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Dallas Mayor Earle Cabell: had to be one man, dismisses right wing as suspect 11/22/63

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       I noticed that known CIA asset, Mayor Earle Cabell, avoided direct eye contact with the camera throughout the first interview, (above) while continually looking from side to side and even frequently turning his head away from the camera.

      In the second interview, he clearly demonstrates his early complicity in the bogus "Lone Nut' narrative.


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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

       I noticed that known CIA asset, Mayor Earle Cabell, avoided direct eye contact with the camera throughout the first interview, (above) while continually looking from side to side and even frequently turning his head away from the camera.

      In the second interview, he clearly demonstrates his early complicity in the bogus "Lone Nut' narrative.



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Charles Cabell reported to Allan Dulles for 9 yrs. in the CIA and when JFK fired Dulles for the BOP , he also fired Charles Cabell. As a sidebar, the grandfather of Charles and Earle Cabell, William Cabell, was a general in the confederate army. William moved his family from Arkansas to Dallas in the 1870's.

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I remember drinking Cabell's milk when I visited my grandmother in Irving, the Dairy developed into corner stores sold to the Southland Corporation who called them 7-11's.

Mayor Cabell and the General both provided local CIA connections to other city powers that be from the Police and Sheriff's Department the Citizen's Council and more, even the Zuroma Club. 

Earle Cabell papers A Guide to the Collection (utexas.edu)

Edited by Ron Bulman
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Earle Cabell met Jack Crichton at Texas A and M. ( they were friends in college)

Also, LHO was killed trying to leave the City of Dallas Jail. He was supposed to go to the County Jail.  Earle Cabell had jurisdiction of the City of Dallas jail, but not  County jail- that is why LHO had to be killed before he left the City of Dallas jail.

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On 1/24/2021 at 2:16 PM, Chuck Schwartz said:

  LHO was killed trying to leave the City of Dallas Jail. He was supposed to go to the County Jail.  Earle Cabell had jurisdiction of the City of Dallas jail, but not  County jail- that is why LHO had to be killed before he left the City of Dallas jail.


The deal was...Oswald was supposed to get gunned down at the Texas Theater. I would suppose that the cops blew their assignment. What "cop killer" wouldn't have been blown away? As far as "jurisdiction" goes... Recall  that Henry Wade [Hoover's shine boy] was head honcho over the entire Dallas County arena. If Ruby had slipped up...Oswald would have probably "hung himself" in the county jail or some other demise.

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On 1/23/2021 at 1:18 AM, Vince Palamara said:

Every possible precaution was taken. ??? 

Every Dallas police officer was on duty ( really? What about Tom Tilson?), several hundred police reservists were on duty, every Sheriff's department officer ( hundreds ) were on duty.

Sheriff Roger Craig stated that he and his fellow plain clothes, detective officers were told by his boss County Sheriff Bill Decker just two hours before the assassination that they were in no way to take part in the motorcade security.

Craig also stated in Mark Lane's documentary that he was concerned by the lack of police presence in the motorcade crowd.

Every possible precaution was taken?

On their before hand security dry run drives over the motorcade route an untrained high school student probably would have noticed and mentioned all the hundreds of upper floor building windows and the roofs of these buildings as being possible threats in their sniper potential.

I would have asked what the security protocol was for this real threat scenario.

Would all these unprecedented police presence personnel include placing even one of them on the 30 or more roofs of these buildings as JFK was driven underneath?

How about police on the ground being tasked with scanning all the higher floor windows above them ( open ones with red flag urgency ) with binoculars before and during JFK's drive underneath?

Why not an order that all higher story buildings on the downtown route have no open windows just before and during the motorcade?

High rise building drive through motorcade security common sense no?

The crowd thinned out in Dealey Plaza so the lack of but a few DPD officers on the street there besides the motorcade cycle guard seems explanable. I think Arnold Rowland mentioned one? Maybe none?

Yet, the long stretch of higher than street level tree canopy and picket fence area above the grassy knoll which even a child could see provided a perfect hidden cover shooting position and the parking lot behind this had not one police guard there while JFK passed by?  Police on the over-pass could not even see what was going on there.

Cabell waxes enthusiastically about the huge loving feeling Dallas had for JFK while at the same time downplaying stark exibitions of anger, hate and violence toward JFK's close confidant Adlai Stevenson just months before in his city with spitting, cursing and protest sign hitting of Stevenson.

Cabell downplays the extreme right JFK hating organization presence in the Dallas area with it's most powerful and wealthy core centered there.

Heck, everyone then and now knows Dallas was the capital of the most wealthy, powerful and rabid JFK hating farthest right wing organizations in the country at that time.

