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22 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Under law, the SVB deposits were uninsured. Deposits were insured only up to $250,000.

These are not mom-and-pop "customers". These are Silicon Valley companies.

Their bank failed, and you, the taxpayer, will pay for it. 

Sounds like it's going to get interesting tomorrow.. 

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2 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Sounds like it's going to get interesting tomorrow.. 

Massie is a libertarian-ish Congressman (of course no one is a libertarian when it comes to their own district).  

The blue-red spin doctors will go nuts on this one. 

It is, indeed, a bailout for companies that had more than $250k in the SVB bank. Deposits over the $250k limit were not insured, and that is the law. 

The Donks will blame the 'Phants for legislation that passed two years ago (or more). 

The 'Phants will say the Donks are bailing out their rich "woke" friends to th Silicon Valley.

There are some who say this was or is a Natzi bank. 

Biden is bailing out a Natzi bank? His rich friends? 

Control the narrative, and damn the facts....


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Thomas Massie is considered one of the most L00ny toons members of Congress and nothing he says will be taken seriously by any actual serious person.

Until you understand who Wall St listens to and why dumb propaganda never, ever moves the markets, then you'll never really get how stuff works with them.

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22 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:


As I predicted.

By the way, the SVB lobbied for the rule change, and a lot of Donks voted for it. 

The Donks had two years to change the rule. 

Biden is president, and has been for two years. He is bailing out the rich depositors of SVB now.

Really---is this a blue-red pissing issue, or...just the way DC always works? 

Biden happens to running the brothel at this time....



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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The Donks had two years to change the rule. 

Nope. This was a Senate bill that Trump axed and the Dems have yet to have a filibuster-proof majority under Biden.

Just like the train disaster, this one's on Trump. Everything Trump touches, dies.

Republican politicians are ineffective crooks that only care about rich people. They do nothing for average Americans, while the Dems work their butts off for that group. This is so obvious that anyone that denies it looks ridiculous. Sorry.

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8 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Nope. This was a Senate bill that Trump axed and the Dems have yet to have a filibuster-proof majority under Biden.

Just like the train disaster, this one's on Trump. Everything Trump touches, dies.

Republican politicians are ineffective crooks that only care about rich people. They do nothing for average Americans, while the Dems work their butts off for that group. This is so obvious that anyone that denies it looks ridiculous. Sorry.

I blame woke Natzis; Trump and Biden personally; and broadly the Donks and 'Phants for the SVB collapse, and subsequent bailouts of rich people. 

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Matt Allison writes:


I think this past week or so has conclusively proven that there are no true moderators on this site.

There's a good commentary about this crazy thread by Alex Wilson here:


This thread, which was supposed to be a place for people to let off steam, isn't the only one that is currently being polluted by lunatic right-wing diatribes. There are at least two others that are currently listed on the first page.

What puzzles me is where all these right-wing nut-jobs came from. What's the attraction, for them, of using this forum to repeat a bunch of poorly thought-out talking points they copied from Faux News or some semi-fascist YouTuber or Twitterer?

These people don't seem to have much interest in the JFK assassination. What are they doing here?

I know that the rule here is that you can spread all sorts of crazy nonsense about the JFK assassination, as long as you do it politely. But surely it's reasonable to limit discussion to the actual JFK assassination. There must be plenty of online venues where Trump fans, anti-vaxxers, corporate shills, and other RWNJs can spout brain-dead nonsense that has nothing to do with the supposed topic of this forum.

If you're going to talk nonsense, please make sure it's JFK assassination-related nonsense!

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On 1/31/2023 at 8:59 AM, Joe Bauer said:

I have posted a different agenda proposition regards Bloomberg and his 1 billion dollar 2020 presidential primary campaign effort.

I believe Bloomberg spent his all-time record presidential primary amount ( and for only a 1 and 1/2 to 2 month campaign! ) not to win the primary nomination at all.

