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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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19 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Everyone needs to watch this.  January 6th came very close to succeeding.  That was a mindless, wild mob which reminded one  of the last scene of West's Day of the Locust. They literally trampled one of their own. They were hunting for Pence and Pelosi.  One cop saved the day or they would have been inside the senate before it was evacuated.  And the National Guard was late by three hours.  Michael Wolff, Greenwald and Johnstone should all be ashamed of themselves for what they have written.  This is sickening.



Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There’s a battle outside and it is ragin’
It’ll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin’

Edited by Pamela Brown
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23 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:


That's astonishing. The first such tests since 1987. But why? And why so close to shore?

Here's a link that works...


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2 hours ago, David Andrews said:

The Times might as well tack the committee room scene from The Parallax View onto the end of this video, as nothing will be done.

All this over a president who, to anyone with roots in the area spreading from metropolitan New York to Atlantic City, is well known as a cheat and a fraud.  Guess it didn't catch on in the America where satellite dishes carried the TV show in which he was portrayed as the lawgiver of a fake meritocracy that in the real world would exclude almost all of his audience.

Inspirational verse @37:24 in the video: "Your mother's a fat whore!"  Worthy of Patrick Henry, to be certain.

I hadn't seen a lot of this film before watching the full 40 minute NYT documentary last night.

The vitriol, violence, and sheer delusionality of the Trump mob on January 6th is truly shocking.

I'm, admittedly, a partisan hack, but my belief after watching this stuff is that Donald Trump, Alex Jones, and other key perpetrators of the attack on Congress, (or should I say, "perpe-traitors?") should be hanged on the front steps of the Capitol.

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 Ali Alexander I think is key.


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13 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

 Ali Alexander I think is key.


      Alexander was, obviously, a key player in the insurrection, but I also wonder about the role of Donald Trump, himself, and associates like Roger Stone.

     We know that Stone was filmed with Oath Keepers in combat gear on January 6th, and that he was the mastermind of the "Brooks Brothers Riot" in Dade County, Florida in 2000 that aggressively disrupted the re-count in Bush v. Gore.

     We also know that Trump's favorite flying monkey at the Pentagon, Chris Miller, repeatedly stalled the deployment of National Guard troops to the Capitol on January 6th.  It's hard to believe that Miller wasn't acting on orders from Trump, himself.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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Just now, W. Niederhut said:



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1 hour ago, Chuck Schwartz said:

Doug, thanks for posting. I think this may be the beginning of the end for fatboy.


Trump Was Not Indicted. But the Charges Still Threaten Him.

The criminal case against the former president’s business could deliver a blow to his finances, and he remains the focus of a broader investigation in New York.

The New York Times

July 1, 2021

From the article: While the charges unveiled on Thursday represent a climax of sorts, they may also mark another step in the district attorney’s broader, continuing investigation into the former president, in which he has been joined by the New York State attorney general, Letitia James. The inquiry is focused on whether Mr. Trump effectively kept two separate sets of books: one for his bankers, in which he overstated the value of his properties, and another for the tax authorities, in which he understated them.

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

      Alexander was, obviously, a key player in the insurrection, but I also wonder about the role of Donald Trump, himself, and associates like Roger Stone.

     We know that Stone was filmed with Oath Keepers in combat gear on January 6th, and that he was the mastermind of the "Brooks Brothers Riot" in Dade County, Florida in 2000 that aggressively disrupted the re-count in Bush v. Gore.

     We also know that Trump's favorite flying monkey at the Pentagon, Chris Miller, repeatedly stalled the deployment of National Guard troops to the Capitol on January 6th.  It's hard to believe that Miller wasn't acting on orders from Trump, himself.

That is something that all those people mentioned ignore--Johnstone, Greenwald, Michael Woolf.

Trump got rid of Esper just a few weeks before.  He put this Miller guy in, and its the Pentagon that has to OK National Guard troops in DC, its not up to the mayor.  She can only request them.  When she saw that Miller was giving her the run around, she went to other states like Maryland and Virginia. In the film, you see the difference that made since those troops were decked out with rifles, machine guns and riot gear.  They put it down pretty quickly since there were hundreds of them.

The other thing about the film that is scary is how arms were shipped in and stashed off site.  These guys were planning in advance.  And that is an important part of a conspiracy charge.

Also striking in the film is how completely unprepared the Capitol Police were. That was just a mismatch in every way.  It did no good to mace them, because they brought bear spray.

