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Pete Mellor

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Everything posted by Pete Mellor

  1. Gil, Your usual thorough summation of the legal process. Which I note has not been challenged by the Oswald guilty advocates. Please excuse my deviation from your topic, but knowing of your law enforcement background I have a general question, not related to this case, but which I have read. Being from U.K., ballistics is not a subject I am familiar with. Q1) Do U.S. police forces use hollow point bullets? Q2) Do these type of bullets fragment upon hitting a victim and therefore do not penetrate a body? (So that a 2nd innocent person is not hit.)
  2. Paul, Thanks for the heads up on Robbie's OotB., Very interesting to hear D.W. Looking forward to this book dropping through my letterbox.
  3. Det., R.D. Lewis arrived at DPD and immediately went to the ID Bureau offices. He removed his coat and was quickly briefed on the subject. He was told that Frazier lives close to Oswald's wife, worked at the TSBD with Oswald, and gave Oswald a ride to Irving on weekends. They also tell him that 'Homicide is pretty sure that Oswald is the man they want, but the Frazier kid is something else.' They tell him that they wonder if Frazier is an accomplice and that is why he appears so scared. And isn't that what Fritz wants to know? Is this just an ordinary guy, or part of something bigger? (The Day Kennedy Was Shot-Bishop p609) Stovall admitted to WC Attorney Joseph Ball that he was present during the polygraph. He explained "in our polygraph room we've got a two-way mirror there and in another room behind it, so that the officer that is investigating the case, if he wants to, can watch the examination being given, and you can hear the questions and the answers." When Det. Lewis later described at least five people in the room, this is what he meant. They were all behind the mirror, not standing beside Frazier's chair.
  4. Today, the 43rd anniversary of John's killing, David Whelan's three year investigation of this mindless event has culminated in the publication of his book 'Mind Games: The Assassination of John Lennon', which is available on Amazon in paperback price $20. According to the book's rear cover, "Whelan's investigation uncovered evidence which proves that Chapman was a mind-controlled patsy enabling a second shooter to assassinate Lennon as he entered his Dakota residence. Whelan concludes that nefarious individuals and hidden organisations conspired to kill John Lennon." To quote Sean Ono Lennon "Pacifist revolutionaries are historically killed by the government, and anybody who thinks that Mark Chapman was just some guy who killed my dad for his personal interests is insane, I think, or very naive, or hasn't thought about it clearly." As this thread, raised by Mr Whelan claims, 'Disturbing Parallels' between Lennon's killing and other political executions of the 1960's, I would recommend reading this book. Apple tv has produced a series 'John Lennon: Murder Without a Trial' which raises the spectre of the CIA’s mind-control program, MK-ultra which is covered. Including the fact that a CIA MK-ultra control consultant, Milton Kline, was allowed access to Chapman through his defence team. Previously unseen archive footage of Milton Kline is then shown. Manchurian Candidates, Kline states: “you could train them to use firearms indiscriminately, you could train them to shoot people with very little feeling or thought. With no hesitancy. With no concern”. Among the many disturbing aspects of this case which David Whelan highlights in his book are the statements from the Roosevelt Hospital staff who worked on Lennon, Dr. David Halleran says John Lennon was shot four times in his left front chest, with three bullets coming out of his left back - at close range. Chapman was 25 feet behind Lennon. Disturbing parallels with Sirhan.
  5. Well, Johnny happens to be an ardent supporter of Glasgow Celtic, so maybe that's the city of his birth, he just happens to live and work in Edinburgh.
  6. Well Jim, it's certainly book length and detailed enough, if not hard or paperback, certainly one for Kindle.
  7. Paul, Yes, Johnny Cairns went to Dallas this year for Lancer's conference, along with a good number of other DPUK members. My other half objected to the cost of travel etc., so I didn't make it. Johnny is from Edinburgh, hope you understood the accent. All reports on his presentation have been positive, as has the feedback on his 6 part work on K's & K. Hope your visit to Dallas was inspiring.
