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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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22 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Can't make this stuff up... 🙄

It's like something the Joker would do in a Batman movie, after de-regulating train safety regulations.

Trump Uses Ohio Disaster to Advertise Trump Water



February 22, 2023

an absolute embarrassment AND disgrace... as well as the perfect GOP specimen...

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It is fair game for the opposing party to blame the incumbent administration for everything that goes on such as the train wreck in Ohio. Just as " You're doing a heckuva job, Brownie" by GW after Katrina made the Democrats a lot of political hay..

But a lot of these problems come from decades long neglect, as result of our Federal government being taken over by corporate interests. Some help is on the way for schools, roads, bridges,  dams,airports. etc. as   Biden's passed one of the largest infrastructure bills in years. 

But  there are so many agencies that need bolstering, Biden's right to expand and modernize the IRS to get the fair share of tax from the wealthy. But we need to bolster the SEC to protect investors from Wall Street scams. We need more regulators in the  EPA, the FDA, and OSHA for workplace protection as well as other things I haven't mentioned.

When another mass shooting happens, the Republicans will cry that the problem is not that we have too many guns, but we need public health programs. But they are never ones to fund them, or really anything! And we are in a mental health crisis! We need to help the red states with their drug addictions.

We've let a lot of things go to crap!


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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

It is fair game for the opposing party to blame the incumbent administration for everything that goes on such as the train wreck in Ohio. Just as " You're doing a heckuva job, Brownie" by GW after Katrina made the Democrats a lot of political hay..

But a lot of these problems come from decades long neglect, as result of our Federal government being taken over by corporate interests. Some help is on the way for schools, roads, bridges,  dams,airports. etc. as   Biden's passed one of the largest infrastructure bills in years. 

But  there are so many agencies that need bolstering, Biden's right to expand and modernize the IRS to get the fair share of tax from the wealthy. But we need to bolster the SEC to protect investors from Wall Street scams. We need more regulators in the  EPA, the FDA, and OSHA for workplace protection as well as other things I haven't mentioned.

When another mass shooting happens, the Republicans will cry that the problem is not that we have too many guns, but we need public health programs. But they are never ones to fund them, or really anything! And we are in a mental health crisis! We need to help the red states with their drug addictions.

We've let a lot of things go to crap!


From the left-wing BBC:

Ohio toxic train crash killed nearly 45,000 animals-BBC

  • Published
    1 hour ago

This is modern news: There is an event, and then the Donks and 'Phants spin the event, and feed fake news to their bases. 

The red- and blue kool-aid drinkers then engage in pissing contests. 

And Kirk is right: 60 years of globalist leadership has turned large parts of America into a craphole. 

Who cares about Detroit when you can make boodles of money in China? 

Biden has been to Ukraine but not the US southern border.

Vietnam, Iraq, Afcrapistan. 

Trade policies designed by multinationals. 



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On 2/22/2023 at 8:11 PM, Kirk Gallaway said:

John says: Kirk, If the masses aren't gullible, why do they keep voting for governments that screw them?

Ok, Since you want to go back there.

