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Tucker Carlson about the JFKA

Karl Kinaski

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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

Here is something to ponder; It’s a mirror image on the other side concerning some of the darling newscasters supposedly positioned on the ideological left. They too think certain characters are destroying the very fabric of the USA with pro globalist, pro-technocratic ideals. They too seek to divide of ostracise anybody who doesn’t share their views. People on the other side feel just like you. 

Respectfully disagree Chris.

Let us first look at the "fabric" of our society in it's current state and see who is more coherent in their assessment of it, left or right, especially in comparison to JFK times and now. And in comparison to the rest of the world's industrialized nations and societies.

Number one, we are ideologically at war with each other.

We just had a mob of thousands of screaming worked up Americans ( inspired by their leader Donald Trump) violently storm our revered Capital Building !

Yelling "Hang Mike Pence", "Get Nancy Pelosi" "Stop The Steal" while running over and injuring hundreds of Capitol Police ( a few even dying as a result) and causing extreme damage to the building and traumatizing our entire Congress with life and death fear.

This is civil war level violence.

We've got right wing extremists planning kidnapping of governors, physically threatening and intimidating other officials who dare criticize their fearless leader Trump. Arizona Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers harrowing tale of this is typical.

I still remember watching a convoy of big tire, Trump sticker and banner adorned pick up trucks driven by cowboy hatted drivers, super loudly rumbling through even my home town area. Honking and shouting out pro-Trump/anti-Democrat cursing slogans. Gun racks in the window, a few Pit Bull dogs tied down in their truck beds. It was all blatant intimidation.

The covid virus knocked our nation down like nothing I have ever seen in my lifetime. I am telling you, we have only recovered 50% since that time. One million lives lost. Hundreds of thousands of businesses lost. Millions have never come back to normal income life styles. Trump mishandled that crisis to devastating degrees. He lied and made exaggerated health claims.

Remember, the help that was finally offered by the government that truly helped millions of job loss Americans through that nightmare was barely passed with the Democrats fighting for it and Trump and the Republicans against it or in the least trying to majorly limit it?

The cost of housing ( rents ) is insane. A problem for the last 30 years is now so bad it has caused millions of Americans to cut out other basic needs. Millions of young Americans can't afford rent. They are not marrying and having children as they simply can't afford to.

Millions are descending into homelessness and living out of their cars?

The world health organization ranks countries in basic living standard health.

America is far from the top ranked countries in almost every category.

We are militarily super rich, and yet extremely societally stressed poor in far too many basic need areas.

Millions of America's kids are stressed by drug problems, job opportunity problems outside of fast food and gas station convenience store ones, housing problems, cost of higher education problems.

America is the last hold out modern society nation that will not allow their citizens national health care.

Illegal immigration ( tens of millions of poor ) is breaking our welfare/social services, schooling, police and jail, state paid hospital and other health care budgets in too many areas with California being hit the hardest.

Just yesterday we heard this sad but true reality statistic that is a great part of our nation's over-all fabric condition.

In baby boomer ( JFK ) times, 90% of American children went into adulthood earning more than their parents.

Now?  That figure is down to 40%!

This is the reality of our nation now. We all know this. There is no room to debate here.

Which side of our traditional political ideological stance is more to blame for this proven decline in our societal fabric? The left? Or the Reagan trickle down inspired right?


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Well I happen to be ill this morning and its impaired my judgement enough to jump into this and try to focus on a couple of things - and not discuss media wars or personalities.

First off having Tucker tell his huge audience that the CIA  killed JFK, with at least the implication that the MIG and the Deep State were behind it was likely well received in his overall viewer demographic. I have a hard time seeing it as a shock to most of his listeners - perhaps only because he did say it so forcefully and sincerely (which he always does, he is obviously a powerful speaker).  Fine.

So OK, good, he focused attention on the CIA as the prime suspect in the crime and actually had Larry S on to go though the issues and potential remedies for investigating the CIA as a prime suspect.  To me that was actually more important than the pronouncement since its going to take a Court order or a Congressional committee or both to move the ball in that respect.

The problem however is that he substantiated his assertion with reference to an anonymous source - which in itself gets us nowhere.  Will he go to the Justice Dept or the FBI with that source and push to get him on record so as to force a legal investigation?  That would indicate to me he is sincere and its not just another doing another series of shows.

Actually I would think his supporters would push him to take concrete action with his source and his information - in fact one or more of his Congressional advocates should be on the phone with offers of  immunity in order to take testimony which would trigger a formal inquiry.

