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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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5 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

As predicted, Trump's SS agents were 100% part of the plot.

I would not leap to conclusions. 

I am appalled that Secret Service records or texts have disappeared. Of course, such records have disappeared before, concerning a Secret Service (11/22) that may have been negligent in protecting the President. 

I would expect the Secret Service, if acting in a biased way, to be aligned (as it was in 1963) with the shadow government, not siding with a passing outsider like Trump. 

It would be remarkable if the Secret Service, after decades and decades as part of the Deep State, then turned renegade. 

If may be that the disappeared texts exhibit foreknowledge of events on 1/6. 

Keep an open mind. The modern M$M is a Niagara of propaganda, more aligned with the Deep State now than in 1963. Stay skeptical. 


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6 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

I find it quite telling that those who call the testimony taken by the January 6th Committee "lies" aren't as willing to testify under oath about what they claim the "lies" are. They go to Twitter and other social media, but don't volunteer to swear an oath that they will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

"Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, the only two Republicans on the special House committee investigating the Jan. 6 riots, indicated on separate Sunday morning news shows that Secret Service agents have been relatively uncooperative. On ABC News’ This Week, Kinzinger specified that the committee wants agents to testify under oath, but that they have been unwilling to do so thus far. When asked if the agency is “refusing to cooperate,” Kinzinger said that “that’s a question you have to ask the Secret Service, you have to ask those particular people.” The committee member then defended Cassidy Hutchinson, the witness who testified about Trump’s actions around Secret Service members, calling her a “very credible witness.” As Reuters reported, Cheney went on Fox News Sunday and said that the committee is investigating missing Secret Service text messages, as well as “the extent to which we have not had the kind of cooperation that we really need to have.”

Read it at Reuters


Not sure that this means the Secret Service agents have refused to testify. Are individual Secret Service really refusing to testify as characterized by Cheney? 

This could be a cover. The 1/6 Committee obviously is not eager for some people to testify under oath, such as Stewart Rhodes, the Oath Keepers leader, or provocateur Ray Epps (who has pet dogs, and pets his two dogs, according to The New York Times profile. Also Mexican drug cartels are after Epps.) 

The Secret Service now reports to President Biden.

If the Secret Service is sandbagging the 1/6 Cheney-crats...then what is Biden doing? Is Biden aware of this situation? Is Biden able to act forcefully and compel the Secret service to comply with the 1/6 committee? 

If Biden cannot compel cooperation from his own Secret Service....what does that say about this particular President, and the power of Presidents generally? 

In addition, the 1/6 Committee is having Steven Bannon thrown into prison for refusing to testify. They subpoenaed Bannon; he refused, and now he goes to prison after federal prosecution. Fine by me. 

Has the 1/6 committee subpoenaed the Secret Service agents? Threatened them with incarceration? Why not?

Has the President ordered the Secret Service agents to testify? Why not?  

Has the 1/6 Committee issued subpoenas on Secret Service agents? Why not? 

This story line looks a little thin....

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Jim D---

Of course, as JFKA researchers, we are dubious and skeptical regarding federal authorities and public office holders. You are right to be skeptical. 


The Secret Service now reports to President Biden.

If the Secret Service is sandbagging the 1/6 committee...then what is Biden doing? Is Biden aware of this situation?

Is Biden able to act forcefully and compel the Secret Service to comply with the 1/6 committee? Does Biden  have the mental and personal capacity necessary to effect cooperation from the Secret Service? 

If Biden cannot compel cooperation from his own Secret Service....what does that say about this particular President, or the power of Presidents generally? 



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Interesting post from Jonathan Turley. He asks a reasonable question: Why no special prosecutor on Hunter Biden?

Surely, asking a Justice Department employee, who reports to the President, to fairly prosecute the President's son and business partner---is a little much. 

It seems to me that grifting has become more flagrant in recent decades. I remember when a vicuna coat was considered hot stuff.

Now $5 million from Beijing entities into Biden coffers...no eyebrows raised. 


