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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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  • Steve Thomas


Richard Price, thanks for your insights regarding USPS, and it's up-until-now, don't spare the horses efforts in aid of ballot-by-mail. Day in and day out, and from the beginning, USPS has been a big part of what made us one country.

People are gathering around DeJoy's homes in D.C. and in Greensboro in protest. I was afraid that would happen. It's over the line.



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USPS under dismantling attack.

10's of millions unemployed, federal unemployment supplements cut off two weeks ago so millions will not be able to pay their rent. Millions fretting and freaking out and their kids mentally in trauma seeing this worry stress and confusion happening all around them.

School re-openings totally erratic, kids forced to sit at home computers for hours and hating this. Their parents also.

Feds are still bragging how those one time $1,200 supplement checks ( issued 4 months ago! ) were so helpful and we should all be so grateful.

Millions under threat of eviction/homelessness.

Country is having one big commonly shared PANIC ATTACK!!!

And our Senate and Congress go home on a summer break!?

While millions are hurting and stressed and scared unlike any time in their lives?

Talk about insanity!  Trump times are simply crazy!

The Dems want to give stressed Americans DOUBLE what the Repubs and Trump want to give them.

Yet people blame the Dems who want to give their stressed fellow Americans more ... for the stimulus help hold up!

And that is why Trump and Repubs won't give in and get these supplements going again?

With a side excuse that it's too much!?

Don't want to spoil America's workers so they won't go back to their can't-even-pay-the-rent minimum wage jobs.

Ever since Trump has taken office, we have been in a state of constant conflict, division, anger, tension, stress and worry.

The guy is bad kharma to the max.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Joe: Ask who benefits from all this planned chaos. Putin and Russia. It is proceeding as planned in Moscow and the worst is just months away. If America and democracy survive, it will be a close call. Wheeler's American Revolution  2.0 is a country and world ruled by organized crime.

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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

USPS under dismantling attack.

10's of millions unemployed, federal unemployment supplements cut off two weeks ago so millions will not be able to pay their rent. Millions fretting and freaking out and kids mentally in trauma seeing this all happening.

School re-openings totally erratic, kids forced to sit at home computers for hours hating this.

Feds are still bragging how those one time $1,200 supplement checks ( issued 4 months ago! ) were so helpful and we should all be so grateful.

Millions under threat of eviction/homelessness.

Country is having one big commonly shared PANIC ATTACK!!!

And our Senate and Congress go home on a summer break!?

While millions are hurting and stressed and scared unlike any time in their lives?

Talk about insanity!  Trump times are simply crazy!

The Dems want to give stressed Americans DOUBLE what the Repubs and Trump want to give.

Yet people blame the Dems who want to give more for the hold up!

And that is why Trump and Repubs won't give in and get these supplements going again?

It's too much!?

Don't want to spoil America's workers so they won't go back to work their can't even pay the rent minimum wage jobs!

Ever since Trump has taken office, we have been in a state of constant conflict, division, anger, tension and stress and worry.

The guy is bad kharma to the max.


Yeats sounds more prophetic every day:

Turning and turning in the widening gyre   
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere   
The ceremony of innocence is
The best lack all conviction, while the worst   
Are full of passionate intensity.
Edited by Robert Burrows
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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Joe: Ask who benefits from all this planned chaos. Putin and Russia. It is proceeding as planned in Moscow and the worst is just months away. If America and democracy survive, it will be a close call. Wheeler's American Revolution  2.0 is a country and world ruled by organized crime.


There has always been a struggle between labor and capital. This plague has just shined a spotlight on that struggle.

I have always said that it is not a case of the rich and the poor.

The rich are rich, because the poor are poor.

Our planet only has a finite amount of resources, and would not support all 4.5 billion of us living the lifestyles of the "rich and famous".

Steve Thomas

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1 hour ago, Robert Burrows said:

Yeats sounds more prophetic every day:

Turning and turning in the widening gyre   
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere   
The ceremony of innocence is
The best lack all conviction, while the worst   
Are full of passionate intensity.


Though golden showers may come your way
They bring the blackmail that leads astray



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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:


There has always been a struggle between labor and capital. This plague has just shined a spotlight on that struggle.

I have always said that it is not a case of the rich and the poor.

The rich are rich, because the poor are poor.

Our planet only has a finite amount of resources, and would not support all 4.5 billion of us living the lifestyles of the "rich and famous".

Steve Thomas

Some of America’s billionaires have been illegally profiting off the pandemic while Rome burns: Clinton economist

Published on August 16, 2020

By Robert Reich


“Since the start of the pandemic, American billionaires have been cleaning up. As more than 50 million Americans filed for unemployment insurance, billionaires became $637 billion richer. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg’s wealth has ballooned 59 percent. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos’s, 39 percent. Walmart’s Walton family has added $25 billion.

Big drug company CEOs and their major investors are doing nicely, too. Since the start of the pandemic, Big Pharma has raised prices on over 250 prescription drugs, 61 of which are being used to treat Covid-19.