You ignore your context using the "gullible masses". John.
John: And of course the "gullible masses" won't ask the obvious question about this photo: Why is Zelensky wearing military style fatigues but Biden not?  
So the masses are gullible because they don't question why Biden and Zelensky aren't dressed the same? You distinguish yourself only as a member of the fashion conscious "masses".  Who would you be to talk??
I have commented on a number of occasions how everyday people, particularly, I think in the U.S. don't vote in their interests. Before we could have a broader discussion. I'm calling this " John's hot air fashion post". Would you admit your example here was not adroitly used?
And here below is the "hot air" segment, using the phrase "the masses". Used twice in what amounts to a paragraph! Again shades of "full spectrum dominance'" all over again, John? .
John: But such is the degenerate state of western democracy that "the masses" are supposed to believe the empty rhetoric and "absurd antics" of these two "clowns."
But other than a fashion faux pas, you don't substantiate your statement and explain why? So isn't this statement  a lot of pomp and empty rhetoric and another case of empty  "absurd antics" John? You're going have to raise your bar.  For this comment, I don't give you a downgrade. I give  you a clowngrade.  This is why all you guys got rightfully banished to the Stalag 57 attic alongside  the 2003 posts.
I don't put everybody who doesn't agree with me in one category like you John. And before that thread got banished from the JFKA side. I saw what a joke it was and I was trying to engage with each of you, who want to promptly end the war,  as to why, among a number of possible reasons, that you believe the way you do, and to what extent each reason, and it was like pulling teeth.
I do agree with Ben, what started as largely your unknowing critique of the right to a young Republican Super Capitalist, was the most substantive thing I've seen you post as to who John is. But back to your earlier post.
John"But such a degenerate state  of Western Democracy.
Ok, I can agree with that. But I'm not sure of your context.
John. In good faith. I tried earnestly to once again engage both sides with, what is dismissed as only a meme at the top of the last page. The problem is on both sides. It appears W's so engaged with you guys. He didn't read it either. I think it's a good starting point. If you want to just continue arguing and getting nowhere. That's your choice too.
Would you be so kind to address that comment of the guy on the right?
Don't hold back! Give me your most crotchety!






 I see a lot of emotion and very little, if any, sense or logic in your above post.

For example, I’ve already rebutted your strawman response to my post about the Biden-Kelensky photo-shoot, but you’ve ignored my rebuttal and gone straw-manning again.

Regarding the gullibility of the masses, one book about that is Thinking, Fast and Slow by Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahnemann. The gist of the book is that most people are irrational most of the time and are too frazzled by our manic western culture – not to mention the manipulation, gaslighting and scaremongering that have increasingly become default government stratagems – to think properly about anything.

Kahnemann explains that in this frazzled state people use what he calls “System 1” thinking, which is reactive and emotional, rather than “System 2” thinking, which is logical and effortful. On page 85 he writes “System 1 is gullible and biased to believe”. He cites numerous experiments illustrating this phenomenon.

 Any reasonably intelligent person shouldn’t need to read Kahneman’s book to see this for themselves. Even a cursory review of history shows that at any given time most people’s beliefs and behaviour are dictated not by their own independent reasoning but by majority groupthink. Why else do social norms change from time to time?

 Why for example did the majority once think there was nothing wrong with slavery, the subjugation of women, homophobia or corporal punishment in school? Obviously because most people don’t think for themselves and instead stick with the herd.

 Why does my citing this simple self-evident fact upset you so much?


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Local news for me is going national.  I write Jennifer Carey 3 checks a year, 2 for vehicle licenses, 1 for property taxes (to save the 3% charge for using a debit card).  I can't believe she did this or that the county attorney signed off on it.

In another article a ACLU attorney from Austin said it's constitutionally illegal in two respects.  I'm waiting for the law suit and wondering if we the people will have to foot the bill for lawyers and damages.

North Texas County Employees Asked to Sign ‘English-Only Rule,' Prompting One to Quit (msn.com)

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

I'm waiting for the law suit and wondering if we the people will have to foot the bill for lawyers and damages.

North Texas County Employees Asked to Sign ‘English-Only Rule,' Prompting One to Quit (msn.com)


I'm thinking Ben and the other foreign residents here shouldn't be too concerned about Detroit, and be more concerned about where there appears to consistently be difficulties for citizens: Texas.


add: For example:


Edited by Matt Allison
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35 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:


I'm thinking Ben and the other foreign residents here shouldn't be too concerned about Detroit, and be more concerned about where there appears to consistently be difficulties for citizens: Texas.


add: For example:


Well, I lived in Texas in the late 1970s, so I guess I should be concerned about Texas too.

I visited Detroit in the 2008, and took a serious (non-tourist) look around. 

Detroit had the highest per-capita income of any major city on the planet in 1960,  and was a vibrant cultural and technological center. Sad what has happened. 


BTW, there may be a major upheaval in US globalism pending. One, more ordinary people are asking the sensible questions about the effects of globalism on US living standards.

Two, China is getting closer and closer to Putin. 


US elites and globalists and the DC establishment have embraced Beijing, Xi Jinping and the CCP for decades---there was boodles of money to be made manufacturing in China, investing in China property, and eventually serving the China consumer market of 1.2 billion people. 

