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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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16 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

This was another policy that was reversed upon his death. First by Johnson, and then even more by Nixon.  The guys in the CIA from back then will tell you that Kennedy was the last president who was completely dedicated to nuclear non proliferation. Especially in the Middle East.  LBJ and RMN did not do jack about it.

Besides JFK's foreign policy, I feel that the Israeli connection to this case is the most overlooked subject in the community and the scant public discussions that took place (echoing Penn Jones). In my opinion, as far as motives go, between Cuba, Congo, Indonesia, and the Steel crisis, JFK's stance on Israeli nuclear weapons is at least as powerful as those others. When you factor in the close networks between the CIA and Mossad through Angleton, Permindex, CMC, etc... There is some smoke there.

It's also interesting to note that according to Avner Cohen, De Gaulle went through a similar episode in regards to Israeli nuclear proliferation. I don't think he was demanding inspections, but he supposedly withdrew official French support of Israeli nukes.  I haven't dug into it, but I'd be curious if the OAS assassination attempts started after De Gaulle moved against Israeli interests or not. Obviously Algeria is the main motive normally attributed to the OAS, but wasn't Permindex linked with the OAS as well?


Also, I wonder if Robert has any info on the uranium connection through the Dal Tex building? According to Piper, the owner of the Dal-Tex building was a major ADL financier and that multiple firms in the building are linked to Morty Freedman who is linked to the Dallas Uranium and Oil Company.

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6 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

    How many times do people have to observe Trump's pattern -- obstruction of justice, altering, selectively leaking, and withholding evidence, attacking the messenger(s), broadcasting false counter narratives, and creating distractions, etc. -- before they admit that he's a "racist, a con man, and a cheat?"

    Wheeler is a smart guy, but he's wasting his intellectual gifts trying to defend a self-serving con man and his crooked colleagues, most of whom are paid foreign agents like Trump, himself-- Kushner, Giuliani, Manafort, Flynn, McConnell, Graham, et. al.


Agreed. Kinda makes me wonder how many rats will make it to shore.

Edited by Bob Ness
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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

In more current news, it looks like Leonid Vindman, the brother of Alexander "the Whistleblower" Vindman was in the nuclear metals business via Tungsten Capital.

The whistleblowers were not in on the July 25 phone call between Trump and Zelensky.  Vindman was.

But to Team Fascist smear merchants facts don't matter -- only manufactured optics.


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6 hours ago, Dennis Berube said:

Besides JFK's foreign policy, I feel that the Israeli connection to this case is the most overlooked subject in the community and the scant public discussions that took place (echoing Penn Jones). In my opinion, as far as motives go, between Cuba, Congo, Indonesia, and the Steel crisis, JFK's stance on Israeli nuclear weapons is at least as powerful as those others. When you factor in the close networks between the CIA and Mossad through Angleton, Permindex, CMC, etc... There is some smoke there.

It's also interesting to note that according to Avner Cohen, De Gaulle went through a similar episode in regards to Israeli nuclear proliferation. I don't think he was demanding inspections, but he supposedly withdrew official French support of Israeli nukes.  I haven't dug into it, but I'd be curious if the OAS assassination attempts started after De Gaulle moved against Israeli interests or not. Obviously Algeria is the main motive normally attributed to the OAS, but wasn't Permindex linked with the OAS as well?


Also, I wonder if Robert has any info on the uranium connection through the Dal Tex building? According to Piper, the owner of the Dal-Tex building was a major ADL financier and that multiple firms in the building are linked to Morty Freedman who is linked to the Dallas Uranium and Oil Company.

I’m not sure this belongs on this thread, but in any case your post got me wondering. You may be on to something. First, I doubt that DeGaulle’s actions regarding Israel’s uranium quest brought on the OAS attempts on his life. Algeria was more likely the reason. But I just found some interesting connections between Permindex, or Centro Mondiale Commerciale, and JFK’s attempts to keep nukes away from Israel and the Middle East. 

On April 2, 1963, JFK met with Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Shimon Perez regarding the nuclear issue. This was only one in a series of such meetings with Ben Gurion and Perez and others. Well, guess who was on the Board of CMC? Perez’s brother Gershon Perez. That is a peculiar connection to say the least. And even if we cannot claim OAS was motivated by JFK’s opposition to Israel’s nuclear program, we can connect OAS to CMC. And we know that Clay Shaw was also a director of CMC. 

I foind this connection while researching the Steve Thomas thread on Argentina and the Ziger’s, Oswald’s Minsk friends. The article that provided these insights is called The Israel-Argentina Yellowcake Connection in the National Security Archive. 

