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Sorry Doug, I do not believe UFOs are from anywhere other than Earth and i have not seen any evidence of that which could be confirmed of extraterrestrial origin. This stuff sounds like an offshoot of the Urantia eugenics/alien garbage. I find the UFO story interesting because it points to advanced technology that is controlled and confined to a certain covert power structure. Until the public knows exactly what technology exists, how can we evaluate UFOs in a meaningful way?


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/14/2021 at 3:37 PM, Matt Allison said:

My position has always been that UFO sightings are people witnessing the testing of military tech. This reinforces my suspicion.


My younger son and I saw something outside of Chicago on a trip East in July 1995. It was both of our impression that whatever it was had human engineering. 

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On 3/15/2021 at 2:31 PM, Pamela Brown said:

My younger son and I saw something outside of Chicago on a trip East in July 1995. It was both of our impression that whatever it was had human engineering. 

Pamela, since this thread is still up and you are sharing your own UFO sighting experience, I figure I might as well share the three or 4 stories I know of, even though I have shared them before. I'll keep them short except for an experience that involved not just me personally, but my wife ( the most disinterested person regarding this subject you can imagine ) and my 12 year old son.

My brother was an Air Policeman in the Air Force. 4 year enlisted man.

His first assignment in 1960 was at a U.S. airbase in Morocco. His second was at Vandenberg on the coast of California next to the town of Santa Maria.

While on duty one night at the Morocco base, my brother and his fellow security detail saw red circular lights hovering over the base. They were not thousands of feet in the air. Much lower. He and his fellow APs radioed in this sighting and after a noticeable pause, his superiors responded back with "we have nothing on radar, therefore you see nothing. And don't write home about it."

The mind blowing other part of the story as related to my brother by other APs on duty that night was that one of the red circular lights descended to a level just above a few of the bombers on the ground, flew slowly over them, and then shot back up in the sky so fast you could barely see it do this.

This brother is now 80.  I vouch for his honesty.

The other two UFO sighting stories another time.

This is the forth one:

In 1997 my family and I were renting a home in a community called Pebble Beach, California. This is inbetween the coastal towns of Carmel and Pacific Grove on the central coast of Calif. 125 miles South of San Francisco.

This is a very high end community. Home to 6 golf courses, two of which are the world famous Pebble Beach golf course and the Cypress Point golf course.

Pebble Beach is an 8 to 10 mile stretch or so of dramatically rugged shoreline and native Monterey Pine tree forest.

It is heavily forested.

It is not an incorporated city. It is a privately owned property company.

Homes are on large lots and often seperated by acres of native Pine forest and shrub land and their golf courses.

The home we rented was across the street from a huge undeveloped tract of thick Pine tree forest land. On each side of us were undeveloped Pine tree lots.

Our home sat down from the road. Perhaps 30 feet lower as it was built on ground lower than the road.

Now, know this about Pebble Beach. It's roads are purposely kept two lane simple. No sidewalks, curbs, no painted stripes or markers. No traffic lights. And NO night street lights anywhere in the entire swath of land.  It's all part of keeping the setting country rural.

At night, if you go outside and anywhere farther away from your own home, it is "pitch black" outside. The tall trees even keep star or moonlight out.

I used to play scare my two kids by turning off our car lights while driving through Pebble at night. You couldn't see twenty feet in front of you. Even I was compelled to turn my lights on after just a few seconds.

I am describing this unique darkness situation because it figures prominently in this unusual sighting story. I suppose if you lived way out in the forested boonies of America, you would also experience this rural darkness.

It was a late August evening. Kind of warm actually. It's usually cool all the time here.

We all went to bed at our regular times. My 10 year old daughter and my 12 year old son probably around 9 to 9:30 pm?

My wife and I maybe an hour later?

I slept in my own seperate room due to my wife's sleep apnea.

All our bedrooms were on the second floor. Still maybe 20 feet lower than the one simple asphalt two lane street that passed by our home left to right above.

At about 2 am I was slowly and woozily awakened ( awoken?)

I had never been brought out of sleep in the way I was that evening.

I had a hard time opening my eyes. My room was filled with a light so bright, I could barely see let alone believe or accept this light as real. I must be dreaming!

However, within about 20 to 30 seconds or more, I realized I was totally awake and this light was real! 

