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Oliver Stone and Judyth Baker

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Oliver Stone and Judyth Baker within the hour in Dallas at the Doubletree Hotel as photographed by Peter Battani, one of my Facebook friends..

When they were done talking, Stone got this beautiful grin on his face, put his arms around Judyth warmly said to her, "I believe you."

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Edited by Douglas Caddy
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Has anyone watched Stone’s doc on Amazon called Ukraine, or Ukraine on fire? There are two, one 2017 the other 2019, I watched the latter. I think he’s losing his marbles a bit. The video promotes the Giuliani Trump conspiracy theory. Seems that Jim DiEugenio has signed on too, as well as Glenn Greenwald.

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21 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Has anyone watched Stone’s doc on Amazon called Ukraine, or Ukraine on fire? There are two, one 2017 the other 2019, I watched the latter. I think he’s losing his marbles a bit. The video promotes the Giuliani Trump conspiracy theory. Seems that Jim DiEugenio has signed on too, as well as Glenn Greenwald.

Jim's close association with Oliver Stone these days explains in my opinion why he takes the Republican/ Russian position on Russiagate here in the forum.  If he took the different position Stone might not have agreed to work with him.  Both Stone and his son could be considered to be close associates of Putin with Russia Today (RT) being what they have in common.

That said, I am delighted that Oliver Stone is going to revisit the Kennedy assassination and incorporate new information into this work. Who else commands the respect to do this that he does? Jim's book is a great platform on which to build. Will Stone also explore Judyth's claims? Stay tuned and don't spill your coffee while thinking about it.

I should add that Putin has hinted publicly that he knows who killed JFK. Maybe he will give Stone his inside information about this. Have a second cup of coffee and ponder this.

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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Oliver Stone has gone full in on Putin lately too, basically parroting the ‘dear leader’ rhetoric of Russian propaganda. 

As to the Ukraine conspiracy theory pushed by Trump/Giuliani, there are two parts, one of which is true and one false. One is that it was really Ukraine, and not Russia, that hacked the DNC server. I don’t think there’s any evidence to support that it was Ukraine. (But I’m not fully convinced at least some of the leak didn’t come from a domestic source).  But, DNC-Clinton campaign/Ukrainian cooperation is demonstrably true. It’s obvious why Ukraine would prefer a Clinton administration to a Trump administration, and the Manafort leaks that prompted his departure as Trump campaign chair were a result of this cooperation. I don’t think anything DiEugenio or Greenwald are saying is untrue.

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You guys have touched upon something I was reticent to bring up so as not to be a downer, given Stone is the director who gave us "JFK" and is partnering in a new venture with Jim that we hope can put us back on the map. . But Stone said in 2017 that the "Deep State is a bigger problem than Trump". If he's stubbornly held to that view now, and can't change it. I'd say he's losing his faculties. If he doesn't keep the focus of this new project on JFK,  he could forever relegate the JFKAC to the historic  conspiracy trash bin. The more the JFKAC  is associated with Trump and   his conspiracies, and other conspiracies that are being carelessly thrown around now, it could easily be it's death knell. There was also an article posted here a while back that Ollie now  believed the account of somebody that told him it was the Secret Service that did JFK in. Is that what he currently  thinks?

But as far as staying on track, I do think it will be OK because he was very fact based and focused and used  used restraint in his more recent "The Untold Story of the United States" series. After continually hearing these glowing reviews of JFK so often here from Jim. When Ollie dealed with the Cuban Missile crisis and the JFKA assassination, in his 10 part series, he to my relief was very judicious and restrained. In the end of that segment , he praised JFK and Khrushev in the Cuban Missile Crisis as "these brave, courageous men" which I thought was fitting, and  he hailed the JFK Presidency as "having good potential".  Which again I liked because I thought it was sober and judicious, because he did leave too soon.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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4 hours ago, Brian Schmidt said:

Oliver Stone has gone full in on Putin lately too, basically parroting the ‘dear leader’ rhetoric of Russian propaganda. 

As to the Ukraine conspiracy theory pushed by Trump/Giuliani, there are two parts, one of which is true and one false. One is that it was really Ukraine, and not Russia, that hacked the DNC server. I don’t think there’s any evidence to support that it was Ukraine. (But I’m not fully convinced at least some of the leak didn’t come from a domestic source).  But, DNC-Clinton campaign/Ukrainian cooperation is demonstrably true. It’s obvious why Ukraine would prefer a Clinton administration to a Trump administration, and the Manafort leaks that prompted his departure as Trump campaign chair were a result of this cooperation. I don’t think anything DiEugenio or Greenwald are saying is untrue.

Nice distinction. I would add that I agree with outing Manafort. 

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Maybe Oliver was just being polite and the camera failed to record his eye roll when he was walking off to his next appointment. Stranger things have happened.

I’m somehow not expecting Stone’s upcoming documentary series to stop midway for a long segment of Baker telling her tale.

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