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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

What?   The worst that can happen is that the Republicans will control their own investigations in Congress, which will be independent of the DOJ, just as it has now. But the current investigations have already let the cat out of the bag.

Make no mistake about it Jim, if Garland's waiting out the clock,he will historically be seen as a weak minded failure to the country. None of these guys want to be remembered like that.



Yes Matt, I'm not sure what Jim's alluding to that would  happen in the mid term elections. Is it some mutual D&R blackmail conspiracy theory involving Hunter Biden's laptop?

It is interesting to note that the DOJ want some  files from 1/6 investigators and the 1/6 is temporarily withholding them.

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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Yes Matt, I'm not sure what Jim's alluding to that would  happen in the mid term elections. Is it some mutual D&R blackmail conspiracy theory involving Hunter Biden's laptop?

It is interesting to note that the DOJ want some  files from 1/6 investigators and the 1/6 is temporarily withholding them.

It is interesting to note that the DOJ want some  files from 1/6 investigators and the 1/6 is temporarily withholding them.--Kirk

Please elaborate. 

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Ben- DOJ made a blanket request for all of the committee's transcripts and interviews, despite the committee not being done with their work yet. Not surprisingly, the committee refused, saying the request was too broad.

The broad request is because Garland is so dedicated to there not being any leaks about DOJ's investigation; by asking for everything, no one will be able to pin down what particular aspect DOJ is interested in.

The whole situation is somewhat unusual in that there are really two parallel investigations happening about the same event.  However only one of the two investigative bodies has prosecutorial power; DOJ actually has to try to not get ahead of where the 1/6 committee is, because if their grand jury is close to indicting someone, that will be a secret, and what happens if the 1/6 committee just happens to bring that person in for testimony? Massive legal conflict there.

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- DOJ made a blanket request for all of the committee's transcripts and interviews, despite the committee not being done with their work yet. Not surprisingly, the committee refused, saying the request was too broad.

The broad request is because Garland is so dedicated to there not being any leaks about DOJ's investigation; by asking for everything, no one will be able to pin down what particular aspect DOJ is interested in.

The whole situation is somewhat unusual in that there are really two parallel investigations happening about the same event.  However only one of the two investigative bodies has prosecutorial power; DOJ actually has to try to not get ahead of where the 1/6 committee is, because if their grand jury is close to indicting someone, that will be a secret, and what happens if the 1/6 committee just happens to bring that person in for testimony? Massive legal conflict there.

Well, we can sit and wait.

I have not been impressed with the 1/6 TV show; perhaps Merrick Garland will do a better job. 

I happily abide by whatever a court of law decides in regards to Donald Trump, or any other public official. 

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8 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Maybe you'd be impressed if you actually watched it.


I live in Thailand.

I did watch highlights on Youtube, even as presented by M$M outfits, such as CNN, MSNBC, CBS and so on. 

I cannot say thrusting an unvetted witness (Hutchinson), who was easily discredited, or citing a lone police radio report of weapons--and then referring to the 1/6 crowd as "armed"--is impressive.

The Cheney-crat Committee is floundering political theater.

That has little bearing on the presumed innocence of Trump, which may be tested in a court of law. 

As I say, if Trump goes to prison after a trial, fine by me. If he skates, so be it. 

I would like a real investigation into the 1/6 scrum. 

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How was she discredited? Are you referring to the graphic of the limo making the rounds of deranged rightwingers with Trump flashing the white power sign? Or the USSS agents who weren't under oath disputing an insignificant element of the testimony?

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On 6/29/2022 at 5:07 AM, Benjamin Cole said:


The New York Times and NBC, citing sources in the Secret Service, said the head of Trump's security detail, Robert Engel, and the limousine driver were prepared to testify under oath that Trump never lunged for the steering wheel. Engel was in the room when Ornato relayed the story, Hutchinson said.

The New York Times and CNN, citing unnamed sources, said Ornato also denied the story and was willing to testify.


The 1/6 Cheney-crat Committee has laid an egg, which it then rubbed on its own face. 

Going out in style. Put your feet up, crack open can--it's Mueller Time! 

(Apols to the old beer brewer, Miller). 

Big difference between saying you are willing to testify to try to plant doubt about something or someone and actually testifying. Just look at Ginny Thomas and Mark  Meadows. They were bravely willing to testify too, until they weren't.

Those agents will never testify. They know if they did there would be a whole lot of other stuff they'd have to answer for under oath and like most rightwingers, they are too cowardly to do so.

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Isn't it funny that the loudest voices for pro-life when it comes to women and abortion are also the most strident calling for the death penalty. In Texas alone. there have been 574 prisoners on death row who have been executed since 1982.


Steve Thomas

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7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

It is interesting to note that the DOJ want some  files from 1/6 investigators and the 1/6 is temporarily withholding them.--Kirk

BEN: Please elaborate. 

Yes Ben, I will

It's the "Deep State!"

and Liz Cheney!


Thanks for your answer Matt.




You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead—your next stop,


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Nick Adams lied. There is no anonymous source. They haven’t denied anything. Stop falling for this bullshit.




The Secret Service statement, which did not debunk Hutchinson’s testimony, read as follows: “The United States Secret Service has been cooperating with the Select Committee since its inception in spring 2021, and will continue to do so, including by responding on the record to the Committee regarding the new allegations surfaced in today’s testimony.”

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2 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Isn't it funny that the loudest voices for pro-life when it comes to women and abortion are also the most strident calling for the death penalty. In Texas alone. there have been 574 prisoners on death row who have been executed since 1982.


Steve Thomas

The Karla Faye Tucker execution by The Texas Department of Corrections in 1998 was particularly cold blooded imo.



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