  8. Apologies Leslie, over a week to reply, I've been busy away from this Forum. Well, many reasons June Cobb is somewhat of another enigma in this case of multi-enigmas. It is certainly well known her penetration of close association of Castro's office c1959-60, working with other agency figures as Juan Cordova and known by Dave Phillips. Cobb was also close to Marita Lorenz as well as Fidel. I assume she was part of the early CIA/Mafia assassination plots to take out Castro. Phillip's said something about Cobb in Cuba that she was in a lot of beds. Was she ever part of Harvey's ZR/Rifle? Who knows? Maybe Larry H. Even earlier in 1957-58 Cobb is in New Orleans assisting in the Fed. Bureau of Narcotics cocaine bust, bringing down a drug lab in Columbia. So, in '63 the agency has her in M.C., where Dave Phillips just happens to be at the same time. No surprise Win Scott jumps to mind. Such a shame Jim Angleton got his paws in Win's filing cabinet! Cobb is a real Mata Hari. She was also described as a blonde, which doesn't fit with her well known photograph.
  9. Johnny Cairns only became involved with D.P.U.K. in the last three or four years. I finally had the pleasure of meeting him in person at our seminar in York this last summer. I have wondered if he should give up his work as an electrician and take up a legal profession instead. It has taken a few days, but finally I have read through his six part opus on the evidence against Oswald. He has produced a huge piece of work for Jim's K's & K website that he should present to a book publisher. 👍
  10. I don't think you are alone...some ice bullet or low charge ordinance. I'm no expert so I just leave it at a back wound of a couple inches. A throat wound which wasn't investigated at Bethesda on instructions from the brass in the gallery. Which is why we have this procrastination today, but you're probably right.
  11. Certainly new and most interesting info here Tony! As I have posted in your other thread on occupants of properties on West 5th., from Nancy Weiford's recent article, she also includes a Victor & Helen (no surname) as living in 2438 Westbrook, opposite the Randle's. Some street plan would help clarify exactly where folk lived, with names & numbers of houses.
  12. Certainly not Cliff. I've always been anti SBT with the back wound producing no through path. Also, like yourself I see the bullet holes in JFK's clothing as being far too low to connect to the neck. What I was meaning in my post was a FMJ bullet deflecting off rib & neck bone, as per Orr's theory, is somewhat more logical than a back wound just penetrating an inch or two & without any bullet that caused that wound being located. Not that I accept Mr Orr's proposition, the evidence from the Bethesda witnesses, Humes, Boswell, Fink, Jenkins, Sibert/O'Neill is too strong.
  13. This re-construction programme seems based on John Orr's theories of events. His report pdf can be found here:- http://www.mountainrivercabins.com/JohnOrrReport.pdf There are various points in John Orr's report paper that I find troubling. Firstly, I treat references to the Z film with caution. I accept that pictures do not lie, however, I have no confidence that the extant film we see today is the camera original. Simply on the documented goings on at NPIC etc. Mr. Orr follows the WC with LHO firing three shots from the TSBD sixth floor, based on the finding of 3 shells at the supposed sniper's nest. Yet there is solid doubt that one of these shells could not have been fired that day due to it's bent lip and lack of markings that other shells produced when loaded into the MC rifle. All long ago reported by DPUK's Ian Griggs. See his work in 'No Case To Answer'. I can concur with this report on the various missed shots, which negate the lone nut theories. With regard to the back wound, we know that the Bethesda autopsy found no path through the body, after probing that wound with a finger, and or the reported use of a sound into the wound. Personally I have always found this strange, so John Orr's alternate theory is somewhat more logical than a hole that went nowhere without any ordinance present. On the other hand, this bullet striking rib and neck bone without yaw or tumbling to create an exit in the throat that Parkland described as an entry wound. Let us ignore the claims of through and through holes in the limousine's windshield recorded by viewers at Parkland followed by the replacement of same in Detroit, where witnesses state they saw a hole, corroborated by a S.S. report of a hole seen in the White House garage on the evening of the 22nd. With regard to the head shot,(single) we must enter the domain of autopsy X-rays, which has never been my favourite area of evidence. I leave that to the experts. There has been the work of Dr Mantik & Dr Chesser who has discovered with Optical Density examinations of these X-rays that the famous 6.5mm object seen is quite simply a fake. The OD probe shows that it is not a solid object. Certainly these areas are not in most researchers field of knowledge but Jim DiEugenio's 'JFK Revisited-Through the Looking Glass' covers these murky areas. The head shot entry point up in the cowlick (HSCA) is also contentious, that stands against the entry just above and to the right of the E.O.P. Mr Orr takes no notice of Kilduff's statement of an entry shot through the right temple, information from Adm. Burkley and stated to have been seen by Jim Jenkins and others at Bethesda and close by-standers in Dealey Plaza. The Orr report also stands on CE399 to have been found on the Governor's stretcher at Parkland hospital. The evidence for this is flaky to say the least. Both Tomlinson & O.P. Wright stated that the bullet found had a pointed tip. Also, no person in the chain of custody would i.d. CE399 as the bullet they handled on Nov. 22nd. Now today we have the belated statement of Paul Landis to create more smoke. While mentioning smoke, this report does not consider the gun smoke seen by witnesses in the knoll/fence area. Smoke also captured on the Weigman film in that area. Or the smell of gunpowder by members of the motorcade and police officers in that location, which in no way could emanate from either the TSBD or the Records Bldg or anywhere other than the knoll area due to the direction of the wind from W to E.
