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Trump's postmaster general lives close by. Friends of mine are sending him mail in support of the Post Office. Postcards are best; they are processed quicker, and are read all along the way.


806 Country Club Drive

Greensboro, NC 27408

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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Trump officials could face criminal charges for USPS sabotage — and the president may not be able to pardon them




States Attorneys General in both New Jersey and Arizona are looking into filing criminal charges. With the possibility of Trump being charged in state court and DeJoy being charged in state court, I think that is the only way we are going to be able to stop these people. The evening after he testified before Congress, DeJoy went back to his office and fired 23 people. They have nothing but contempt for Federal officials.

I think Biden is right. Federal prosecution of former political opponents sets a bad precedent. It looks too much like banana republic countries. But state courts on the local level though are a different matter. In Arizona, they are saying that it's a violation of the state's constitution to infringe on a citizen's voting franchise.

Steve Thomas

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7 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Chad Wolf’s authority is ‘illegitimate’: Hispanic Caucus chairman demands DHS chief ‘resign in disgrace’


I understand the illegitimacy. My point is, no one can do anything about it. Trump is out of control and no one can do anything. All things considered, I don't think this republic stands a chance. There are too many Americans today who don't even want it.


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Jim said; Looks like Trump is guaranteeing he gets four more years. In broad daylight:

Unless somebody does something, with CV 19 raging, I think Trump will now have. a good chance to win.

You could be up 5-1 in the bottom of the 9th, and walk the lead off hitter, and Captain Jim would get skittish, cry foul and forfeit the game!

Remember how skittish  Jim was about the impeachment being a windfall for Trump?

Do we have to hear a running commentary on every palpitating fear and apprehension that Jim has?

Wish he'd keep his heartbeats to himself!

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Jim - why do you feel it’s necessary to remind everyone how the alternative to Trump is the old and much disliked neoliberalism? Do you honestly think that Biden and Harris are not preferable to Trump and Pence? I get, and I dare say most of us get, how bad things were before Trump came along. But as several here have pointed out, their personal lives were vastly improved because of Obama’s flawed presidency. Is that not worth something? There is no debate about the Domestic policy differences between the two parties. The Democrats are far more diverse, far more compassionate. Sure, both parties are about maintaining the American Empire, always have been, though Trump and his cronies are trying to redraw the map of alliances. Your stubborn adherence to critiques of the flawed Democratic Party is kind of like attacking Paul von Hindenburg in 1932 over the failing German State while storm troopers were in the streets preparing for Hitler. 

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If Trump wins, why limit him to "four more years"? Are his authoritarian aspirations not crystal clear by now? Re-electing him will be virtually a mandate to scrap the Constitution. Or someone tell me I'm wrong.


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33 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:

If Trump wins, why limit him to "four more years"? Are his authoritarian aspirations not crystal clear by now? Re-electing him will be virtually a mandate to scrap the Constitution. Or someone tell me I'm wrong.


I share your alarm, Ron.  Trump is running on the implicit promise of one man rule.

The feckless response of the Obama-bashers on this Forum is disgraceful.

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21 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

I share your alarm, Ron.  Trump is running on the implicit promise of one man rule.

The feckless response of the Obama-bashers on this Forum is disgraceful.

Thanks. I thought maybe I was just crazy. Almost four years of Trump will do that to you.


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2 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:

Thanks. I thought maybe I was just crazy. Almost four years of Trump will do that to you.


You’re the model of sanity, Ron.

Unlike others around here you’re a genuine Patriot!

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Cliff, Ron and others,  to paraphrase from JFK,  we’re through the looking glass now. It is amazing what “law and order” citizens will go along with while blindly following a man/men who flout the law and turn it upside down to subvert its use for their and their cronies benefit.  We are indeed now a third word nation.

Edited by Richard Price
Make that “world”.
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27 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

I am trying to get "2nd American Republic" trending on twitter


Thanks for your help.

I know nothing about Twitter trends or the 2nd American Republic. If I gave you any help, it certainly wasn't intentional.


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1 hour ago, Ron Ecker said:

I know nothing about Twitter trends or the 2nd American Republic. If I gave you any help, it certainly wasn't intentional.


Speaking of Twitter trends, apparently, "Urine Trouble, Trump" is trending now, after Michael Cohen published an excerpt from his new book about Trump's "golden showers."

Were Christopher Steele's Russian intel sources correct all along about a Trump "Pee Pee Tape?"


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On 8/13/2020 at 7:31 AM, Steve Thomas said:

When asked by Fox Business’s Maria Bartiromo about extra funding for the Post Office during a Thursday morning interview, Trump explicitly tied his refusal to give the USPS what it needed with his desire to block mail-in voting.

“Now they need that money in order to make the Post Office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots,” Trump said. “But if they don’t get those two items that means you can’t have universal mail-in voting.”

Post Offices are enshrined in the Constitution. He swore an oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States".

It's time for another impeachment.

Steve Thomas

Steve, I've mentioned before what I see is a failure on the part of our main stream media regards informing our entire nation about the abuses of executive power by Trump in anyway reflective of their true gravity importance.

For the 100th time, Trump is seriously abusing the constitution, and our main stream media is letting him get away with doing so, by their lack ( I believe purposeful ) of appropriate coverage and editorial comment.

Here Trump is ADMITTING he is holding up financial aid to Covid-19 job loss victims for political reasons. To stop anything he perceives to be of benefit to the Democrats in the next election more than he and his own party.

If our largest viewership media venues don't make this blatantly admitted Trump political gain agenda Covid-19 victim hostage situation story OUTRAGED/FRONT PAGE internet and newspaper and even radio and TV news as the dangerous misuse of power that it is...then 80% of our society is kept in a mind numbing ignorance of this presidential power abuse story and it's true importance.

And which has been the case with dozens of other Trump power abuse actions during his anger, tension and anxiety inciting and filled reign.

If Americans are not boldly told by our media the full honest gravity of Trump's actions, like this Covid-19 victim hostage one for pure political gain reasons, in a continuous FRONT PAGE OUTRAGE way, they are simply being kept dumb.

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Celebrities backing Trump again this year.
Impressive list.
Roseanne Barr
Chumly from Pawn Stars
Kid Rock
Mike Tyson
Jesse James
Rick Harrison from Pawn Stars
Willie Robertson
Stephen Baldwin
Kanye West
And on and on...
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