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Jeffrey Epstein Dies By Suicide Under Suicide Watch? Comparisons To Oswald's Death In Dallas Police Custody Inevitable.

Joe Bauer

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From BBC:

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has called for a full investigation, calling it "way too convenient".

"What a lot of us want to know is, what did he know?" said Mr de Blasio, who is also running for the Democratic presidential nomination, told reporters in Iowa.

"How many other millionaires and billionaires were part of the illegal activities that he was engaged in?

"Well, that information didn't die with Jeffrey Epstein. That needs to be investigated, too."

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This is just way too convenient.  Either he had help, in which case there could be significant amounts of money to be traced, or he was targeted to keep him from talking...yes, just like LHO...

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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

I wonder if the former inmate quoted earlier could do even a rough sketch of the inside of those cells?

Soon enough, the the press and the public are going to "demand" to see the insides of these cells.

Not sure if this helps but my friend drew this rough sketch of a special housing cell. He said the only thing on the ceiling is the camera. Again that’s at the prison he works at.

Edit: I’m not sure this is right. I’m pretty sure he drew a suicide unit. He’s at work now waiting on a response about the special housing unit.


Edited by John Kozlowski
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1 hour ago, Rob Couteau said:

From BBC:

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has called for a full investigation, calling it "way too convenient".

"What a lot of us want to know is, what did he know?" said Mr de Blasio, who is also running for the Democratic presidential nomination, told reporters in Iowa.

"How many other millionaires and billionaires were part of the illegal activities that he was engaged in?

"Well, that information didn't die with Jeffrey Epstein. That needs to be investigated, too."

the mayor is asking the right questions. Once we take the bait and start focusing on his death we lose the story, which is his life. 

Its hard to imagine how his death could aid in the exposure of secrets. 

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President Donald Trump retweeted a conspiracy theory on Saturday evening alleging without evidence that former President Bill Clinton was connected to the death of wealthy financier and accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, hours after Epstein was found dead by apparent suicide in his federal prison cell.


Every time this President does and/or says something outrageous beyond responsible protocol I keep wondering how far this will go before he finally says something that is so disturbingly improper, unethical and unsettling that the main stream media finally says ..."ENOUGH!"

Trump's publicly retweeting and promoting and reinforcing a tweet that alleges "the Clinton's involvement with Epstein's suicide" is that something imo.

Obviously, Trump isn't capable of comprehending or understanding the gravity of his publicly promoting, reinforcing and adding massive exposure to such a slanderous charge against a former President and his wife.

The Clinton's should immediately begin legal remedy for this 10X worse slander action than all the others on Trump's part towards them.

This latest public Clinton slander attack by Trump ( guilt by promotion and agreement ) is on a whole new level of outrageous recklessness.

Can't believe a sitting President could be so blind to understanding and adhering to cognitive awareness boundaries ( especially in his role of President and the responsibilities that come with this office ) and the unsettling anxiety his unprecedented reckless out of bounds words and actions create within our entire society.

In this case - promoting Clinton hate and criminal guilt.

This outrageous Clinton connection to Epstein's suicide retweet by Trump should be recognized as the unbelievably reckless, irresponsible and unpresidential trash it truly is, and hopefully inspire our main stream media to finally say...in unison ..."ENOUGH!"

If I need to transfer this post to the political opinion forum I will.

However, I can't help posting about something I feel is so beyond the boundaries of rational and responsible Presidential leadership we shouldn't avoid discussing it.

And the Epstein death does have comparative relevance to Oswald's murder in police custody considering both of these historically important men were silenced in suspicious ways before they could ever go to trial.




Edited by Joe Bauer
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15 minutes ago, John Kozlowski said:

Not sure if this helps but my friend drew this rough sketch of a special housing cell. He said the only thing on the ceiling is the camera. Again that’s at the prison he works at.

Edit: I’m not sure this is right. I’m pretty sure he drew a suicide unit. He’s at work now waiting on a response about the special housing unit.


Nothing I can see that anyone could affix a noose to in this sketch. Thanks to your friend for submitting this.

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Just now, Joe Bauer said:

Nothing I can see that anyone could affix a noose to in this sketch. Thanks to your friend for submitting this.

He said special housing where he’s at is basically the same as a suicide watch cell except the surveillance isn’t as strict. He also said they don’t follow regulations like they are supposed to due to not wanting to pay overtime so who knows what really goes on.


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This article had a few other interesting facts:


According to former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti, the case against Epstein dies with him:

Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide ends the criminal case against him because no one else was charged in the indictment. … [It] means that there won’t be a public trial or other proceedings that could reveal evidence of his wrongdoing. Evidence collected via grand jury subpoena won’t be released to the public. It’s still likely that the public will learn additional information from civil cases by victims against his estate or non-criminal investigations (for example, the DOJ OIG investigation).

[And this:]

Epstein’s associates may now receive the full brunt of prosecutors’ attention, according to the Miami Herald’s Julie K. Brown:

[With Epstein’s] death, prosecutors in the Southern District of New York will likely refocus their probe on Maxwell, Sarah Kellen Vickers, Adriana Ross and Lesley Groff — all of whom allegedly helped run Epstein’s operation in the mid- to late-2000s. Another woman, Nadia Marcinkova, who is now a commercial pilot, was accused of sexually abusing some of the underage girls.

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Look at this one:


Politico is one of the worst ones out there in creating an agenda.   Just horrible.  They don't report the news, they adjust the score.

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Yeah, Politico is pathetic. This is one of the few pieces out there that at least raises the issue of a possible honey trap operation (below). But I have not read it in full yet; someone just sent it to me. Also a second related piece:

1: https://www.mintpressnews.com/shocking-origins-jeffrey-epstein-blackmail-roy-cohn/260621/

2: https://www.mintpressnews.com/mega-group-maxwells-mossad-spy-story-jeffrey-epstein-scandal/261172/ 

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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Every time this President does and/or says something outrageous beyond responsible protocol I keep wondering how far this will go before he finally says something that is so disturbingly improper, unethical and unsettling that the main stream media finally says ..."ENOUGH!"

Well, I think CNN is already doing it. I'm sure the other "left-leaning" news channels must be doing it, I don't know because I don't watch that much TV. At FoxNews, of course, Trump can do no wrong. 

The tragic thing is that the Democratic candidates are doing nothing to help the situation. The leader is old Joe Biden with his constant gaffes. I'm as old as he is so I know perfectly well what his problem is. He's losing brain cells. But he had gaffe problems even when he was younger. (The worst was when he told a paraplegic in a wheelchair to stand up and take a bow. Even Trump hasn't gone that far.) Most of the others are so out there with their socialist largesse - let's send everyone to college truition free, or let's give everyone Medicare, etc., - IOW let's spend trillions more dollars, what difference does it make? - that they're trying to assure Trump's reelection.

I don't know what has happened to this country.




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11 hours ago, John Kozlowski said:

Carol Leonnig put out a tweet saying that people close to Epstein fear he was murdered and that he reported to authorities that someone tried killing him weeks before. There is a full story on the WaPo web site.

Someone said they were close to Epstein?

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9 hours ago, Daniel Rice said:

I did see this online earlier today:


According to Courthouse News reporter Adam Klasfeld, a former prosecutor said that after Epstein’s death “no one else will have standing to challenge the search warrant on his house. Everything will be admissible against any other defendant without possibility of a motion to suppress.”

Implies authorities may have killed him to remove a potential obstacle to prosecuting others. I don’t buy that. You kill to coverup, not to expose.

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