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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Thanks, Dave. It's nice to see successive generations carrying on the Wrestling Rock tradition. But I was wondering if they could really do the "eye gauge" but maybe a couple of them could.

To remove all doubt:


Edited by David Andrews
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3 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

When a liberal or lefty belittles Trump voters because they are Evangelicals, or just strongly religious, its usually under the pretense that we live in an entirely material world. Therefore, the Evangelical, etc. is stupid for denying the science that proves we live in a material world, while simultaneously asserting they live in a spiritual world, despite any scientific proof.

The Liberal's argument for only the existence of a material world is logically consistent. Many do not agree with this Liberal view, but at a base level, the religiously inclined don't have much to argue when it comes to providing scientific validations of their views.

When a liberal belittles religious types and it turns out they are into Astrology or practice a Pagan rite, the whole rejection of religion because of science goes out the window. 

The Astrologer or Pagan accepts the existence of a non-material world, so they can't reject the Evangelical on the grounds that science says we live in a material world.

So what makes Astrologers and Pagans so special that they can belittle other's spiritual beliefs?



     As a former atheist, I agree with your basic argument about the logical positivism of atheism.  But let's be serious.

     There's nothing even remotely "Christian" about Donald Trump.  Trump's worldview and ethics are the diametric opposite of traditional (Eastern Orthodox) Christianity.

     The best analysis I've ever read on the subject was published by Republican theologian Peter Wehner in July of 2016  in the New York Times. 

     The essay is a theological and philosophical masterpiece.

The Theology of Donald Trump



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It's the women voters of America who will decide this presidential election.

If they weren't favoring the Democrats over the Republicans by a 20+ margin, Trump would win the election.

No other single block of voters can compare to their impact.

Our women voters are deeply repulsed by Trump by a huge majority margin.

Even though Trump's known long term misogynist and sexual predator behavior is not given priority coverage in our mass media as much as other issues like the Corona virus, Trump's hidden taxes and debt, encouraging right wing extremists and dividing our society, his general corruptness and lying, American women keep this predator reality in mind when it comes to Donald "grab em by the pu$$y" Trump.

They will never forget that one specific nationally broadcast crude and demeaning brag by Trump.

They also are turning against him over his pushing an anti-abortion SCOTUS nominee. To replace a female justice who had and fought for the opposite view!

They know about the sexual predator expose Trump book "All The President's Women. The Making Of A Sexual Predator" and the predator charges against Trump by almost 2 dozen women. They know about E.Jean Carroll and her charge of rape against Trump.

They know about Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal and Trump's calling them XXXXX yet paying them off with over $100,000 each at the same time.

They have too often heard Trump refer to women in the most demeaning terms such as "ugly", "fat", "horse face", "nasty", "dog" "XXXXX", "crazy", etc. etc.

Trump's most vote damaging character trait is his lifetime of demeaning, disrespecting and unwanted sexually aggressive behavior toward women.

And American women have seen and had enough.

This November 3rd, our American women voters will send this awful guy packing.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Wheeler's response to my predictions:That's what I've been saying the whole time. Now were on the same page Kirk.

Yeah, BS!

What? that we the majority will quash you and your ilk, like  I've just predicted?! Boy that was easy!  You were completely goo goo gaga Trump! You declared confidentally many times Trump would get re elected. I remember your fervor!

I Remember only 6 months Wheeler literally cried out "Revolution" here on the forum at Trump's declaration to open the country for  Easter Sunday Mass! And then Wheeler swung to consternation when Trump retracted. But that was to be a completely, unmasked, undistanced event, throughout the country!. And in light of recent events.(Though many of us were aware of the danger of such events before Trump succumbed to the virus)  You came out very  healthy Wheeler. It was because of  us in the "nanny state'  that saved Wheeler and perhaps his family from another Trump inspired "Super Spreader" event.

That's ok , you don't have to thanks us Wheeler. We've become use to protecting the Trump lemmings from their own foolish impulses. And it will happen again.

So you acknowledge that you've gone from revolutionary reverie to now  accept defeat.

1) What happened to the revolution?

2) Believe me, you were pretty absurd, what illusions do you think you were under?

3)Were you a ripe for such a revolution, after just following the Bush family dynasty through out your adult life?

4).Was it just the fact that Trump was an outsider? Along the lines of W. Did you ever see any conflict between your professed religious views and the character of the man of which you became such a hopeless devotee?

Believe me, you've given up so easy, I'm beginning to think all these hours of alarm at the encroaching "deep state" was just a desperate cry for attention!

