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Trumpism 101 — do everything possible to rig the election while accusing the Dems of rigging the election.

102 — claim to be a peacenik while jacking up military spending and craving a war with Iran.

Trump Sought Options for Attacking Iran to Stop Its Growing Nuclear Program


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6 hours ago, Paul Rigby said:

Excellent post - this seems to me pretty obviously what transpired. And I have yet to see a single equivalent example disfavouring Biden as can be found, for example, at this link:

Like this?

Georgia recount uncovers 2,600 new votes in presidential race


A recount in Georgia’s presidential race found more than 2,600 ballots in Floyd County that hadn’t originally been tallied, likely helping President Donald Trump reduce his 14,000-vote deficit to Joe Biden.

Trump could gain nearly 800 net votes from the discovered ballots. There were 1,643 new votes for Trump and 865 for Biden. </q>






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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

"I'm and engineer.  We look at numbers.  We look at hard data.  I can't help it that a failed candidate like Doug Collins is running around lying to everyone.  He's a lier."  From the Georgia Republican Secretary of State.

Maybe there's hope for those two Senate seats yet.


"But I have a law and a process I follow. Integrity in this office matters."


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Yes, the election was rigged — but by the Republicans


It turns out that Donald Trump was right: the election was rigged. He would know, of course, because he and Louis DeJoy were the ones who rigged it.

Historically, “conservative“ (e.g. “white racist”) efforts to rig the vote were almost entirely focused on preventing people of color from voting. For almost a century, this involved literacy tests, guessing the number of jellybeans in a jar, and other low-tech, blatant strategies.

In the 1960s, William Rehnquist and friends launched “Operation Eagle Eye“ in the Southwest where they would send “poll watchers“ to threaten and intimidate Native American, Hispanic and Black voters.

By the 1980s, Republicans had rolled out “caging,” where they’d send a postcard to voters and if it wasn’t returned they’d remove you from the voting rolls; the Democratic Party got a restraining order against caging that just expired a few years ago.

In 2000, George and Jeb Bush, the governors of Texas and Florida, used the Texas felon list to purge mostly Black and Hispanic people from the Florida voter rolls. Jeb knocked 90,000 African-Americans off the rolls, just in time to steal the 2000 election for George.

Kris Kobach turned this into a system, called Interstate Crosscheck, and took it nationwide over the last 15 years, comparing states’ voting rolls in ways that would largely disenfranchise Asians, Blacks and Hispanics.

Finally, in 2020, Trump came up with a new scheme that benefited from the Covid virus, and the worse the virus got, the better his scheme worked.

Letting the pandemic run wild while telling his supporters they should only vote in person, Trump and DeJoy dismantled over 600 multimillion dollar high-speed mail sorting machines, hitting swing states the hardest, so mailed ballots would arrive too late to count.

Recent reporting suggests that if the courts had not intervened when and how they did, the mail would have been so slowed in several critical swing states that Trump would’ve been declared the winner. We were saved by a federal judge.

Now the scam Republicans are promoting is to challenge the signatures on the outside of mail-in ballots from big cities, and this has helped them throw out literally millions of ballots just this month.

Nobody is sure what the next conservative scheme will be to disqualify votes in American cities, but you can bet they’re working on it. Which is why we need a law or Constitutional amendment that unambiguously asserts a “right to vote.“

If Governor Brian Kemp wants to take away the home of a person who lives in Atlanta, he has to go to court and prove his case: our property rights are intact.

If Governor Ron DeSantis wants to take away a gun from a person who lives in Miami, he has to go to court and prove his case: the Supreme Court has recently affirmed Americans’ right to own a gun.

But if any governor wants to take away your vote, they don’t even have to tell you, they just kick you off the voting rolls, because right now voting is not a right in America, it’s merely a privilege.

America needs to join the rest of the developed world and put the right of citizens to vote into law. Since everything from pandemic relief to education to foreign policy flows out of the democratic process, this must be Job One in the new Congress. </q>






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On 11/15/2020 at 7:55 PM, Robert Wheeler said:

Let's not make our case. 

Let's wait until Ron Bulman and Steve Thomas have cut and pasted enough MSM fluff to slide the substantive.

A bit brash, but a fair point. Too many people are emotionally charged against Trump objective analysis is long gone.

It is perhaps worth keeping in mind that all of these election scenarios have been "war gamed" quite thoroughly and this current "chaos" has at least been well anticipated, if not more. Just read this Whitney Webb article of September, some of the names involved in groups like the Transition Integrity Project gives one the scope of the forces aligned against Trump.



There can certainly be no question of the motive and the means at least.

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Pompeo is abroad doing his usual damage.

Pompeo in Turkey for fraught visit with no official talks

By Agence France-Presse November 17, 2020


“Officials said Pompeo wanted to visit Istanbul to see the patriarch (Bartholomew I of Constantinople) and was only ready to meet (President) Erdogan and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on the condition they come to him from the capital Ankara.”

