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"The Assassination & Mrs. Paine" comes out this month

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All this frantic, overwrought attention to Ruth Paine on the forum

attempting to whitewash her, with twisting

and ignoring of evidence and smears

against her accusors, clearly was

intended as a preemptive strike against Max

Good's film. We saw some of this pattern of

preemptive strikes by MSM apologists for

the government before Oliver Stone's JFK

was released -- and after. You have to wonder

for whom the parties were/are working in

putting out their disinformation and propaganda.

Edited by Joseph McBride
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9 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

Where are they and how do you know about them?


7 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

A fair question.  

The National Archives.

700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20408

I know about them because they were mentioned in the most recent release of JFK documents.


About 14,000 documents remain withheld from the public.


Is this really news to you guys?

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1 hour ago, Joseph McBride said:

All this frantic, overwrought attention to Ruth Paine on the forum

attempting to whitewash her, with twisting

and ignoring of evidence and smears

against her accusors, clearly was

intended as a preemptive strike against Max

Good's film. We saw some of this pattern of

preemptive strikes by MSM apologists for

the government before Oliver Stone's JFK

was released -- and after. You have to wonder

for whom the parties were/are working in

putting out their disinformation and propaganda.

"were/are".  I do wonder for whom.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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1 hour ago, Joseph McBride said:

All this frantic, overwrought attention to Ruth Paine on the forum

attempting to whitewash her, with twisting

and ignoring of evidence and smears

against her accusors, clearly was

intended as a preemptive strike against Max

Good's film. We saw some of this pattern of

preemptive strikes by MSM apologists for

the government before Oliver Stone's JFK

was released -- and after. You have to wonder

for whom the parties were/are working in

putting out their disinformation and propaganda.

Reading these threads for the past month and a half has been like peeking into an alternate dimension. It truly is a case of "doth protest too much" and makes me anticipate the film more, not less. With this kind of reaction to his film, it seems Max must really be onto something.

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1 hour ago, Joseph McBride said:

All this frantic, overwrought attention to Ruth Paine on the forum

attempting to whitewash her, with twisting

and ignoring of evidence and smears

against her accusors, clearly was

intended as a preemptive strike against Max

Good's film. We saw some of this pattern of

preemptive strikes by MSM apologists for

the government before Oliver Stone's JFK

was released -- and after. You have to wonder

for whom the parties were/are working in

putting out their disinformation and propaganda.


In other words, anyone who defends the accused witch becomes themselves accused of being a witch. McCarthyism. 

I am not working for anyone. I knew Ruth Paine and am utterly horrified at what is done to her by this community.

Are you trying to drive me off this forum? What "smears against her accusers"?

Do you see no smears of Ruth Paine occurring in this community? Really?

For the love of God, open your eyes.

What crime has she been accused of that would get a conviction by any jury in America. There isn't any, because there is no evidence she ever did any crime, no matter how many suspicions chase tails in circles.

I see the piling on is escalating. 

This community is absolutely smearing an innocent person in Ruth Paine, who never did anything to you, never did anything to Marina or Lee. "No good deed goes unpunished". Supportive of Marina, tried to do the right thing for America by testifying truthfully to what she knew within her realm of knowledge.  

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The piling on was done by the Warren Omission.  Over 6,000 questions between her and Michael I've read.  Way more than the next closest few hundred.  About what?  Much of it irrelevant.  Much of it evasive, mis directed.  I've read a lot, not all of it.  Have you?

Edited by Ron Bulman
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15 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:


In other words, anyone who defends the accused witch becomes themselves accused of being a witch. McCarthyism. 

I am not working for anyone. I knew Ruth Paine and am utterly horrified at what is done to her by this community.

Are you trying to drive me off this forum? What "smears against her accusers"?

Do you see no smears of Ruth Paine occurring in this community? Really?

For the love of God, open your eyes.

What crime has she been accused of that would get a conviction by any jury in America. There isn't any, because there is no evidence she ever did any crime, no matter how many suspicions chase tails in circles.

I see the piling on is escalating. 

This community is absolutely smearing an innocent person in Ruth Paine, who never did anything to you, never did anything to Marina or Lee. "No good deed goes unpunished". Supportive of Marina, tried to do the right thing for America by testifying truthfully to what she knew within her realm of knowledge.  

The difference is that there were no witches; but there are assets and informants. So it’s not the same thing.

Edited by Allen Lowe
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Just now, Allen Lowe said:

The difference is that there were no witches; but there are assets and informants.

Yes there are assets and informants, but there is no more evidence that Ruth was one than that Ruth was a literal witch.

And although there is no evidence she was an informant, what if she was? That is no crime nor would it account for the venom against her in this community. But again, there is no evidence that she was. Where is the basic principle of innocent until proven guilty in this community with respect to Ruth Paine.

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15 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

Yes there are assets and informants, but there is no more evidence that Ruth was one than that Ruth was a literal witch.

And although there is no evidence she was an informant, what if she was? That is no crime nor would it account for the venom against her in this community. But again, there is no evidence that she was. Where is the basic principle of innocent until proven guilty in this community with respect to Ruth Paine.

So, she was possibly an asset or informant, witch you say.  What if she was?  It's important for the sake of the Truth. 

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I do not think the preemptive strike thing worked.

When I sent out a tweet about three  days ago,  i said please see this film, pre order it.  There is information in it you will not find in any other.

In one day, that got 36,000 impressions.  That is the second most of any tweet I ever sent out.

People are interested in the film and they want to know why the HSCA and ARRB dropped the ball on the Paines. 


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Oliver Stone's JFK became a major boxoffice

hit despite (and perhaps also because of)

the smears. The New York Times ran about

30 attacks on the film in its first month of release.

Gary Trudeau did a terrific editorial cartoon

that the Times ran satirizing the paper's obsessive

attacks on him; Trudeau's office called me at Variety

to get the current boxoffice figures to put in the cartoon.

NIXON is also an excellent film but unfortunately did

poorly at the boxoffice, which helped give Hollywood

an excuse to stop letting Stone make his controversial

political features. Someone pointed out a simple fact

that John F. Kennedy is appealing to the public, and Richard

Nixon is not, which could account for the disparity in

the receptions of those two films. JFK is also a murder

mystery, but NIXON deals with the Watergate mystery,

which is more obscure to most people due to

media disinformation.

NIXON is also highly complex in its treatment of Nixon as a

tragic figure, who elicits our pity as such a figure does, and not everyone was ready for that. Too bad. But attacks on films can help as well as hurt. In the

case of Max Good's film, they may help, because it is

a low-budget production that needs attention.

Edited by Joseph McBride
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Joseph M., what you say regarding the films makes sense, and I know this is your field so you do know these things. I can tell just from seeing Max Good's film that he is an excellent filmmaker, has the technical skills and art, and from his prior work plus the low-budget context otherwise has my sympathies and liking. It is the treatment of Ruth Paine in the present film which overrides these other things for me; otherwise I would be a fan of Max Good. 

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3 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:


The National Archives.

700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20408

I know about them because they were mentioned in the most recent release of JFK documents.


Is this really news to you guys?

Of those 14,000 documents, how many are regarding Ruth Paine then?

This a simple question not yet answered.  


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2 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

Of those 14,000 documents, how many are regarding Ruth Paine then?

This a simple question not yet answered.  


So it was news to you guys. It was a simple question. You didn't know 14,000 documents were still being kept secret and you didn't even know who holds those documents. Amazing.

We don't know how many documents are regarding Ruth Paine, because the documents haven't been released yet. It's been said multiple times now. What is so hard for you to understand about this?

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