Home to the world's wealthiest JFK hating men like Hunt and Murchison who were also the principle financiers of the JBL, Minute Men and who knows what other JFK hating groups.

Dallas was even home to JFK and RFK hating and mental institution commitment resentful General Ed Walker!

Dallas was also widely known as one of the most rabid JFK hating KKK cities as well. Perhaps as many as half the city police force connected with this organization ideologically if not directly?

JFK knew he was hated to such a vile and extreme way in this part of the country he himself referred to it as "nut country" to his wife Jackie.

Did Cabell express any JFK respecting concern and reprimand when he saw the incredibly disparaging and threatening JFK ad in his own city's DMN newspaper? How about the hateful and highly enciting "JFK WANTED FOR TREASON" fliers that H.L. Hunt himself was placing under car windshield wiper blades before JFK's arrival in Dallas?

Why didn't the DPD or FBI or SS immediately track down the creators and distributors of those JFK threatening and hate enciting fliers and newspaper ads?

The interviewer commends Cabell and his city's police force for their efforts right after the most important security fail in their history. And Cabell promotes this perception shamelessly.

Wonder if that same TV interviewer would have been so praising of the DPD after Oswald was blown away by an unchecked strip joint owner press crowd infiltrator right in their own DPD building basement while handcuffed to two police escorts just hours after this interview of Cabell? And what Cabell's defense of the DPD would have been?





Edited by Joe Bauer
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9 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Every possible precaution was taken. ??? 

Every Dallas police officer was on duty ( really? What about Tom Tilson?), several hundred police reservists were on duty, every Sheriff's department officer ( hundreds ) were on duty.

Sheriff Roger Craig stated that he and his fellow plain clothes, detective officers were told by his boss County Sheriff Bill Decker just two hours before the assassination that they were in no way to take part in the motorcade security.

Craig also stated in Mark Lane's documentary that he was concerned by the lack of police presence in the motorcade crowd.

Every possible precaution was taken?

On their before hand security dry run drives over the motorcade route an untrained high school student probably would have noticed and mentioned all the hundreds of upper floor building windows and the roofs of these buildings as being possible threats in their sniper potential.

I would have asked what the security protocol was for this real threat scenario.

Would all these unprecedented police presence personnel include placing even one of them on the 30 or more roofs of these buildings as JFK was driven underneath?

How about police on the ground being tasked with scanning all the higher floor windows above them ( open ones with red flag urgency ) with binoculars before and during JFK's drive underneath?

Why not an order that all higher story buildings on the downtown route have no open windows just before and during the motorcade?

High rise building drive through motorcade security common sense no?

The crowd thinned out in Dealey Plaza so the lack of but a few DPD officers on the street there besides the motorcade cycle guard seems explanable. I think Arnold Rowland mentioned one? Maybe none?

Yet, the long stretch of higher than street level tree canopy and picket fence area above the grassy knoll which even a child could see provided a perfect hidden cover shooting position and the parking lot behind this had not one police guard there while JFK passed by?  Police on the over-pass could not even see what was going on there.

Cabell waxes enthusiastically about the huge loving feeling Dallas had for JFK while at the same time downplaying stark exibitions of anger, hate and violence toward JFK's close confidant Adlai Stevenson just months before in his city with spitting, cursing and protest sign hitting of Stevenson.

Cabell downplays the extreme right JFK hating organization presence in the Dallas area with it's most powerful and wealthy core centered there.

Heck, everyone then and now knows Dallas was the capital of the most wealthy, powerful and rabid JFK hating farthest right wing organizations in the country at that time.

Home to the world's wealthiest JFK hating men like Hunt and Murchison who were also the principle financiers of the JBL, Minute Men and who knows what other JFK hating groups.

Dallas was even home to JFK and RFK hating and mental institution commitment resentful General Ed Walker!

Dallas was also widely known as one of the most rabid JFK hating KKK cities as well. Perhaps as many as half the city police force connected with this organization ideologically if not directly?

JFK knew he was hated to such a vile and extreme way in this part of the country he himself referred to it as "nut country" to his wife Jackie.

Did Cabell express any JFK respecting concern and reprimand when he saw the incredibly disparaging and threatening JFK ad in his own city's DMN newspaper? How about the hateful and highly enciting "JFK WANTED FOR TREASON" fliers that H.L. Hunt himself was placing under car windshield wiper blades before JFK's arrival in Dallas?

Why didn't the DPD or FBI or SS immediately track down the creators and distributors of those JFK threatening and hate enciting fliers and newspaper ads?