This much is clear: Trump and his Republican enablers won’t provide $600 per week to tens of millions of Americans who need the money to survive the pandemic, because Trump and the GOP believe the money undermines incentives to work.

Yet Trump has no problem letting billionaires illegally profit off the pandemic. He thinks that as long as they buoy the stock market, they’re helping the American economy.

That’s pure rubbish. The stock market is not America. The richest 1 percent of Americans own half the value of all shares of stock held by American households. The richest 10 percent owns 92 percent. For years now, stock prices have risen largely because profits have been siphoned from the wages of ordinary workers.

In the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, stock prices are almost back to where they were before the pandemic began. Big corporations and major investors are doing fine. Billionaires are doing better than ever. But most Americans are sinking fast.”


Steve Thomas

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47 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:


Though golden showers may come your way
They bring the blackmail that leads astray



Shrouded secrets from Edessa to Turin,

Could such be the case for Trump and urine?

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32 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

Some of America’s billionaires have been illegally profiting off the pandemic while Rome burns: Clinton economist

Published on August 16, 2020

By Robert Reich


“Since the start of the pandemic, American billionaires have been cleaning up. As more than 50 million Americans filed for unemployment insurance, billionaires became $637 billion richer. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg’s wealth has ballooned 59 percent. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos’s, 39 percent. Walmart’s Walton family has added $25 billion.

Big drug company CEOs and their major investors are doing nicely, too. Since the start of the pandemic, Big Pharma has raised prices on over 250 prescription drugs, 61 of which are being used to treat Covid-19.

This much is clear: Trump and his Republican enablers won’t provide $600 per week to tens of millions of Americans who need the money to survive the pandemic, because Trump and the GOP believe the money undermines incentives to work.

Yet Trump has no problem letting billionaires illegally profit off the pandemic. He thinks that as long as they buoy the stock market, they’re helping the American economy.

That’s pure rubbish. The stock market is not America. The richest 1 percent of Americans own half the value of all shares of stock held by American households. The richest 10 percent owns 92 percent. For years now, stock prices have risen largely because profits have been siphoned from the wages of ordinary workers.

In the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, stock prices are almost back to where they were before the pandemic began. Big corporations and major investors are doing fine. Billionaires are doing better than ever. But most Americans are sinking fast.”


Steve Thomas

That's right on Steve! Bernie Sanders has proposed a 60% windfall tax on  the stay-at-home   companies that have profited greatly during the covid crisis, from March 16th to August 3rd. Bezos has profited 74.9 billion in this period, Elon Musk 42.5 billion and Mark Zuckerberg.16.2 billion.



Gol-den showers fill your eyes

Puddles await you when you rise

Trump: That's OK, the help will take care of that!


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Oh my.



Jay Feely


"Had the distinct honor to play golf today with

@POTUS and be his partner! Truly enjoyed talking about our families, politics and his earnest desires for our great country. he’s still got game."


“Trump faced criticism over the weekend after he played golf while his brother was dying on Saturday.”


"It was not immediately clear if the president planned to spend another day playing golf on Sunday.

Asked if Trump’s campaigning schedule has changed this week, Senior Advisor Jason Miller said, “I don’t have any changes at the moment.” https://t.co/zeWI15PMfu pic.twitter.com/aMCAfDWsxE "

Steve Thomas

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

Shrouded secrets from Edessa to Turin,

Could such be the case for Trump and urine?

I'm singin' in the rain
Just singin' in the rain
What an immoral feeling
Perverted again
Let security chase
Ev'ryone from the place
Come on with the rain
Pour it right in my face
I lie here in bed
Puddles under my head
And singing
Singing in the rain
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To quote an acting CIA Director, " former C.I.A. acting director Michael Morell said … [in the past] discussing Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. ‘This is the only time in American history when we’ve been attacked by a foreign country and not come together as a nation,’ Morell said. ‘In fact, it split us further apart[,] … an inexpensive, relatively easy to carry out covert mission. … deepen[ing] our divisions. I’m absolutely convinced that those Russian intelligence officers who put together and managed the attack on our democracy in 2016 all received medals personally from … Putin.'”

This is high treason committed by fatboy and enabled by the republican party.

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24 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:
I'm singin' in the rain
Just singin' in the rain
What an immoral feeling
Perverted again
Let security chase
Ev'ryone from the place
Come on with the rain
Pour it right in my face
I lie here in bed
Puddles under my head
And singing
Singing in the rain

To be pedantic, the Cohen statement from his Foreword leaves open whether the future Chief Executive actually received, or merely watched others receive, as in the leaked (!) video from the Moscow hotel room previously occupied by the Obamas.

Is there a taint of Marina Abramovic-style black magic in Trump's urological celebrations?  There was some style of taint visible, at any rate.

Edited by David Andrews
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30 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:
I'm singin' in the rain
Just singin' in the rain
What an immoral feeling
Perverted again
Let security chase
Ev'ryone from the place
Come on with the rain
Pour it right in my face
I lie here in bed
Puddles under my head
And singing
Singing in the rain

Can truth endure in

a stream of urine? 

Can golden showers 

break super powers,  

freedom drown in pee?

Keep watching; we'll see.

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