It took me shading my eyes to try to identify this light.

I eventually realized this light was flooding in from outside. My bedroom door was open to the upstairs hallway which was lined by nothing but tall windows facing the street above us.

This light was coming in from something located there.

I thought to myself, there must be a huge emergency vehicle stopped in the street or even on our slight down grade driveway, and shining it's full brightest lights on our house!

Either that or someone had parked one of those huge Hollywood sky beam movie premier light contraptions right outside and this was trained directly on our home!

I then noticed there was absolutely no sound outside or in my home. No large fire truck or other vehicle engine noise.

I started to get anxious and admittedly shaken up at this point, yet, I stayed in my bed. The strangeness of it all kind of froze me, or maybe I was just a coward for not jumping up immediately and running to the upper hallway window bank to see what this blindingly bright light was and where it was coming from?

I need to also add...this entire house filling light was not the color of normal lights like emergency vehicle ones.

This light reminded me of a welder's torch light.

It was a cold white color with maybe a tint of blue to it?

No warmth like a normal light with perhaps a slight yellow tint? And, this welder's torch looking light never flickered or wavered. It was steady and still and hard to look at and see through all the time.

I also considered that maybe this was one of the high voltage power lines that lined the street above arcing?  If you've ever seen this, it is also a cold bluish white color.

There was no moist or foggy air that night, very warm and dry. A squirrel climbing up and onto the line could haved caused an arc. However, my brother who worked for Pacific Gas and Electric company for 35 years, said if a squirrel had caused this, it would have been fried within seconds and the arc would have been over that quick as well.

Finally, after probably 3 or more minutes of this sun burst bright event, I heard my wife awaken.

I heard her call out "what is that light?"

This light was so bright, even through her closed to the window lined upper floor hallway door, this light was shining under it enough to wake her!

My wife is braver and less insecurely imaginitive than me by an immeasurable degree.

Where I was already biting my knuckles and hiding and shaking underneath my blankets when the light woke her, she bounded out of bed and walked straight to her door and as soon as she opened it ... the light went out!

What I found reassuring however, was that she fully acknowledged this light, describing it as so bright it was hard to believe.

This wasn't just something out of my "Coast To Coast" late night radio talk show paranormal paranoia imagination.

Another creepy thing was that all of our electricity went out the second this light blinked off!

Our clock radios, our humming refrigerator.  Wall light switches didn't work.

We talked briefly. Bleary eyed tired and confused we couldn't make heads nor tales of what we just witnessed.

About 5 to 10 minutes after our electricity went out, everything blinked back on!

I was so curious, that I called the nearest 24 hour manned security gate house about a mile away where traffic into this Pebble Beach private community is monitored and controlled.

I asked the guard there if they had seen, heard or experienced anything like we just did. The blinding bright light, the loss of electric power.  "No" he answered, "nothing at all."

My wife and I just went back to bed.

I was relieved that she also saw and acknowledged this event. It validated it's reality.

This Spielberg "Close Enounters Of The 3rd Kind" movie strange light story didn't end there however.

The next morning, my wife and I got up earlier than our children as usual.

It was a Saturday morning. My wife always makes eggs, bacon and toast on the weekends. The warm inviting smell of this was wafting through the lower floor kitchen and living area.

I was reading our morning newspaper and my wife was in the kitchen when we heard our son sleepily mumble something as he had just descended the stairs.

He was standing still there when we looked up at him.

My wife let out a scream!

We rushed to our son's side. He looked up at us. His face below his nose was crusted with blood. The front of his T-shirt was one third covered in dried blood!

Stunned into silence, our son meekly said " I think I had the worst bloody nose of my life last night." 

My wife and I looked at each other and my wife just blurted out ... "Honey, I don't remember you 'ever having' a bloody nose before."

I couldn't recall him having one in his 12 years either.

We went back up the stairs to our son's room and bed and his pillow was also smeared with dried blood.

Now, make of this story what you will.

I cannot say it is not just a series of coincidental strange happenings all in one night.

Or, could our son have been abducted and had an alien ET implant inserted into his brain through his nasal passages?

I did not get up to see what was projecting the blinding light upon our house for several minutes that late evening in August, 1997.

