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1 hour ago, Paul Bacon said:

There's no need to "advise" Ukrainians to fight.  The US is as suprised as everybody else at the Ukrainian will to fight.  In my opinion the peace that may eventually come from non-escalation is far, far greater than anything that would be possible with direct confrontation.  Either way, it comes with a very high cost.

You may be right.

On the other hand, Putin may have a "bully" personality, and only responds to strength and force. 

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- Lauren Boebert -


“I don’t know who’s running the federal government these days: Joe Biden or Prince John from ... uhhhh ... Prince John,” Boebert said on Fox News Tuesday. “But they’re taxing us into poverty.”


You remember Prince John from Prince John.

As one Twitter user reminded us,

“Prince John led the Gazpacho police to ram ramparts with space lasers at the Revolutionary War airport.”


An approval poll to determine how well people think Prince John is doing running the country to follow.

Steve Thomas

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8 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

What????So you think Biden should establish a no fly zone in Ukraine? And you don't think that's going to expand the conflict?

Yes, Ben and the Trump/Fox/Greenwald Putin Fan Club have gone from extorting and deriding Zelensky and his "fascist" regime to criticizing Joe Biden for not starting a nuclear war on behalf of the beleaguered Azov Regiment. 🤥

Pic of the Moment

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6 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Not sure about Biden. He established a no-fly zone for Russian aircraft...over the US. Not over Ukraine.  Yeah, I like the no-fly zone. Might save lives. 

Well, if you believe that , I've got some WMD in Florida to sell you. I just hope Tom Cotton, Little Marco and Lindsey Graham don't get as  incensed as you. 

But I'm not sure about Biden.


9 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

We are being very brave with Ukrainian lives. Advising them to fight. 

We actually offered  Zelensky exile, and he didn't take it.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Marjorie Taylor Greene helps Alex Jones promote conspiracy theory claiming '90% population reduction by 2030'

by David Edwards March 09, 2022


““During his broadcast on Tuesday, Jones told Greene that he expects a nuclear war to "breakout" in the coming days as a part of the "Great Reset."

According to BBC News, the Great Reset became popular among conspiracy theorists after a video with that title was presented at the annual Davos summit in 2020. Believers of the theory say that capitalists are trying to impose socialism on the world.

"They want to get to 90% population reduction by 2030," Jones said. "That's the official goal and they're implementing everything they can. They think you're dumb and will think the breakdown of civilization and the energy prices exploding and the food prices exploding and all the hyperinflation is because of [Russian President Vladimir Putin], not because of the Great Reset, not because of [Dr. Anthony Fauci]."”


Capitalists are trying to take over the world so they can impose socialism?

Who woulda thunk?

Dirty old Fauci.

I hope you all are working on your bucket lists.

Steve Thomas

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There are several spins on the "Great Reset." They differ in the aims of the reset, though all of them imply a deliberate implementing of some catastrophic changes, though varying in degrees.. Dennis has bought this theory hook, line and sinker. But I'm not sure if he thinks the aim is a 90% reduction, but he might.  The villianization of Faucci and a belief that the RNA spike protein vaccines will end in a massive depopulation within 2 years, is one of his  major tenets so there should be a massive deaths jn the hundreds of millions very soon.

It all involves the elites completely overthrowing the status quo, like this is  some last ditch effort?? As if the status quo over the last 40 years hasn't been going well enough with them? They've managed to marginalize the middle classes without anyone  barely noticing it was them who've done it.  They need people to carry out their plans.  Why f--- with the formula? Just a lot of poorly targeted, wasted efforts.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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9 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

There are several spins on the "Great Reset." They differ in the aims of the reset, though all of them imply a deliberate implementing of some catastrophic changes, though varying in degrees.. Dennis has bought this theory hook, line and sinker. But I'm not sure if he thinks the aim is a 90% reduction, but he might.  The villianization of Faucci and a belief that the RNA spike protein vaccines will end in a massive depopulation within 2 years, is one of his  major tenets so there should be a massive deaths jn the hundreds of millions very soon.

It all involves the elites completely overthrowing the status quo, like this is  some last ditch effort?? As if the status quo over the last 40 years hasn't been going well enough with them? They've managed to marginalize the middle classes without anyone  barely noticing it was them who've done it.  They need people to carry out their plans.  Why f--- with the formula? Just a lot of poorly targeted, wasted efforts.

How do you personally feel about the idea of a clique running the world and implementing policies and moulding it based on their ideological beliefs? Is it possible? What would It look like or how would it be accomplished if such a thing were going on, Kirk? 


