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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:


I read somewhere that there isn't a provision for write-ins, which would nullify that person's vote.

That's what's so weird. They're actually encouraging Republican voters to screw up their own votes, and to even boycott the election

It's a Democrat false-flag operation.


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- Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor, John Fetterman -

“I understand there’s elements in the Republican Party that need to pander to this, to this lunatic fringe death cult that is part of the Republican Party now,” he said. “You know, I hope they had a good time at the White House. It’s not going to change anything, so this idea that they have somehow uncovered any fraud or there was any fraud is absurd. The governor certified the presidential election results for Joe Biden, that can’t be changed, and these down-ballot races, if they’re not certified, we don’t have a House or have our state Senate, and those are controlled by Republicans. So they’re literally trying to make the argument that there was fraud with Joe Biden’s race but my race, there was no fraud in that race. So there’s absolutely no basis in reality, but that’s never stopped them from lying.”

“We have long past the point of turning our backs collectively on this, this yelling fire in a crowded theater when there is no fraud,” Fetterman added. “It’s absolutely a lie, it’s not a dispute. It’s an absolute lie designed to damage the American franchise, and in Pennsylvania it’s not going to change anything because we all know that Joe Biden is the president-elect, no matter how many Amway conventions they have in hotel ballrooms across Pennsylvania.”

Steve Thomas

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Thousands of Chilean women perform feminist anthem

By Agence France-Press November 26, 2020



"Thousands of women gathered in one of Santiago’s main plazas on Wednesday and performed the feminist anthem “A Rapist In Your Path” to mark the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women — before Chilean police violently dispersed them."

“A Rapist in Your Path.”


El violador eras tu.

Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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Fox News Makes Complete Break With Donald Trump


“Viewers of Fox & Friends were treated to a dose of the truth on Thursday when the show admitted that President Donald Trump has “baselessly” and “falsely” claimed that the 2020 election was rigged.

The message to Fox News viewers appeared on the network’s ticker graphic that is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

“President Trump phoned into a meeting organized by Republicans in Pennsylvania Wed., baseless claiming that the election was ‘rigged’ and falsely claiming that he won it ‘by a lot,'” the Fox News ticker reported. “Most of Trump’s legal efforts to challenge voting procedures in PA, MI and other states have been thrown out and his campaign has not produced sufficient evidence to back up claims of widespread voter fraud.”

The ticker continued: “At the hearing Wed., Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani claimed Trump had potentially won VA, when in fact the state’s vote count shows Trump lost VA by over 450,000 votes.””

Steve Thomas

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Grifting the Grifter

Kraken’ attorney has message for Trump fans: Make checks payable to Sidney Powell

By Ray Hartmann November 26, 2020



“It turns out you can send her a check as part of a ruse so shameless that Powell isn’t bothering to have your payment made out to the 501 C-4 political “organization” she formed. Just pay the woman directly.

You can goose step your way to www.sidneypowell.com and press the “Donate Now” button to support the “Legal Defense Fund for the American Republic.” First thing you’ll see is a nice photo of Sidney Powell captioned “KRAKEN RELEASER.” Scroll down and you’ll see some small links to the lawsuits followed by a much larger “DONATE BELOW” button.

That’s where you get chumped, as they say in the world of scams.

Look no further than https://defendingtherepublic.org. Would you like to “support our mission and the welfare of the American Republic?”

Just write out your check to “Sidney Powell, PC.” She’s not even bothering to have her pigeons use the name of her “organization.””

Steve Thomas

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If people want to see how megachurches and religious organizations use mind control and data mining to create constituents for political agendas, a place to start is the recent documentary, People You May Know (2020).  Don't confuse it with the 2016 comedy of the same name, and be careful if your online purchasing data indicates family trouble to the algorithm:

St. Lawrence, martyr, was roasted to death on a griddle by the Romans because he refused to turn over the church records, thus preventing persecution of Christians.  Apparently the megachurches didn't get the memo.