But China, always a repressive authoritarian communist state, has become brazen about itself and more so in recent decades. 

The US military, as directed by US pols, is largely a global guard service for multinationals---but inside the military there are earnest patriots and they are concerned about China.  

A huge schism is developing.  Biden has not followed through on erecting higher tariffs on China despite large trade deficits. Putin's criminal war has put Russia on the front-burner. 

But if China aligns itself with Russia (and they have already, financially and politically) then US globalists will have a harder and harder time defending their pro-Beijing alliances. Biden may be forced to follow through on Trump's plan to raise tariffs further on China goods, which to date he has back-burnered. 

Matt: If China begins helping Russia in its criminal war with technology and military components, and not just piles of money for oil, what will be your view on relations with Beijing? 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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The culture of social organizations/institutions typically originates at the top, correct?

So, what sort of homicidal maniac is sitting at the top of the Russian Federation?

Russia is currently sending prison convicts straight to the front lines in Ukraine and threatening to nuke Western countries on their nightly news telecasts.

Something is terribly wrong with this picture.  It's a fear-based culture of psychopathy.

Here are two chilling stories that caught my eye today.

Putin allies issue chilling threat to nuke Yellowstone Supervolcano in the US | US | News | Express.co.uk

Wagner fighters captured in Ukraine recount path from prison to war - The Washington Post

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Well, I lived in Texas in the late 1970s, so I guess I should be concerned about Texas too.

I visited Detroit in the 2008, and took a serious (non-tourist) look around. 

Detroit had the highest per-capita income of any major city on the planet in 1960,  and was a vibrant cultural and technological center. Sad what has happened. 


BTW, there may be a major upheaval in US globalism pending. One, more ordinary people are asking the sensible questions about the effects of globalism on US living standards.

Two, China is getting closer and closer to Putin. 


US elites and globalists and the DC establishment have embraced Beijing, Xi Jinping and the CCP for decades---there was boodles of money to be made manufacturing in China, investing in China property, and eventually serving the China consumer market of 1.2 billion people. 

But China, always a repressive authoritarian communist state, has become brazen about itself and more so in recent decades. 

The US military, as directed by US pols, is largely a global guard service for multinationals---but inside the military there are earnest patriots and they are concerned about China.  

A huge schism is developing.  Biden has not followed through on erecting higher tariffs on China despite large trade deficits. Putin's criminal war has put Russia on the front-burner. 

But if China aligns itself with Russia (and they have already, financially and politically) then US globalists will have a harder and harder time defending their pro-Beijing alliances. Biden may be forced to follow through on Trump's plan to raise tariffs further on China goods, which to date he has back-burnered. 

Matt: If China begins helping Russia in its criminal war with technology and military components, and not just piles of money for oil, what will be your view on relations with Beijing? 


Well, Texas to China is a long way, from then to now.

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Like other white-power accelerationists, Russell promoted the strategy of attacking public infrastructure in the belief that it would trigger a crisis that would cause the collapse of “The System” – a term that accelerationists use for the status quo political order.
The new charges were outlined in the criminal complaint filed by the FBI on Feb. 2 and unsealed on Feb. 6. The complaint accuses Russell and Sarah Beth Clendaniel – his alleged accomplice and apparent girlfriend – of planning and equipping themselves for attacks on electricity infrastructure in Maryland.

Steve Thomas

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Did Biden Fall While Going Up Stairs to Air Force One in Poland?

Claim: U.S. President Joe Biden tripped and fell while climbing up stairs to Air Force One as he left Poland on Feb. 22, 2023.
Fact check by Snopes.com: True
Can't they build an escalator for poor ol' Joe? 
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12 hours ago, Matt Allison said:


I'm thinking Ben and the other foreign residents here shouldn't be too concerned about Detroit, and be more concerned about where there appears to consistently be difficulties for citizens: Texas.


add: For example:


I wonder if any of the most fervent anti-Russian jingoists here have ever lived and worked outside the USA for a significant period of time.

Edited by John Cotter
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