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Trump's DC Hotel Jacked Up Its Prices As Trump Began Plotting a DC-Based Convention

By William Bredderman


"Listings for rooms at the Trump International Hotel in D.C., via Hotels.com, show rooms for one adult on the night of the address starting at $795 and running as high as $2,070.

That price tag represents a massive increase from the $495 starting rate currently offered for the dates one week following and one week prior. For three days before Trump’s scheduled speech—which were originally scheduled to be the dates of the GOP convention in Charlotte, North Carolina—the hotel is charging $695 a night for its cheapest room. The hotel will begin charging $795 that Thursday, and continue through the weekend, before dropping back to $495 on Monday."

Steve Thomas

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10 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Trump’s Bank Was Subpoenaed by N.Y. Prosecutors in Criminal Inquiry

Trump Has a Half Billion in Loans Coming Due. They May Be His Biggest Conflict of Interest Yet.

By Russ Choma


“Nevertheless, Deutsche’s private banking division, which caters to wealthy clientele, continued to lend to Trump, giving him $125 million, spread over two loans, to finance the purchase and renovation of his Doral golf resort in 2012. Both are floating rate loans, meaning the interest rate fluctuates based on market conditions, which lending experts say usually indicates they are interest-only loans. If so, Trump probably hasn’t paid down much if any of the principal and will owe something close to the whole $125 million when the loans come due in 2023.

In 2014, Trump took out a separate floating loan from Deutsche’s private bank to bankroll the development of his luxury hotel in Washington, DC. The balance of this $170 million debt is payable in 2024. That year, Trump will also owe Deutsche between $25 million and $50 million in connection with his Chicago hotel and complex.

Trump has received additional loans from a company named Ladder Capital, a financial firm that specializes in bundling commercial debt into mortgage-backed securities. Companies like Ladder are often lenders of last resort for people and companies that, for one reason or another, have difficulty obtaining money from traditional banks (ahem, Trump). Such firms are willing to take risky bets because they securitize the debt and pass the responsibility for it on to investors. Trump has two Ladder loans due over the next several years: a $100 million interest-only mortgage on Trump Tower and a roughly $13 million loan against Trump Plaza. The Trump Tower loan is up in September 2022.”

“Pass the responsibility on to investors.” Good work if you can get it.

Watcha wanna bet that Deutche throws its private banking division under the bus?

Steve Thomas

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All the cheating in the world regards Trump's business and tax reporting dealings, all his extra-marital affairs and lying about them, all his blatant race baiting and dividing, his constant public and social media (Twitter) insulting, his bullying of others including the press, public protestors and even his own Congress, his past associations with unsavory criminal business elements (remember Felix Sater?), his unethical personal business gain obsessiveness even while in office, his love for and coddling of dictators, his audacious nepotism, his blowhard bragging, his chicken hawk patriotism, his personal fixer attorney William Barr and most of the rest of his bad personal character traits which most admit are so extreme it's laughable, will not effect American voters who are classified in the so-called "undecideds" and especially the women voters as much as one overriding concern issue imo ...


"All the President's Women: Donald Trump and the Making of a Predator."

Authors Barry Levine and Monique El-Faizy draw on over 100 interviews to create a detailed history of Donald Trump's relationships with women.

One particular encounter alleges that Trump "grabbed and pulled" Karen Johnson "behind a tapestry" before kissing her at a New Year's Eve party.

Imagine 99 MORE stories like this one and worse!

NEW YORK — E. Jean Carroll,  a writer and advice columnist,  claims President Donald Trump sexually assaulted her in a dressing room of Bergdorf Goodman department store in Manhattan more than two decades ago.

Carroll revealed shocking details of the alleged assault in Friday's New York Magazine. She said that President Trump, then known as a real-estate mogul, approached her at the store and started a friendly chat.

President Trump recognized Carroll as "that advice lady" and Carroll said she recognized him as "that real-estate tycoon." At the time, Carroll was a well-known writer and host of her own call-in advice show on America's Talking, a cable channel that would be replaced by MSNBC.