If I had and saw a hovering aircraft outside our house, I think I might have had a panic attack and suffered from serious PTSD from then on.

Maybe it's good I didn't have the ... uh ... cajones to do that. 

This story is true as I described it.

And I think it is a worthy one to share, regardless whether it was no more paranormal than a typical easy to explain but coincidently quirky and odd family experience.

And by the way, our blood soaked son is very spiritual and artistic since then . World traveled. Always searching, seeking, creating. Who knows.

Image result for how long is pebble beach california
Image result for how long is pebble beach california







Edited by Joe Bauer
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4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Pamela, since this thread is still up and you are sharing your own UFO sighting experience, I figure I might as well share the three or 4 stories I know of, even though I have shared them before. I'll keep them short except for an experience that involved not just me personally, but my wife ( the most disinterested person regarding this subject you can imagine ) and my 12 year old son.

My brother was an Air Policeman in the Air Force. 4 year enlisted man.

His first assignment in 1960 was at a U.S. airbase in Morocco. His second was at Vandenberg on the coast of California next to the town of Santa Maria.

While on duty one night at the Morocco base, my brother and his fellow security detail saw red circular lights hovering over the base. They were not thousands of feet in the air. Much lower. He and his fellow APs radioed in this sighting and after a noticeable pause, his superiors responded back with "we have nothing on radar, therefore you see nothing. And don't write home about it."

The mind blowing other part of the story as related to my brother by other APs on duty that night was that one of the red circular lights descended to a level just above a few of the bombers on the ground, flew slowly over them, and then shot back up in the sky so fast you could barely see it do this.

This brother is now 80.  I vouch for his honesty.

The other two UFO sighting stories another time.

This is the forth one:

In 1997 my family and I were renting a home in a community called Pebble Beach, California. This is inbetween the coastal towns of Carmel and Pacific Grove on the central coast of Calif. 125 miles South of San Francisco.

This is a very high end community. Home to 6 golf courses, two of which are the world famous Pebble Beach golf course and the Cypress Point golf course.

Pebble Beach is an 8 to 10 mile stretch or so of dramatically rugged shoreline and native Monterey Pine tree forest.

It is hugely and heavily forested.

It is not an incorporated city. It is a privately owned property company.

Homes are on huge lots and often seperated by acres and acres of native Pine forest and shrub land.

The home we rented was across the street for a huge undeveloped tract of thick Pine tree forest land. On each side of us were huge undeveloped Pine tree lots.

Our home sat down from the road. Perhaps 30 feet lower as it was built on ground lower than the road.

Now, know this about Pebble Beach. It's roads are purposely kept two lane simple. No sidewalks, curbs, no painted strips or markers. No traffic lights. And NO night street lights anywhere in the entire swath of land.  It's all part of keeping the setting country rural.

At night, if you go outside and anywhere farther away from your own home, it is "pitch black" outside. The tall trees even keep star or moonlight light out.

I used to play scare my two kids by turning off our car lights while driving through Pebble at night. You couldn't see twenty feet in front of you. Even I was compelled to turn my lights on after just a few seconds.

I am describing this unique darkness situation because it figures prominently in this unusual sighting story. I suppose if you lived way out in the forested boonies of America, you would also experience this rural darkness.

It was a late August evening. Kind of warm actually.

We all went to bed at our regular times. My 10 year old daughter and my 12 year old son probably around 9 to 9:30 pm?

My wife and I maybe an hour later?

I slept in my own seperate room due to my wife's sleep apnea.

All our bedrooms were on the second floor. Still maybe 20 feet lower than the one simple asphalt two lane street that passed by our home left to right above.

At about 2 am I was slowly and woozily awakened ( awoken?)

I had never been brought out of sleep in the way I was that evening.

I had a hard time opening my eyes. My room was filled with a light so bright, I could barely see let alone believe or accept this light as real. I must be dreaming!

But, within about 20 to 30 seconds or more however, I was realizing I was awake and this light was real! 

It took me shading my eyes to try to identify this light. I eventually realized this light was flooding in from outside. My bedroom door was open to the upstairs hallway which was lined by nothing but tall windows facing the street above us.

This light was coming in from something located there.

I thought to myself , there must be a huge emergency vehicle stopped in the street or even our slight down grade driveway, and shinning it's full brightest lights on our house!