Edited by David Andrews
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SteveThomas said:


That's what's so weird. They're actually encouraging Republican voters to screw up their own votes, and to even boycott the election



Ron Ecker said:

It's a Democrat false-flag operation.


That thought occurred to me for a moment. But then I remembered something that I firmly believe. And that is that people on the left tend to be very fond of facts and as a result are not very good at being devious.

I have some college-educated right-winger friends and none of them care much about facts. For example, they completely ignore global warming science because it is inconsistent with their idea of free markets. It seems that they value "team loyalty," much more so than facts, as evidenced by their cheering on their fellow right wingers at any cost. For them, politics seems to be merely an extension of high school and college sports, where the right thing to do is cheer for your team.

Many of you know that only one Republican Senator voted to convict Trump in his impeachment hearing. That was Senator Romney of Utah, which is where I and my right wing friends were all born, raised, and continue to live to this day. In a news conference to explain his vote, Romney said that he was sworn to uphold the truth and that he couldn't in good conscience vote to acquit after hearing all the evidence.

It is interesting to compare how Romney's vote was perceived by those on the right versus those on the left. I, for the left, applauded Romney... not because he voted my way, but because he voted for the truth, and had the courage to be the only one to go against his "team." In contrast, my right-winger friend, Ted, viewed it in a completely different way. His words were close to these, "I'll never understand why Romney tricked us into electing him [to the position of Senator], just so he could vote against Trump." In Ted's mind, Romney made the team and them summarily tackled its star quarterback, Trump. Never mind that Trump was being tried for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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I wonder what happened to Wheeler. He seems to have have disappered right around the time the swing-states election results were certified.

Or maybe he just being a normal guy enjoying the holidays.


Naaaah!    :lol:


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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On 11/24/2020 at 4:08 AM, Steve Thomas said:


The new Senate takes office on January 3rd. Trump is still President until January 20th.

That's why the Georgia runoff election is so important.

Steve Thomas



Unfortunately it looks like a supermajority of Democrats would be needed to convict Trump in an impeachment. (Source, search for the number 67 in the page.)


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Strongmen review: a chilling history for one nation no longer under Trump

Ruth Ben-Ghiat delivers a superb examination of how close the US came to fascism – and how it has propped it up before



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In threat to Iran, US sends heavy bombers to Middle East via Israel

Move comes amid reports and speculation Trump administration may take military action against Tehran before Biden enters

In threat to Iran, US sends heavy bombers to Middle East via Israel | The Times of Israel Nov. 23, 2020


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited the region over the past week, including a stop in Israel, in which he told the Jerusalem Post that the US would consider a military strike against Iran.

“The administration has been clear on that for its entire four years. There is no reason that would change today or tomorrow,” Pompeo said.


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On 11/26/2020 at 6:33 AM, Steve Thomas said:

When Joe Biden moves in to oust Tump from the White House, he's bringing his own K-9 unit.


Steve Thomas


Too interesting not to share.

Those two German Shepherds of the Biden's remind me of one of my most unusual dog sitting jobs while working at Doris Day's doggie hotel the "Cypress Inn " in Carmel, CA years ago.

After my regular hotel position hours, I would pet sit hotel guest's dogs while they went out to dinner or some other activity such as time-without-Fido walking through this high end resort community full of art galleries and expensive restaurants and shops.

One day another high end Carmel hotel ( L'AUBERGE ) called ours and asked if I personally could take on an unusual pet sitting job for one of their guests.

I walked the block away and into the hotel courtyard. There were just two people sitting at a table with their two dogs at their feet. One was a pure bred German Shepherd. The other was a black wolf hybrid of some sort. Batavia?  Huge frame. 

These two were "private security" dogs. Their owner claimed he had a lot of people who wished him harm so his two canine guards were with him 24/7.

I watched both dogs. Before I did so I was asked by the dogs owner how much I thought he paid for his two "security" dogs.

I looked at the regular German Shepherd ( Julia ) and guessed $1,000.

The Wolf I couldn't assess as far as cost.