About the Michigan guy. It doesn't matter if they're Trump inspired or Trump  enabled. Besides, he's one guy in 13! I hardly need to look into the guy. They are all right wing losers, and they're all going down.,


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

     There's nothing even remotely "Christian" about Donald Trump.  Trump's worldview and ethics are the diametric opposite of traditional (Eastern Orthodox) Christianity.

     The best analysis I've ever read on the subject was published by Republican theologian Peter Wehner in July of 2016  in the New York Times. 

     The essay is a theological and philosophical masterpiece.

The Theology of Donald Trump



The so-called Christian support for Trump boils down to one central issue which has nothing to do with his complete lack of character and morality, and which the linked article doesn't even mention. That issue is abortion, and getting the right judges in place is therefore all that matters.

I heard this expressed in the most disgusting terms imaginable just this morning by one of the most famous Christians on Earth. In his internationally televised Sunday morning service, Jimmy Swaggart said "I thank God for our president, he is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, president in the history of our country." Then he made it clear why he says that in one sentence: "How anyone can vote for someone who supports abortion I don't know." 

Any questions?


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Nobody's made fun of you religion that I've seen. But for a guy who claims to be a Christian, you sure treat people here deplorably. .Why?'

Honestly your the worst example for a Christian that I've met online or anywhere.Why can't you afford other people basic common courtesy?

You haven't answered one of the previous questions I've directed to you. about your condition over the last  year.

1) What happened to the revolution?

2) Believe me, you were pretty absurd, what illusions do you think you were under?

3)Were you a ripe for such a revolution, after just following the Bush family dynasty through out your adult life?

4).Was it just the fact that Trump was an outsider? Along the lines of W. Did you ever see any conflict between your professed religious views and the character of the man of which you became such a hopeless devotee?

Are you just going to retreat again?

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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1 hour ago, Ron Ecker said:

The so-called Christian support for Trump boils down to one central issue which has nothing to do with his complete lack of character and morality, and which the linked article doesn't even mention. That issue is abortion, and getting the right judges in place is therefore all that matters.

I heard this expressed in the most disgusting terms imaginable just this morning by one of the most famous Christians on Earth. In his internationally televised Sunday morning service, Jimmy Swaggart said "I thank God for our president, he is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, president in the history of our country." Then he made it clear why he says that in one sentence: "How anyone can vote for someone who supports abortion I don't know." 

Any questions?



      In addition to the issue of abortion, Trump seems to appeal to what I view as a pseudo-Christian, tribal/fascist element in the U.S.  Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell, Jr., and other Evangelicals celebrated Trump's blather in 2016 about banning Muslims from several countries that have had no discernible role in any "terrorist" attacks on the U.S.  In that sense, they falsely viewed Trump as a "champion" of Christianity, while ignoring the fact that Trump has always worshipped the Golden Calf.

     Trump's anti-Muslim blather dove-tailed superficially with the old "War on Terror" concept, except for the fact that none of the Bush-Cheney era boogeymen-- Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, ISIS, et.al.-- were Shiites from the countries Trump targeted for condemnation, as opposed to the sword-dancing Saudis!

     It also aligned with the eight year old Karl Rove propaganda meme about Obama being a Muslim who was going to destroy Christendom.

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In order to steal the election. They would have to throw out the results of a good size pivotal state. I'm not sure if that's ever been done. So that neither candidate got 270, and throw it into one vote per state in the house.

The request for write in ballots has been far beyond all estimates, and Democrats request outnumbers Republicans over 2 to 1.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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19 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

hey Niederhut, give us the inside scoop on the Denver Shooter. He’s not in the licensed security guard database and he did not have a carry permit. The tattoo on his wrist looks a little Anti Facist as well. 

The news says he was a security guard for Channel 9. 

That narrative isn’t holding up so well now.

Let us know, thx.

The latest report in the Denver Post (below) is that the shooter, Mathew Dolloff, worked for Pinkerton, and that our local 9News Corporation had contracted with Pinkerton to protect their journalists.

The victim, Lee Keltner, was an ex-Navy guy from Arkansas, who had slapped Dolloff and sprayed him with mace before Dolloff fired the fatal shot.

It's a senseless tragedy that never should have happened.


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45 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

What's objectionable about that if the person is a Christian?


What's objectionable about it is that it sets that one issue over every other issue foreign and domestic that we need to be concerned about with something like Trump in the White House.

And not that it matters, but it's kind of ironic that if Stormy Daniels, for example, had told TIny (Stormy's name for Trump after he called her Horse Face) "I'm pregnant and it's yours," Trump would have paid for an abortion faster than a dog can trot.



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