  14. Patrick Kennedy, son of Sen. Ted Kennedy and nephew of President John F. Kennedy, remembers being a young state legislator in Rhode Island some 30 years ago and hearing encouraging words from the opposition leader at the time. “I just want you to know that no matter what you do, nothing's going to take away from everyone's memory and appreciation of what your family has done for this country," Republican David Dumas told him. “He meant that ’Don't preoccupy yourself with worrying about whether you're a good representative of your family or not,'" Patrick Kennedy, now a former congressman, said in a recent Zoom interview. Kennedy spoke shortly before the 60th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy, a seismic national event that predates most American lives but remains an inflection point in the country's history — as a wellspring of modern conspiracy theories, as a debate over what JFK might have achieved, as an emotional cornerstone of the Kennedy story. The anniversary arrives at an unusual moment for the Kennedys. It is a moment when the family's mission to uphold a legacy of public service and high ideals competes for attention with the presidential candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose anti-vaccine advocacy and inflammatory comments about everything from the Holocaust to the pandemic have led to a rare public family breach. Robert's sister, Kerry Kennedy, has cited her differences with him “on many issues,” while Jack Schlossberg, grandson of President Kennedy, has called Robert's candidacy “an embarrassment.” “We haven't seen this happening before in the Kennedy family,” says historian Thurston Clarke, author of books on President Kennedy and his brother Robert. “In the past," Clarke says, "they were very reluctant to attack each other.” For generations, the Kennedy dynasty ranked with the Adams', the Roosevelts and the Bushes. Their time in public office dates to the 1890s, to Rep. (and future Boston Mayor) John Francis “Honey Fitz” Fitzgerald, JFK's grandfather, and grew throughout the first half of the 20th century. During JFK's 1960-63 presidency, governing was decidedly a family affair. Robert Kennedy was attorney general and the president's closest adviser, brother-in-law Sargent Shriver was heading the newly formed Peace Corps and brother-in-law Stephen Smith was White House chief of staff. Youngest brother Ted Kennedy was elected to John F. Kennedy's former Senate seat in Massachusetts. The death of President Kennedy, and Jacqueline Kennedy's remembrance of his administration as a lost golden age, “Camelot,” intensified feelings about the family and longings for their presence. Ted Kennedy became a revered liberal voice and legislator, while Shriver was chosen as George McGovern's running mate in their unsuccessful 1972 presidential campaign. Patrick Kennedy was an eight-term congressman from Rhode Island; Joseph Kennedy II, Robert's son, served 6-terms as a congressman from Massachusetts; and Joseph's sibling Kathleen Kennedy Townsend was a two-term Maryland lieutenant governor. Arnold Schwarzenegger, married at the time to JFK's niece Maria Shriver, was California's governor for two terms. But the Kennedys have mostly withdrawn from electoral politics in the 21st century; no Kennedy or Kennedy in-law currently serves in Congress or as a governor. Caroline Kennedy, JFK's daughter and only surviving child, had been open in 2009 to replacing Hillary Clinton in the U.S. Senate after Clinton was appointed secretary of state by President Barack Obama. She soon stepped back amid signs New York Gov. David Paterson would not select her. He didn't. The Kennedy administration now lives on in more in spirit than in first hand memory. One of the last prominent White House aides, speechwriter Richard Goodwin, died in 2018. The last of President Kennedy's surviving siblings, former U.S. ambassador to Ireland Jean Smith, died in 2020. Robert F. Kennedy's widow, Ethel, is in her 90s and rarely comments publicly. Starting in 1968, after the assassination of Robert Kennedy, Ted Kennedy was the family's standard bearer and chosen orator. But no one has succeeded him since his death in 2009. The death of Caroline’s brother John F. Kennedy Jr. in a 1999 plane crash ended the life of his generation’s most prominent family member, the one most discussed as a possible presidential candidate. Caroline Kennedy has maintained a low profile as ambassador to Japan during the Obama administration and ambassador to Australia in the Biden administration.