Bloomberg knew he didn't have a chance in **** for that outcome.

In my common sense contemplation analysis Bloomberg's agenda was to make sure the surging vote count candidacy of Elizabeth Warren and the decent one of Bernie Sanders was curtailed and cut off up to and after Super Tuesday.

And that Joe Biden win the nomination.

Throughout the beginning months of the primary, Warren was doing well. She at one point was the highest vote getter! 

Biden was well behind her and was also well bested by both Warren and even Sanders in the debates up to that according to polls. Biden even lost support after each debate.

Warren and Sanders came across as more alert and vigorous in those debates imo.

Biden looked tired, made some stumbling gaffes and really didn't have as clear of message regards his political agenda goals compared to Warren's and Sander's.

Bloomberg's biggest concern about the 2020 election was not Donald Trump.

It was a possible Democratic party candidacy of Bolshevists Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

He clearly stated this in a recorded talk he gave to a gathering of Goldman Sachs execs/investors before he announced his own very late entry into the primary campaign.

I don't have the quotes in front of me, however they were clear in the message that he ( Bloomberg) feared major social reform advocating Warren and Sanders as a more dangerous threat to America than Trump. Especially Wall Street America and the often referred to 1%.

It was right after Biden was seriously fading in the polls that Bloomberg launched his illogical mind blowing massive financial campaign.

Within days even we were getting Bloomberg campaign literature in our mail boxes.

He was also instantly running national TV and I believe even radio ads as well.

It was a blitzkrieg effort.

Bloomberg wasn't even counted in the first primary campaign months. After he entered, the highest he ever got in national polls was slightly more than 10%?

His entering the primary so late and with quite  limited established national recognition support seemed just too illogical in my political knowledge thinking.

I kept wondering why Bloomberg was doing this when it was obvious he didn't have a chance in h*** at the nomination. 

I believe he stated he entered to race because he didn't think "any" of the Democratic candidates would be able to beat Trump?

I thought that was a BS explanation. It didn't make sense. In making this claim he was including Biden?

Bloomberg's candidacy did draw down Warren and Sanders poll numbers. Biden's numbers began to increase.

By Super Tuesday Biden was surging ahead of Warren and Sanders.

In the weeks before Super Tuesday Biden's camp had made an all-out effort in bringing in black vote support for his campaign and away from Warren and Sanders who's political ideologies were clearly more beneficial to black American interests.

I believe deals were made with the highest Black political leaders and groups to sway their support toward Biden. It's only a speculative guess on my part but I believe Biden promised to name a black woman as his VP choice to seal the ultimate full out support deal.

Super Tuesday sealed the nomination for Biden with entire black voting blocks giving him states that should have gone to the more progressive Warren and Sanders.

Bloomberg's true "Save America" mission was accomplished.

His mind blowing, record setting BILLION DOLLAR, illogically brief 1 to two month long primary campaign run came to an immediate stop.

His most feared threat enemies Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders ( not Donald Trump ) were toast.

In this sense Michael Bloomberg actually WON.

Biden has always been much more corporate friendly than the progressive wing of the Democratic party. Delaware has been a tax haven for them for decades.

Curious though, was any of Bloomberg's 1 billion dollar campaign run monies expenditures tax deductible?







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5 hours ago, Jeremy Bojczuk said:

Matt Allison writes:

There's a good commentary about this crazy thread by Alex Wilson here:


This thread, which was supposed to be a place for people to let off steam, isn't the only one that is currently being polluted by lunatic right-wing diatribes. There are at least two others that are currently listed on the first page.

What puzzles me is where all these right-wing nut-jobs came from. What's the attraction, for them, of using this forum to repeat a bunch of poorly thought-out talking points they copied from Faux News or some semi-fascist YouTuber or Twitterer?

These people don't seem to have much interest in the JFK assassination. What are they doing here?