Either that or someone had parked one of those huge Hollywood sky beam movie premier light contraptions right outside and this was trained directly on our home!

I then noticed there was absolutely no sound outside or in my home. No large fire truck or other vehicle engine noise.

I started to get anxious and admittedly shaken up at this point, yet, I stayed in my bed. The strangeness of it all kind of froze me, or maybe I was just a coward for not jumping up immediately and running to the upper hallway window bank to see what this was coming from?

I need to also add...this entire house filling light was not the color of normal lights like emergency vehicle ones.

This light reminded me of a welder's torch light.

It had a cold, tint of blue to it.  I cringe to say this. It was "unearthly". Like those pictures on the moon?

No warmth like a normal light with perhaps a slight yellow tint? And, this welder's torch looking light like never flickered or wavered. It was steady and still and hard to look at and see through all the time.

I also considered that maybe this was one of the power lines that lined the street above arcing?  If you've ever seen this, it is also a cold bluish white color. But, there was no moist or foggy air that night, very warm and dry. A squirrel climbing to the line could haved caused an arc. However, my brother who worked for Pacific Gas and Electric company for 35 years, said if a squirrel had caused this, it would have been fried within seconds and the arc would have been over that quick as well.

Finally, after probably 3 or more minutes of this sun burst bright event, I heard my wife awaken.

I heard her call out "what is that light?"

This light was so bright, even through her closed to the window lined upper floor hallway door, this light was shining under it enough to wake her!

My wife is braver and less inescurely imaginitive than me by an immeasurable degree.

Where I was already biting my knuckles and hiding and shaking underneath my blankets when the light woke her, she bounded out of bed and walked to her door and as soon as she opened it...the light went out!

What I found remarkeable however, was that she fully acknowledged this light, describing it as so bright it was hard to believe.

This wasn't just something out of my "Coast To Coast" late night radio talk show paranormal paranoia.

Another creepy thing was that all of our electricity went out the second this light blinked off!

Our lamps, clock radios, our humming refrigerator. 

We talked briefly. Bleary eyed tired and confused we couldn't make heads nor tales of what we just witnessed.

About 5 to 10 minutes after our electricity went out, everything blinked back on!

I was so curious, that I called the nearest 24 hour manned security gate house about a mile away where traffic into this Pebble Beach private community is monitored and controlled.

I asked the guard there if they had seen, heard or experienced anything like we just did. The blinding bright light, the loss of electric power.  "No" he answered, "nothing at all."

My wife and I just went back to bed.

I was as relieved that she saw and acknowledged this event as much as I was rattled by it.

This Spielberg "Close Enounters Of The 3rd kind" strange light movie story didn't end there however.

The next morning, my wife and I got up earlier than our children as usual.

It was a Saturday morning. My wife always makes eggs, bacon and toast on the weekends. The warm inviting smell of this was wafting through the lower kitchen and living area.

I was reading our morning paper and my wife was in the kitchen when we heard our son sleepily mumble something as he had just descended the stairs.

He was standing still there when we looked up at him.

My wife let out a scream!

We rushed to our son's side. He looked up at us. His face below his nose was crusted with blood. The front of his T-shirt was one third covered in dried blood!

Stunned into silence, our son meekly said " I think I had the worst bloody nose of my life last night."

My wife and I looked at each other and my wife just blurted out ... "Honey, I don't remember you 'ever having' a bloody nose before."

I couldn't recall him having one in his 12 years either.

Now, make of this story what you will.

I cannot say it is not just a series of coincidental strange happenings all in one night.

Or, could our son have been abducted and had an alien ET implant inserted into his brain through his nasal passages?

I did not get up to see what was projecting the blinding light upon our house that late evening in August, 1997.

If I had and saw a hovering aircraft outside our house, I think I might have had a panic attack and suffered from serious PTSD from then on.

Maybe it's good I didn't have the ...uh...cajones to do that. 

This story is true as I described it.

And I think it is a worthy one to share, regardless whether it was no more paranormal than a typical easy to explain but coincidently quirky and odd family experience.

And by the way, our blood soaked son is very spiritual and artistic since then . World traveled. Always searching, seeking, creating. Who knows.

