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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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1 hour ago, Dennis Berube said:

How about zero Paul?
Somehow, you, Kirk, Nieder, and that guy everyone ignores and others, seem to have the need to associate any statement that could imply anything other than trump is evil as confirmation of supporting him. This is simply wrong and badly missing the point.

To be honest, seeing the predictable MSM article quoted in response by many here is getting quite tiresome and disappointing.

The Russia bogey man narrative is ridiculous and has made many of you turn your backs on people who have done great work in this JFK/Cold war history field, its a shame. 


Thanks for the reply. I’m pretty sure the answer is not zero. As for the Russia thing, I think it’s both/and. I’m sure they cooperated with Trump. They have for many years. But I don’t think they caused Hillary’s downfall. I’ve said many times here and to anyone who cares that the Democrats made a mistake. Our enemies are right here in the good old USA. Democrats, IMO, thought Russia was an easy target. But it’s Cambridge Analytica, and Facebook, and a Republican Party determined to keep the majority in check by denying voting rights to millions of Americans, that should be the focus. 

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8 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


Maybe Kirk and Bob agree with you, but really, Trump is Evil Incarnate?  That is a phrase I reserved for maybe Hitler.

I mean really, how soon people forget about W, Reagan, and Nixon.

A bit of hyperbole perhaps, but I think you underestimate him. I haven’t forgotten any of our past presidents. As bad as they were, I never caught a whiff of Hitler, just the usual American Empire crap. With Trump we have his constant venality on display 24/7/365. I think Bob Ness has him pegged right. 


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52 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

How about zero Paul?
Somehow, you, Kirk, Nieder, and that guy everyone ignores and others, seem to have the need to associate any statement that could imply anything other than trump is evil as confirmation of supporting him. This is simply wrong and badly missing the point.

To be honest, seeing the predictable MSM article quoted in response by many here is getting quite tiresome and disappointing.

The Russia bogey man narrative is ridiculous and has made many of you turn your backs on people who have done great work in this JFK/Cold war history field, its a shame. 



      You are hopelessly naive about Putin and the 21st century Russian Federation.  

      Have you been to Russia, or spent any time with Russian citizens or emigres, during the past 30 years?

      The MSM didn't even know about, or report on, Putin's FSB occupation and takeover of the ROCOR in the U.S., Western Europe, and Australia in 2006.  There was no media coverage of the FSB kidnapping of ROCOR Metropolitan Vitaly (Ustinov) in Manhattan in 2000, even though his "guardianship" trial went all the way to the New York Supreme Court.  I know an important ROCOR heirarch who was mugged by Putin's thugs and, apparently, blackmailed into signing off on the FSB confiscation of the ROCOR-- whose Kremlin-appointed clergy in the U.S now have diplomatic immunity!

       Putin is a ruthless, KGB-trained fascist and disinformazia expert.  I understand why he intervened against our misguided, Neocon proxy war in Syria, but the man is not motivated by concerns about international justice.  He is simply following Alexander Dugin's playbook to expand Russia's geopolitical hegemony.

     Surely, we can all condemn the policy disasters of the U.S. and NATO in the Middle East without condoning Putin's criminal conduct in the Ukraine, Western Europe, and the U.S.-- his war on liberal democracy.

        And, yes, Donald Trump is, obviously, a compromised Russian asset.

        The evidence is overwhelming.

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2 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


      You are hopelessly naive about Putin and the 21st century Russian Federation.  

      Have you been to Russia, or spent any time with Russian citizens or emigres, during the past 30 years?

      The MSM didn't even know about, or report on, Putin's FSB occupation and takeover of the ROCOR in the U.S., Western Europe, and Australia in 2006.  There was no media coverage of the FSB kidnapping of ROCOR Metropolitan Vitaly (Ustinov) in Manhattan in 2000, even though his "guardianship" trial went all the way to the New York Supreme Court.  I know an important ROCOR heirarch who was mugged by Putin's thugs and, apparently, blackmailed into signing off on the FSB confiscation of the ROCOR-- whose Kremlin-appointed clergy in the U.S now have diplomatic immunity!

       Putin is a ruthless, KGB-trained fascist and disinformazia expert.  I understand why he intervened against our misguided, Neocon proxy war in Syria, but the man is not motivated by concerns about international justice.  He is simply following Alexander Dugin's playbook to expand Russia's geopolitical hegemony.

     Surely, we can all condemn the policy disasters of the U.S. and NATO in the Middle East without condoning Putin's criminal conduct in the Ukraine, Western Europe, and the U.S.-- his war on liberal democracy.