On a side note, I have no respect for anonymous sources sixty years into this...why have they not already done the above without Tucker (yeah, its a risk but is that any more of a risk than having the CIA go full out trying to investigate his source not to protect itself - sharing that with Tucker alone gives the source no protection at all).

And on a side note, Tucker said, implied or however  you want to phrase it that his source saw a document which proved the CIA murdered JFK - personally I have a hard time buying that sort of thing was written down at any point in time but the real question is why did not the source identify the document, tell Tucker where to find it, basically do anything that would make his story  actionable.

As usual my metric is simple, talk is cheap, show me you are sincere - and reliable and credible - by moving on to the action plan to do something with what you know and talked about.

So, fine for a first step but he made a specific claim that could actually get us somewhere, if its real and if he and his source step up to the plane. 


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2 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

I have a hard time seeing it as a shock to most of his listeners - perhaps only because he did say it so forcefully and sincerely (which he always does, he is obviously a powerful speaker).  Fine.

Not trying to confront you regards your not wanting to get into a media/personality argument LH. Your standing here is much too highly respected to do so as well.

But I just have to raise my arm and hand to interject my head back " say what?" thought reaction to your praise of Tucker Carlson as "a powerful speaker" ?

Looking back in my 70 years of TV news and commentary viewing and reflecting on who of the thousands of such personalities comes into mind as "powerful speakers" -

Tucker Carlson just doesn't register.

Instantly off the top of my head I could easily list 20 other American national news figures ( since the birth of television ) who easily fit that lofty oratory skills categorization much more eloquently and powerfully than Carlson.

Edward R. Murrow.

Walter Cronkite.

So many others like Howard K. Smith, David Brinkley, Chet Huntley, Mike Wallace, Paul Harvey, etc. 

Great trial oratory actors like Gregory Peck, James Mason, Orson Wells, now they were powerful speakers. Remember Henry Fonda in "12 Angry Men" and "Grapes Of Wrath?"

James Earl Jones, Morgan Freeman, Martin Luther King, Jim Garrison...etc.

Where does Tucker Carlson fit in this world of great and powerful American public speakers?

To me TC is hard to watch. His speaking manner and tone seem extremely whiny and high pitched. He has a mostly confused, pinched eye, ruffled brow and forehead and hanging open jaw facial expression look.

For years his nerdy bow tie wearing and smooth almost adolescent no facial hair skin appearance made me think of the typical private or Catholic high school tattletale kid. Running to the principal's office and finking on every schoolmate that he saw spying on a fellow classmate's test answers or stealing a cookie out of someone else's bag lunch.

My apologies for my personality posting here for those who think it is unworthy.

However, Tucker Carlson does this personality attacking in almost every TV broadcast he airs. So... "what's good for the goose..." ???




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15 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

I do think that is a bit of a distraction from the point I was trying to make which was to judge him on actions not words...and I have no problem substituting another word..."effective", "convincing" etc however based on some of the comments I have seen in these threads I would judge some people to find him to be powerful, if not in delivery, in message.

Like many of the earlier radio "shock jocks", he has an approach that works for him and I assume for his listeners given his audience size.

Would I even think of putting him in the same league as Cronkite reporting from Vietnam - where I say him facing reality in real time, no. Is he an investigative reporter who can make a difference, I don't follow him enough to know, but the bombshell he just dropped would give him a chance to actually prove that. 






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David Brinkley was actually proud of the fact that he did not open up that box and managed to keep it closed.  He actually said once that yes Kennedy's death was a terrible thing, but its not like the government was overturned.

So please, do not place any of those guys in some kind of pantheon, because it was not just JFK, it was also MLK and RFK that they helped cover up. And the government was overturned. But they valued their paychecks more than they did telling the truth.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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15 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

Oh stop it. He was on national TV asking Russia to find Hil's emails. Junior was texting about a meeting at Trump tower. That's all they needed. The Ukraine stuff was also well known as Trump himself held up the aid and explained why. 

When McCain leaked the Steele dosier Steele himself disavowed the accuracy as it was a draft report that wasn't entirely vetted. I knew it at the time as did others paying attention but eventually it gained steam and let's face it, if it were 100% true nobody would be surprised. And the Republicans certainly wouldn't object considering what we see from them now regarding 1/6.

As far as Tucker's quoting an unnamed source, I don't have a big problem with that. It all factors
into my judgment about the veracity of any of his reporting, which is to say I can sort through what he says and decide from there. It's safe to say I believe his concern about the subject is larded with the current RW need to eviscerate the bureaucrats in federal agencies all over who saved us from the Red Clown. Hopefully he goes down in flames permanently and if so, we can thank them not the spineless Republican politicians who lick his boots.


