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JFKA Forum Journals of the Plague Year?

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12 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

They are more expensive, $35 for a 10 pack at amazon.

They should be NIOSH certified with a TC number, they have head bands as opposed to ear loops.  A KN-95 mask is inferior.

N95 respirator - Wikipedia

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Biden's top priority is not exactly featured in the MSM.

Maybe it will just go way, someday, if we live long enough.


The better video featuring Bobby Flores.

I neglected to click submit the other day.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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Plague news from the Sunshine State, home of the new EX prez.

Florida adds 13,719 COVID-19 cases, 272 deaths — its most since August as positivity soars (msn.com)

Has 1.5 million vaccines a day become a realistic goal?

Biden now hopes for 1.5 million vaccinations a day, a big jump from earlier comments (msn.com)

Edited by Ron Bulman
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28 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

In England, the NHS managed to kill off Captain Sir Tom Moore, last survivor of the Battle of Britain.  It's like announcing that Betty White has Covid:


A bit harsh David.  Cpt Moore passed away from Covid today, but couldn't have a Covid jab because of his pneumonia medication after a recent holiday in Barbados!  He wasn't a Battle of Britain vet either.  Served in the army in Burma.

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On 2/2/2021 at 2:37 PM, Pete Mellor said:

A bit harsh David.  Cpt Moore passed away from Covid today, but couldn't have a Covid jab because of his pneumonia medication after a recent holiday in Barbados!  He wasn't a Battle of Britain vet either.  Served in the army in Burma.

And now nothing stands between the mob and the English queen.


Edited by David Andrews
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Hard to believe we're roughly one year into the plague.

My wife is 65, and we're hoping she can get vaccinated here in Colorado this month.

I'm 64, and don't meet criteria yet to get on a local vaccination waiting list.

One of my daughters tested positive for COVID the week after Thanksgiving, but she has been o.k.

On the positive side, the Colorado ski resorts are open again this year, (with masks and restricted dining options) and I've been able to ski several times since December.  They've been good about enforcing mask wearing in the lift lines.

Our local park remains jammed with pedestrians, but people have been much better about wearing masks this year.  I think it has helped to have a POTUS who takes public health measures seriously.

I hope forum members here are having success in getting vaccinated.

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3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Hard to believe we're roughly one year into the plague.

My wife is 65, and we're hoping she can get vaccinated here in Colorado this month.

I'm 64, and don't meet criteria yet to get on a local vaccination waiting list.

One of my daughters tested positive for COVID the week after Thanksgiving, but she has been o.k.

On the positive side, the Colorado ski resorts are open again this year, (with masks and restricted dining options) and I've been able to ski several times since December.  They've been good about enforcing mask wearing in the lift lines.

Our local park remains jammed with pedestrians, but people have been much better about wearing masks this year.  I think it has helped to have a POTUS who takes public health measures seriously.

I hope forum members here are having success in getting vaccinated.

Congratulations on just surviving the last year W.  To myself as well.  I too am 64 and waiting on level 3 to materialize.  My wife's on the list due to diabetes.  My office neighbor tested positive in December, very mild case.  Still another reason retirement is a good thing, 40 cases on campus last week.  Students do congregate.

Buried in a box I still have that worn out, doesn't fit anymore, I Skied Wolf Creek t-shirt.  Jealous am I?  Yes.

Mask on, ski safe.

Extreme skiing compilation HD - Bing video

Memories of riding upside down, down the mountain, with the ski patrol in control.    


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22 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I was waiting to hear something other than stories about how painfully slow the covid vaccine rollout is in California, then an hour ago, I got notified online, filled out the application  and I'm getting my first jab this weekend!

Congrat's Kirk.  Still waiting.

463,090 as of today.  It's just the flu.  Some still believe this.  When will we hit a half million.  When has the flu ever done that in a year.  Is Vegas taking odd's on the date?  I wouldn't be surprised.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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On 3/18/2020 at 12:29 PM, W. Niederhut said:

I don't know if this is kosher here on the JFKA research forum, but I'm interested in hearing about the Plague in various regions of the country (and planet.)

Forum members have been posting incidental plague narratives on the Mark Zaid Thread-About-Everything here, but that thread has become utterly scattered and tangential-- even veering into tin-foil hat and Godwin's Law territory, with the inevitable allusions to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, etc.

In any case, here's my local Journal of the Plague Year entry for March 18, 2020...

        I took my dog for a walk just now in Denver's Washington Park, where I have lived for the past 30 years.  (Because the nearest ocean is 1,000 miles away, Washington Park is the closest thing we have here to Venice Beach.)

       A few people were out walking this morning and, for the first time, some of them were wearing surgical masks!

       I passed a couple of 50-something ladies by Grassmere Lake, and one of them threw a scarf over her face as I walked by-- giving them a wide berth.

       It was like stepping into the pages of an apocalyptic Camus novel.

Bumping this thread for Chris Barnard, who want's to start one on the pandemic.

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Well I got my first jab today. It was pretty quick. I drove in, was given a questionnaire I filled out in  2 minutes. Went into a high school gym , submitted my questionnaire and got my shot in 5 minutes! Just about everyone there, from the people stopping you in your car to get in the parking lot, to the registrants, to the people giving you the jabs were women! They were like angels!

After, they have you wait 15 minutes in the gym to see if you have any adverse reactions. There were about 40 people waiting in folding chairs like me that told me they were probably serving about 40 people every 15 minutes.

I don't get a flu shot every year. But I did this year because they recommended it with covid. And there was less muscle soreness with this (the moderna vaccine) than there was with my flu shot, which was almost none.  I went out and took a half hour hike afterwards.

When I was waiting to leave another very intelligent nice lady was also waiting in a spaced chair socially distanced from me. We started talking and the subject came around to covid, the vaccine and then Robert Kennedy Jrs. covid position and she told me the Kennedy family broke with RFK Jr. in a op piece where they praised him for all the good work he's done on the environment but criticize his position on vaccines.

I looked it up and found it.




Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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I haven't had the covid shot yet.

Been suffering through a lodged kidney stone for 42 days and with other medical issues just couldn't handle any more heavy decision making until at least this stone pain/stress issue was resolved.

Saturday early morning the stone finally passed into the bladder which reduced the constant excrutiating pain to much milder pain, then the stone actually came out completely late Saturday night. So exhausted from the stone ordeal combined with other issues however, I am still not quite ready to arrange getting the covid shot just yet. I know many will find this a risky and perhaps irresponsible mind set.

This past Thursday I had to go to our hospital for a pre-op test for covid ( kidney stone surgery which is now cancelled due to it's passing) and had to drive by the outside area where covid shots were being administered to what seemed like 100 + people over the age 65 only.

It was a surreal sight.

Lines of older folks using canes, walkers, in wheel chairs, others standing alone or with someone holding them in support.

Everyone masked of course. It was a high drama scene. Workers running about, lots of yelling. You could see the look of anxiety and even a little fear in the eyes of some in the shot waiting crowd.

The scene of so many white haired folks ( of which I am one ) with some looking anxious spontaneously reminded me of the film "Cocoon" and the scene of similar looking older aged folks clamoring to get into the Anterean life and health rejuvenation pool or be allowed onto the boat/space ship ride back to their planet for a permanently rejuvenated, never aging life.

For a fleeting second I felt a tinge of apocalyptic dread in the desperateness of it all.

But at the same time I fightingly replaced that thought with a much more positive "we'll get through this okay" one as I inched my way past the slow moving aged covid innoculation crowd.

I thought - we survived Trump ... and we can get through this as well.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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