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Chris, Isn't that what I'm saying here? It's being accomplished right now, but not a shot has been fired,  and there's certainly no great need to rock the boat to eliminate 90% of the world's population!  It's done very seamlessly and it's a lot more insidious than the standard conspiracy theories, like the Great Reset theories.

Since you forgot, go back to page 500. You reacted to it at the time, though personally but not substantively.

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9 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Chris, Isn't that what I'm saying here? It's being accomplished right now, but not a shot has been fired,  and there's certainly no great need to rock the boat to eliminate 90% of the world's population!  It's done very seamlessly and it's a lot more insidious than the standard conspiracy theories, like the Great Reset theories.

Since you forgot, go back to page 500. You reacted to it at the time, though personally but not substantively.

That’s interesting, as I was pointing out as much a year or so back in my own thread. Your outlook has changed or become more open to it. 

A lot has sprung from the mystique around the Georgia guide stones. Population control IMHO has been going on a while, in various ways. I agree that it doesn’t meed to be as dramatic as a mass cull via V’s. Its much easier to just reduce human fertility via a variety of methods, mostly which comprise of us ingesting or being exposed to substances that make is less fertile. The lack of quality heathy food and the marketing of unhealthy addictive foods is a big one. Perhaps the most powerful tool Is just selling the idea of having one child or none at all. Making things financially prohibitive to over replicate. 

With all of that said; we have to second guess what is going on, and I wouldn’t rule out a cull. All that would be required would be plausible deniability, ie something that seemed innocent that scientists got wrong, like a bad vaccine. Or it could be a Ukraine bio lab that gets destroyed in battle and releases something that is highly lethal and transfers from person to person easily. What I am saying is, if you did plan it, you’d make it look an accident. Considering most of humanity is consumed by MSM, all you’d need is to be sure MSM told the right story. Who owns MSM, 9 conglomerates approximately. 

One of the interesting videos from the WEF was a 2016 upload (since removed) where one of the predictions was that by 2030 “you’ll own nothing and be happy about it.” Reflecting on that statement, quite a lot has to happen between 2016 and 2030 for that to be a reality. I like mathematical probability and not coincidences. We get a pandemic from a lab (dominant theory) and that cleans out the poor and middle classes, we see the largest upward passing of wealth in history. That runs out of steam and the next thing is a war between Russia & Ukraine (potentially can be a NATO / war with the west in Europe. Supply chain collapses, hyper inflation, food shortages, energy shortages / cost rises, along with wages not being increased with inflation will create some very tough times for the poor and middle classes. 

If there is so be a mass cull it will come from war, famine, disease, and a lack of medical care. I don’t have a crystal ball but, it looks as if the stars are aligning. 

I think there is a deliberate collapsing of the west, which will coincide with the end of the US Empire and the elites are rubbing their hands together, as whatever methods they store their wealth in will be untouched. Debts will be wiped out, a financial system declared defunct and universal agreement to switch to a new system, that they conveniently have waiting in the wings, and so the racket begins again. The reset is dumping an unsustainable system (fractional reserve banking). 



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Every generation in history has had people that are convinced a world-ending event will be happening on their watch.

Subconsciously, it's a way to bring importance to their incredibly unimportant lives. The world has existed for millions of years before us, and will continue to do so for millions of years afterward.

It's important to accept the reality that in the big picture, we're not even remotely as important as we wish we were.

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13 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:


Every generation in history has had people that are convinced a world-ending event will be happening on their watch.

Subconsciously, it's a way to bring importance to their incredibly unimportant lives. The world has existed for millions of years before us, and will continue to do so for millions of years afterward.

It's important to accept the reality that in the big picture, we're not even remotely as important as we wish we were.


It’s good to see you mellowing, Matt. 

The middle paragraph really characterises the virtue signallers well, it can also apply to the CT’s, who seem at times to be a mirror image of those they are against. 



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Zelensky said today Putin's talk about nukes is the bluff of a weakling, someone that is losing. 

This may be true. Perhaps the response of NATO is far too timid. 

The US was willing to pour $8 trillion into Iraq and Afghanistan, into counterproductive and losing efforts, on dubious if not non-existent mission statements.

Now, the US and Poland dither about sending eight fighter jets to Ukraine, where there is the possibility of establishing a working democracy. 

Indeed, the US signaled from the start it was willing to roll over on Ukraine, promising not to send troops (before the invasion, thus inviting invasion) and then offering Zelensky exile. 