        And, yes, Donald Trump is, obviously, a compromised Russian asset.

        The evidence is overwhelming.

Yes, but don’t you think there is a war on liberal democracy in the US, in GB, that exists and gains strength without Putin’s help? 

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Everyone should read that article Wheeler linked to.

Not just for how the whole sarin gas BS was propogated, but also how the Power Elite is using allies in the Middle East to fund the so called "rebellion" against Assad.  I wrote about this in my article in garrison titled "Kennedy faces the Middle East".  How , after JFK, the idea seemed to be to play to the extremes in that region.  Since Assad was a secularist, he did not fit the paradigm. 

The other gem was the CFR guy, Dimi,  plugged into the management level.   Newsweek has always been compromised. Since the day Helms brought the idea to Bradlee.

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2 hours ago, Dennis Berube said:

How about zero Paul?
Somehow, you, Kirk, Nieder, and       

>>>  that guy everyone ignores <<<     

and others, seem to have the need to associate any statement that could imply anything other than trump is evil as confirmation of supporting him. This is simply wrong and badly missing the point.

Hmm, curious which one of us forum members is considered so low on the debate worthiness scale of Dennis B.'s Trump detractor list that he isn't even named and simply referred to as ...  " that guy everyone ignores."

Ha, that's pretty bad.

Well, if it's me ... I'll accept that title with self-deprecating humbleness.

Yet, I would like to at least make this one main point about expressing my grave concerns regards Trump despite my perhaps less than articulate and informed postings.

I have lived through many Presidents of our nation since Eisenhower.

I have witnessed the brutal slaughter of one - JFK. 

I've witnessed the extensive corruption of another - Nixon - where "25" members of his inner team were convicted of crimes that came with prison sentences. And he himself only escaped this deserved punishment by back room dealings of his still loyal succeeding President to be Ford.   

25 members of Nixon's team imprisoned!

Now THAT is major corruption...and still mind boggling to reflect on.

Nixon was also compromised in so many other ways. Mafia perhaps?

Then there was Iran/Contra.

Then Clinton's sex offender doings and lying to our faces about it...and then being caught lying and impeached.

I witnessed GW fumbling through his eight years  ( with Dick Cheney really running the show ) and leaving us in a financial state so hugely damaging it took drastic measures to get us out of it.

But, through all that post JFK presidential corruption and malfeasance, the most democracy damaging event in my mind...was our federal Supreme Court bulldozing their will and over-ruling and shutting down a unanimous state Supreme Court ruling ( Florida ) allowing an extension of vote counting in the Gore/Bush election in their state in 2,000.

With "no" legal precedents to justify this first and only federal overruling of a state's Supreme Court decision in their presidential election procedure, our totally biased federal Supreme Court majority stole the election of 2,000 in favor of their chosen candidate.

Trump's power to effect an already right wing biased Supreme Court to pull off even more of such brazenly politically motivated SC acts in the future is his greatest threat imo.

My passion for the JFK truth carries into my concern for the well being of our entire constitutionally protected nation, society and way of life when I sense abuse of power by a President truly threatens those liberties and rights including fair and honest elections.

Trump clearly has a strong authoritarian bent, more than any other President I've lived through. This proclivity of his has shown through his entire lifetime of behavior as an unchecked and non-constitutionally restrained head of his own personal corporate fiefdom.

I'm the boss and you are FIRED! No explanation required.

This trait is so ingrained in Trump, he can't even see and understand it's hold on his behavior as President.

He constantly pushes and pushes the boundaries of constitutional checks and balances laws as President as he did with corporate and tax laws in his 60 years of private business and even sexual behavior towards women laws in his personal life.

This is why we are now in impeachment times with this President and his self aggrandizing bulldozer behavior towards our constitutional framework of checks and balances rules and laws.

Not because Dem's just don't like the guy or are sore losers after the 2016 presidential election.

Trump keeps publicly saying ( shouting ) in regards to these abuse of power charges to the national media that "I've done nothing wrong!"

Reminds me of when Oswald kept telling the national press the night of 11,22,1963 that he didn't kill anyone and he was "just a patsy."











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5 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Reminds me of when Oswald kept telling the national press the night of 11,22,1963 that he didn't kill anyone and he was "just a patsy."


Except that Oswald was telling the truth, so that kinda doesn’t work for what you were trying to say. The guy everyone ignores was cliff. 

