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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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My wife and I were celebrating with pizza and sparkling cider when Biden came jogging out onto the stage like a spry athletic 50 year old!

I almost choked to death calling my wife's attention to Biden's remarkable sprint while my mouth was full of thick crusted sausage and pineapple pizza...my favorite!

Most people probably don't know how athletic Biden has been his whole life. He was a star football player in high school and even played college football as a defensive back! He has ridden bikes and run recreationally for many years.

Not an ounce of fat on JB.

A visibly stark contrast to MacDonald's fast food tubby DT.

Biden's color looked much better last night than previously. He seemed rosy cheeked, bright eyed and bushy tailed.

He gave a great speech with a quick paced vigor and didn't miss a beat except for one hardly noticable slip with Covid death numbers.

And there was more common good humanity in Biden's well written 1/2 hour speech than Trump has expressed his entire life.

Biden's vigor last night was encouraging. He also has a much more sincerely empathetic and kind looking face than angry, pouting Il Duce Donald Trump.

I don't think Biden received a vitamin, steroid or meth shot before he spoke last night.

I think that Biden is really just more healthy and vigorous than 90% of men his age.

And Kamala Harris looked sharp ( even hot! ) in her perfect fashion statement choice. Not over or underdone yet classy. It's creamy white color complimemented her beautiful olive tan skin tone perfectly imo.

Her introduction speech was Biden complimenting in common man and women inspiring style, message and tone and just long enough and a perfect lead in to our new president.

And whoever created and performed that incredible fireworks display after Harris's and Biden's speeches deserves top kudo's. Even on TV it looked amazing! 


And lastly, gotta say it was good to see Hunter Biden up there on stage with his Dad last night. We thought he might have chosen to lay low after the massive public Trump/Guiliani campaign to ruin him as a corrupt, ex-druggie, military drop out low life.

Yet, he bravely took his place in the family appearance support photo-op after the speeches.  


Edited by Joe Bauer
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I thought the election would be more in Biden's favor than it was.

I had read over and over the poll numbers of women voters nationwide indicating a huge anti-Trump majority in the 20+% range!

And since women make up slightly more than half our voter base, I thought the election would be at least a 10% Biden win blowout.

I am still shocked at how close the women vote was in contrast to those consistent anti-Trump sentiment women voters poll numbers. 

It seems almost all the polling companies ended up way off the actual voting numbers in many areas. The women's vote. Florida and Texas.

Just before the election I said the same thing Jim D said about Florida. I didn't trust that state. It still has a Republican dirty tricks Kathryn Harris and Roger Stone Brooks Brothers smell to it imo.

 How much do these polling company folks charge? If they did the weather predicting we'd be in big trouble. 

One state's vote count troubles me more than others however. Suspiciously so.

And that is "The Pine Tree State"...Maine.

Again, the Maine senatorial poll numbers were skewed obviously but what the end voting results showed was just too illogical and too far off, even with those somewhat skewed pre-election poll numbers imo.

Polls consistently showed Democrat Sara Gideon beating Susan Collins handily for months, with a tightening to just a 1 or 2% point advantage by election day.

Okay, I understand sneaky silent ( called shy? ) Trump/Collins voters coming out for Collins in the end. However, how does one explain this very high contrasting mathmatical anomaly regards the final presidential vote count versus the senate vote count in Maine?

Maine voters chose Biden over Trump by a resoundingly solid 9% points!

Over 2 times higher than the final national Biden winning vote margin.

And yet these same voters supposedly did a complete 180 degree reversal in their senate choice of Collins over Gideon ... by a 9% margin?

That's an 18% point swing!

Sorry, but I can't buy that big a swing as rational. It was totally contrasting to any other other state's voting margins with senate candidates, corresponding to their final vote count for president.

Collins has taken so much heat in her years of defending and enabling Trump, her name was "Mudd" nationally.  Especially after her voting for Trump's SCOTUS pick Brett Kavanaugh which really riled a huge base of American women everywhere including her home state.

How often do we see a state vote for a presidential candidate by 9% over another...and then scroll down their ballots and reverse this number in voting for a sycophant of the presidential candidate they just solidly rejected?

How about a re-count of Maine's highly illogical senatorial vote count?

