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1 hour ago, David Andrews said:

Steve, here's a new opinion article discussing Article II, on the seating of state electors:



The Michigan State Board of Canvassers meets Monday to certify the election in Michigan. It's too late for the Election Board in Wayne County to "change their minds".

Steve Thomas


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23 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

I simply asked you a question.  No need to get defensive.

Have you ever met a Trump talking point you didn’t like?  Please share.

I’ll be happy to stand corrected in my skepticism.

Perhaps we could start with all your posts condemning Trump’s white supremacy?

Cliff, your hilarious. Your "question" was phrased in such a way that it was clearly more of ad hominem attack than a question. For example, have you ever met a story from the MSM you didn't like? No one on this forum needs or wants to read our responses to that kind of stuff. If you really want to know my every thought on Trump, message me, I'll be glad to go over it with you.


1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

This is a Big Problem for Biden in Michigan.

You don't have to know statistics or math. You just have to know that the 3:45 AM Batch that went 92% for Biden is statistically impossible. More than 1 / atoms in the universe (10^80) impossible.

I know I am agreeing with another Trump talking point here, but I agree with Robert and fail to see an honest explanation for these vertical lines. Assuming the data is correct, it absolutely needs to be explained. It is actually confusing to me as to how that isn't an obvious thought with everyone. I can only surmise that partisan emotions are yet again playing a major role.  In addition, supposedly, Dominion's servers were housed in Germany? Are we serious here? I hope that is false regardless of anything else.

In terms of the phone call to Wayne County, besides MSM commentary and the admittedly disturbing optics, it seems to be completely overlooked that "leftists" threatened some of these people.


-Washington Post today


If it were me in Biden's place, I would have already demanded these vote audits and recounts. What better way to take power than to clearly demonstrate to the Trump people that this election was as honest as possible, by being as honest and accommodating as possible? Remember, Al Gore didn't concede until December 13th and that was only after the Supreme Court killed his case. Why should Trump concede before states have even certified this thing?




Edited by Dennis Berube
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28 minutes ago, David G. Healy said:

of course it doesn't matter, Sherlock... why? 250,000 lives is why.

It's becoming increasingly obvious that many on this forum have yet to undertake a study of BigPharma and its stunning tentacles. I would submit that it is critical to the understanding of the US political situation right now.

Obviously, no one article can provide understanding to someone who is psychologically conditioned against it (same with JFK case), but here's one for those that dare from a Kennedy website.


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On 11/19/2020 at 2:37 PM, Dennis Berube said:


Cliff, your hilarious. Your "question" was phrased in such a way that it was clearly more of ad hominem attack than a question. For example, have you ever met a story from the MSM you didn't like?

Yes!  I’m glad you asked that question!  I have no problem answering that question.

You are familiar I assume with the phrase “Mighty Wurlitzer” — CIA’s propaganda shop run by Frank Wisner in the 50’s.

Here are the tunes the MSM Mighty Wurlitzer played late summer ‘16.

These are the words people heard about each candidate.  Hillary’s words are highly negative or neutral.  The Trump words are neutral or positive except for those tiny “Russia” and “Russian.”

RussiaGate Deniers posit a scenario where Crowdstrike, the company hired to examine the hacked DNC servers spring of ‘16, conspired with elements in the US intelligence community to frame Russia for the DNC hack.

And then they sat on it?

What BS the anti-anti-Trumpers pitch!

“Have you ever met a Trump talking point you didn’t like?”

That question is only ad hominem if the skepticism is justified.


I know I am agreeing with another Trump talking point here,

As always.





Edited by Cliff Varnell
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1 hour ago, Dennis Berube said:

It's becoming increasingly obvious that many on this forum have yet to undertake a study of BigPharma and its stunning tentacles. I would submit that it is critical to the understanding of the US political situation right now.