I know that the rule here is that you can spread all sorts of crazy nonsense about the JFK assassination, as long as you do it politely. But surely it's reasonable to limit discussion to the actual JFK assassination. There must be plenty of online venues where Trump fans, anti-vaxxers, corporate shills, and other RWNJs can spout brain-dead nonsense that has nothing to do with the supposed topic of this forum.

If you're going to talk nonsense, please make sure it's JFK assassination-related nonsense!

If you think that's good commentary than you must read hustler magazine for the article Jermey.

What diatribe Jermery? That J6 wasn't an insurrection and was just a Riot caused by Ray Epps? That JFK forum is trash if the format didn't clue you in, and given your comment it makes sense that your read that forum, sorry that the Tucker clips go over our head but I see that you are another Cliche Guevara that thinks using the word Fascist is okay you must think that your also anti fasist when you say hyperbole like Semi Fascist youtuber. Cite the  nonsense instead of being a coward and speaking about it in general terms like Anti Vaxxer but given that you posted that 60 year old Loser from the other forum who still lives with his mother and is mad at the world for it. Who posts about this forum in an Ad hom way (Probably because he got kicked off it)for his two posts. I can see that  your takes aren't very great..Semi Fascism for example and the fact that coming into a section that isn't about the JFKA and complaining that we are not talking about the JFKA.. in the thread not about that is a pretty low hanging fruit take and I see why you think Alex's rant is a good one. I will say that his line about Leslie's date book being a turd and can't be polished into gold was funny, most of it is just mean and that basically why you posted it, you thought that might hurt my feeling. It did the opposite dude. 

If we're talking nonsense than the commentary is going over your head which isn't saying much😉

Edited by Matthew Koch
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3 hours ago, Jeremy Bojczuk said:

Matt Allison writes:

There's a good commentary about this crazy thread by Alex Wilson here:


This thread, which was supposed to be a place for people to let off steam, isn't the only one that is currently being polluted by lunatic right-wing diatribes. There are at least two others that are currently listed on the first page.

What puzzles me is where all these right-wing nut-jobs came from. What's the attraction, for them, of using this forum to repeat a bunch of poorly thought-out talking points they copied from Faux News or some semi-fascist YouTuber or Twitterer?

These people don't seem to have much interest in the JFK assassination. What are they doing here?

I know that the rule here is that you can spread all sorts of crazy nonsense about the JFK assassination, as long as you do it politely. But surely it's reasonable to limit discussion to the actual JFK assassination. There must be plenty of online venues where Trump fans, anti-vaxxers, corporate shills, and other RWNJs can spout brain-dead nonsense that has nothing to do with the supposed topic of this forum.

If you're going to talk nonsense, please make sure it's JFK assassination-related nonsense!


It’s rather silly of you, to say the least, to jump into a thread such as this affecting the role of impartial moderator, when your own words blow that pretence out of the water.

Your rabid ideological bias is exposed by the hackneyed “catch cries of the clown” (what in God’s name does “semi-fascist” mean?) which have been used in recent years by authoritarian propagandists to vilify dissent and shut down debate.

Needless to say, this censorship, vilification and shutting down of debate by the authorities – authoritarianism (if not fascism) in action – is an admission by them that their policies don’t bear scrutiny and that the arguments of the dissenters are valid.

The unravelling of the official covid, J6 and Ukraine narratives as discussed on this thread shows that to be the case, notwithstanding the persistent disruptive tactics of authoritarian posters.

Take your diatribe of nonsensical name-calling somewhere else.

Edited by John Cotter
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8 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Under law, the SVB deposits were uninsured. Deposits were insured only up to $250,000.

These are not mom-and-pop "customers". These are Silicon Valley companies.

Their bank failed, and you, the taxpayer, will pay for it. 

Rather ironic that someone who accuses people of fascism is advocating for Fascism💯


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Before you all declare and think you understand SVB give this a read. Also how quickly the Federal Reserve raised interest rates is one of the factors of what happened.

Edited by Paul Cummings
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