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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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3 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Mueller prosecutor explains why Biden will be forced to indict Trump whether he wants to or not



Trump's ten counts of obstruction of justice in the Russia-gate scandal are critically important-- far worse than Nixon's obstruction of justice in the Watergate scandal.

It amazes me that there has been so much denial about these crimes by Trump, even on this forum (e.g., our "Mark Zaid" thread.)

To quote Weissman in the above article--

As for his conduct during the Mueller investigation, Weissmann explained that not prosecuting Trump for the ten examples of obstruction of justice would essentially make all special counsel investigations in the future pointless.

“You have to remember in the Mueller report, there is substantial evidence that the president obstructed justice, in other words, obstructed the special counsel investigation,” he continued. “And to me, that’s even more important to vindicate. If you are not going to hold a president accountable for a special counsel investigation obstruction, then there’s no reason to actually have a special counsel in the future. In other words, the precedent that you’re setting in the future is don’t bother appointing a special counsel because there isn’t going to be any accountability for a president who obstructs that investigation.”

Edited by W. Niederhut
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32 minutes ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

Been away for a while. Did we ever find out who the woman with the leg tattoos is?

No, but they're making a movie about her, a thriller called "The Girl with the Leg Tatoos." Then we will know!




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If the president has such a great case for voter fraud, why is this guy leading the effort? This is an actual photograph today from an actual press briefing he is giving. Yes, that's his hair dye streaming down both sides of his face. This is barely even funny anymore. Just sad and pathetic.

Rudy Giuliani’s Hair Dye Melts Down His Face After Reenacting ‘My Cousin Vinny’ in Unhinged ‘Election Fraud’ Press Conference: WATCH


Edited by Andrew Prutsok
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14 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

I know this is hard to keep track of, but this came out early this morning (or maybe late last night.)

This is not a repeat of the headline I posted yesterday.

In dramatic reversal, Wayne County election board Republicans rescind votes certifying results

This is the third and hopefully last flip-flop.

First: Wayne County Repub. Board members vote not to certify the county votes.

Second: Wayne County Repub. Board members then did vote to certify the county votes.

Third: Wayne County Repub. Board members vote not to certify the county votes. (We are here.)


The two Repubs. (vs the two Democrats - 4 on board in total) originally voted against certification because of all of the fraudulent votes.

The two Democrats then threatened the lives of children of the Repubs. In typically Democrat hubris, they did this over a recorded Zoom Call and the videos are on Youtube.

The Republicans have signed affidavits attesting to the threats they endured. The evidence is on video.

The Repubs. rescinded their certifications.


Trump called her directly to twist her arm. And they've been told their job is done. They can't rescind.

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I notice that Rob "Newsmax" Wheeler neglected to mention the big real news story of the day from Wayne's World-- i.e., that Donald Trump personally lobbied GOP officials in Wayne County to block certification of the Wayne County votes.

     In related news, two GOP leaders from Michigan's legislature will be meeting with Trump at the White House this week, presumably to discuss electing false electors for Il Douche.

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30 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

I know this is hard to keep track of, but this came out early this morning (or maybe late last night.)

This is not a repeat of the headline I posted yesterday.

In dramatic reversal, Wayne County election board Republicans rescind votes certifying results

This is the third and hopefully last flip-flop.

First: Wayne County Repub. Board members vote not to certify the county votes.

Second: Wayne County Repub. Board members then did vote to certify the county votes.

Third: Wayne County Repub. Board members vote not to certify the county votes. (We are here.)


The two Repubs. (vs the two Democrats - 4 on board in total) originally voted against certification because of all of the fraudulent votes.

The two Democrats then threatened the lives of children of the Repubs. In typically Democrat hubris, they did this over a recorded Zoom Call and the videos are on Youtube.

The Republicans have signed affidavits attesting to the threats they endured. The evidence is on video.

The Repubs. rescinded their certifications.


So Donald Trump has the time to meet with these Republican board members so that he can fight the results of the election, but he hasn't had the time to meet with members of the Coronavirus Task Force for months, even though over 250,000 Americans have died.

Once again, Donald Trump proves to the world that he is a narcissistic sociopath. Once again Donald Trump proves that he cares about no one and nothing but himself. 


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On 11/12/2020 at 3:44 AM, Steve Thomas said:


Thanks for the referral. Yes, I had seen that earlier.

My question revolved around this passage in the Fox News article:

"the GOP legislators may have a difficult time seating Biden electors when it comes down to putting in place that process for the vote on December 14th.”

Even though the Indiana law prescribes that the Electors shall meet in the Chamber of the House of Representatives, what would happen if the Speaker of the House, or the Legislative body itself, refused to allow the Electors to meet there? Can the Legislature interfere with the process for how and when the Electors meet?

Steve Thomas

Steve, here's a new opinion article discussing Article II, on the seating of state electors:


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6 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

So it doesn't matter that the two Repubs families were threatened?

Did Trump threaten the two board members with something more ominous?

The two Dems are on video threatening to do harm to the families of the two Repubs.

That alone makes any certification invalid.

In Wayne County there’s a beef over a double digit vote count.  Trump lost Michigan by six digits.

If it’s a treasonous coup you’re rooting for, Robert, your boy is pulling out all the stops.

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5 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

This is a Big Problem for Biden in Michigan.

You don't have to know statistics or math. You just have to know that the 3:45 AM Batch that went 92% for Biden is statistically impossible. More than 1 / atoms in the universe (10^80) impossible.

The 95.9% drop at about 6:30AM is even worse.

The Big City DNC machines are not going to steal this election for Old Joe.

The next move by the Deep State was "war gamed" months ago.





Take away Michigan and Pennsylvania and Biden still has 270 votes.

How’s that math working for you, Robert?

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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

So it doesn't matter that the two Repubs families were threatened?

Did Trump threaten the two board members with something more ominous?

The two Dems are on video threatening to do harm to the families of the two Repubs.

That alone makes any certification invalid.

of course it doesn't matter, Sherlock... why? 250,000 lives is why.

Every time Donaldo the Tubby opens his yap he's threatening.

It's the absolute best the GOP has. Is it any wonder why many now think the GOP time is up, Ya shook the dice, ya lost, man up, Wheeler.

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