Soon enough their owner told me he paid $230,000 for Julia and another $70,000 for the Wolf dog ( name forgotten.)

He told me if I didn't believe him to go onto the New York Times website and type in "most money ever paid" for guard dog.

That night after my sitting job I did just that. His story was true!

The man's name was "xxxxxxx" and he did indeed pay that much for Julia.

He told me that Julia was the highest rated dog in some special-ops military connected dog training program ever.

I walked Julia right after I met her. Sweet girl. Calm. Easy to be with.

When I brought Julia back to her owner after she had done her duty I remarked what a sweet girl she was.

He agreed but then told me that on one German command word, Julia would go for my throat and would only stop if I killed her.

I would never walk the black wolf. He would follow my every move with his eyes without moving his head! That dog scared me.

I was paid $140 for each two and 1/2 hours of sitting for two straight dinner time days. Plus a $100 gift certificate to one of the restaurants they went to - Grasings.

I hope the Biden's two Shepherds are as sweet as Julia.

Jun 12, 2011 — Julia, a protection dog, working with a trainer at home in Lakeville, ... Moguls and celebrities now routinely pay $40,000 to $60,000 for a ... She looks at you, she's got the most beautiful face.” ... “It's a lot of money,” he said matter-of-factly. ... “I've probably trained a thousand dogs, and she's the best I've ever ...

The most expensive dog Harrison K-9 ever sold was a dog named Julia for $230,000 to a businessman in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Julia was so smart that the head trainer told The New York Times she was almost like a person. “If my daughter Kailee was outside in the woods, I’d say, ‘Julia, where’s Kailee?’, and she’d go out and find her,” she told The Times.




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Trump's Thanksgiving day election fraud tirade and verbally abusive belittling beration of yet another WH press corps member while sitting at an elementary schoolroom sized desk was the perfect backdrop setting for the small childlike mindset and antics of a man who has to insecurely remind everyone..."I am the President of the United States!"

If anyone ever had their boss, teacher, pastor, doctor, parent or anyone else of authority (outside a boot camp drill instructor) talk to them the way Trump has been addressing members of the White House press corp and other interviewing press people his entire four years in office, they could and should rightfully sue them for extreme verbal abuse harrassment and perhaps even slander when it's done in front of an audience of millions.

Seriously, if these authority figures I listed constantly called you "loser", "lightweight", "disgusting", "shameful", " a disgrace", "fake", "failed", "little", "stupid", "small", "you should be ashamed of yourself", " embarrassment", "you're really something", "low ratings", " your finished", "psycho-Joe Scarborough" " Fredo-Chris Cuomo" and on and on and on consistently for years and right to your face in front of millions of others...

At what point would you finally realize that you were being wrongfully, unfairly and even slanderously verbally abused to any societal accepted standard?

And at what point would you feel you couldn't go to work, or school, or church or a doctor's office because of this demeaning one-way abuse?

If a spouse constantly spoke to their partner using these derogatory terms it would be considered verbal abuse in any divorce court.

Donald Trump has been verbally abusing the WH press corps this egregiously ever since he took office 4 years ago as well as any other member of the media who dared criticized him and even in televised one-on-one interviews with them.

I have mentioned before my amazement at the corporate broadcast media employers of all these Trump abused press people who have allowed them to be abused by Trump like this hundreds of times the last 4 years, without so much as an editorial peep and/or formal request for it to stop.

One of Trump's most glaring legacies will certainly be his obsessive, outrageously bold, cold and insulting verbal abuse of so many members of the press his entire term, and right to their faces in front of millions of viewers!

This extreme dark behavior trait of Trump the abuser is perversly unique ( can anyone remember any previous President treating the press this way?) and a sickening reality no one can honestly deny or downplay.

The lack of speaking out defense and protection from this Trump abuse by the employers of these constantly belittled press people is another abuse ( enabling by silence) in this way also imo.

Seeing others constantly belittled, abused and made fun of is a gut wrenching and even sickening experience. What a relief it will be to finally see it's end after January 20th, 2021.


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