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Since Fox is confirmed to not be a news channel but a propaganda arm of the Republican party, the FEC needs to conduct an investigation into their finances.

“We did work hand in hand with them and that came at Trump’s direction. If he didn’t like something, we were to immediately call Fox and have them fix it or try to make a new story out of it, etc.”


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2 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:


Since Fox is confirmed to not be a news channel but a propaganda arm of the Republican party, the FEC needs to conduct an investigation into their finances.

“We did work hand in hand with them and that came at Trump’s direction. If he didn’t like something, we were to immediately call Fox and have them fix it or try to make a new story out of it, etc.”


You'd think you'd learn from the Russia Collusion Hoax, Quid Pro Quo, George Floyd incident and the J6 Fedsurrection to wait until all the info comes out.. But when you have TDS you get fooled over and over again because you don't care what the truth is and just have faith that it's true because Trump is literally Hitler. (sarcasm added for Leslie) 


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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

My genuine opinion is, you feel slighted and you don’t want to let it go. Despite some barbs you threw my way, I feel very dispassionate and fine to move on from the silliness. Can you do the same? 

I'm not certain, but it looks like my response disappeared into the ethers. If it surfaces, this is a truncated version.

What's your term for a male author who doesn't respond  to subjective opinion couched as authoritative and informed - Matthew's approach to Coup and the Postscript — to your liking?  Would you suggest he was "feeling" ... what?  Sensitive? You obviously were never on the receiving end of Hank's responses to such shenanigans. 

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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

Leslie and the other hanging on to their propaganda commission on a JFK forum is so Ironically hilarious. The J6 commission and the Warren Commission are so similar it's actually really funny! Basically Leslie and Ron asking for more footage is like saying you need more Zapruder film to prove Kennedy wasn't shot from behind.

Sorry you guys can't understand the big picture that j6 has about as many holes in it as the Warren Commission report😉💯 Even funnier is the fact that you guys are doubling down on the commission not realizing that if it was actually a coup Rodger Stone and others would have been charged with Treason.. But I guess when you identify as "Woke" micro aggressions count as the real thing.. HUH?! In reality White Nationalism when translated from Wokeness is just white people who don't hate their country. It really is amazing that someone can throw around very serious allegation like White Supremacy on this forum without citing anything of real substance or making the case but what do you expect from people who think Colin Kappernick is a freedom fighter!?

All I have learned is that Leslie can use anything to justify her behavior and she is basically an authoritarian that has alot of similarities to the members of the Third Reich she claims to be against, She would have made a great prison guard or train conductor in 1940's Germany. Meanwhile back to reality that's basically what I would expect from someone who literally worked for white supremest HL Hunt. The closest I have employment wise to that is working for a corporation, Leslie we are not the same.. in fact I'm pretty sure the goddess you thanked was Shiva the Destroyer given your behavior the last couple of days!  

You're like a moth to a flame, Matthew.  What happened to "ignore". Does that mean you ignore my posts but shadow bo in your own ring?  

Reading up on tactics employed by provocateurs like yourself, a favorite is inversion. I'll leave it with you to contemplate. 

You mentioned something about Spencer leaving N-zism behind.  Can you flesh that out for me?  Does that mean that if I worked for the Hunt family for five years in the '80s, you'll cut me some slack in 2023?  It's obvious you never read my extensive post focused on our H. L. Hunt research 

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1 hour ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Who pulled out their entire deposits at SVB, precipitating the final collapse, Ben? Thiel.

Who does Thiel turn to for inspiration? And what better way to topple our democracy than another 2008.  N-azi indeed.

Curtis Yarvin wants American democracy toppled. He has some prominent Republican fans.

The New Right blogger has been cited by Blake Masters and J.D. Vance. What exactly is he advocating?

an interesting read . . . 'Such a view of history is shared by accelerationism –– a term most commonly associated with the cultural theorist Nick Land, but also prominent in the writing of neo-reactionary blogger Curtis Yarvin and others in the radical right milieu . . . ' and, Ben, in the event you're unaware, the Rene Guenon mentioned here harkens to the ultra-traditional French Catholics identified in Coup.

So...is Biden secretly an ultra-tradtional Catholic Natzi? 

The Biden Administration, by ukase is doing the bailout....


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46 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

You'd think you'd learn from the Russia Collusion Hoax, Quid Pro Quo, George Floyd incident and the J6 Fedsurrection to wait until all the info comes out.. But when you have TDS you get fooled over and over again because you don't care what the truth is and just have faith that it's true because Trump is literally Hitler. (sarcasm added for Leslie) 


More Mussolini-esque actually, Matthew.

What about those Freedom Cities, huh?

This likely won't resonate with you, but let's see . . . 

