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North Carolina Republican: Children below 5th grade shouldn't be taught science or history in school.
By Matthew Chapman August 22, 2022


"On Monday, WRAL reported that North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, the highest-ranking Republican in the state, called for eliminating science and history classes from elementary schools."
"He has become highly controversial for his past statements, including that gay people are "devil-worshipping child molesters," that transgender identity is a "mass delusion" designed "to turn God’s creation ... into a sickening image of rebellion to glorify Satan," that the Parkland school shooting activists are "silly little immature media prosti-tots," that Michelle Obama is secretly a man, that Muslims in America are "invaders," and that the film Black Panther is a Jewish plot to grift money off of Black people. While vehemently anti-abortion, he has also admitted that he once paid his wife to have one before they were married."
"Robinson said he’d work to keep history, science and a number of other subjects out of first through fifth grade curricula and instead prioritize reading, writing and math," said the report. "'In those grades, we don’t need to be teaching social studies,' he writes. 'We don’t need to be teaching science. We surely don’t need to be talking about equity and social justice.' Robinson also reaffirms personal views on climate change that became a major issue in the 2020 election. 'Guess what? Most of the people of North Carolina know global warming is junk science,' he writes."

Yup. Let's just teach them chillens ciphers and figgers. That's all they need.

Steve Thomas


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According th Maggie Haberman's article, documents retrieved from Mar-a-Lago included documents from the CIA, the NSA, and the FBI.

The NSA.? Yikes! That means SIGINT. That means satellites.

According to the National Security Agency's website:


"NSA is responsible for providing foreign signals intelligence (SIGINT) to our nation's policy-makers and military forces. SIGINT plays a vital role in our national security by providing America's leaders with critical information they need to defend our country, save lives, and advance U.S. goals and alliances globally. SIGINT is intelligence derived from electronic signals and systems used by foreign targets, such as communications systems, radars, and weapons systems that provides a vital window for our nation into foreign adversaries' capabilities, actions, and intentions.

Our SIGINT mission is specifically limited to gathering information about international terrorists and foreign powers, organizations, or persons. NSA produces intelligence in response to formal requirements levied by those who have an official need for intelligence, including all departments of the Executive Branch of the United States Government.

At NSA, we must keep pace with advances in the high-speed, multifunctional technologies of today's information age. The ever-increasing volume, velocity and variety of current signals make the production of relevant and timely intelligence for military commanders and national policy-makers more challenging and exciting than ever. Modern telecommunications technology poses significant challenges to the SIGINT mission, and many languages are used around the world that are of interest to our military and national leaders. Thus, NSA is required to maintain a wide variety of language capabilities as well. Successful SIGINT depends on the skills of language professionals, mathematicians, analysts, and engineers, to name just a few."

Steve Thomas

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Full text of National Archives letter to Trump on classified documents


"May 10, 2022
Evan Corcoran Silverman Thompson 400 East Pratt Street Suite 900
Baltimore, MD 21202 By Email
Dear Mr. Corcoran:
I write in response to your letters of April 29, 2022, and May 1, 2022, requesting that the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) further delay the disclosure to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the records that were the subject of our April 12, 2022 notification to an authorized representative of former President Trump.

As you are no doubt aware, NARA had ongoing communications with the former President’s representatives throughout 2021 about what appeared to be missing Presidential records, which resulted in the transfer of 15 boxes of records to NARA in January 2022. In its initial review of materials within those boxes, NARA identified items marked as classified national security information, up to the level of Top Secret and including Sensitive Compartmented Information and Special Access Program materials. NARA informed the Department of Justice about that discovery, which prompted the Department to ask the President to request that NARA provide the FBI with access to the boxes at issue so that the FBI and others in the Intelligence Community could examine them. On April 11, 2022, the White House Counsel’s Office—affirming a request from the Department of Justice supported by an FBI letterhead memorandum—formally transmitted a request that NARA provide the FBI access to the 15 boxes for its review within seven days, with the possibility that the FBI might request copies of specific documents following its review of the boxes.

