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2 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Pelosi: It is the Trump virus. We must eradicate it for our health and well being.



It's true that this president has blood on his hands, American blood, American lives by the thousands, and over a third of Americans are okay with that. What brotherhood from sea to shining sea (virus hotbeds California and Florida and places in between).



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DHS Authorizes Domestic Surveillance to Protect Statues and Monuments




“The DHS document offers legal guidance to its analysts regarding what is and is not appropriate collection and reporting with respect to a range of threats, including to monuments and statues, to federal personnel, to federal buildings and facilities, and to federal activities and programs. It is explicitly tied to President Trump’s executive order of June 26, 2020, which declared that, “It is the policy of the United States to prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law, and as appropriate, any person or any entity that destroys, damages, vandalizes, or desecrates a monument, memorial, or statue within the United States or otherwise vandalizes government property.”

“The new memo, which is undated, is styled as specific implementation guidance with respect to the protests for more general rules regarding DHS intelligence activity. These rules authorize I&A intelligence activities on what are termed “departmental missions” where they assist in combatting domestic terrorism threats; threats to critical infrastructure and key resources; significant threats to the economic security, public health or public safety; major disasters and other catastrophic acts; or “any other threat of such severity and magnitude that effective response would be beyond the capabilities of any affected State and local governments, such that Federal assistance would be necessary.” The rules also contain this catch-all sentence: “In addition, the intelligence activities of I&A personnel further a departmental mission where they support the Secretary, the Deputy Secretary, the DHS Chief of Staff, or their respective staff, Component Heads, or any other departmental officials, offices, or elements in the execution of their lawful missions.” In other words, if the president directs DHS and the rest of the government to protect monuments, then intelligence activity in support of monument protection is arguably furthering the departmental mission.”


“What kinds of collection and surveillance can DHS engage in for intelligence purposes generally? The rules spell out that:

I&A personnel are required to use the least intrusive collection techniques feasible and sufficient when collecting [US person information] or when collecting intelligence or information within the United States. ... I&A personnel are permitted to engage in physical surveillance, the use of mail covers, and the use of monitoring devices only to the extent permitted by and consistent with [rules limiting their use to counterintelligence investigations]. I&A personnel are not permitted to engage in electronic surveillance or unconsented physical searches. Use of these techniques within the United States will be coordinated with the Federal Bureau of Investigation….”

The new memo adds some specific texture to the general rules in the context of the protests. It identifies three “appropriate missions” for I&A activities with respect to protest activity:

1. Threats to damage or destroy any public monument, memorial, or statue (MMS);
2. Threats of violence to law enforcement personnel, facilities, or resources; and
3. Threats to damage, destroy, or impede the functioning of other government facilities.
That's any public monument.
You don't have to be on Federal property. You can be charged as a domestic terrorist for spray painting a city park, or defacing a Confederate statue anywhere within the continental United States.
Steve Thomas



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Trump May Use DHS Stormtroopers To Stop People from Voting

Democrats must plan accordingly.

by David Atkins Washington Monthly

July 18, 2020



“Put all of this together, and it opens the possibility of a terrifying abuse of power. We could end up seeing armed private contractors hired by the RNC and affiliated conservative organizations to intimidate Democratic-leaning voters, bolstered by camouflage-wearing taxpayer-funded rifle-toting border patrol agents aggressively checking papers of every voter in line in the guise of “securing against voter fraud” on the president’s orders. This would be happening during the most tense presidential election in our lifetimes during a raging pandemic, often in lines in which voters must wait 8 to 10 hours to vote due to restricted polling places in minority communities–also a blatant suppression attempt enabled by the Supreme Court’s voiding of many of the protections of the Voting Rights Act. The likelihood that these actions would be met with immediate enraged protest would be very high. Election Day violence unheard of since the Civil Rights era could ensue, which would give Trump an excuse to instigate further crackdowns across the country as election day continues. Federal agents could forseeably be sent in to attempt to stop the counting of mail-in ballots in the days following the election on presidential orders. No need for a Brooks Brothers Riot if you can just send in an armed federal paramilitary, instead.”


Cuccinelli said that his people were making "proactive" arrests, meaning that you don't have to have actually committed a crime to be swept up and stuffed in one of their unmarked vans.

Steve Thomas

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On 7/21/2020 at 1:42 AM, Ray Mitcham said:

Bob, don't forget, there are an awful lot of agent provocateurs in action.

Yeah. I wonder if they were actually sent to create a predicate. Doubt it but I wonder with people like Miller running things. That's part of the Putin playbook too. Create a situation that calls for intervention by unidentified paramilitary types. Quite possible in that case. In the US I would think information would leak if that were the true. In Russia they have a different way of dealing with it. Any leakers are summarily disposed of. Tends to discourage that sort of activity.

Edited by Bob Ness
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I would wager that what is happening in Portland now, most recently, that is not a stage show.

Those people are really getting creative and inspired. Unlike the usual intel work.

I mean when you get

1. A naked Athena, 

2. Scores of mothers lined up in a row

3. Dads with leaf blowers to disperse tear gas

I mean is the CIA station there this creative? Or do they have a theatrical troupe there on call?  I doubt both. 

What is happening there is really remarkable.  Have not seen anything like this since the sixties.  My only question is: will Trump escalate?

BTW, I wish I was there. If I was anywhere close I would drive over just to watch it one day.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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40 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

I would wager that what is happening in Portland now, most recently, that is not a stage show.

Those people are really getting creative and inspired. Unlike the usual intel work.

I mean when you get

1. A naked Athena, 

2. Scores of mothers lined up in a row

3. Dads with leaf blowers to disperse tear gas

I mean is the CIA station there this creative? Or do they have a theatrical troupe there on call?  I doubt both. 

What is happening there is really remarkable.  Have not seen anything like this since the sixties.  My only question is: will Trump escalate?

BTW, I wish I was there. If I was anywhere close I would drive over just to watch it one day.

From a friend on FB:



I live in the Portland area, and the only way you'd even know there was a protest anywhere in the daylight hours would be graffiti on the Federal courthouse. And at night, you'd literally have to go a two square blocks where it's happening.
About a month ago there were some plate glass windows smashed by some teenage yahoos for one night, but that quickly stopped as the adults took over.


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Those two square blocks must be dynamite then.

Because these videos are something to watch. 


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19 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Those two square blocks must be dynamite then.

Because these videos are something to watch. 


The camera crews don't get set up in sleepy areas. I remember an earthquake that hit Seattle and did some but mostly minor damage. The crews were ALL set up in front of a pile of bricks in Pioneer Square that had fallen off a building. People aren't going to see the boring stuff. I don't know how bad it is but most likely it's fairly confined like he said. The Feds will just make it worse by inciting people. Pretty much what the Portland Navy guy said too.

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7 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

From a friend on FB:


Total "Wag The Dog" creation.

Trump needs a dangerous super exaggerated boogie man threat to portray himself as our hero/savior. Scare the hell out of naive Americans, then ride in on your white horse like the Lone Ranger...Hi Ho Silver...Away!

This is all another Willie Horton scare the masses scam.


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19 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:



Looks like a photo shopped pic.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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