Steve Thomas

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18 hours ago, Paul Rigby said:

Excellent post - this seems to me pretty obviously what transpired. And I have yet to see a single equivalent example disfavouring Biden as can be found, for example, at this link:


One of the many jokes currently available to connossieurs of this sort of thing resides in the fact that the Democratic elite, unnoticed by its base but not by foreign observers, has embraced Trumpism, albeit minus the man. Sensitive Dems should be aware that the link to follow has Putinoid tendencies and thus clicking on it could result in certain death by Covid-19, Novichuk, and/or intelligent reflection:



 November 16, 2020

Hillary Clinton – the “grey cardinal” and failed US President – published a program text in the authoritative American magazine “Foreign Policy”, which can and should be considered a real strategy of the American “deep state” in restoring American world hegemony.

The throne speech of the future zombie president Biden can no longer be listened to or read: Mrs. Clinton formulated everything in the most clear and unambiguous terms, and – given the place of the “Clinton clan” in the real table of ranks of American politics – the chances of this strategy being implemented are very, very high.

The most paradoxical thing about the text of the failed “Madame President” (as she called herself) is that this program is a holistic, large and thorough recognition that Donald Trump was right. Donald Trump, even if he ends his life behind bars (and this is a very likely scenario), can write down an incredible achievement for himself – he broke the historical course of the US, and even those who are most likely to come to power using the votes of American cemeteries are already forced to build their foreign and even domestic policy, focusing, among other things, on those reference points that the eccentric New York billionaire has hammered into the American political discourse.

Despite the ritual (and rather emotional) criticism of the 45th President of the United States, Mrs. Clinton draws attention to the problems that before Democrats preferred not just to ignore, but to deny:

“Administrations of both parties have long underappreciated the security implications of economic policies that weakened strategically important industries and sent vital supply chains overseas. The foreign policy community understandably focused on how new trade agreements would cement alliances and extend American influence in developing countries. Democrats should have been more willing to hit the brakes on new trade agreements when Republicans obstructed efforts to support workers, create jobs, and invest in hard-hit communities at home,” Clinton writes.

If it weren’t for the jab at the Republicans, who were really quite irresponsible about the consequences of economic globalisation, you would think that this passage was written by one of the speechwriters of Donald Trump, who built his entire political career on accusations against both Democrats and Republicans that they deliberately took American jobs and production facilities to China, which led to a situation in which Beijing can compete with Washington in the battle for the status of a leading world power.

Globalisation in the American way has died, because it was killed by Trump, and now even the leading politician of the Democratic Party inserts Trumpian cliches in her program text and points to China as a threat to US national security — not only military, but also (above all) economic.

It is worth noting that Hillary Clinton’s program pays more attention to the fight against China than the fight against Russia, although in many cases the mention of the main enemies of the US in its text is separated by commas. At least, at the level of goal setting, there can be no question of any “concentration of all forces on Russia”. The whole discussion is based on the need to move away from the cold war cliches and find the right way to strangle China first, and Russia — for company.

However, pointing to certain “Trumpian” changes in the democratic political discourse, it is impossible not to note the iron consistency in terms of maintaining a focus only on confrontation — judging by Mrs. Clinton’s text, the idea of peaceful coexistence with China and Russia, not to mention any substantive cooperation or detente, simply does not occur to her. Even diplomacy is perceived by the former head of the State Department primarily as a tool that provides a more convenient opportunity for forceful pressure. For example, when criticising the Trump administration for failing to work with allies, she cites the following example of proper diplomacy:

“A renewed commitment to diplomacy would strengthen the United States’ military position. U.S. alliances are an asset that neither China nor Russia can match, allowing Washington to project force around the world. When I was secretary of state, for example, we secured an agreement to base 2,500 U.S. marines in northern Australia, near the contested sea-lanes of the South China Sea.”

By and large, the world will see a reformatting of the tribute that the US is trying to shake out from its vassals, and if Trump (as a real businessman) preferred payment in the form of money (which is why Clinton accuses him of turning NATO into a “racketeer” business), the more refined approach of the Democratic establishment is that vassals will pay both in money and, so to speak, in kind – in the form of actions that can help the US gain some military advantages over China or Russia.

However, there is good news: at least at the declarative level, the “grey cardinal” of the Biden administration advocates to avoid “accidental” nuclear war with China or Russia, which against the background of the presence in the Biden administration of a certain number of completely crazy “hawks” cannot but rejoice.

Speaking about the need to create new conventional weapons systems, Clinton emphasises that “these capabilities must be accompanied by mechanisms that allow for consultation with China and Russia to reduce the chances that a long-range conventional attack is mistaken for a nuclear strike, which could lead to disastrous escalation”. Of course, it is good that Washington is likely to make efforts to make such a mechanism work, but the fixation of the American establishment (speaking to us in the voice of an former Secretary of State) on promoting its geopolitical interests with the help of missile and bomb attacks (even non-nuclear ones) cannot cause positive emotions.

