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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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David, re WTC7. There was also a less discussed fire that morning, at the Old Executive Office Building. Cheney’s office was there, Rumsfeld had used that building for several months during his Missile Commission with a few other PNAC members, and the building had been equipped with a crisis communications centre during the Iran Contra years. If you Google search ‘Old Executive Office Building Fire 9/11’ you can (or could) find several references to the event. I once did a post on DPF about it with several links.

And WTC7 also had a crisis communications center on one floor that may have been in use before the tower dropped. So without having a crystal ball, there’s a possibility that both communications centres were in touch, before they each suffered a fire. At the OEOB, it coincided with an evacuation. At WTC7, it preceded the free fall of the whole building.

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1 hour ago, Anthony Thorne said:

David, re WTC7. There was also a less discussed fire that morning, at the Old Executive Office Building. Cheney’s office was there, Rumsfeld had used that building for several months during his Missile Commission with a few other PNAC members, and the building had been equipped with a crisis communications centre during the Iran Contra years. If you Google search ‘Old Executive Office Building Fire 9/11’ you can (or could) find several references to the event. I once did a post on DPF about it with several links.

And WTC7 also had a crisis communications center on one floor that may have been in use before the tower dropped. So without having a crystal ball, there’s a possibility that both communications centres were in touch, before they each suffered a fire. At the OEOB, it coincided with an evacuation. At WTC7, it preceded the free fall of the whole building.

Interesting.  I hadn't heard about the fire in the Old Executive Office Building on 9/11.   (A friend of mine once gave me a tour of the OEOB during Carter's presidency.)

As for Rumsfeld and WTC7, here's some info posted by Kevin Ryan.*  Rumsfeld was Chairman of the Board of Saloman Smith Barney prior to 2001-- which occupied most of the floors at WTC7.

(I've seen the 9/11 video of Rumsfeld denying that he had ever heard of WTC7, but it has, apparently, been deleted from You Tube.)


Edited by W. Niederhut
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The ruthless ploy of appointing Jesse Liu to one of the top posts at the Treasury Dept., replacing her in the Justice Dept. position before the confirmation, and then pulling the nomination from under her in order to completely take her out of the picture is simply the "humane" assassination of another person not on the "Trump team".  These humane removals will soon lead to more severe "removals" such as jailing individuals (dissidents) or worse.  The time has come for either political and personal courage from our elected "leaders"and the supposedly independent judiciary to carry out their duty to the country.  This is mainly directed to the "law and order" Republicans.  If they cannot find the nerve to stand for the long established national values they claim to espouse, then Ben Franklin's words for his compatriots are at hand for the rest of us.

Benjamin Franklin - "We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately".

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14 hours ago, Anthony Thorne said:

David, re WTC7. There was also a less discussed fire that morning, at the Old Executive Office Building. Cheney’s office was there, Rumsfeld had used that building for several months during his Missile Commission with a few other PNAC members, and the building had been equipped with a crisis communications centre during the Iran Contra years. If you Google search ‘Old Executive Office Building Fire 9/11’ you can (or could) find several references to the event. I once did a post on DPF about it with several links.


Yer playin' me song, boyo.  At link below, here's video of 9/11 local news alerts for:

  • A fire on the "Washington Mall" (National Mall?)
  • A car bomb outside the State Department
  • Plane crash near Camp David
  • Extra plane hijacked out of Pittsburgh
  • "Car bomb" (not plane/missile) at the Pentagon


I have also been reading about WTC North Tower Floor 22 being targeted by an elevator bomb that blew the doors down into the shaft (not outward, as would be expected) and helped disrupt the security communications center on that floor, cutting off victims' access to the roof.  Careful with this site, as not all that glitters...


Edited by David Andrews
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5 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Re: WTC 7

The early reports were that the “command center” had huge emergency diesel generators and fuel tanks in the basement. I remember an early excuse for the #7 collapse was that those tanks caught fire and melted the supporting steel to the point of collapse. I think NIST admitted there were no giant tanks filled with diesel fuel.

It was alleged that WTC 7 was built over a Con Edison substation, hence the generators.  I don't know how that allegation played out for later purposes.