  15. Finished the read today Michael. A very comprehensive and balanced work. The medical chapters as well as JFK's Vietnam policies are not really my field of knowledge, so I will look forward to reviews from more experienced researchers on these topics. It will also be interesting to hear from the WC believers on what they make of this work. However, I certainly enjoyed the book and recommend its reading.
  16. In case U.K. readers have missed this, ITVX viewable through the app are showing 'JFK: The Home Movie That Changed The World.' Produced by Shearwater Media, this 1 hour film tells the story of Abraham Zapruder's chance filming of the JFKA. Featuring actual voice commentary from Zapruder, Alexandra Zapruder, Sitzman, Clint Hill & Stolley from Life mag. Interesting that Zapruder is a firm WC believer when past reports have him stating a shot came from over his right shoulder. + speaking of the presidential limousine, "As it turned (referring to Elm Street) I started shooting pictures."
  17. Yes, Hank had some research on Cobb. I look forward to what you report on these two versions.
  18. Would have liked to watch this without the ad breaks, but certainly above the usual JFKA fayre. Q. Why would a S.S. man be warning a Parkland doctor not to talk about an entrance wound in the throat, just under two hours after the shooting?
  19. Certainly June/Jerrie Cobb remains somewhat mysterious. Covered by Newman's 'Countdown to Darkness' & files still being kept out of the public domain. Her reports on Oswald in MC are weird. As for the purpose and function of the Redbird aircraft, that remains unknown. This report is incorrect concerning Babushka's camera as per Bev Oliver's explanation. But who knows? Anything on Cobb, IMO, shouldn't be thrown out with the bathwater.
  20. Not sure that this is relevant, but just to complete the picture. Nov. '63 occupants on the opposite side of West 5th. Opposite to the Roberts' 2519, in 2518 were Roy & Margaret Benton. Opposite to the Paine's 2515, in 2514 were Allen & Priscilla Lewis. Opposite the empty 2511, in 2510 were Herbert & Mary Williams. Opposite the Schneider's 2507, in 2506 were James & Mary Goodwin. Opposite the empty 2503, in 2502 were Clarence & Mary Ponder. Just in case anyone recognises the name of a CIA agent spying from across the street. 👀
  21. Well, my copy arrived a day early (Thursday) so already through the first 100 pages. Pages that cover the W.C., H.S.C.A. & A.R.R.B. 'investigations' and documents their findings/conclusions. I'm fairly conversant with these findings, but I have found information on some things I had put down as hearsay, or had not come across previously, that the text has highlighted. To quote the back cover:- "This is a solid, credible presentation of evidence that more than one gunman shot President John F. Kennedy, written by one of the most careful and respected researchers on the JFK case. This book has none of the exotic speculation, dubious claims, and extreme ideological bias found in so many other books on the JFK assassination." Another four hundred or so pages to read, and I will look forward to future reviews of Michael's work on this thread. I'm enjoying the book so far. Congrats Mr. Griffith.
  22. You got it correct Marcus. Tune in, Channel 5 Sunday 19th @ 21:00hrs.
  23. According to Nancy Weiford's recent Dealey Plaza U.K. article, West 5th Street shows two properties empty on 22/11/63. 2519 occupied by Ed & Dorothy Roberts. 2515 occupied by Michael & Ruth Paine. 2511 Empty since 1962. 2507 occupied by Clement & Rena Schneider. 2503 empty 11/63.
  24. Me too Sandy. But no surprise. There are so many different versions of events in this case. We must live in a multiverse.
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