A return of the American “deep state” to the levers of a American political, military and diplomatic machine will not be a global apocalypse, but there will definitely not be peace on the planet: the US will try to return some production capacity to its territory, and will actively try to pressure geopolitical opponents via military and diplomatic methods. And if there are serious doubts about the ability of the Biden administration to return the US economy to an industrial production orientation, then there can be no doubt that the American military machine will gladly return to the continuation of bloody escapades around the world.

Ivan Danilov





Hi Paul,
I think you're selling yourself short. It's ironic you'd quote Wheeler, because your proposed topic is infinitely more interesting and not near as repetitive as Wheeler's last 100 posts over the last 2 weeks. 
So I'm seeing you're a self proclaimed Brit "connoisseur" of American Politics and election process (I'm sure you'll impress) who here relies mostly on a piece written by, I assume a Russian about American foreign policy.. ok
So You and Ivan are part of  the "Fair play for Russia" clan here.
Paul, just watch the progression of Russia after the fall of the iron curtain, and then watch the incredible progression of China in that very same period, and note the respect and fear, we pay China. You have to have something to expect something. Unfortunately Russia's small potatoes and they're not even edible, by our standards. The economic threat of China is 1000 times Russia. Russia's economy isn't as big as  Italy. They are only a military power and largely mistrusted, including by  their old satellites. Besides Putin put all his eggs in the fossil fuel basket. If the Russian people could get beyond there inbred serfdom sh-t horizons, maybe they'd get rid of Putin. Doesn't any truly progressing civilization evolve after 20 years?
Unfortunately it's only the wealthy powerful countries that have the choice to say," if you make life difficult for us, we just won't trade with you". But of course, Russia didn't do anything wrong, right? So what would be the reason for the mistreatment? Just because the United States needs a "whipping boy"? Yeah right, so say the dependent losers!
Again what's the right wing and Russian  obsession with Hillary? She can write all she wants, she's finished! Yes Trump has made the Democrats wax more faithful to their working class roots, and that's a good thing, because they are the only ones who would try. How much they can deliver in a pandemic economic shutdown remains to be seen. Which is a problem of prognostication that hard core ideologues never seem to take in account. Similarly, anyone who thinks  with all  these horrible domestic problems the U.S. is going to go on a huge military run is deluding themselves.
 Since 90% of your presentation was a Russian talking about U.S. Russia relations.  It's too bad we couldn't have taken Russia more under our wing. With a little more effort, we'd  be much better partners right now. But they were ultimately profitless for us, and we decided they weren't worth the effort because unfortunately, that's who we are.
Listening to Right wingers bitch about fair elections is music to my ears, after decades of  witnessing  U.S. election fraud and voter suppression on the right. If in the future you actually want to make it better, I'm sure the Democrats would spend more money on it, but it's the Republicans who'd shaft it, because it would only benefit the Democrats. Being a connoisseur of American politics, Paul. I know I don't have to tell you that.
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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17 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Listening to Right wingers bitch about fair elections is music to my ears, after decades of  witnessing  U.S. election fraud and voter suppression on the right. If in the future you actually want to make it better, I'm sure the Democrats would spend more money on it, but it's the Republicans who'd shaft it, because it would only benefit the Democrats. Being a connoisseur of American politics, Paul. I know I don't have to tell you that.


Speaking of suppressing the vote:

2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Murphy's Law of Combat - If the enemy is in range, "SO ARE YOU!!!"

The post election chaos was telegraphed months ahead of time. Aside from the War Gaming, Hillary was telling Joe not to concede for any reason, Trump said the Mail in Ballots would be a disaster, and any number of talking heads were saying it would take days to count the votes, so don't expect an answer on Election Night.

Like in any War, even the most careful amount of planning can not anticipate every possible variable.

The huge Trump Crowds in the final few weeks through some sand into the "Steal the Election" machine. The lock downs were supposed to have prevented Trump from speaking directly to the people and thereby negate the "visual" of large crowds affirming his popularity. He rallied the base so much in PA, his lead of 600,000+ in PA on Election Night was well in excess of the War Game model.

That's when they went from organized, hard to detect cheating, to blatant hard to ignore cheating.


The reason Trump was ahead early in Pennsylvania was because the mail-in ballots were counted last. I believe that was due to the state legislature (Republican controlled) who decided not to start counting the mail-in ballots early, unlike other states which did.

It's not difficult to find the approx entry where the mail-in ballot counting began.

At that point, Trump was approx 661,000 votes ahead.

But, if one looks at the overwhelming ballots cast by mail in terms of party affiliation, it is rather clear, that seemingly insurmountable lead, was just a momentary illusion.

In fact, the 1,775,297 figure Biden has before the mail-ins start, added to just the Democratic mail-in total would give him more than the overall total he has received in Pennsylvania.

Trump lost Pennsylvania because of the sheer difference between registered Democrats and Republicans.

The Trumpians were well aware of this, hence the push to suppress the delivery/counting of mail-in ballots.




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