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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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From Bloomberg Today column published today:


What’s On Our Bookshelf

Parmy Olson interviewed Laurent Richard and Sandrine Rigaud, co-authors of the new book Pegasus: How a Spy in Your Pocket Threatens the End of Privacy, Dignity, and Democracy. The book tells the story of Pegasus, a malicious spyware developed by an Israeli company, NSO Group, that allowed governments around the world to hack into people's phones without their knowledge. Richard and Rigaud led the team of investigative journalists that uncovered the existence of Pegasus. We asked them for additional recommendations for readers interested in cyber-surveillance, leaks and espionage:

  • Permanent Record, by Edward Snowden. “Will help you understand not only the scale of the US's PRISM surveillance program but also the bravery of Snowden, who took a lot of risks to reveal it.”
  • The Panama Papers, by Bastian Obermayer and Frederik Obermaier. “Like our book, it's a story of a leak and of a collaboration that had a huge impact worldwide.”
  • Countdown to Zero Day, by Kim Zetter. “A very interesting look at the industry — people on the dark web, hackers, brokers — behind cybersurveillance.”
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Interesting parapraph from CJR 25,000-word review of the Russiagate hoax:


"But in the next paragraph (WaPo story) it reported anonymous officials being “alarmed” about the supposed Russian-Trump contacts because they occurred while Trump made his comments in Florida in July 2016 wondering whether Russia could find Hillary’s missing emails.

The story said “the FBI declined to comment.” In fact, the FBI was quickly ripping the piece to shreds, in a series of annotated comments by Strzok, who managed the Russia case. His analysis, prepared for his bosses, found numerous inaccuracies, including a categorical refutation of the lead and headline; “we are unaware,” Strzok wrote, “of ANY Trump advisers engaging in conversations with Russian intelligence officials.” Comey immediately checked with other intelligence agencies to see if they had any such evidence, came up empty, and relayed his findings to a closed Senate briefing, according to testimony at a Senate hearing months later."


No conversations between Russian intelligence and Trump advisers? So says the FBI Russian top-gun? And Comey? And other intel agencies? 

So...what was Russiagate? Even the federal panopticon finds nothing. 

Trump actually toughened sanction on Russia beyond what Obama had, and then Biden eased (especially on the Nord Stream pipeline).

Were any policies regarding Russia compromised during the Trump Administration?  

There just seems to be no there, there. 

It appears the American public was hoodwinked by elements of the Deep State allied with media and the Donks. 

What true Donks should be angered by is this: Why has your party become warmongers, deeply in bed with the Deep State? 



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Well, I'm shocked, shocked to learn that Ben still hasn't read Nancy MacLean's book, Democracy in Chains, and still doesn't know that the Koch brothers bought the GOP in 2010.

Trump was the Koch's 2016 Trojan Horse who approved the Keystone pipeline and cut taxes in 2017.

Now he's a GOP liability.

And Ben still hasn't figured out that Trump's campaign manager, Paul Manafort, was in frequent contact with Russian GRU agent Konstantin Kilimnik in 2016.

(Not to mention the Trump campaign's 2016 meeting with Veselnitskaya.)

Ben reminds me of the Dallas Cowboy's kicker who missed four extra points in that recent playoff game.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Why are you Koches so dead set against Trump? 

As of now, the Donks and Koches have a lot in common---do you foresee a Koch-Donk alliance? 

The Purple Party on steroids? 

Seems like there already was one.. 


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Historical reality check for Ben and Mathew Koch...

December 2, 2016
The 2016 election – in which the Koch network pledged nearly $900 million – saw Republicans recapture the White House despite losing the overall vote (which Hillary Clinton now leads by over 2.5 million votes).

‘Trump’s Koch Administration’

Donald Trump wasn’t the Kochs’ choice for president, but he still benefited from their powerful network. While the Kochs held back on funding efforts specifically for Trump, they spent heavily to get out the vote for Republicans in key swing states. This helped secure Trump’s win.

