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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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Witnesses within Trump's own cabinet say Trump admitted he lost.This was all knowingly started by Trump. There are legal ways to contest elections and they've been tried. It's been investigated and in 60 of 61  court cases, Giuliani  came up with nothing. Trump's  followers follow whatever he says, because either they're lost without him, or his politicians are afraid of him..

Don't make this into a free speech issue. Of course they have the right.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Ha this is hilarious; the resident MAGA **** doesn't know why the results will take time.

Here's why:

For years, Democrats in Pennsylvania have asked that early votes and mail-in votes be allowed to be prepared for counting in the days before Election Day, so that all votes can be counted Election night.

The Republicans refuse to allow it.


Because they want to cause distrust in the election process, and by drawing out the counting over a few days, they can make more false claims of fraud.

Make no mistake, Republicans hate our democracy, the Constitution, and America.

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47 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Witnesses within Trump's own cabinet say Trump admitted he lost.This was all knowingly started by Trump. There are legal ways to contest elections and they've been tried. It's been investigated and in 60 of 61  court cases, Giuliani  came up with nothing. Trump's  followers follow whatever he says, because either they're lost without him, or his politicians are afraid of him..

Don't make this into a free speech issue. Of course they have the right.

And what's worse, as we learned in the last Congressional J6 hearing, Trump planned even before the 2020 election to claim that he had won, and to claim that the election was stolen.

The man is a complete fraud, and he has been willing to drag the country through hell and foment violence and civil discord to promote himself.

As I recall, he was finally kicked off of Twitter only after organizing and inciting his violent J6 attack on the U.S. Congress.

Trump is a stochastic terrorist.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Ha this is hilarious; the resident MAGA **** doesn't know why the results will take time.

Here's why:

For years, Democrats in Pennsylvania have asked that early votes and mail-in votes be allowed to be prepared for counting in the days before Election Day, so that all votes can be counted Election night.

The Republicans refuse to allow it.


Because they want to cause distrust in the election process, and by drawing out the counting over a few days, they can make more false claims of fraud.

Make no mistake, Republicans hate our democracy, the Constitution, and America.

"There were likely more Nazis invading the U.S. Capitol on 1/6 than there are in the entirety of Ukraine."
I can give links and post proofs the difference is you can't, the scales tip in the favor that your the NAZ Bois supporter watch the clip, there's tons of evidence. 

Ha this is hilarious; the resident MAGA **** doesn't know why the results will take time.

My grandmother made bullets during the war and my family fought in the Pacific and in Europe. If you want to use racial slurs that's pretty lower than calling Allen a QANON believer. You're quite the emotional person I imagine that's why your single.. The elections never took days time before? You will excuse anything because you are our resident overcompensating SoyJack


Edited by Matthew Koch
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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Don't make this into a free speech issue. Of course they have the right.

Mr. Kirkland watch the Tucker clip it's about Brazil and what Biden said in his speech today..

Edited by Matthew Koch
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4 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

I had just moved to Hawaii big island at the time and I spent the two weeks leading up to the election with nothing to do while my roommate was at work. I followed everything and 11 days prior to the election I told my buddy that I was starting to think the election was go to go the same way Brexit did. The polls were similar and the media was unleashed in a way I had never seen before in both cases.


“During the final days of the election major newspapers published 100 stories, 46 of which were on the front page,about or mentioning the emails.” The tone and tenor of coverage shifted markedly against Clinton in the closing week of the campaign.”

4 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

I was the only person who was brave enough to stick my neck out and say that. The day of the election because Hawaii is so far behind it stared around lunch time and I watched until 4am when they announced that Hillary would make her concession speech later. It was a combination of everything IMO and I think what happened is enough people couldn't hold their nose and vote Hillary and voted Jill Stein or Bernie and they couldn't trick the Trump voters with the skewed polls. Enough Trump people when to the polls and the inner city riggers couldn't rig the vote.

What’s your proof inner city riggers rig the vote?  Mayor Richard Daley in the 50’s?

4 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

I moved from Denver CO at the time and there was a massive influx of people who were lefties, and the states where they came from like the rust belt went red (Probably because they formed a super majority in CO) I thought it was pathetic and funny when people there protested at the capital that Hillary Clinton wasn't there president. Cliff I didn't vote and I didn't like Trump at the time but thought the stuff he said was pretty funny. Rosie O'Donnell... Lmao.

I must confess I found him funny and appalling by turns until he came out with the Muslim Ban proposal — he was never ha-ha funny after that.

4 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

 Hillary is corrupt it wasn't interference if I was George W. Bush I would call it underference given everything she was involved in like having the "Super Electors" socialize her campaign instead of feeling the Bern.