Although the Presidential Records Act (PRA) generally restricts access to Presidential records in NARA’s custody for several years after the conclusion of a President’s tenure in office, the statute further provides that, “subject to any rights, defenses, or privileges which the United States or any agency or person may invoke,” such records “shall be made available . . . to an incumbent President if such records contain information that is needed for the conduct of current business of the incumbent President’s office and that is not otherwise available.” 44 U.S.C. §

 2205(2)(B). Those conditions are satisfied here. As the Department of Justice’s National Security Division explained to you on April 29, 2022:
There are important national security interests in the FBI and others in the Intelligence Community getting access to these materials. According to NARA, among the materials in the boxes are over 100 documents with classification markings, comprising more than 700 pages. Some include the highest levels of classification, including Special Access Program (SAP) materials. Access to the materials is not only necessary for purposes of our ongoing criminal investigation, but the Executive Branch must also conduct an assessment of the potential damage resulting from the apparent manner in which these materials were stored and transported and take any necessary remedial steps. Accordingly, we are seeking immediate access to these materials so as to facilitate the necessary assessments that need to be conducted within the Executive Branch."

Claiming Executive Privilege, Trump was denyng these materials to the Executive Branch itself.

People were seen taking boxes out of and moving boxes into that basement storage room.

Those documents could have been copied, digitized and are halfway around the world by now.

Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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Georgia Republican Herschel Walker said the Biden administration’s sweeping new climate law represents unnecessary spending because it sets aside money to plant and protect trees.

"“They try to fool you and make you think they are helping you out — they’re not. You know that some of this money is going into trees? We got enough trees — don’t we have enough trees around here?” Walker said Sunday in Georgia, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported."

Yup, we don't need to be teaching silly things like science to schoolkids.

Steve Thomas

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Oklahoma GOP candidate under fire for saying it is 'totally in the right' to execute gay people

by Sky Palma August 22, 2022


“A GOP candidate in Oklahoma's Republican primary runoff election tomorrow is facing backlash after comments he made several years ago have emerged, LGBT Nation reports.

Scott Esk, 56, who is running for a seat in the state's House, commented on a Facebook post back in 2013 where he quoted a bible verse and later added that "we would be totally in the right" to execute gay people.

“What I will tell you right now is that that was done in the Old Testament under a law that came directly from God,” he said at the time. “And in that time, there was, it was, totally just came directly from God.”

“Well, does that make me a homophobe? Maybe some people think it does,” he said. “But as far as I and many of the people, the voters of House District A7 are concerned, it simply makes me a Christian. Christians believe in biblical morality, kind of by definition, or they should.””


Does that mean we are going to go back to stoning people to death?


Steve Thomas

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52 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

Oklahoma GOP candidate under fire for saying it is 'totally in the right' to execute gay people

by Sky Palma August 22, 2022


“A GOP candidate in Oklahoma's Republican primary runoff election tomorrow is facing backlash after comments he made several years ago have emerged, LGBT Nation reports.

Scott Esk, 56, who is running for a seat in the state's House, commented on a Facebook post back in 2013 where he quoted a bible verse and later added that "we would be totally in the right" to execute gay people.

“What I will tell you right now is that that was done in the Old Testament under a law that came directly from God,” he said at the time. “And in that time, there was, it was, totally just came directly from God.”

“Well, does that make me a homophobe? Maybe some people think it does,” he said. “But as far as I and many of the people, the voters of House District A7 are concerned, it simply makes me a Christian. Christians believe in biblical morality, kind of by definition, or they should.””


Does that mean we are going to go back to stoning people to death?


Steve Thomas

With people like Boebert, Greene, Gaetz sucking all of the oxygen out of the room with their deranged, violent rhetoric, right wing politicians have to up their outlandishness to get any attention.

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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

Oklahoma GOP candidate under fire for saying it is 'totally in the right' to execute gay people

by Sky Palma August 22, 2022


“A GOP candidate in Oklahoma's Republican primary runoff election tomorrow is facing backlash after comments he made several years ago have emerged, LGBT Nation reports.

Scott Esk, 56, who is running for a seat in the state's House, commented on a Facebook post back in 2013 where he quoted a bible verse and later added that "we would be totally in the right" to execute gay people.

“What I will tell you right now is that that was done in the Old Testament under a law that came directly from God,” he said at the time. “And in that time, there was, it was, totally just came directly from God.”

“Well, does that make me a homophobe? Maybe some people think it does,” he said. “But as far as I and many of the people, the voters of House District A7 are concerned, it simply makes me a Christian. Christians believe in biblical morality, kind of by definition, or they should.””


Does that mean we are going to go back to stoning people to death?


Steve Thomas

Wonder what this Scott Esk has to say about J. Edgar Hoover, Eleanor Roosevelt, thousands of Catholic church priests, British WWII hero Alan Turing, thousands of past and present Hollywood stars (including Perry Mason himself ),  Mathew Sheppard and on and on and on?


Edited by Joe Bauer
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2 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

“They try to fool you and make you think they are helping you out — they’re not. You know that some of this money is going into trees? We got enough trees — don’t we have enough trees around here?”


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