Since then, the Trump team has tapped so many Koch operatives for top positions that Politico dubbed it “Trump’s Koch administration.”

High profile selections include Vice President-elect Mike Pence, a Koch favorite.

Trump’s choice to head the CIA, Mike Pompeo, is, like the Kochs, from Wichita, Kansas, and is so close with the brothers he earned the nickname the “congressman from Koch.”

Billionaire Wilbur Ross, Trump’s pick for Commerce Secretary, is a personal friend of David’s.

For Education Secretary, Trump has tapped billionaire Betsy DeVos. The DeVos family, which owns Amway, has partnered with the Kochs for years, focusing on their home state of Michigan. “I have decided... to stop taking offense at the suggestion that we are buying influence,” Betsy DeVos said of her family’s massive political contributions. “Now, I simply concede the point.” (Betsy’s hushand, Dick DeVos, spent $35 million on his unsuccessful 2006 run for Michigan governor. Betsy’s brother, Erik Prince, founded the mercenary group Blackwater.)

Helping lead Trump’s transition team is Rebekah Mercer, whose family has given more than $25 million to the Koch network. Mercer also funds the racist Breitbart News and is close with the site’s former editor, Steve Bannon, who headed up Trump’s campaign and will now be his chief strategist in the White House.

Leading Trump’s EPA transition team is Myron Ebell who, like both Trump and the Kochs, is a climate change denier. Ebell works at the Competitive Enterprise Network, which receives funding from the Koch network.

Plenty of other, lesser-known names from the Koch network have also been tapped by Trump, who pledged to “drain the swamp” in Washington.
The Trump/Koch Administration
White House in Chaos: Koch Brothers In Position for the Next Phase


Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

Seems like there already was one.. 



The people who funded the Hamilton 68 hoax with a star-studded cast of neo-cons and neo-libs. But which is which?  The two groups have become inter-changable, no? 

If HRC comes out of retirement, huge piles of Koch money are at the ready....

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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Well, I'm shocked, shocked to learn that Ben still hasn't read Nancy MacLean's book, Democracy in Chains, and still doesn't know that the Koch brothers bought the GOP in 2010.

Trump was the Koch's 2016 Trojan Horse who approved the Keystone pipeline and cut taxes in 2017.

Now he's a GOP liability.

And Ben still hasn't figured out that Trump's campaign manager, Paul Manafort, was in frequent contact with Russian GRU agent Konstantin Kilimnik in 2016.

(Not to mention the Trump campaign's 2016 meeting with Veselnitskaya.)

Ben reminds me of the Dallas Cowboy's kicker who missed four extra points in that recent playoff game.


Manafort had conversations with Kilimnik, who was working for Derpaska

1. Did Manafort know Kilimnik may, or may not have, have had relations with Russian intel services? Did Kilimnik say to Manafort, "Oh, btw, I work for the Kremlin."?  

2. Although one Senate committee defined Kilimnik as a Russian agent, the intel services have not. They intel services say they do not know. 

3. It may well be Kilimnik was a Russian intel asset, as are all prominent or well-connected Chinese and Russian citizens. That is, if the GRU or PRC asks you what you know, then you tell them. If the GRU or PRC tells you to seek information within the confines of your work, then you do that. 

So...the Manafort-Kremlin connection...is yet another "link" in Russia-hysteria-hoaxville. 

And how did this "link" compromise US security, or alter US policy? Where is the crime? Was any state information passed from Manafort to Kilimnik? 

You mean, pre-2016 just doing business with unsanctioned Russian oligarchs is a crime? 

No. Actually, the real story appears to be that Manafort was grifting Deripaska. Deripaska has dismissed the idea that Manafort was tight with Moscow. 

The 24,000-word CJR review of media complicity in the Russiagate hoax is well worth reading. 

This is the M$M at work. The Wuhan lab leak. The Hinter Biden laptop, the Brian Sicknick was murdered story. 

The JFKA, the 9/11 report, the 1/6 committee boob-tube show. 

Stay open-minded and stay skeptical. 