Edited by Paul Brancato
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"It's like shearing a piglet - much squealing and squirming but not much wool."
Really Bob? that was a quote from Putin???. Well I guess that gives you some idea  as to his interrogation style!
Let me see if I got this roster right.
This is a list of  the "Trump victim of deep state  injustice group"  and is comprised of people on this forum, media  spokespeople and representatives in Congress (though not necessarily in that order. (but with maybe a little deference to this forum"s homegrown stars.) The list includes such luminaries as Jim Jordan, Jim Di Eugenio, Sean Hannity, Devin Nunes, Jeff Carter, Matt Gaetz,(whew! watch out Jordan, he's good!!!) Tucker Carlson, Mark Levin, Robert Wheeler, Rudy Giuliani,  Ted Nugent (I assume), Kanye, and Cesar Sayoc.
Just using your adroit "guilt by association" against you Jim, but this time, in a fun way!   heh heh
I'd settle for even an unjust 10 year sentence for Roger Stone, just call it his karma. Oh, Sorry Jeff, I know he's somewhat of a forum star cause celeb for you.
Let the chips fall where they may. But this could work out good. Maybe a groundbreaking exclusive Black Ops interview with  Stone in prison?   Lots of eyeballs!!
I say "exclusive" because I don't think anyone else will want to interview him. But he's done all that selfless work for the conspiracy community, and the then darn!, he becomes a victim to government conspiracy himself! Who ever would have thought!!
Robert if you haven't yet, look up the genealogy of Kelly. As attested here, he was obviously in over his head.
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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6 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

In more current news, it looks like Leonid Vindman, the brother of Alexander "the Whistleblower" Vindman was in the nuclear metals business via Tungsten Capital.

Leonid was also working for the Russian/German arm of Unicredit. Unicredit was fined $1.3 billion for violating US sanctions in the trade of weapons of mass destruction to Cuba, Burma, Libya, Sudan, and Syria. https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/OFAC-Enforcement/Pages/20190415.aspx


Do you have a source on Tungsten Capitol's nuclear metals business? Looks like an investment advisor to me.

Also, when was he with Unicredit? It looks like they were dinged for hiding money from sanctioned  countries, not selling arms, which is what your post suggests. Mostly Iranian.

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On ‎10‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 7:42 PM, Dennis Berube said:


Only by a misinterpretation by a reader apparently.

What Jim actually wrote was, " In fact, Trump had now begun an effort to expose what he thought was a “Deep State plot”. One that was designed to terrorize and smear his presidency from the start"

What "he thought", meaning Trump.


If Clinton won the election we would've likely never heard of the Russia Gate story because Hillary wasn't going to make nice with Russia anyway. If Trump was able to neutralize relations (as he may have without russia gate), it's conceivable that the regime change operations in Syria and Ukraine would be stopped or drastically reduced/normalized. Instead of focusing on two news stories beforehand, maybe examine the near constant coverage AFTER she lost, certainly not a US-Russian detente atmosphere. And then you cite the Steele dossier as some kind of evidence. Sorry, I think believing in the credibility of that at this point is misguided at best. This has nothing to do with my personal political beliefs, can  you say the same?

I continue to be amazed by JFK assassination savvy folks who fell for the phony Russia gate story.

I suppose Cliff believes Tulsi Gabbard to be a Russian asset too.  (And I am NOT a Trump supporter).

But I saw Russia gate for what it was from the start.


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DM: I suppose Cliff believes Tulsi Gabbard to be a Russian asset too. 

No, but I think Kirk does.

(Two can play the game, right Kirk?)

The astonishing thing is that none of these people here see any parallel or significance in how she slimed Stein and Tulsi.  Its one thing to go after the other party's candidate.  Its quite another to go after someone in your own party, and then  a Green?  I voted for Stein. 

Am I a Russian asset too? Well, am I Kirk? (BTW, am I getting my info from Jordan? Nope, but I do get info from Ray McGovern, who you somehow left off your list.  As you did Bill Binney.)

Edited by James DiEugenio
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On ‎10‎/‎16‎/‎2019 at 12:08 PM, Dennis Berube said:

Lol. I see the issue here, you and wn enjoy getting information from known propaganda outlets, whereas me and jim do not. Russia definitely annexed the Crimea, we disagree on how and why. 


Lol again. Im beginning to understand why Jim blocked you. 

OMG yes.  Let's all bring back Tommy too so we can have more Russia bashing.

Former NSA head Bill BInney  explained why it was NOT a hack, but that the emails were sent to Assange

by an insider with the DNC.  He also sued under FOIA for records between Assange and Seth Rich. They were denied of course

but he did learn that there were hundreds of pages of such records. (WHY???)

But, of course, Seth's murder was a simple robbery (where nothing was taken) and they FBI was not permitted to examine

the computers in question.... and some "intelligence agencies" have told us it was the Russians. Of course,  we can always

trust our intel. agencies.

Edited by Dawn Meredith
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9 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

Slightly off topic but, did anyone else see Tulsi with Jim Douglass' book? 

She's clearly not afraid of history and understands that the power structures of the US goes beyond an "R" or a "D". Unfortunately, it seems many on this forum do not understand that concept at all.



I saw it several days ago on facebook and was just thrilled. I have long been a huge Tulsi supporter.


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