison also suspected Crafard of being the Tippit killer, as the man who fled the scene wore a light coloured windbreaker like the one Crafard wears in an FBI photo. (Picture in Groden's 'The Search for LHO'.) There are many Ruby sightings in the Plaza, not just Mercer. Jean Hill, Vicky Adams, Avery Davis, Mrs Louis Valez + two co-workers linked Ruby there after the shots. The Ruby denial of his presence at Parkland is also suspicious, clearly seen by Kantor, Tice and Roy Stamps. I sit on the fence as to whether Ruby knew prior to the assassination that he was to kill Oswald, but his stalking began that evening and his Wade correction on the 'Fair Play for Cuba' is another giveaway of his prior knowledge. Did Ruby know Oswald prior to the 22nd? Bev Oliver, Carroll Jarnagin, Madeleine Brown, Bill DeMar, Wally Weston, Paul Buccilli, Ester Ann Mash, Little Lynn, Jada, Shari Angel , Bill Willis, William Chesher, Carl Maynard, Jack Sparkman, Rose Cheramie and Rev. Clyde Johnson are in a long list of those who stated Ruby and Oswald were linked.
  22. Pat, Indeed, not an Archive in the true sense of the word. Malcolm had his massive stash of papers in filing cabinets and boxes in a location close to his home that Bart was introduced to when he visited Malcolm in Gloucester. I think it was Bart who insisted that instead of languishing unseen this treasure-trove should be digitised and put on-line for JFKA researchers to access. Which is what he undertook over the following years, loading these docs onto Dealey Plaza U.K.'s website. Also in Malcolm's possession was Harrison Livingstone's research papers, (if memory serves the two had worked together at some point in time) & the intention was to put these in a shipping container & send it back to the States, possibly for the A.A.R.C. I'm not certain of these details & have asked Bart to clarify if & when Livingstone's archive was sent back across the pond. I know of nobody hiring Bart for his tireless efforts on this project, but again I'm not certain. However, massive kudos to Uncle Malcolm for all his time spent in the U.S. researching this case, and Bart for the years spent loading this goldmine onto D.P.U.K.'s pages!
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