The Constitution was effectively gone long before Trump and blaming him like he is single handedly ruining America amounts to a weak and inappropriate analysis. He is a symptom of a larger disease that created the conditions for Trump. Like Brunings austerity in Germany led to the social/political conditions for Hitler. In this case we have many unaccountable runaway secret (some not secret) intelligence networks that influence politics and media to a point that  Constitutional law isn't within sight anytime soon. It is that power that has ruined things, not a phone call to a puppet in Ukraine or facebook ads. 

btw, that article Robert posted is very interesting 

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2 hours ago, Dennis Berube said:

The guy everyone ignores was cliff.

The ignore function is sweeeeet! 

Trumpenlinks don't have to put up with arguments they can't challenge and I don't have to put up with their lame responses.


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2 hours ago, Dennis Berube said:

The Constitution was effectively gone long before Trump and blaming him like he is single handedly ruining America amounts to a weak and inappropriate analysis.

No one makes that analysis.  That's just crap Berube made up.

2 hours ago, Dennis Berube said:


He is a symptom of a larger disease that created the conditions for Trump. Like Brunings austerity in Germany led to the social/political conditions for Hitler. In this case we have many unaccountable runaway secret (some not secret) intelligence networks that influence politics and media to a point that  Constitutional law isn't within sight anytime soon.

The  "intelligence networks" are not monolithic, they are multi-polar.  Faction-ridden.

Some people need to read (or re-read) The Yankee and the Cowboy War, by Carl Oglesby. 

The Yankees are the Bankster Proto-Autocracy; nowadays the Cowboys are the Dominionist Proto-Autocracy.  The Banksters want to make the world safe for Wall Street.  The Dominionists want to make the world safe for the return of Jesus Christ.

In 2016 the Banksters and the Bible-Thumpers were on the same page -- they wanted Trump.  The Banksters wanted tax cuts and the high TV ratings Trump generated.   The Dominionists wanted the courts packed with right wing zealots who strive to make a woman's reproductive capacity property of the State.

Trumpenlinks echo the claims of the Trump Cultists who regard the the Bankster faction as the whole of the Deep State.  Trumpenlinks are NOT supporters of Trump's policies per se, but they repeat the same talking points in regard to RussiaGate.

Face it, the whole "no collusion" narrative is a fascist Big Lie no matter who mouths it.




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Weird. It seems Flynn and his batsh!t new attorney from Faux News has been smoked by Emmett Sullivan because... guess what?... he actually said he was guilty of the crimes he actually did commit!!! And he admitted it two separate times, over and over and over and over again and again and yet we had a number of people here slathering over Brady violations THAT DID NOT OCCUR. Fifty claims all struck down. I think I remember Jeff and Jim pushing this gag.

Isn't that strange? I'd bet it doesn't matter because by lying to them he advanced the case of the pardoner in chief! Whadya bet that was the deal that was cut under attorney-client privilege in that supposedly inconsequential and routine Mutual Defense Agreement the pardoner in chief has with several felons?


Edited by Bob Ness
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Even for you that is one sided.

The reason Powell and Flynn lost the motion is because of his prior plea.  That is what the judge referred to.

If Powell had represented Flynn from the beginning, the outcome might have been quite different.  

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46 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


Even for you that is one sided.

The reason Powell and Flynn lost the motion is because of his prior plea.  That is what the judge referred to.

If Powell had represented Flynn from the beginning, the outcome might have been quite different.  

One sided? What? It's exactly what I stated. He admitted what he did, was offered and declined different counel to go over his plea, and signed his name to a plea agreement stating that he was guilty of the charges as presented by the prosecution. Twice!

The judge struck down every single instance of a Brady claim, admonished Syd for cribbing language unacknowledged from a case that wasn't germane to Flynn's and the entire joke went down in flames. In fact the judge pointed out the remedy, if there was a Brady claim, wouldn't be dismissal but instead would have been a trial.

Powell may well have gotten him the guillotine since there is clearly no evidence that would have been exculpating and result in an acquittal. As I stated before, this was done to pose for a pardon once it became clear Trump was willing to float one. The problem Flynn now has is that it may be more advantageous for Trump to keep the possibility alive but unconsummated because that strategy serves to keep everyone in line. In the joint it's called living on pins and needles.

Although IANAL I think Sullivan would like to give him a bunch of time but I don't think he will. The sentencing guidelines will probably prevent that from happening (I haven't checked but that's my guess).

You're clearly the one being one sided on this one Jim (although I'm sure I can be accused of that elsewhere). This at the very best was a hail Mary on it's merits but may not be a bad strategy. We'll see.

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