Greece (Greece!) just sent two C-130 aircraft to Ukraine. No blah, blah, just did it. Of course, the C-130 is convertible into the AC-130, a gunship.  Imagine the convoy....






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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Zelensky said today Putin's talk about nukes is the bluff of a weakling, someone that is losing. 

This may be true. Perhaps the response of NATO is far too timid. 

The US was willing to pour $8 trillion into Iraq and Afghanistan, into counterproductive and losing efforts, on dubious if not non-existent mission statements.

Now, the US and Poland dither about sending eight fighter jets to Ukraine, where there is the possibility of establishing a working democracy. 

Indeed, the US signaled from the start it was willing to roll over on Ukraine, promising not to send troops (before the invasion, thus inviting invasion) and then offering Zelensky exile. 

Greece (Greece!) just sent two C-130 aircraft to Ukraine. No blah, blah, just did it. Of course, the C-130 is convertible into the AC-130, a gunship.  Imagine the convoy....



     I, for one, am relieved to see that you have finally repented of your mistake in embracing the NATO-bashing Putin apologists in the U.S.-- viz., Trump, Tucker Carlson, Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, et.al.

     Better late than never. 

    And now you're promptly back with more foreign policy advice, to boot!  Yee haw!  🤥

     But I beg to differ with your latest analysis of the crisis.  Unlike Putin's Orange Asset, President Biden did NOT roll over in his response to Putin's aggression.  Did you hear that one on Fox, OAN, or Newsmax? 

     Instead, Biden pre-emptively outed Putin's Ukrainian false flag psy op and united with our formerly dismayed EU allies in supporting Ukraine by promptly imposing crippling sanctions on Putin and his FSB-aligned oligarchs.

     Conversely, what Trump and Fox did for Putin was far worse than anything Neville Chamberlain did for Hitler.  Beyond appeasement, and sabotaging our sanctions, they actively enabled Putin's strategy of dividing and weakening the U.S. and our NATO alliances.  And they are still doing it, even now!  Fox is still cranking out their non-stop, anti-Biden propaganda, even during this critical crisis in world affairs, when the country needs to pull together.


This photo from the NATO summit pretty much sums up Trump's foreign policy  position towards Europe. | Donald Trump's Awkward NATO Summit 2018 Photo |  Know Your Meme




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3 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     I, for one, am relieved to see that you have finally repented of your mistake in embracing the NATO-bashing Putin apologists in the U.S.-- viz., Trump, Tucker Carlson, Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, et.al.

     Better late than never. 

    And now you're promptly back with more foreign policy advice, to boot!  Yee haw!  🤥

     But I beg to differ with your latest analysis of the crisis.  Unlike Putin's Orange Asset, President Biden did NOT roll over in his response to Putin's aggression.  Did you hear that one on Fox, OAN, or Newsmax? 

     Instead, Biden pre-emptively outed Putin's Ukrainian false flag psy op and united with our formerly dismayed EU allies in supporting Ukraine by promptly imposing crippling sanctions on Putin and his FSB-aligned oligarchs.

     Conversely, what Trump and Fox did for Putin was far worse than anything Neville Chamberlain did for Hitler.  Beyond appeasement, and sabotaging our sanctions, they actively enabled Putin's strategy of dividing and weakening the U.S. and our NATO alliances.  And they are still doing it, even now!  Fox is still cranking out their non-stop, anti-Biden propaganda, even during this critical crisis in world affairs, when the country needs to pull together.


This photo from the NATO summit pretty much sums up Trump's foreign policy  position towards Europe. | Donald Trump's Awkward NATO Summit 2018 Photo |  Know Your Meme





Maybe. I suspect you imbibed deeply of the blue kool-aid before taking to your keyboard. 

Or maybe, the DC globalists (who run Biden) initially decided there was more money to be made by rolling over on Ukraine, and doing business with Putin. Ergo, the flaccid response pre-invasion. 

But now, Ukraine has put up a fight, and won the PR battle (in part as Putin has been demonized for years by DC elites, as they loathed the anti-globalist Trump and had the Russiagate hoax going).  

So, now the globalists are flat-footed. They cannot rehabilitate Putin's image, so they are stuck giving no real response. No no fly zones, no real military assistance, but some delaying actions, small-arms stuff. 

And, remember, Xi still gets a pass. The globalists like Xi. Xi, in some regards, makes Putin look like Peter Pan. 

Personally, I favor a no fly zone over Ukraine, and some real military gear for Zelensky. C-130 gunships, and destroy the convoy. 

But in DC globalism-land, they are more worried about trucker protest convoys than lethal convoys bearing down on civilians in Kyiv. 



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