They are snowing you. 

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

Historical reality check for Ben and Mathew Koch...

December 2, 2016
The 2016 election – in which the Koch network pledged nearly $900 million – saw Republicans recapture the White House despite losing the overall vote (which Hillary Clinton now leads by over 2.5 million votes).

‘Trump’s Koch Administration’

Donald Trump wasn’t the Kochs’ choice for president, but he still benefited from their powerful network. While the Kochs held back on funding efforts specifically for Trump, they spent heavily to get out the vote for Republicans in key swing states. This helped secure Trump’s win.

Since then, the Trump team has tapped so many Koch operatives for top positions that Politico dubbed it “Trump’s Koch administration.”

High profile selections include Vice President-elect Mike Pence, a Koch favorite.

Trump’s choice to head the CIA, Mike Pompeo, is, like the Kochs, from Wichita, Kansas, and is so close with the brothers he earned the nickname the “congressman from Koch.”

Billionaire Wilbur Ross, Trump’s pick for Commerce Secretary, is a personal friend of David’s.

For Education Secretary, Trump has tapped billionaire Betsy DeVos. The DeVos family, which owns Amway, has partnered with the Kochs for years, focusing on their home state of Michigan. “I have decided... to stop taking offense at the suggestion that we are buying influence,” Betsy DeVos said of her family’s massive political contributions. “Now, I simply concede the point.” (Betsy’s hushand, Dick DeVos, spent $35 million on his unsuccessful 2006 run for Michigan governor. Betsy’s brother, Erik Prince, founded the mercenary group Blackwater.)

Helping lead Trump’s transition team is Rebekah Mercer, whose family has given more than $25 million to the Koch network. Mercer also funds the racist Breitbart News and is close with the site’s former editor, Steve Bannon, who headed up Trump’s campaign and will now be his chief strategist in the White House.

Leading Trump’s EPA transition team is Myron Ebell who, like both Trump and the Kochs, is a climate change denier. Ebell works at the Competitive Enterprise Network, which receives funding from the Koch network.

Plenty of other, lesser-known names from the Koch network have also been tapped by Trump, who pledged to “drain the swamp” in Washington.
The Trump/Koch Administration
White House in Chaos: Koch Brothers In Position for the Next Phase



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Trump met with Veselnitskaya...and that means what? 


She was a lawyer for rich Russians, but somehow also tied into GPS Fusion. 

Trump met with her. And that means?

LHO met with Valery Kostikov in Mexico City, just weeks for he was accused of assassinating JFK.  And that means? You know Kostikov's background? 

Meetings mean nothing. "Ties" and "links" and "contacts" are more jibber-jabbar. 

There is no there, there. 


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19 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

What is the correct name of the Mountain top in Maine that we are all referring to?

And I have seen a few other news reports that the temperature was even colder than the 102 below I cited.

104 to 108 below ???

Isn't that similar to temperatures on the moon and Mars?

That Dennis Quaid science fiction disaster film "Day After Tomorrow." is looking less science fiction with each new record breaking cold wave sweeping lower and lower down from the North Pole.


Joe, Mt. Katahdin, I believe, is the tallest mountin in Maine.  But you were right--all those low temp readings were on Mt. Washington.

The news reports were all over the map with record temperatures reporting.  I heard our local tv. station say the low temp early Saturday morning, with wind chill, was -147, and that the record low was -155 in the late 1800's.  I wondered who was up there taking measurements?!

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14 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The Purple Party on steroids? 

I now call this Purple party the "Uniparty" or if I was in NK I would refer to them as our 'Dear Leaders'..  it's the elite families Ivy League Neo-Con Neo-Lib alliance that is in both parties that works to protect it's self from real change. Most of these people are members of globalist organizations like the Trilateral Committee, Council on Foreign Relations, World Economic Forum, Bilderberg, APAC, Etc.. People with these connections tend to lean Fascist imo and only seem to benefit the military industrial complex and the corporations that make money from them.


Edited by Matthew Koch
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