Image result for how long is pebble beach california
Image result for how long is pebble beach california







Thanks for sharing your experiences, Joe. Quite an experience. Your son sounds an interesting guy.

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Thank you Ray.

Yes, my son is interesting.

By the way. I forgot to mention in my story how my wife and I of course thought of our children during the first few minutes after this super bright, eye hurting and entire house illuminating light blinked off.

With our power knocked out, we found a flashlight and together we walked down to the far end of the upstairs hallway where our children's bedrooms were. One had no windows and the other had one facing the back of our house.

We looked in through their doors and saw that they were asleep so we didn't wake them. We remember specifically that our son was turned on his side away from us.

The reason being we went over and over this event for days afterwords and how we saw our son when we looked in on him was a clear part of the story we wanted to understand.

Another reason I can describe this event with such details and confidently stand by them as accurate even today ( 24 years later ) is I have written and shared this story many, many times since it happened. I can look back at my first sharing ( within weeks of it happening ) and see the same details.

My story hasn't changed.

The only true "down to Earth" explanation for our bright light experience ( brighter than daylight ) would be a high power line arc.

These can be that bright.

However, an arc like that would be an uneven flashing/flickering much like a welder's torch would exhibit according to my P G & E brother.

The house flooding light my wife and I experienced that August night in 1997 never wavered, never fluctuated, never flickered "at all."

It was steady and still for at least 3 minutes or more time. I know this because I had been awakened by it first before my wife. And before she awoke, I had enough time to observe it, run through in my mind all the possible explanations I could imagine it being, listen for any engine noise and then cowardly staying in my bed until my wife was also awakened.

 And it was also maybe 20 to 30 seconds or more inbetween my wife being first awoken, observing the light herself, calling out "what is that light" and then finally getting up out of her bed and walking to her closed door and opening it.

Can high voltage powerlines arc for 3 minutes straight? Perhaps I guess.

 However, in our case, this common sense explanation isn't so easy for me to accept for the reasons I explained.

Like host John Newland says in his "One Step Beyond" TV show episode intros, these unusual story telling eyewitnesses believe their experiences were real and something more than the mundane. They took that ... "One Step Beyond."



Edited by Joe Bauer
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On 3/16/2021 at 12:05 AM, Joe Bauer said:

Pamela, since this thread is still up and you are sharing your own UFO sighting experience, I figure I might as well share the three or 4 stories I know of, even though I have shared them before. I'll keep them short except for an experience that involved not just me personally, but my wife ( the most disinterested person regarding this subject you can imagine ) and my 12 year old son.

My brother was an Air Policeman in the Air Force. 4 year enlisted man.

His first assignment in 1960 was at a U.S. airbase in Morocco. His second was at Vandenberg on the coast of California next to the town of Santa Maria.

While on duty one night at the Morocco base, my brother and his fellow security detail saw red circular lights hovering over the base. They were not thousands of feet in the air. Much lower. He and his fellow APs radioed in this sighting and after a noticeable pause, his superiors responded back with "we have nothing on radar, therefore you see nothing. And don't write home about it."

The mind blowing other part of the story as related to my brother by other APs on duty that night was that one of the red circular lights descended to a level just above a few of the bombers on the ground, flew slowly over them, and then shot back up in the sky so fast you could barely see it do this.

This brother is now 80.  I vouch for his honesty.

The other two UFO sighting stories another time.

This is the forth one:

In 1997 my family and I were renting a home in a community called Pebble Beach, California. This is inbetween the coastal towns of Carmel and Pacific Grove on the central coast of Calif. 125 miles South of San Francisco.

This is a very high end community. Home to 6 golf courses, two of which are the world famous Pebble Beach golf course and the Cypress Point golf course.

Pebble Beach is an 8 to 10 mile stretch or so of dramatically rugged shoreline and native Monterey Pine tree forest.

It is heavily forested.

It is not an incorporated city. It is a privately owned property company.

Homes are on large lots and often seperated by acres of native Pine forest and shrub land and their golf courses.

The home we rented was across the street from a huge undeveloped tract of thick Pine tree forest land. On each side of us were undeveloped Pine tree lots.

Our home sat down from the road. Perhaps 30 feet lower as it was built on ground lower than the road.