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19 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I would expect the Secret Service, if acting in a biased way, to be aligned (as it was in 1963) with the shadow government, not siding with a passing outsider like Trump. 


That's nice to hear, Ben, but unfortunately for you, such a notion has absolutely no connection to reality, and the facts demonstrate exactly the opposite.


8 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

If the Secret Service is sandbagging the 1/6 committee...then what is Biden doing? Is Biden aware of this situation?

Not sure what you're asking for here, Ben; Biden is not a king and cannot compel another person to give testimony. That's not how things work.

He did however change up the Presidential SS detail so that Trump's confederates are nowhere near his person or a threat to his personal safety.

But supervision of the Secret Service is the domain of the DHS.

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1 minute ago, Matt Allison said:

That's nice to hear, Ben, but unfortunately for you, such a notion has absolutely no connection to reality, and the facts demonstrate exactly the opposite.


Not sure what you're asking for here, Ben; Biden is not a king and cannot compel another person to give testimony. That's not how things work.

He did however change up the Presidential SS detail so that Trump's confederates are nowhere near his person or a threat to his personal safety.

But supervision of the Secret Service is the domain of the DHS.


The DHS reports to the President. So the Secret Service reports to the President. 

You mean, Biden cannot instruct Secret Service agents to testify before. Congressional committee?

Or....that said Congressional committee cannot issue subpoenas on the Secret Service agents? 

Steve Bannon may go to prison for not testifying before a Congressional committee. Fine with me.

Then, why no subpoenas for Secret Service agents, and then put them in prison if they do not testify? And then into prison is they perjure themselves?

Something does not add up here. The 1/6 Cheney-crats are publicly sniveling that the Secret Service agents will not testify....but those agents report to President Biden and the 1/6 committee has not issued subpoenas? 

I find this a less-than-credible story line....

Be aware of narratives....this one strikes me as very weak. 

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20 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

It's sounding encouraging.

Perhaps AG Garland can prosecute President Biden's Secret Service for not cooperating with the 1/6 committee? 

The director of the Secret Service, Jim Murray, serves at the pleasure of the President. Can be fired in one minute by Joe Biden.

What gives? Is Murray ordering Secret Service staffers to not cooperate with the 1/6 committee? To not testify? 

Is the Secret Service a renegade agency? 



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21 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
My thoughts Chris?
I believe in free speech and I'm not about to take away all of our free speech rights on this thread because of one butt angry lunatic like Wheeler.
That is certainly an abrupt draconian  turnaround for you, particularly as someone who didn't even think someone calling Biden a murderer was a big deal in the first place. What changed in those hours?

But, you didn’t really believe in free speech when I had my own thread talking about the deep state, C19 and other pressing topics. In fact, you didn’t want that here, you made that very clear, even reporting stuff to moderators. You can’t have it both ways, buddy. I am actually pro free speech, which I think you know but, somehow you’ve taken an open question as something draconian. For clarity, I have no issues with this thread as I regularly participate in it but, if this is allowed to be here, then so must others that veer away from the JFKA topic. Its just you guys find a thread acceptable if it suits your biases, and reject it if it doesn’t. Seems a grey area really and quite flawed IMHO. As for Rob, I think there were some rantings and there were some very coherent, lucid posts also. I think Paul B, Ben and some others would attest to that. What I saw the other day was blood boiling on both sides of this red blue pissing contest that you guys have. 

Aren’t most US presidents murderer’s by sending the young off to fight a man has never had a quarrel with him in some foreign land. You surely must see that even in your foggy outlook on life. This just illustrates your biases and weakness in thinking. Sure, we all make mistakes, the trick is not to make it a habit, right? 

22 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Then than that 10X rant against W.!  , where you actually start out boasting about your complete mastery over your emotions. You've obviously been boning up on "5 Habits that will make you powerful beyond  belief" by Jordan Peterson" that I saw in an ad. I know you're a big fan.

