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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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10 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Oh, does anyone out there like my new profile picture?

This is the "real time" me.

I figured it was time to get real versus vainly posting my 33 year age picture.

Still have my Kennedyish full head of hair and original teeth!







You do look like an honest politician.  Glad you didn't leave a few years back.

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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

That never happened between the Soviet Union and the USA, both sides did their utmost to maintain secrecy and security. That was effective to the point that the Clinton administration found out from a defector that Russia had the capabilities to defeat the USA without firing a single bullet in the 90’s, using bio-weapons. The USA upped their efforts on the back of the disturbing news. How plausible would it be to compromise your own security, whether you are the US or China? It’s a Trojan horse, either way. 

Are the reactions of the USA or China when the outbreak started, in any way telling? What would you have expected from two enemies/competitors? 

As your expertise in economics tell you, the USA and China are intrinsically linked by trade and debt. If one fails, both fail. The question is; just how far do the links extend?  

PS The Wuhan War Games very closely matches the actual start of the virus, its just nobody realised what it was for a while. Would be an opportunity to spread the virus globally, fast, before any borders could be shut. 


Well, I just have my IMHOs on these topics, and I only know what is in the public record. 

My take is compromised multinational-US elites were entranced with China, its top-down control of the economy and population, and the chance to make tons of money. 

The "China is good and liberalizing line" was standard for decades. 

So Beijing-CCP quickly won control of, heavy influence over US elites, and large parts of academia-media. 

That's where we are today. 

There is belated recognition how compromised US elites are  presently---even simple examples, such as Disney abasing itself to Xianjing (concentration camps) or the NBA muzzling all employees (while painting "Black Lives Matter" on basketball courts. On the other side, they should paint, "But Yellow Lives Do Not Matter"). 

I don't the reverse runs true---US influence inside Beijing is negligible. 

There is one thing I can't fathom: Why do China elites, even when meeting in government auspices...wear very crisp-looking Western-style business suits, and not Mao jackets, or traditional Chinese clothing? 

Some Western cultural ideas, such as business suits and pop music, are very strong.


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So which billionaire is actually working on implanting microchips into humans, again?

Exclusive: Musk’s Neuralink faces federal probe, employee backlash over animal tests | Reuters

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Domestic terrorism is a real threat. This simply shows how vulnerable to attack the US power grid actually is.

Moore County, North Carolina remains in the dark after targeted attack on power grid - Axios Raleigh

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7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

There is one thing I can't fathom: Why do China elites, even when meeting in government auspices...wear very crisp-looking Western-style business suits, and not Mao jackets, or traditional Chinese clothing?

Perhaps that suggests things may be the reverse. Chinese elites who have been educated and conditioned in the west, who have aspirations generated by what they have seen as the most decadent and liberated culture?! 

The American’s/The West funded Mao, using the excuse that the world was safer with three super-powers, instead of two. When did it stop? There was no objection from the West about China artificially devaluing its currency to remain competitive. To me, it just looks like the US oiligarchs and elites saw China as a tremendous opportunity to exploit cheap labour and grow their own wealth. The blueprint was already there from the opium trade. 

If we take a step back and think about the psychology of the elites, the following becomes apparent:

- They don’t want revolutions / to be overthrown, they want to increase or maintain their power amongst their own populations.

- They don’t want all out war with a real enemy, as they risk losing what they have.

- They are ok with controlled wars for profit. 

- The Chinese sit at the table at these secret global conferences like any other power brokers.


- It seems increasingly obvious that there is a synergy between the US and China but, how far does it extend? 

- China was the forerunner for C19 protocols and it is the clear forerunner for social credit scoring and full blown technocracy. Something which the west is quietly implementing, incrementally. 

I take on board what you are saying about the public record but, often what is read between the lines or understood from outcomes can give us the answers. If we only react to conventional wisdom, everything is then just a ‘fait accompli’. 

We’re bang in trouble here and people are apathetic, distracted by whatever is served up by MSM’s, creating its faux reality. 

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14 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

MAGA terrorists are suspected in targeted infrastructure attack.

Do you know the name Emily Grace Rainey? You should.

Former US military psyops officer.

Participated in 1/6.

Connection to below terror attack being investigated now.


Matt why did you leave out the fact that she works for Psy Ops in the Military? 


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11 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

You do look like an honest politician.  Glad you didn't leave a few years back.

Mr Ron ... thank you my friend.

I've never committed myself to any social group endeavor for years like I have to this forum in my entire 71 year long life.

Just not a joiner. My jobs were my most engaged social interaction venues. However I did like to hang out at one our local 7-11's at night where I knew the clerk and would initiate customers in conversation if they seemed open to such.

I stumbled upon several JFK forums after I retired. 

This one grabbed me due to it's high level of credentialed posters. Major published book writers. Didn't Mark Lane himself occasionally drop in?

The JFK assassination truth was a great interest of mine, ever since I watched Jack Ruby whack Oswald right inside the Dallas PD building on live national TV.

And it seems to me that "deep" research into the JFK, MLK and RFK assassinations has also led to opened dark reality doors into many other areas of our government that revealed secrets we never imagined in the larger scheme of things in the world around us.


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