Now, know this about Pebble Beach. It's roads are purposely kept two lane simple. No sidewalks, curbs, no painted stripes or markers. No traffic lights. And NO night street lights anywhere in the entire swath of land.  It's all part of keeping the setting country rural.

At night, if you go outside and anywhere farther away from your own home, it is "pitch black" outside. The tall trees even keep star or moonlight out.

I used to play scare my two kids by turning off our car lights while driving through Pebble at night. You couldn't see twenty feet in front of you. Even I was compelled to turn my lights on after just a few seconds.

I am describing this unique darkness situation because it figures prominently in this unusual sighting story. I suppose if you lived way out in the forested boonies of America, you would also experience this rural darkness.

It was a late August evening. Kind of warm actually. It's usually cool all the time here.

We all went to bed at our regular times. My 10 year old daughter and my 12 year old son probably around 9 to 9:30 pm?

My wife and I maybe an hour later?

I slept in my own seperate room due to my wife's sleep apnea.

All our bedrooms were on the second floor. Still maybe 20 feet lower than the one simple asphalt two lane street that passed by our home left to right above.

At about 2 am I was slowly and woozily awakened ( awoken?)

I had never been brought out of sleep in the way I was that evening.

I had a hard time opening my eyes. My room was filled with a light so bright, I could barely see let alone believe or accept this light as real. I must be dreaming!

However, within about 20 to 30 seconds or more, I realized I was totally awake and this light was real! 

It took me shading my eyes to try to identify this light.

I eventually realized this light was flooding in from outside. My bedroom door was open to the upstairs hallway which was lined by nothing but tall windows facing the street above us.

This light was coming in from something located there.

I thought to myself, there must be a huge emergency vehicle stopped in the street or even on our slight down grade driveway, and shining it's full brightest lights on our house!

Either that or someone had parked one of those huge Hollywood sky beam movie premier light contraptions right outside and this was trained directly on our home!

I then noticed there was absolutely no sound outside or in my home. No large fire truck or other vehicle engine noise.

I started to get anxious and admittedly shaken up at this point, yet, I stayed in my bed. The strangeness of it all kind of froze me, or maybe I was just a coward for not jumping up immediately and running to the upper hallway window bank to see what this blindingly bright light was and where it was coming from?

I need to also add...this entire house filling light was not the color of normal lights like emergency vehicle ones.

This light reminded me of a welder's torch light.

It was a cold white color with maybe a tint of blue to it?

No warmth like a normal light with perhaps a slight yellow tint? And, this welder's torch looking light never flickered or wavered. It was steady and still and hard to look at and see through all the time.

I also considered that maybe this was one of the high voltage power lines that lined the street above arcing?  If you've ever seen this, it is also a cold bluish white color.

There was no moist or foggy air that night, very warm and dry. A squirrel climbing up and onto the line could haved caused an arc. However, my brother who worked for Pacific Gas and Electric company for 35 years, said if a squirrel had caused this, it would have been fried within seconds and the arc would have been over that quick as well.

Finally, after probably 3 or more minutes of this sun burst bright event, I heard my wife awaken.

I heard her call out "what is that light?"

This light was so bright, even through her closed to the window lined upper floor hallway door, this light was shining under it enough to wake her!

My wife is braver and less insecurely imaginitive than me by an immeasurable degree.

Where I was already biting my knuckles and hiding and shaking underneath my blankets when the light woke her, she bounded out of bed and walked straight to her door and as soon as she opened it ... the light went out!

What I found reassuring however, was that she fully acknowledged this light, describing it as so bright it was hard to believe.

This wasn't just something out of my "Coast To Coast" late night radio talk show paranormal paranoia imagination.

Another creepy thing was that all of our electricity went out the second this light blinked off!

Our clock radios, our humming refrigerator.  Wall light switches didn't work.

We talked briefly. Bleary eyed tired and confused we couldn't make heads nor tales of what we just witnessed.

About 5 to 10 minutes after our electricity went out, everything blinked back on!

I was so curious, that I called the nearest 24 hour manned security gate house about a mile away where traffic into this Pebble Beach private community is monitored and controlled.

I asked the guard there if they had seen, heard or experienced anything like we just did. The blinding bright light, the loss of electric power.  "No" he answered, "nothing at all."

My wife and I just went back to bed.