You seem to have trouble interpreting things, you also let them trigger you regularly. Is everything ok? Me pointing out that some here are ruled by emotions instead of critical thinking is hardly a sensational point of view or surprising. You know, its a problem also if a person isn’t in touch with them at all. 🙂 


22 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Then you go into a diatribe about W. concerning the covid pandemic, and you predicted monkeypox?.
 Then I remembered back how alarmed your tone was when you said that the covid vaccines were making young athletes "drop dead like flies!!",  and you floated the Q'ish notion that the powers that be, (I assume what powers could that be that didn't include  Bill Gates?), were devising another strain  to cull the population down to a manageable number. I've heard from other such sources that they aim to reduce the population by 80%! Are you predicting this one is the one?! Maybe it's already happened, and I'm so oblivious, I just didn't notice it. I apologize.

You probably should brush up on the history of eugenics and efforts to reduce population, plenty have written about it, it isn’t all that hidden. I am guessing you think blood clot warnings on TV have always been around, and that Pfizer releases weren’t worth looking at. JJ jabs got pulled for no reason right? I guess I know why you don’t want to see it, because your fragile ego asserted that the treatments were safe and effective. It would be funny if we weren’t talking about the health of friends, family and loved ones. Living in a small community the effects are all the more polarising. I could sit here and bombard you guys with links, evidence, to the point you’d feel neurotic and stressed, there really is no upside. Just open your eyes a bit more. 

22 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Then your dynamic quote at the finish!
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will.”
Gustave Le Bon
Whew! That was a real cold shot to the masses and W.! I love the way you nailed the lowly masses to the cross! That was so inspiring! I don't think they'll ever recover! Your degree of mastery over your emotions will leave them sprawling in the dust! It might be a jolly good time to take a victory lap holiday to the colonies! heh heh heh

I am pleased you requoted this; as it highlights an intellectual deficiency in yourself and some others. You really don’t seem to have any idea that people behave differently in groups. They abandon critical thinking and seek safety in the herd, looking up to those who they perceive to be higher in status. Le Bon actually wrote a fabulous book called “The Crowd” which highlights the behaviours within the masses or large groups. Plenty of others have written about it too. You could further educate yourself, or enjoy the bliss of ignorance. Up to you. Like the quote says; you have never thirsted after truth. 

22 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
I'm sorry, but one cool thing about Trump is that I can feel freer about taking little digs at foreigners now.

We both know that was always in your character, it simmers just below the surface. You were willing to call the unvaccinated filthy rats, which as I pointed out before was pretty much the exact rhetoric of the fuhrer and his propagandist, Goebbels used about the Jews and gypsies. If you’re willing to dehumanise a group in this way, it says a lot about you. I know you wish you could take that back. I’ll keep reminding you each time you profess to be a good guy. 

Cheerio 👋🏻 




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On 7/23/2022 at 11:03 AM, Chris Barnard said:

I wider question is; should this thread exist and should we just stick to JFK related topics? I enjoy the wider debate but, certain threads are more problematic than others. 


You asked for our thoughts, I gave mine and it's fair to say now all of us thought your suggestion was draconian.
I've never reported you to the mods. On rare occasion I would comment on your thread that your arguments were not supported by facts, and you got upset because you seemed to think this was a place where anybody could say anything alleging conspiracies and not be challenged, but you were mistaken.
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19 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
You asked for our thoughts, I gave mine and it's fair to say now all of us thought your suggestion was draconian.
I've never reported you to the mods. On rare occasion I would comment on your thread that your arguments were not supported by facts, and you got upset because you seemed to think this was a place where anybody could say anything alleging conspiracies and not be challenged, but you were mistaken.

Very selective. 🙂 

You’ve used the word “upset” a few times and each time I have to correct you (the gallery). Remember, it’s you who reacts emotionally, not me buddy. I am actually at peace with things, though the hypocrisy makes me roll my eyes a fair bit. 

As for facts - everything is a lot more grey than you even begin to imagine. The landscape is shifting and too many here think something is a fact because their favourite propaganda outlet is peddling it, or an academic or two has endorsed it, when they’ve been on the payroll of an oligarch for 20 years.  

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