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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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3 hours ago, David Andrews said:

The Ludlow Massacre was precipitated against striking miners by Rockefeller business interests.  You can find photos of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., posing at the site.

I wonder if someone could go back into the archives and find that the Bonus Army camp was funded by pro-FDR rich liberals...

I can't say I've ever heard that Dave. It would be a good conspiracy theory that FDR and his ilk of liberals subsidized the Bonus army to trip up Herbert Hoover campaign in 1932 against FDR, i suppose.. 

But  even after  Hoover used Mac Arthur , Patton and Mac Arthur's subordinate Eisenhower to brutally disperse the protestors and arrest many people and destroy the camps of "Hooverville" in front of the Capitol.,  Mac Arthur followed the protestors across the Ananacosta river to the protestors main camp, defying president Hoover's instructions. Mac Arthur claiming the protestors were attempting to overthrow the U.S.government when in reality, they were only WW1 veterans who were  protesting for funds they had been promised by an earlier bill as compensation for their service in WW1, now finding hard times during the Depression. Eisenhower expressed reluctance, but ultimately wrote a favorable report about Mac Arthur's incursion.  None of the Generals who were complicit lost their public standing but Hoover lost the election.

It is interesting to note that a second bonus army assembled in 1933 after FDR became President. FDR was against them, but eventually offered them jobs with his Civilian Conservation Corps.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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     I posted the following on April 21 in the Watergate topic dealing with Nixon's predictions. I think this reflects Putin's thinking as articulated by this "former" Russian Military Intelligence agent:

Former Russian military intelligence officer, Daniel Estulin joined Daniel Brigman on The Power Hour podcast on April 17 to talk about what's really going on with COVID-19 and the global clampdown:

If you want to survive today in what's coming down right now, because it hasn't even started - it hasn't started - what people are seeing like, for example my family, my parents, who are now old, they're in their eighties and they live in Toronto, Canada and their friends, who for years, they've been laughing at all the stuff I've been talking about - and again, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I'm a Doctor of Conceptual Intelligence - they're calling my parents and saying, "Ask your son when this thing is going to go away," as if I had a magic wand can make this coronavirus thing go away.

They don't understand that it hasn't started. It's a prelude to the First Act. It's an apéritif you're given when you come to someone's party. Then you're gonna sit down, there's gonna be the first course, second, third, fourth, fifth, etc. This thing really is going to start in September.

So, we have literally was what's left of April, May, June, July and a bit of of August. We have about three and a half months, okay to get our stuff together, understand what's coming down, okay get ready, because in September, we're gonna have the first serious wave of collapse.

And what's coming is gonna be twice as bad as the Great Depression. We have never seen, there's no person alive on planet Earth today who's come in contact with anything remotely similar to this - and I'm not talking about the Great Depression, because this is going to be greater, much greater than the Great Depression.

90% of businesses will fail. 90% of people won't have a job and that's one of the reasons why the global elite wanted a thermonuclear war...what you're seeing right now is a change. Yes, a very violent change from one technological paradigm to another…..

So what you're seeing right now in America we lived through in Russia in 1991, meaning we went to sleep in one country, we woke up in another - Russia. Meaning, that the day we woke up in another country, we lost all our savings that we've ever had. 40% of the population went from having something to having zero - and as a result, 25 million people killed themselves; dragged themselves to death, you know, jumped off buildings. This is coming to America and you have to prepare for it.




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48 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I can't say I've ever heard that Dave. It would be a good conspiracy theory that FDR and his ilk of liberals subsidized the Bonus army to trip up Herbert Hoover campaign in 1932 against FDR, i suppose.. 

But  even after  Hoover used Mac Arthur , Patton and Mac Arthur's subordinate Eisenhower to brutally disperse the protestors and arrest many people and destroy the camps of "Hooverville" in front of the Capitol.,  Mac Arthur followed the protestors across the Ananacosta river to the protestors main camp, defying president Hoover's instructions. Mac Arthur claiming the protestors were attempting to overthrow the U.S.government when in reality, they were only WW1 veterans who were  protesting for funds they had been promised by an earlier bill as compensation for their service in WW1, now finding hard times during the Depression. Eisenhower expressed reluctance, but ultimately wrote a favorable report about Mac Arthur's incursion.  None of the Generals who were complicit lost their public standing but Hoover lost the election.

It is interesting to note that a second bonus army assembled in 1933 after FDR became President. FDR was against them, but eventually offered them jobs with his Civilian Conservation Corps.

         It has been awhile since I read the book and watched the series but, if I recall correctly, Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick did an excellent job covering the history of the Ludlow Massacre and the Bonus Army in The Untold History of the United States.

        I think Eleanor Roosevelt directly visited the second Bonus Army, and brought them meals, etc.  Quite a contrast to Hoover & Co.