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On 2/7/2020 at 5:40 PM, Paul Brancato said:

It’s time to leave criticism of the very real faults of the Democratic Establishment, which we all know all about, and put the spotlight on the fascist takeover that’s occurring in real time. 

Paul, doesn’t seem as if people are anesthetized to the idea we now live in a Mad Kingdom?

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5 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

All of you should ask yourselves what Hunter Biden was doing for Burisma to justify earning $80,000 a month. I was not his expertise in the natural gas industry or fluency in Ukranian, both of which he had none.

Robert this is common in the business world and I don't know why you or anyone else makes a big deal out of it. It looks bad but doesn't on it's own mean anything. Here's a primer for ya:


I'm curious why do you think Ivanka and Jared are in the President's office? What does Don JR. know about anything? I could go on but I think it's a waste of time with you.

If they can get anything on him do it. I don't think Rudy's campaigning for dirt from corrupt Ukrainians counts for what it's worth.

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2 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

King Donald is showing off his autocratic muscles rigging the sentence of Roger Stone.

Trump has brazenly declared his personal control of the Justice Dept.

Political winner? Some how I doubt it.

The judge will sentence him regardless, most likely along guidelines which includes enhancements for witness intimidation or tampering or some such. Trump will commute or pardon him for lying to cover his Daddy's tail which he most certainly did.

The Attorneys resigned from the case, not their positions. They aren't done.

Taint over till the fat lady sings.

Edited by Bob Ness
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Its pretty easy to see what Trump is doing.

Since he was acquitted and the Mueller Report did not bring home the bacon, he is now going to try and say that  Comey and Schiff ran a circus.

He will then wait for the Durham Report to start firing more people or have them referred for prosecution.

That will fire up his base during the election.

This was what I meant by playing chess vs Checkers.  As James Neal said during Watergate, if you shoot at a king, you have to kill him.

This is why Pelosi did not want to do this, but she did anyway, and she played a poor hand poorly.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Its pretty easy to see what Trump is doing.

Since he was acquitted and the Mueller Report did not bring home the bacon, he is now going to try and say that the Comey and Schiff ran a circus.

Schiff and Comey ran a circus?

I wasn’t aware James Comey was.a.Democratic Representative...Who knew?

Last I looked James Comey was head of the FBI 3 years ago and hasn’t’ run anything since.


He will then wait for the Durham Report to start firing more people or have them referred for prosecution.

Someone tell DiEugenio that Trump is already trying to gin up a case against Hunter Biden, and Col Vindman. 

Trump’s not waiting for anything.


That will fire up his base during the election.

Which is why the recent Quinnipiac Poll shows Sanders and Biden up by 8 and Bloomberg by 9.


This was what I meant by playing chess vs Checkers.  As James Neal said during Watergate, if you shoot at a king, you have to kill him.

Bill Clinton was impeached and the Republicans won the House, the Senate, and White House.


This is why Pelosi did not want to do this, but she did anyway, and she played a poor hand poorly.

What rubbish!

For the first time in history a Senator voted to convict a President of their own party.

Trump wanted a bi-partisan acquittal instead it was a bi-partisan vote for conviction.

Pelosi timed the Trial to deprive Trump of the chance to tout his inevitable acquittal before the Super Bowl or during the State of the Union.

It’s nice to see DiEugenio meet his daily quota of Dem bashing, however...


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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Trump’s War Against ‘the Deep State’ Enters a New Stage

The suggestion that Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman should now face punishment by the Pentagon was one sign of how determined the president is to even the scales after his impeachment.

[Headline from today's New York Times]

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52 minutes ago, Kathy Beckett said:

Oh yeah, and here's the Vindman thing-- I have a link with several news sources, and it's probably on Twitter as well.

If lt col Hickman is telling the truth, Vindman has long been a democratic political partisan and deserved to be fired. Doesnt the POTUS have the right to choose whos in his NSC? This faux leftist outrage over Vindman seems hollow to me. 
If Vindman misrepresented the phone call as Trump claims, why on earth should trump not remove him? Considering some of the claims against vindman, maybe the hatch act could come into play ala general walker?



1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Then I remembered you get your news from Snopes.



They are horrible on JFK, certainly no arbiter of truth in my view.

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