She got 3.5 million more votes than Bernie. The Super Electors didn’t matter.

Understand, I was an early Bernie supporter, a fact Kirk will co-sign.  (A belated shout out to Mr. Gallaway, my Dub Nation brother — let the chips fall where they may, on Steph Curry’s fingers!)

4 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Cliff you seem to like far out there stuff,

What gives you that idea?


4 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

what do you think about all these synchronicities?

I never had a problem with the Pepe meme.  I never had a problem with the left wing over reaction to it.  I never had a problem with peoples’ over reaction to the over reaction, like Rogan’s.

What polls?

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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I never had a problem with the Pepe meme.  I never had a problem with the left wing over reaction to it.  I never had a problem with peoples’ over reaction to the over reaction, like Rogan’s.

People are prone to imitate what they hate.  Be careful how you hate.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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George Conway said that Republican politicians are afraid to speak out against the Pelosi attack because they are afraid for their own personal safety.

We have come to that part of the French Revolution where the politicians no longer control the mob they have created.

Steve Thomas

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"Musk: Twitter will keep bans in place until plans are set"

Associated Press

Houston Chronicle, November 3, 2022

Musk met with a handful of civil-society leaders yesterday that did not include a LBGTQ leader.

From the article: "The billionaire Tesla CEO has said in the past that he supports transgender people but has criticized the use of different pronouns. In a tweet this summer referring to Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson, who was kicked out of his account following a post about transgender actor Elliot Page that seemingly violated Twitter's rules, Musk said the platform was 'going way too far in quashing dissenting opinion.'"

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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

George Conway said that Republican politicians are afraid to speak out against the Pelosi attack because they are afraid for their own personal safety.

We have come to that part of the French Revolution where the politicians no longer control the mob they have created.

Steve Thomas


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16 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

We have come to that part of the French Revolution where the politicians no longer control the mob they have created.

FYI this is Steve T’s quote.

It’s a certainty that the politicians, big tech, academia and MSM created the bipartisan mob. Divisive, identity politics, sorting society into tribes is the problem, there is no mediation, no crossover, no nuanced discussion, just hate and agitation propagated.

Anyone here who thinks the mob that they’ve created is now out of control, is not thinking. The media is devil in the average persons ear, it’s what is whipping up anger, fear, and neuroticism. Its a deeply psychological tool. If you give the mob psychiatric problems, weaponise them, there are consequences. 

I have other thoughts here too. If you have 320 million people, how many instances of violence do you have every day? How many of those are indirectly generated because of the psychological pressure created by news agitation and bipartisan politics? 

Back to the French Revolution comment. If you create the conditions for anarchy, lawlessness, a break down in civilisation, you can at some stage expect it to come to fruition. If people have nothing to lose, you turn them into animals who will fight with everything they have. 


Another point you may well ponder on a day when Imran Khan has been shot. You guys lived through the 60’s and saw JFK, MLK Jr and RFK all slain by lone nutters, and the atmosphere was that America was nut country. Perhaps some said then that we had come to the point where politicians feared the mob? Of course it turned out to be the security apparatus that likely had an unseen hand on all three assassinations.  

A very different approach needs taking if we, or our descendent’s are to live in a better world. 

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7 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:


“During the final days of the election major newspapers published 100 stories, 46 of which were on the front page,about or mentioning the emails.” The tone and tenor of coverage shifted markedly against Clinton in the closing week of the campaign.”

What’s your proof inner city riggers rig the vote?  Mayor Richard Daley in the 50’s?

I must confess I found him funny and appalling by turns until he came out with the Muslim Ban proposal — he was never ha-ha funny after that.

She got 3.5 million more votes than Bernie. The Super Electors didn’t matter.

Understand, I was an early Bernie supporter, a fact Kirk will co-sign.  (A belated shout out to Mr. Gallaway, my Dub Nation brother — let the chips fall where they may, on Steph Curry’s fingers!)

What gives you that idea?


I never had a problem with the Pepe meme.  I never had a problem with the left wing over reaction to it.  I never had a problem with peoples’ over reaction to the over reaction, like Rogan’s.

What polls?

What polls the ones saying Hillary was up 90


6 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

FYI this is Steve T’s quote.

It’s a certainty that the politicians, big tech, academia and MSM created the bipartisan mob. Divisive, identity politics, sorting society into tribes is the problem, there is no mediation, no crossover, no nuanced discussion, just hate and agitation propagated.

Anyone here who thinks the mob that they’ve created is now out of control, is not thinking. The media is devil in the average persons ear, it’s what is whipping up anger, fear, and neuroticism. Its a deeply psychological tool. If you give the mob psychiatric problems, weaponise them, there are consequences. 