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We'd passed the Ludlow Historical Site signs pointing west on I-25 many times over the years.  I just assumed the Indians had massacred settlers there.  Last year we stopped at a really nice state rest stop just north of Trinidad Colorado to use the bathroom.  Picnic tables, kiosks with state and local travel info, and pedestals with bronzed descriptions.  One with a brief description of Ludlow.  It didn't mention the National Guard using machine guns on US Citizens to assist business interests against the strikers in the tent city.


I don't remember this from US History or Civics in High School or college or for that matter a labor relations class at UTA.  Maybe it was mentioned in passing and I wasn't paying attention.  History suppressed?

Looking for info I stumbled across this.  If your interested in US history it's well worth the 30 minutes.  Having passed through the area many times I'll never think of it quite the same.  Personally I think this is outstanding from a labor history perspective.


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6 hours ago, David Andrews said:

Don't worry, Robert.  I have it on good authority that it's all going to just "disappear one day."

The good news is that Trump will just disappear on January 20. That is, he'll disappear from the White House. He will still be highly visible and should eventually appear in a New York jail.



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48 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:

The good news is that Trump will just disappear on January 20. That is, he'll disappear from the White House. He will still be highly visible and should eventually appear in a New York jail.



Let's hope so, Ron. But I have a sneaky feeling that Trump will manufacture a National Emergency and declare Martial Law, thus taking over the country without a problem. Watch how he manufactures major problems with China in the next two months.

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"But to hear his campaign’s newest senior adviser, Steve Cortes, tell it, Trump’s misstep was not the act of authorizing attacks on peaceful protesters—it was that the president wasn’t even “more of a fascist.”


As the Trump campaign’s new senior adviser for strategy, Cortes has been tasked with helping right the ship of President Donald Trump’s re-election efforts after months of strategic and tactical blunders under newly demoted campaign manager Brad Parscale.


Among Cortes’ most recent statements: declaring that billionaire philanthropist and conservative bête noire George Soros is manipulating the Black Lives Matter movement to achieve the “nullification of America;” saying that the “propensity of Black people in this country to commit violent crime” meant that white criminals are actually the victims of police violence; and dismissing concerns about schoolchildren spreading the novel coronavirus to elderly relatives by saying that “grandma can stay somewhere else.”"

Steve Thomas

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- Donald Trump -

"My visits last week to Texas and Frorida (sic) had massive numbers of cheering people gathered along the roads and highways, thousands and thousands, even bigger (by far) than the crowds of 2016,” the president wrote. “Saw no Biden supporters, and yet some in the Fake News said it was an equal number. Sad!"



Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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Grifters Are Scamming Teenage Trump Supporters Through Targeted Snapchat Ads

Ads peddling “free” MAGA merch could financially devastate young Snapchatters.

By Jesselyn Cook


In an attention-grabbing Snapchat ad, a cartoon version of President Donald Trump dances through fireworks and a cascade of dollar bills to the tune of “Hail to the Chief.” Bold text against a flashing red, white and blue background promises viewers a “FREE Trump 2020 Bundle” of MAGA-themed merchandise and even $10 in hard cash — all for a fee of just 69 cents to cover shipping.

The offer, which is targeted to males who live in red states, watch political news and enjoy online shopping, according to Snapchat data, could be hard to resist for many of the app’s overwhelmingly young users.

Please support President Trump & Traditional American values by claiming Your FREE Trump 2020 Bundle,” says the text on the ad’s landing page, above a checkout button labeled, “YES, I SUPPORT OUR PRESIDENT.” Buried in fine print at the bottom of the page, which displays a large countdown clock, is a disclaimer noting that the “free” deal is actually a “welcoming gift for joining the Trump4President2020 Club.” Members are automatically billed $142 every month, with no option for a refund.

As the race for the White House rages on, Trump4President2020 and an array of other little-known advertisers are carefully targeting Snapchat users as young as 15 with a barrage of pro-Trump ads based on their age, gender, location, presumed interests, online activity and even their affinity for Fox News. The ads mimic Trump’s rhetoric and offer users “free” swag — flags, T-shirts, hats, custom coins, novelty bills, pool floatsoften as tokens of gratitude for their “patriotism.”

In reality, Snapchat is letting scammers zero in and prey on some of its youngest users by exploiting their naivety and ardor for the president.”

Steve Thomas


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Wow! Steve, 'the grift that keeps giving'!  Might as well 'jump on the Trump' gravy train while it lasts!

But how will these kids feel when they see the first $142 bill?! 

Pretty ingenious. So it's fleece young white males, turn them against Trump, fight for our constitution, and make a tidy profit!

 Only in the USA!

Grifters against Trump!

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

I just found out my grandpa, a lifetime Republican is voting Democrat this fall...


This would’ve never happened if he were still alive!


I assume that means he's voting by mail.



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