I think even Hercule Poirot might say "sumsing smells fishy in Denmark- Oui? " in regards to this highly illogical Maine voting affair.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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6 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Biden was way behind in states like Michigan and Pennsylvania. So when they started stuffing ballots, they got really sloppy. That's how you end up with a batch of 138,000 ballots in one bunch, all marked "Biden", which is statistically impossible. (138,000 coin tosses in a row that all end up "heads.")


Wheeler still hasn't figured it out. That is, how the late bumps in Biden's counts came about. No, they weren't the result of fraudulent ballot stuffing.

Two or three weeks ago I learned that a very large majority of the mail-in votes were being cast by Democrats. Made sense given that Trump had told his followers to vote on election day and not use the mail.

Some time after that I learned that, in most the battleground states, the election-day ballots would be counted first followed by the mail-in ballots. It didn't take long for me to realize that this would result in the vote counts looking favorable to Trump at first, only for the trend to reverse and be in Biden's favor later, once the mail-in ballots began to be tallied.

And that is precisely what happened! It had nothing to do with ballot stuffing. Of course.


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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Well thank you Cliff, As I said at the time, you and I were pretty much in sync, and you did get Georgia, but you also gave Biden Florida and North Carolina. I said I thought there was an outside chance you could be right about Florida, but I didn't trust Florida. But I did complement you for your astuteness on Arizona.

Kirk, we can both make an argument for the top prize in Wheeler's contest. 

Since we were playing in his contest he needs to adjudicate the winner.

Robert, I know you read some of my posts -- who won the Wheeler Trophy??

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"On Saturday morning, members of Donald Trump’s legal armada scrambled to put together a press conference to challenge the legitimacy of the election. For the site of their Waterloo, they chose a landscaping business in Philadelphia that rested on an industrial road next to an erotic book shop that hosts “Dildo Madness” sales and whose proprietors have taken a decidedly negative assessment of water-based lube."

Steve Thomas

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24 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Kirk, we can both make an argument for the top prize in Wheeler's contest. 

Since we were playing in his contest he needs to adjudicate the winner.

Robert, I know you read some of my posts -- who won the Wheeler Trophy??

You can have the Wheeler trophy. Why on earth would we let Wheeler make any rules? . Whose ever closest to the final result total wins. That's where all the bets are. You've predicted 50 more electoral votes for Dems than me. (340-88). My total is 291-147.That's almost exactly what it would be if Biden didn't win Georgia. Everybody's pretty much casting it as Biden 306, the same total as Trump in 2016. So I'd be off by 15, and you'd be off by 34.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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14 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:


Do you really think Biden won?

I'm going to assume you know how the process works better than most Americans. In 2000 we did not know until December 12 when the Supreme Court gave their decision.

This is going to be 2000 on Steroids. Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada are all going to court.

This graph below shows the problem with just the Michigan count.

See where the Biden count increases vertically (after the 3rd vertical line in the graph below.)?

That is 138,000 votes for Biden.

It is the equivalent of tossing a coin and having it land on "heads" 138,000 times in a row.

The probability of tossing a coin 138,000 times and having it land on its head is 1 / 4.1 ^690,000.

Also expressible as 1 divided by 4.1 raised to the 690,000 power.

Also expressible as 1 / 410000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 + 689,950 more zeros.

The estimated number of atoms in the observable universe is 10^80.

Wisconsin has the same observable problem


If you sort data, you get plots like this.

In person votes counted first then mail-in & absentee ballots was the sorting used, no?

BTW - the same vertical jump is shown earlier in the plot where the red line jumps up vertically. 

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Who will be the Heir to the Orange Dynasty?

Will Ivanka poison the first-born son and heir apparent Donald, Jr.?

Will Melania be confined to a nunnery or locked up in the Tower of London?

Will Barron raise an army and fight from overseas?

Will Kimberly Guilfoyle continue to give lap dances for wealthy donors?

Will fail-son Eric be sent off to fight meaningless wars in distant lands?

The saga. The drama...

Steve Thomas

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3 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

Hysterical.Funniest thing I've seen for a while. Must see TV!


Guess this fellow was just being politically correct in toning down and holding back his criticism of Trump, no?

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15 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Biden was way behind in states like Michigan and Pennsylvania. So when they started stuffing ballots, they got really sloppy. That's how you end up with a batch of 138,000 ballots in one bunch, all marked "Biden", which is statistically impossible. (138,000 coin tosses in a row that all end up "heads.")

Federal Investigators Deployed To Michigan After Undercover Video Alleging Voter Fraud Goes Viral


Clerical error, fully explained here:


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