Back to the French Revolution comment. If you create the conditions for anarchy, lawlessness, a break down in civilisation, you can at some stage expect it to come to fruition. If people have nothing to lose, you turn them into animals who will fight with everything they have. 


Another point you may well ponder on a day when Imran Khan has been shot. You guys lived through the 60’s and saw JFK, MLK Jr and RFK all slain by lone nutters, and the atmosphere was that America was nut country. Perhaps some said then that we had come to the point where politicians feared the mob? Of course it turned out to be the security apparatus that likely had an unseen hand on all three assassinations.  

A very different approach needs taking if we, or our descendent’s are to live in a better world. 

"A very different approach needs taking if we, or our descendent’s are to live in a better world." 

I wholeheartedly agree. 

It’s a certainty that the politicians, big tech, academia and MSM created the bipartisan mob. Divisive, identity politics, sorting society into tribes is the problem, there is no mediation, no crossover, no nuanced discussion, just hate and agitation propagated.

I agree there is a "bi partisan" Mob in the media. But I do not agree that they are equally represented, and I also don't believe that they are equally dishonest. Fox News with Rodger Alles created this new form of 'News Punditry Cable News' a really good documentary on this is Outfoxed 

Since this documentary was made the left media copied the format and became even more dishonest than Fox at that format IMO. Rachel Maddows pushed RussiaGate along with MSNBC, Jim Acosta shouting at the president and CNN pushed Ukraine Quid Pro Quo impeachment. Due to Trump getting elected alot of Neo con people left Fox and went to go work for NBC, Bill O'reily got fired and Tucker took his place and populism replaced the Neo Cons that left. That is the only reason Fox is a little bit better than the others but it is still slanted or bias by actual journalism standards. There are still Neo cons there on Fox and Paul Ryan took over and was part of the crew that called Az early election night and stabbed the MAGA people in the back. Wouldn't back them in questioning the election. Watch how the news is reported on Telemundo it's like how it was done when I was a kid in the 80's. CNN and MSNBC gaslighted their viewers worse than the Qtards. They are able to do that because of the phenomenon know as NPC Non Playing Characters in video games. They are the things in the game that don't have free will and have to do what they are programed to do. Also known as "the useful idiot" referred to by Yuri in this very prophetic lecture: 

William, in between clients.. put this on, lay back on your patience couch and let Yuri explain to you what you are doing.    😉😝Lols

I have other thoughts here too. If you have 320 million people, how many instances of violence do you have every day? How many of those are indirectly generated because of the psychological pressure created by news agitation and bipartisan politics? 

I wonder if we've entered a new phase where we can do MK-ULTRA on ourselves if we are not careful. In MK-ultra they used drugs, repetition, and media. Kinda sounds like that's what David Depape, Baked Alaska and Mr Buffalo Horns all did. Seems like in America all the school shooters listen to violent music, while playing 'First Person Shooter' video games, and are on Psychotropic drugs. The Mocking bird media never went away and I think that they help to turn on "lone wolf" individuals in a similar fashion. The Buffalo shooter who appears to have been groomed had the Azov battalion black on and referenced the battalion on his gun which is why that story got put down the Memory hole, I wonder how many other were as well https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10859677/Retired-federal-agent-known-Buffalo-supermarket-shooters-plan-ahead-massacre.html

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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

FYI this is Steve T’s quote.

It’s a certainty that the politicians, big tech, academia and MSM created the bipartisan mob. Divisive, identity politics, sorting society into tribes is the problem, there is no mediation, no crossover, no nuanced discussion, just hate and agitation propagated.

Anyone here who thinks the mob that they’ve created is now out of control, is not thinking. The media is devil in the average persons ear, it’s what is whipping up anger, fear, and neuroticism. Its a deeply psychological tool. If you give the mob psychiatric problems, weaponise them, there are consequences. 

I have other thoughts here too. If you have 320 million people, how many instances of violence do you have every day? How many of those are indirectly generated because of the psychological pressure created by news agitation and bipartisan politics? 

Back to the French Revolution comment. If you create the conditions for anarchy, lawlessness, a break down in civilisation, you can at some stage expect it to come to fruition. If people have nothing to lose, you turn them into animals who will fight with everything they have. 


Another point you may well ponder on a day when Imran Khan has been shot. You guys lived through the 60’s and saw JFK, MLK Jr and RFK all slain by lone nutters, and the atmosphere was that America was nut country. Perhaps some said then that we had come to the point where politicians feared the mob? Of course it turned out to be the security apparatus that likely had an unseen hand on all three assassinations.  

A very different approach needs taking if we, or our descendent’s are to live in a better world. 

Well said. And you can throw in the mass compulsory school system, which inculcates authoritarian conformity, thus destroying the ability of most young people to think for themselves.

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