Once Fascism had gained power, the glorification of ancient Rome was rarely absent from Mussolini’s rhetoric – or from his far-reaching plans for the Fascist future. This glorification took many forms – from the declaration of Rome’s ‘birthday’ as a national holiday (replacing the socialist May Day celebrations) to the pronouncement of a resurrection of the Roman Empire on Rome’s ‘fatal hills’ following Italy’s victorious colonial exploits in Ethiopia. 28 However, as far as the Duce himself was concerned, it manifested itself most particularly in two ways. Firstly, the salvific qualities and, increasingly, the statuesque gravitas of a Roman emperor were ascribed to Mussolini; secondly, at his behest, the archaeological and architectural fabric of the city of Rome was utterly transformed – like Augustus himself, Rome’s twentieth-century ‘Dux’ wished to transfigure the city which he had triumphantly conquered from prosaic stone to magnificent marble.

PS. what was that thing about Mount Rushmore being floated a few years ago?

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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I never said that about Richard Spencer so I can't fetch it for you, sorry. I said he left MAGA behind because we think he's a Fed but in your Trojan horse dopleganger brain that apparently means the same thing. If you aren't going to cut me slack over Jack Posobiec I'm not going to cut you slack on HL Hunt. Sharing a twitter page is a little different than working for a purveyor of the far alt right ecosystem you claim to be against. 🙉🙈🙊

Why would I need to read a post when I've read Texas Rich, your book could have benefitted from using it and it's JFKA info btw.

If I'm a provocateur who am I working for The Koch Brothers? The FBI? It's funny that you are giving me that much credit💯

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12 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

So...is Biden secretly an ultra-tradtional Catholic Natzi? 

The Biden Administration, by ukase is doing the bailout....


Ukraine history is more complicated than a soundbite here, but suffice to say I agree that Biden should differentiate who precisely he is supporting. He should acknowledge publicly the history of the Banderites, the OUN and Stetsko, and the current familial ties to that history within the Zelensky government.  Both he and George HW relied on the Ukraine diaspora   voting block and by doing so, ignored N-azi criminals who had been spirited into the US through Op Paperclip.  I'm fairly well informed on this topic since Stetsko surfaced in research for Coup.

You're avoiding discussion of Yarvin's proposal to destroy American democracy, Thiel's [and Bannon's] apparent fascination with the idea, and Thiel's abrupt withdrawal of all funds from SVB precipitating the collapse.

Much like Carlson, you seem to employ "look over there" when confronted with facts.  I'm looking at Biden, and am disturbed by the dynamics of this Russia - Ukraine calamity. Might you venture toward the Thiel move and Yarvin's proposal?

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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19 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

This is exactly what I said to @Matthew Koch yesterday. By Kirk’s distorted rationale, not only Nietzsche could be included, but, Daniel Defoe (Robinson Crusoe), Shakespeare, Goethe and a whole host of others who the German leader read. Kirk’s emotions are running very high, I forgive him for the foggy, conflicted thinking. 

It could be due to jet lag, which would suggest that Kirk must be doing a lot of flying.

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23 minutes ago, Kathy Beckett said:

(Bolds mine}



Did you post that for fun or do you really believe the part in Bolds?

The part in Bolds are accurate, Russian Collusion debunked, Quid Pro Quo was CIA whistleblower and declassified phone call proved it was a nothing burger, George Floyd leaked footage and autopsy showed he overdosed on Fentanyl (Not saying that the police didn't commit negligent manslaughter, they didn't Murder him), and J6 ship is currently sinking from Tucker's holes in the boat.. 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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2 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

I'll walk you through this.  We'll stay with the Pence related aspect of this multi-thronged plan to disrupt the peaceful transfer of presidential power - an attack on the presidency parallel with Dallas 1963.

  • John Eastman was ensconced in the Willard Hotel along with others who - as established through testimony including that of Trump administration officials — had, since days prior to the election — determined to "stop the steal" - a concept devised by dirty trickster and Kennedy assassination researcher Roger Stone.
  • Eastman is the author of the "Eastman Memo", 6 points to persuade Mike Pence that (paraphrasing) he had the authority to refuse the electoral count seen here. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21066248-eastman-memo
  • During his rant at the elipse (yes, it was a rant of significant magnitude for an outgoing president), Trump whose war room team including Eastman had been strategizing at the Willard referred specifically to  Vice President Pence, warning him that he had better do the right thing, thus riling up those who would soon become insurrectionists — many of whom had avoided the detection system giving them the opportunity to march armed to the Capitol.
  • Some among them erected a gallows and launched a chant "Hang Mike Pence" while approaching and subsequently entering the building unlawfully.

    So, I would ask you, why would an outgoing administration find it necessary, let alone appropriate, to be holed up in the Willard unless it was to attempt to overthrow our democracy.

A snippet from (and you will love this) the World Socialist — but hey, equal airtime seems to be the mantra of Carlson loyalists. . . 

' . . . A conservative lawyer working with then-President Donald Trump’s legal team tried to convince then-Vice President Mike Pence that he could overturn the election results on January 6 when Congress counted the Electoral College votes by throwing out electors from seven states, according to the new book “Peril” from Washington Post journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa.