According to the account, President Trump told Carroll he needed advice on buying a gift for a girl. Carroll recalls suggesting a handbag or a hat. President Trump, she writes, instead led the way to the lingerie section.

He picked out a lacy see-through bodysuit and says, "Go try this on!"

Carroll said she joked about President Trump trying it on instead, and the two made their way to the dressing rooms.

That's when things turned violent, according to Carroll's account.

Carroll recalls President Trump shoving her against the wall inside the dressing room, pulling down her tights and, "forcing his fingers around my private area, thrusts his penis halfway — or completely, I’m not certain — inside me.”

The incident took place in late 1995 or early 1996, Carroll said.

Trump's most famous quote: 

"Grab em by the p$$$y." "When you're a star they let you do it."

Trump's many social interactions with child sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein and his now jailed cohort Ghislaine Maxwell.

Trump's current, perverse,  twice publicly stated sympathetic words of caring for jailed accused child sexual predator Maxwell versus none for her victims. 

The label "Sexual Predator" now trumps all other pejorative ones in importance in the minds of women in our society. 

It is the only true guaranteed game changer in effecting women's voting sentiments imo.

If the Democrats don't hammer Trump with this "sexual predator" issue and especially his most recent sympathetic comments towards child sex predator Jeffrey Epstein cohort Ghislaine Maxwell more than others ( even the pandemic ) in the next 90 days of campaigning with a massive TV and mail ad push, they could very well lose the election again imo. 

The Republicans would be doing this against Biden in manic spades if they could find as much dirt on him as Trump has regards this most upsetting to women voters issue.

The charge and label of "SEXUAL PREDATOR"  is the most terrifying of all now. Its why Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby and others are in prison. It's why Bill O'Reilly, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Al Franken and so many others are out of their highest profile, highest pay jobs.  It's why Prince Andrew, Woody Allen. Allan Dershowitz and other famous men are aggressively mounting PR campaigns to defend themselves against these charges.

This issue alone could spell the voting out of Donald Trump as well. If the corporate media doesn't keep it downplayed or totally buried and the Democrats refuse to take advantage of it.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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31 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

The Parkland teens send the NRA their thoughts and prayers.

Steve Thomas

NY Attorney General lawsuit seeks to dissolve National Rifle Association



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8 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Statement from the NRA (with apologies to Charlton Heston): "They'll have to pry the association out of our cold dead hands."



Edited by Ron Ecker
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I've found a subliminal message of major JFK import in this NBC headline:

New York Attorney General Leticia James files lawsuit to dissolve NRA.

Anyone else see it or am I just imagining things?




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43 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:

I've found a subliminal message of major JFK import in this NBC headline:

New York Attorney General Leticia James files lawsuit to dissolve NRA.

Anyone else see it or am I just imagining things?




Did Oliver North bring this about by becoming an FBI confidential informant?  That's a subliminal message I'm getting.

Edited by David Andrews
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- Donald Trump -

“So I passed a regulation, I signed a regulation to give the dishwashers much more water. And I was asking today – and that, by the way includes your washers. You don’t need too much water in your dryers. But it includes your washers.

And the same thing with sinks, toilets, and showers. You go into a new home, you turn on the faucet no water comes out, you turn on the shower. If you’re like me you can’t wash your beautiful hair properly."


Steve Thomas

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Donald Trump (parphrasing Nixon's "I gave them a sword and they stuck it in"): "They gave me enough rope and I hung myself."



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BTW Dave, Oliver North is going to be a very important witness for the prosecution, or if its civil, the plaintiff.

But when I look at those charges, this could have been a criminal case.  She probably chose civil court because she could extract much higher fines and penalties.

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21 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

BTW Dave, Oliver North is going to be a very important witness for the prosecution, or if its civil, the plaintiff.

But when I look at those charges, this could have been a criminal case.  She probably chose civil court because she could extract much higher fines and penalties.

Some authority could have gotten something on North involving his pre-resignation power grab - perhaps even un petard leaked from the NRA - and compelled his cooperation.  We'll see when he's dragged into the forthcoming fracas.  This should be good fun.

Edited by David Andrews
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I think that is understating it.  It will be the proverbial barrel full of monkeys. 

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