The interviewer commends Cabell and his city's police force for their efforts right after the most important security fail in their history. And Cabell promotes this perception shamelessly.

Wonder if that same TV interviewer would have been so praising of the DPD after Oswald was blown away by an unchecked strip joint owner press crowd infiltrator right in their own DPD building basement while handcuffed to two police escorts just hours after this interview of Cabell? And what Cabell's defense of the DPD would have been?





good comments as usual, Joe! :)

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On 2/4/2021 at 9:39 AM, Joe Bauer said:

Every possible precaution was taken. ??? 

Every Dallas police officer was on duty ( really? What about Tom Tilson?), several hundred police reservists were on duty, every Sheriff's department officer ( hundreds ) were on duty.

Sheriff Roger Craig stated that he and his fellow plain clothes, detective officers were told by his boss County Sheriff Bill Decker just two hours before the assassination that they were in no way to take part in the motorcade security.

Craig also stated in Mark Lane's documentary that he was concerned by the lack of police presence in the motorcade crowd.

Every possible precaution was taken?

On their before hand security dry run drives over the motorcade route an untrained high school student probably would have noticed and mentioned all the hundreds of upper floor building windows and the roofs of these buildings as being possible threats in their sniper potential.

I would have asked what the security protocol was for this real threat scenario.

Would all these unprecedented police presence personnel include placing even one of them on the 30 or more roofs of these buildings as JFK was driven underneath?

How about police on the ground being tasked with scanning all the higher floor windows above them ( open ones with red flag urgency ) with binoculars before and during JFK's drive underneath?

Why not an order that all higher story buildings on the downtown route have no open windows just before and during the motorcade?

High rise building drive through motorcade security common sense no?

The crowd thinned out in Dealey Plaza so the lack of but a few DPD officers on the street there besides the motorcade cycle guard seems explanable. I think Arnold Rowland mentioned one? Maybe none?

Yet, the long stretch of higher than street level tree canopy and picket fence area above the grassy knoll which even a child could see provided a perfect hidden cover shooting position and the parking lot behind this had not one police guard there while JFK passed by?  Police on the over-pass could not even see what was going on there.

Cabell waxes enthusiastically about the huge loving feeling Dallas had for JFK while at the same time downplaying stark exibitions of anger, hate and violence toward JFK's close confidant Adlai Stevenson just months before in his city with spitting, cursing and protest sign hitting of Stevenson.

Cabell downplays the extreme right JFK hating organization presence in the Dallas area with it's most powerful and wealthy core centered there.

Heck, everyone then and now knows Dallas was the capital of the most wealthy, powerful and rabid JFK hating farthest right wing organizations in the country at that time.

Home to the world's wealthiest JFK hating men like Hunt and Murchison who were also the principle financiers of the JBL, Minute Men and who knows what other JFK hating groups.

Dallas was even home to JFK and RFK hating and mental institution commitment resentful General Ed Walker!

Dallas was also widely known as one of the most rabid JFK hating KKK cities as well. Perhaps as many as half the city police force connected with this organization ideologically if not directly?

JFK knew he was hated to such a vile and extreme way in this part of the country he himself referred to it as "nut country" to his wife Jackie.

Did Cabell express any JFK respecting concern and reprimand when he saw the incredibly disparaging and threatening JFK ad in his own city's DMN newspaper? How about the hateful and highly enciting "JFK WANTED FOR TREASON" fliers that H.L. Hunt himself was placing under car windshield wiper blades before JFK's arrival in Dallas?

Why didn't the DPD or FBI or SS immediately track down the creators and distributors of those JFK threatening and hate enciting fliers and newspaper ads?

The interviewer commends Cabell and his city's police force for their efforts right after the most important security fail in their history. And Cabell promotes this perception shamelessly.

Wonder if that same TV interviewer would have been so praising of the DPD after Oswald was blown away by an unchecked strip joint owner press crowd infiltrator right in their own DPD building basement while handcuffed to two police escorts just hours after this interview of Cabell? And what Cabell's defense of the DPD would have been?





FBI's Hoover has documented ties to the creators and distributors of those JFK threatening and hate enciting files and newspaper ads.

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1 hour ago, Joseph McBride said:

Bob Clark thinks the DPD did "magnificent work."

Who was Bob Clark?

Magnificent work?

They failed to protect the President in the absolute worst case scenario way - his death.

Then, less than 48 hours later, they failed in their security of the most important criminal suspect in their history ( Lee Harvey Oswald ) and probably the entire country's. Again in the worst case scenario way - his death.

Oswald's murder while in their handcuffed to two guards custody is surely one of the most epically shameful episodes of police security responsibility failure ever.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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