I was relieved that she also saw and acknowledged this event. It validated it's reality.

This Spielberg "Close Enounters Of The 3rd kind" strange light movie story didn't end there however.

The next morning, my wife and I got up earlier than our children as usual.

It was a Saturday morning. My wife always makes eggs, bacon and toast on the weekends. The warm inviting smell of this was wafting through the lower kitchen and living area.

I was reading our morning newspaper and my wife was in the kitchen when we heard our son sleepily mumble something as he had just descended the stairs.

He was standing still there when we looked up at him.

My wife let out a scream!

We rushed to our son's side. He looked up at us. His face below his nose was crusted with blood. The front of his T-shirt was one third covered in dried blood!

Stunned into silence, our son meekly said " I think I had the worst bloody nose of my life last night." 

My wife and I looked at each other and my wife just blurted out ... "Honey, I don't remember you 'ever having' a bloody nose before."

I couldn't recall him having one in his 12 years either.

We went back up the stairs to our son's room and bed and his pillow was also smeared with dried blood.

Now, make of this story what you will.

I cannot say it is not just a series of coincidental strange happenings all in one night.

Or, could our son have been abducted and had an alien ET implant inserted into his brain through his nasal passages?

I did not get up to see what was projecting the blinding light upon our house for several minutes that late evening in August, 1997.

If I had and saw a hovering aircraft outside our house, I think I might have had a panic attack and suffered from serious PTSD from then on.

Maybe it's good I didn't have the ... uh ... cajones to do that. 

This story is true as I described it.

And I think it is a worthy one to share, regardless whether it was no more paranormal than a typical easy to explain but coincidently quirky and odd family experience.

And by the way, our blood soaked son is very spiritual and artistic since then . World traveled. Always searching, seeking, creating. Who knows.

Image result for how long is pebble beach california
Image result for how long is pebble beach california








This is just overwhelming. I'm going to have to take some time to digest it all and then will reply. Thank you so much for sharing. This is of historical significance. 

I guess my son and I got off easy. When I returned to Minnesota a week later a friend and I went to see the film Independence Day. At the climax of the show, when the President's fighter jet was going to attack the ufo, the lights went out. We sat there for some time and then all had to leave.  We stood outside of the Eden Prairie Mall and there was total darkness all over that area. I said to my friend, "Well, looks like they followed me." Partly in jest, of course.  We were given passes to another performance...and that was probably just an odd coincidence...



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1 hour ago, Pamela Brown said:


This is just overwhelming. I'm going to have to take some time to digest it all and then will reply. Thank you so much for sharing. This is of historical significance. 

I guess my son and I got off easy. When I returned to Minnesota a week later a friend and I went to see the film Independence Day. At the climax of the show, when the President's fighter jet was going to attack the ufo, the lights went out. We sat there for some time and then all had to leave.  We stood outside of the Eden Prairie Mall and there was total darkness all over that area. I said to my friend, "Well, looks like they followed me." Partly in jest, of course.  We were given passes to another performance...and that was probably just an odd coincidence...



Pamela, even though I try to inject a little silly humor in retelling this incredibly bright home illuminating story, it is absolutely true.

I remember sending this to George Knapp via his Coast To Coast AM link over 20 years ago. Of course he got back and was quite respectful and non-dismissive regards it's content.

I have no idea whether this event involved "alien ETs."

I never saw anything that this light was emanating from.

I could tell what direction the light was coming in from. On the side of the house where the street was located.

However, again, I truly was too cowardly to get up out of my bed, go to the hallway and look out the windows facing this location.

Also, when my wife and I looked in on our 12 year old son right after the lights went out, we saw him apparently sleeping soundly, lying on his side facing away from us.

I am certain that if his bloody nose event had happened before and/or up to and during the big light show, we would have noticed blood on his pillow at that time. There was a lot of blood on his pillow when we checked his room the next morning.

This tells me that his nose bled "after" the bright light event.

Just adding to the mystery of it all imo. 

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On 3/16/2021 at 6:48 AM, Joe Bauer said:

Thank you Ray.

Yes, my son is interesting.

By the way. I forgot to mention in my story how my wife and I of course thought of our children during the first few minutes after this super bright, eye hurting and entire house illuminating light blinked off.

