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Hickey might have fired his AR15 -- members survey.

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20 minutes ago, Denny Zartman said:

Documents about the assassination are still being kept secret for national security reasons. How could Hickey accidentally firing his rifle in 1963 affect national security in 2023?

Yes, Hickey's accident karnt possibly affect national security (not then, not now), it woz rotten luck, he was just doing his job.

I wonder whether some docs will be made public after SSA Hill dies.

Clearly lots of people knew/know that it was an accident -- & clearly lots of people lied (to blame Oswald)(etc).

Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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9 minutes ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

Yes, Hickey's accident karnt possibly affect national security (not then, not now), it woz rotten luck, he was just doing his job.

I wonder whether some docs will be made public after SSA Hill dies.

Clearly lots of people knew/know that it was an accident -- & clearly lots of people lied (to blame Oswald)(etc).

I heard JFK slipped on a banana peel in Dallas.-

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35 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

Off topic, but for those who posted videos: perhaps the greatest JFKA song before Dylan, The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead by XTC.  I'm convinced the "pumpkinhead" reference was inspired by Z-313.

Peter Pumpkinhead came to town
Spreading wisdom and cash around
Fed the starving and housed the poor
Showed the Vatican what gold's for
But he made too many enemies
Of the people who would keep us on our knees
Hooray for Peter Pumpkin
Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkinhead?
Peter Pumpkinhead pulled them all
Emptied churches and shopping malls
Where he spoke, it would raise the roof
Peter Pumpkinhead told the truth
But he made too many enemies...
Peter Pumpkinhead put to shame
Governments who would slur his name
Plots and sex scandals failed outright
Peter merely said, Any kind of love is alright
But he made too many enemies...
Peter Pumpkinhead was too good
Had him nailed to a chunk of wood
He died grinning on live TV
Hanging there he looked a lot like you
And an awful lot like me!
But he made too many enemies...
Hooray for Peter Pumpkin--
Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkin--
Hooray for Peter Pumpkinhead
Don't it make you want to cry, oh?

Thanks David.  I've never seen this.  Without you we'd of never had If Roger Craig Was Wrong I Don't Wanna Be Right.  Keep on rockin', we need your help.

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 An AR-15 is a semiauto rifle and is incapable of firing a burst of rounds. I currently own three and they are weapons designed and capable of firing only one round at a time.

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23 minutes ago, Evan Marshall said:

 An AR-15 is a semiauto rifle and is incapable of firing a burst of rounds. I currently own three and they are weapons designed and capable of firing only one round at a time.

In 1963 the AR15-601 had SAFETY --- SEMI --- AUTO.

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4 minutes ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

In 1963 the AR15-601 had SAFETY --- SEMI --- AUTO.


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Well, perhaps but it wasn't fired anyway and did all the bullets you claim were all end up in JFK?

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On 1/8/2023 at 1:46 AM, Evan Marshall said:

Well, perhaps but it wasn't fired anyway and did all the bullets you claim were all end up in JFK?

I have explained all of the slugs. What i will explain next is all of the hot empty casings (shells).

I must be a genius -- i amaze even myself -- Bennett had to suffer 4 or 5 or 6 hot casings landing on his groin.

What did he do -- what would u do -- well, that is my next assignment -- is there any evidence in the footages for Bennett's burning pubic hairs -- YES -- me myself i found it -- more tomorrow. 


Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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Ok i have figured it out. I made a faster gif of Queen Mary (see link below). If u have a close look at my gif u can see that Hickey has the AR15 in both hands for most of the gif  The gifs start at Z459 which is 8.0 seconds after Z313.


Watch SSA Hickey in the left rear seat – as he half turns to his right we can see that he has the AR15 in both hands -- & the AR15 is aiming upish a bit, in the direction of Landis.

Hickey is not actively scanning for a sniper behind the carpark fence -- why? -- koz Hickey was the  shooter. Except that Hickey knew that 2 shots had been fired earlier from the TSBD -- but the TSBD was now a distant memory & no real danger, at least not to JFK -- & Hickey's nightmare was just beginning. 

About halfway throo the gif we see Roberts in the front passenger seat get up & tell Hickey to be careful with the AR15.

Game over – thank u ball boys & ball girls – that’s all she wrote.

Below is a link to a gif with full sized frames.


The guy & gal are running away -- why? -- it was koz as can be seen while running they are looking at the AR15.

Notice that SSA McIntyre takes some gum from his mouth & throws it away -- & then shimmys along to the better front grip.

Anyhow, i would like to take this opportunity to thank posters on this & other forums for helping me to solve this case.

Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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4 hours ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

Ok i have figured it out. I made a faster gif of Queen Mary (see link below). SSA Bennett early on lifts the back of SSA Landis's jacket -- why? -- it was koz the left side of the rear seat & Bennett & Landis had a few seconds earlier been sprayed with 4 or 5 or 6 empty hot casings from Hickey's AR15. Landis's jacket was open & Bennett must have seen a hot casing enter. 

I reckon that the casings all bounced offa Landis, back into Queen Mary. The AR15-601 fired at say 400 rpm & i reckon had a weak action compared to the modern 1200 rpm, but anyhow if Landis hadnt been there i reckon that all of the casings would have hit Elm St, what with Hickey (earlier at Z312) standing high upish near the centerline of QM.

Bennett is later bobbing up'n'down collecting spent casings.


Ok – here is the clincher – watch SSA Hickey in the left rear seat – as he half turns to his right we can see that he has the AR15 in both hands -- & the AR15 is aiming upish a bit, in the direction of Landis.

Hickey is not actively scanning for a sniper behind the carpark fence -- why? -- koz Hickey was the  shooter. Except that Hickey knew that 2 shots had been fired earlier from the TSBD -- but the TSBD was now a distant memory & no real danger, at least not to JFK -- & Hickey's nightmare was just beginning. 

Game over – thank u ball boys & ball girls – that’s all she wrote.

Below is a link to a gif with full sized frames.


The guy & gal are running away -- why? -- it was koz as can be seen while running they are looking at the AR15.

Notice that SSA McIntyre takes some gum from his mouth & throws it away -- & then shimmys along to the better front grip.

Anyhow, i would like to take this opportunity to thank posters on this & other forums for helping me to solve this case.

Given this tread, I'd like to take this opportunity to cry.


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Nonsense. I've shot thousands of rounds out of AR-15's. M-16's, and M4's and the round never landed in my lap though I did once get a hot 5.56 case between me and my body armor in the middle of a drug raid that left me with a nifty scar! 

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