That Goodman guy saved the day.  If that mindless  mob had gotten into the senate with them still being there?

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Dennis said:As far as Kirk's outburst is concerned, I do not watch corporate media, As for the rest of your assumptions of my views based on a zero hedge article link, thanks for the chuckle.
Sorry for the" outburst" Dennis.It probably just felt  like an outburst. I haven't been accused of an outburst since grade school. heh heh! But this is your assertion, and  if you out yourself as believing sources with no credibility, you will be taken to task.
Dennis said:  I do not watch corporate media, Tucker included, but from the little I have seen (clips etc) he at least will have some decent people on and not be afraid to make fun of the Warren Report for instance.
Oh yeah?, just as your heartfelt assertion that the FBI is behind the Jan 6th riots? Again, maybe you've seen so precious little about it, you shouldn't even comment, but that's your choice. But check out this real "decent" Tucker clip.   Tucker is a hard core "Oswald is a commie" and all attempts to make him a right wing figure is just the left trying to take the blame away from themselves.
A word to those who've been waiting for years for a 24 hour  cable conspiracy channel who have now gleefully settled for Tucker Carlson and have dream athletic aspirations to be considered to carry Carlson's weighty douche bag,
I should let you know that  years ago, when Tucker was young, his father, after months of carousing at exclusive tennis and  country clubs, picked up the heiress to the Swanson TV Dinner fortune, and despite Carlson's meanderings of populism, that every once in a while  can actually make him sound like AOC, Beware! It's all a plot to draw audience because as he's seen from Trump , he can pretty much say anything now and his mindless audience will never hold him to what he says or subject him  to any performance standard.
Fortunately he does have a long track record as he's shown here a few years back. He's scoffing at the idea that he could be any kind of spokesman for the everyday person.
"The one thing you learn when you grow up in a castle, and look across the moat every day at the hungry peasants out in the  village is that you don't want to stoke envy among the proletariat."
Tucker Carlson 2008, on tape below.
Over and over again I see people getting sucked in to this Fox douche illuminati or on alternative media. I keep trying to free you from your existence within the mouths of the all encompassing "government deep state" to direct your energy to the people who are really controlling you  as well as your government, the corporate elites, who are laughing  at your misdirection. Shut out your temptations to utter helplessness, stop getting sucked in to their  deliciously spooky rhetoric and free yourself from your current state of "corporate shill".
Similarly in this new Trump tax fraud investigation. I assume to the shills it will be.
President Trump and his tax cuts to the rich, a true revolutionary. When will they just leave him alone?----------1
The wicked "government deep state" who have sabotaged everything I've ever tried to accomplish in my life.---
Near the end , we can see what he ended up learning from another shill favorite, Bill O'Reilly and eventually incorporated it into his act.
"Well,.. we all know Trump isn't cool so, .....can we just not talk about it?
"Matt Taibbi  2016-21
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Tucker Carlson opined that the January 6th attacks on Congress were an FBI "false flag."

My impression is that, if anything, there was a major failure by the FBI to properly inform the D.C. and Capitol Police about the impending January 6th attacks-- especially if the FBI had informants in the ranks of the Proud Boys and other attack groups.

Here's more evidence to support that theory.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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Senator Cancun Cruz.  I can appreciate that.  0, below freezing mostly in the teens for a week.  Record setting for here, we were unprepared.  People died.  Died while he was on vacation, warm.  Electric grid reform since by he Abbott or others?  Ha.

DNC chair hits Cruz over Biden criticism: 'You aren't qualified enough to tie his shoes' (msn.com) 

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On 7/2/2021 at 1:42 PM, W. Niederhut said:

Tucker Carlson opined that the January 6th attacks on Congress were an FBI "false flag."

My impression is that, if anything, there was a major failure by the FBI to properly inform the D.C. and Capitol Police about the impending January 6th attacks-- especially if the FBI had informants in the ranks of the Proud Boys and other attack groups.

Here's more evidence to support that theory.


Does Carlson know what  a False Flag operation even is?

Northwoods was an example.  That was completely sponsored by the JCS and run by them and then painted over.

That is not what happened on Jan 6th. That was recruited and organized and then fomented by Trump and his followers. 

If someone is going to argue that it was allowed to happen, that is not a False Flag operation. 


Edited by James DiEugenio
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