With our power knocked out, we found a flashlight and together we walked down to the far end of the upstairs hallway where our children's bedrooms were. One had no windows and the other had one facing the back of our house.

We looked in through their doors and saw that they were asleep so we didn't wake them. We remember specifically that our son was turned on his side away from us.

The reason being we went over and over this event for days afterwords and how we saw our son when we looked in on him was a clear part of the story we wanted to understand.

Another reason I can describe this event with such details and confidently stand by them as accurate even today ( 24 years later ) is I have written and shared this story many, many times since it happened. I can look back at my first sharing ( within weeks of it happening ) and see the same details.

My story hasn't changed.

The only true "down to Earth" explanation for our bright light experience ( brighter than daylight ) would be a high power line arc.

These can be that bright.

However, an arc like that would be an uneven flashing/flickering much like a welder's torch would exhibit according to my P G & E brother.

The house flooding light my wife and I experienced that August night in 1997 never wavered, never fluctuated, never flickered "at all."

It was steady and still for at least 3 minutes or more time. I know this because I had been awakened by it first before my wife. And before she awoke, I had enough time to observe it, run through in my mind all the possible explanations I could imagine it being, listen for any engine noise and then cowardly staying in my bed until my wife was also awakened.

 And it was also maybe 20 to 30 seconds or more inbetween my wife being first awoken, observing the light herself, calling out "what is that light" and then finally getting up out of her bed and walking to her closed door and opening it.

Can high voltage powerlines arc for 3 minutes straight? Perhaps I guess.

 However, in our case, this common sense explanation isn't so easy for me to accept for the reasons I explained.

Like host John Newland says in his "One Step Beyond" TV show episode intros, these unusual story telling eyewitnesses believe their experiences were real and something more than the mundane. They took that ... "One Step Beyond."



Thank you, Joe, for all the additional information.  I agree that it is good your wife can confirm the experience. I felt the same. I was so glad my son was there, otherwise I would not have known what to think.  I definitely think there was something outside your house shedding that light.  Your son's bloody nose makes perfect sense too in that context, that something really out of the ordinary was taking place.  I have spent time at Pebble Beach,so I know what you mean about the trees and the darkness.  Thank goodness you were all ok, and hopefully have not experienced too much trauma over it.  

I am extremely disappointed in the govt's attempting to shut down information regarding these experiences. As I have mentioned before, I have a tangential connection to Wehrner Von Braun, who always had a welcoming and inclusive attitude toward all unusual contact.  In fact, I think he may have gone to Alamagordo and seen the wreckage from the Roswell crash.  It could even be that this, or something of that nature, was the catalyst for his passion to go to the Moon as soon as possible. He inspired JFK...

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To be honest, I have mixed feelings about disclosure if indeed there is an Alien ET reality.

If it is reality, and all of human kind is made aware of this, I am certain that our sense of our own self-worth and purpose would be forever down graded, hugely so.

We would know of higher technology species and their possessing of powers beyond our comprehension. And who do you think would have the controlling upper hand over any relationship we might develop with them?

By the way, my wife did see this incredibly bright house filling light, but she saw it through the cracks of her door and probably some of it through a window on the side of our home not directly facing us.

And, she observed this for maybe 1 minute versus my observing it for 2 or more minutes before she even woke up.

Plus, the second she turned the door knob to open the hallway door, this light blinked off.

She never gave the incident near the thought, contemplation and questions I have, starting not long after it happened.

I still never remember our son ever having a face, pillow and T-shirt covering bloody nose before or after this event.

Pebble Beach is maybe 50 feet above sea level? So it sure wasn't the altitude.

I have been going on You Tube to see videos of high voltage electric lines arcing.

It's interesting to see them shooting out bright Tesla Coil like charges of visible electricity. But, I haven't found one that emitted a steady super bright glow for 3 minutes straight. The longest time of these crackling, flickering charges was incredibly sporatic and short in duration.

No, it wasn't arcing power lines on the street above us casting this powerfully illuminating Hollywood Premier sky lighting light beam onto our home that night.

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Here is another way to look at it:

If the military was out testing their extremely advanced and secret flying tech (which they indeed have, and do test, because they have to test it to see if it works), and you happened to be in the area and saw that tech in the sky, what would you say you saw?

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