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Death of the Tumbling Bullet

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Hi Michaleen,

You said "I still believe there was an earlier missed shot that caused James Tague’s wound. I think it’s clear from ZF that JFK stops waving for a moment, a little girl in a white sweater stops running toward the president and looks toward the TSBD, and Connally looks grim and to his left."

Rosemary Willis is the little girl who halts her run and stops in just a few frames of the Zfilm and looks back and upwards to her right almost directly at the TSBD. This happens when the Zfilm has a splice or conniption at Z156 to Z160 she later turns her head back towards the limo to see what happened down Elm st.

With many plaza witnesses saying a bullet struck beside the limo, that a bullet struck concrete beside the manhole cover on Elm St, that a bullet made a worm hole path in the grass near the manhole cover and the damaged conrete roadside guttering near Teague...we have plenty of evidence at least one shot may have been fired prior to Z224-5 when jfk emerges from behind the Stemmons Freeway sign showing he is hit. My belief is that Rosemary Willis stop, turn back towards the TSBD and then back towards the limo is proof a shot was definitely fired from above and behind the limo at Z156-160.

What it hit and where it hit we can only speculate from the Dealey Plaza witnesses suggestions. 


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7 minutes ago, Micah Mileto said:

Don't know any good reason to think the lapel flap is an optical illusion.

Micah M--

The lapel does appear to open up, 223-224. It may just the coat bunching up a bit. Hard to tell.

Addtionally, the very small exit bullet hole in the coat is well below the flap. See image. 


The exit hole is as sharp as a whistle and nowhere near the lapel. 

The same problem comes up. How could JBC make a 180-degree turn in his seat after being shot through the chest, and after being immediately incapacitated? 



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When I saw the above image, I was really surprised.

I consulted with Mili Cranor and she said, "Jim, people like Latimer don't really believe what they are saying. They are really like salesmen."

This is from someone who studied the urologist more than anyone.


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Mary Ferrell urged me to study John Lattimer's book on Kennedy

and Lincoln as what she claimed was the best medical analysis of the JFK murder. That was

one of the alarm bells that made me realize she was not the

benign helpful mentor to researchers she made herself out to be

and that some delusional people still think she is. Lattimer, in addition to

being a urologist, was a collector who had such items as (so he

claimed) Lincoln's bloody collar from the night

of the assassination, drawings by Hitler, the glass ampoule that had contained the cyanide

Goering used to kill himself . . . and Napoleon's penis.

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Wait, so Gary Mack, Mary Ferell, Fletcher Prouty, Jack White, Barr McClellan, Gerald Posner, Vincent Bugliosi, John Lattimer all told fibs and tried to muddy the assassination waters?

Ok got it....


Edited by Adam Johnson
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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

When I saw the above image, I was really surprised.

I consulted with Mili Cranor and she said, "Jim, people like Latimer don't really believe what they are saying. They are really like salesmen."

This is from someone who studied the urologist more than anyone.



Yeah, I almost included the above image in the Tumbling Bullet story too, since obviously the bullet was not tumbling when it left Connally's body. 

This is what Lattimer wrote in his book, from viewing the Z film:  The CE 399 bullet “exits under his [Connally’s] right nipple with a cloud of bloody soft tissue and rib fragments.”


One, I don't see that on the film.

Two, look at that little hole on JBC's jacket. Nothing but a bullet passed though that coat. 

In fact, JBC's shirt was bloody, and flesh and bone fragments burst out through the exit wound, but caught against his shirt and coat lining. 

I generally do not like to cast aspersions on people, just for having a different take on matters than myself. 

But Michael Baden and John Lattimer...well, one has to wonder if they were compromised. 

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BTW, do you know who Dan Rather used as his medical consultant for the 1975 CBS special?

The urologist.

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1 hour ago, John Deignan said:

You Sir nailed it imho.  Cyril Wecht  then contrasted with today in Through The Looking Glass - JFK Revisited (Destiny Betrayed).  He is a classic in the annals of the case.

Lattimer, "mock ups designed to represent the neck of President Kennedy".  Seriously?

Edited by Ron Bulman
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I just happened to be reading thru the HSCA testimony of acoustics expert Jim Barger and found this passage that relates back to Rosemary Willis actions in Dealey Plaza and the Zapruder film splice/distortion at Z156-Z160...

Mr. FITHIAN - Now, in the location of targets, are those, as nearly as you can compute from the Zapruder film or otherwise, the exact location of the President and Governor Connally in the limousine?
Dr. BARGER - No; with regard to target No. 3, which was positioned to be at the same place as the limousine in frame 313, it was put in that place as well as we could determine it.
Mr. FITHIAN - And is target No. 1 in the same location that you presumed the first shot was fired?
Dr. BARGER - Of course, I don't know exactly where the limousine was when the first shot was fired.
Mr. FITHIAN - I guess basically I am asking you why did you locate the target there?
Dr. BARGER - As I recall, we sought to place the first target at about the position of the limousine, at about frame 158-160. The reason for that was that the preliminary screening that I described earlier of the impulses on the tape, indicated that if the first pattern of impulses that could be seen occurred prior to frame 313 by enough time to place it back at about frame 158. That is why we tried to position the target at that place.


AJ     Science you gotta luv it!

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21 hours ago, Joseph McBride said:

Mary Ferrell urged me to study John Lattimer's book on Kennedy

and Lincoln as what she claimed was the best medical analysis of the JFK murder. That was

one of the alarm bells that made me realize she was not the

benign helpful mentor to researchers she made herself out to be

and that some delusional people still think she is. Lattimer, in addition to

being a urologist, was a collector who had such items as (so he

claimed) Lincoln's bloody collar from the night

of the assassination, drawings by Hitler, the glass ampoule that had contained the cyanide

Goering used to kill himself . . . and Napoleon's penis.

Oh, geez.  Please.

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On 7/17/2021 at 2:14 PM, Michaleen Kilroy said:

I could never figure out how that jibed with the Zapruder film but this article explains how Connally was hit right before the final shot.



Besides other items and speaking ballistically, the County Records rooftop aligns quite nicely with JBC's back/chest(possible thigh) wounds. I tend to believe the shot was fired at z273 and whizzed past JFK's hair at z275 in keeping with the document's 6ft prior to their existing shot span(do the math using the red boxes) which is approx extant z274 based on Nelli's reaction time thereafter, coincidentally while the vertical panning of the zframes hiding JBC's chest occurs.



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