Obviously, no one article can provide understanding to someone who is psychologically conditioned against it (same with JFK case), but here's one for those that dare from a Kennedy website.


well, it's nice to know there's a conspiracy theory for every little thing that ails us.

Submit what and to whom? Remember we're the generation that understood the conservatives thought JFK was a commie sympathizer and we the USofA were going to become an appeasement juggernaught. So they murdered JFK in broad daylight to die in the arms of his wife and the entire world to watch.

Are you saying or implying here that that Tub of Lard in the Oval Office is/was going to expose Big Pharma? Perhaps it's you that is a little short of political-psychological conditioning to actually grasp the current situation.... eh?

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38 minutes ago, David G. Healy said:

Are you saying or implying here that that Tub of Lard in the Oval Office is/was going to expose Big Pharma?

No. But he certainly irked them with some things he has done and said whether on purpose or by accident.

38 minutes ago, David G. Healy said:

Perhaps it's you that is a little short of political-psychological conditioning to actually grasp the current situation.... eh?

I really hope that is the case, honestly.


38 minutes ago, David G. Healy said:

well, it's nice to know there's a conspiracy theory for every little thing that ails us.

I didn't mean to "attack" you Cliff style, just making an overdue point via your comment, my apologies for the perceived offense. However, I can't help but reflect on how much that statement reminds me of McAdams. 


38 minutes ago, David G. Healy said:

ubmit what and to whom? Remember we're the generation that understood the conservatives thought JFK was a commie sympathizer and we the USofA were going to become an appeasement juggernaught. So they murdered JFK in broad daylight to die in the arms of his wife and the entire world to watch.

The idea that BigPharma knowledge is necessary to appropriately assess today's politics. To the forum.

Edited by Dennis Berube
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1 minute ago, Dennis Berube said:

If I was a Trump partisan, yes, but as I've mentioned many times, I have not and do not support Trump Cliff. It's just my attempt at an objection observation, I'm sorry I failed to meet your standards again.

How is it an objective observation when you only condemn one side?


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2 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

How is it an objective observation when you only condemn one side?

Well because that's the "side" that is important regarding the election isn't it? Considering the Biden position that is repeated by most Democrats is essentially the exact same as the corporate MSM position, to me, that's a red flag in and of itself. It is very easy for a person who dislikes Trump to dismiss any allegation he makes based only on that emotion. I understand Trump doesn't deserve trust and respect in the eyes of most, but those people should take extra precautions regarding their judgements, not less, especially when they are in lockstep agreement with corporate narratives.

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28 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

Well because that's the "side" that is important regarding the election isn't it? Considering the Biden position that is repeated by most Democrats is essentially the exact same as the corporate MSM position, to me, that's a red flag in and of itself.

So the objective observation that Biden won more votes in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, and Omaha is suspect because it was reported in the MSM?




It is very easy for a person who dislikes Trump to dismiss any allegation he makes based only on that emotion.

And the fact that he’s told 22,000+ lies over the last four years shouldn’t impact our analyses?


I understand Trump doesn't deserve trust and respect in the eyes of most, but those people should take extra precautions regarding their judgements, not less, especially when they are in lockstep agreement with corporate narratives.

What extra precaution takes away from the fact Biden won 306 electoral votes and took the popular vote by 6 million?

Shouldn’t people questioning the validity of the election take “extra precaution”?

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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17 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

[...] to me, that's a red flag in and of itself. It is very easy for a person who dislikes Trump to dismiss any allegation he makes based only on that emotion. [...]

a PR disaster awaits your GOP repair. The Oval Office *Loser* is a pathological xxxx 20,000+ at last count. It's very simple to dismiss any, ANY allegation the Tub of Lard makes. In fact, is displays wisdom to in fact, do just that...


pssst, long about 1995 .John mcmadman rejected my membership at AAJ. Some silly reason or other, might of had to do with a comment attributed to me about the Jesuits being back to their political mischief again.

I've been ruining their Wheaties ever since...

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