The scheme put forward by controversial lawyer John Eastman was outlined in a two-page memo obtained by the authors for “Peril,” and which was subsequently obtained by CNN. The memo, which has not previously been made public, provides new detail showing how Trump and his team tried to persuade Pence to subvert the Constitution and throw out the election results on January 6.'

Biden is a seasoned politician with his finger on the pulse and I believe he is a) allowing Garland time to dot I's and cross t's, and or b) concerned enough about the possibility of a full blown deadly civil war that he would choose the lesser of two evils . . . guarantee that Trump cannot hold elected office again, and move on. A scorpion's embrace.

Fine. Let's see what holds up in court. 

Eastman's scholarship on the Constitution at one time was highly regarded Maybe he became nutty. He had no authority over anybody. I am not qualified to know if Eastman's interpretations of the Constitution hold water.

There is yet zero evidence of connection between the Trump Administration and the scrum at the Capitol. 

But as I say, let Trump go to court, let all the facts come out, let defendants have adequate counsel, let a jury render a decision.

If Trumps skates, fine, if he is exonerated, fine, if he goes to jail, fine. 

As Durham found out, and as the prosecutors against Tom Barrack found out, getting a conviction is a lot harder than making accusations. 

Although, if the federal government prosecutes a nobody represented by a public defender...then they can win a conviction 

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12 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

I never said that about Richard Spencer so I can't fetch it for you, sorry. I said he left MAGA behind because we think he's a Fed but in your Trojan horse dopleganger brain that apparently means the same thing. If you aren't going to cut me slack over Jack Posobiec I'm not going to cut you slack on HL Hunt. Sharing a twitter page is a little different than working for a purveyor of the far alt right ecosystem you claim to be against. 🙉🙈🙊

Why would I need to read a post when I've read Texas Rich, your book could have benefitted from using it and it's JFKA info btw.

If I'm a provocateur who am I working for The Koch Brothers? The FBI? It's funny that you are giving me that much credit💯

You're acting in real time, Matthew.  Posobiec, and Project Veritas have been outed as disinformation "outlets" yet you persist linking to them.  Why not do a bit more due diligence.

What you know of my past, I've shared publicly.  Hurt did an excellent job, but he did not "prove" Hunt was involved, and actually missed a number of things thru no fault of his own.  We, on the other hand have tightened the net significantly.

Hank's process was to focus on original source material — documents, interviews, etc.—  from his own investigation, and supplement with highly credible research already in the public domain.  And if that credible research didn't dovetail in some fashion with what he uncovered in the Lafitte records, we didn't use it. 

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17 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Ukraine history is more complicated than a soundbite here, but suffice to say I agree that Biden should differentiate who precisely he is supporting. He should acknowledge publicly the history of the Banderites, the OUN and Stetsko, and the current familial ties to that history within the Zelensky government.  Both he and George HW relied on the Ukraine diaspora   voting block and by doing so, ignored N-azi criminals who had been spirited into the US through Op Paperclip.  I'm fairly well informed on this topic since Stetsko surfaced in research for Coup.

You're avoiding discussion of Yarvin's proposal to destroy American democracy, Thiel's [and Bannon's] apparent fascination with the idea, and Thiel's abrupt withdrawal of all funds from SVB precipitating the collapse.

Much like Carlson, you seem to employ "look over there" when confronted with facts.  I'm looking at Biden, and am disturbed by the dynamics of this Russia - Ukraine calamity. Might you venture toward the Thiel move and Yarvin's proposal?

Thiel and Yarvin strike me as creepy. 

The Biden Administration is bailing out SVB, not me. 


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4 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Lucky for her we have extremely partisan mods because if I had insulted someones mother and accused using coded words for antisemitism I would have heard about it from them.. 

Imagine bragging about being a Nasty Woman the only thing she has done is proved to me that she is a Person Against Goodness And Normalcies and has reinforced my opinion that Feminism (also Orwellian) is basically mental AIDS. Someone should have explained to her the saying that Karma is a B**** isn't supposed to be taken literally 😉😝 

C'mon koch.  I thought your PM to me was worth a 2-3-7 day suspension, at a minimum.  If I were a moderator and you sent that to me, you'd be History.  Now here you go again, deep, on the gender.  Which caused your PM in the first place.  Replying to my request to tone down the gender stuff, Gentlemen. 

Your original comments about a woman scorned, then, I feel like I know what it's like to have a teen age daughter.  Then Chris comments in support about "try again princess" and "mother bear is a little wound up".

Leslie doesn't need a white knight, she's been married 36 years, four more than I.  Seems she has one and can defend herself much more than adequately without him, or me. 

Now you come back with Feminism is basically Aids, mommy bear is scared, a racist Karen.  Chris supports you with Buttercup.  Then pleads for peace.  She ought to feel slighted, as Chris said.   

Edited by Ron Bulman
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