Bob, considering you were unaware of the Anonymous aspect to the Russia and Ukraine gate, and also unaware of the fact that it's come out that there were 22 FBI informants in Oath Keepers and 8 in the Proud Boys on Jan 6 including the head of the organization. I'd say you should probably watch Tucker because you should know stuff and you don't.. 

Here's a Segment on Ray Epps, is he just another 'Spineless Republican' boot licker?!? 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

Bob, considering you were unaware of the Anonymous aspect to the Russia and Ukraine gate, and also unaware of the fact that it's come out that there were 22 FBI informants in Oath Keepers and 8 in the Proud Boys on Jan 6 including the head of the organization. I'd say you should probably watch Tucker because you should know stuff and you don't.. 

Here's a Segment on Ray Epps, is he just another 'Spineless Republican' boot licker?!? 


Matt considering there were 300 members of DHS in the Oathkeepers who will now shortly be saying they were CI's maybe you should consider what was blatantly obvious from the start. Trump would do anything to get or maintain the presidency and anyone who denies that is clearly mistaken. 

As I said on here years ago and had a few people argue with me about: an innocent man doesn't get into a Mutual Defense Agreement with 37 other defendants. Seven of whom were convicted felons. Trump's machinations were well known but corroboration has to rise to a higher level to be presented in the press and more so in court.

I don't really care about Ray Epps and the idea he was the initiator of the capitol riots or whatever. I guarantee you there isn't a single person in the prison system who wasn't "entrapped" or whatever idiotic narrative the right is pushing on this stuff. There are informants in many groups who have been determined to pose a threat, and it isn't anything nefarious. That's called law enforcement. It's done all the time.

Do you know what isn't done? Presidents engaging themselves in MDA's with felons and suspects in a wide-ranging investigation. That's never been done. You may say "But that's legal and MDA's are commonplace!" But they aren't when one of the parties has the ability to pardon unconditionally in exchange for "considerations" like refusing to testify (Flynn, Manafort). Russia wasn't a "hoax". His lawyer testified he was negotiating with Russia well into his Presidency.

I really wish Biden would come out and pardon his son unconditionally for anything and everything under the sun no matter what. That would be funny!

Edited by Bob Ness
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22 minutes ago, Bob Ness said:

Matt considering there were 300 members of DHS in the Oathkeepers who will now shortly be saying they were CI's maybe you should consider what was blatantly obvious from the start. Trump would do anything to get or maintain the presidency and anyone who denies that is clearly mistaken. 

As I said on here years ago and had a few people argue with me about: an innocent man doesn't get into a Mutual Defense Agreement with 37 other defendants. Seven of whom were convicted felons. Trump's machinations were well known but corroboration has to rise to a higher level to be presented in the press and more so in court.

I don't really care about Ray Epps and the idea he was the initiator of the capitol riots or whatever. I guarantee you there isn't a single person in the prison system who wasn't "entrapped" or whatever idiotic narrative the right is pushing on this stuff. There are informants any many groups who are determined to pose a threat and it isn't anything nefarious. That's called law enforcement. It's done all the time.

Do you know what isn't done? Presidents engaging themselves in MDA's with felons and suspects in a wide-ranging investigation. That's never been done. You may say "But that's legal and MDA's are commonplace!" But they aren't when one of the parties has the ability to pardon unconditionally in exchange for "considerations" like refusing to testify (Flynn, Manafort).

I really wish Biden would come out and pardon his son unconditionally for anything and everything under the sun no matter what. That would be funny!

Alot of leopards are showing their spots in this thread, Thankyoufor showing me how intellectually biased you are on the subject.. I will quit wasting my time now because you are not a serious person..

But, I guess when your self identity is 'Not being conservative' why expect less than cognitive dissidence and mental gynstics when facts are shown. You didn't cite any source of facts Bob, that's a problem considering you still think you know more on the subject and then the Spinless Republicans that watch Tucker. Funny how you sound like a "NARC" when you talk about Trump "He said Hillary emails were hacked by Russia" He should be investagated on just that alone!! Then you say that Biden Should Pardon Hunter Biden.. You sound like the spineless one here. 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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Roger:I'm not getting involved in the Carlson motives diversion.

I know Roger. Does everything have to be political? But unfortunately,you can't separate Carlson from the politics of the day.
His message often filters down the same. The government is evil. All they do is tax you on your hard earned money, and gives you nothing back and will and may yet overthrow your government! I can further explain his aim in his continual anti government diatribe at the bottom.
Carlson: In short they can do anything they want.-
BS! So Tucker thinks the deep state was so afraid of Trump?
Yet they have a recording of Trump trying to throw an election in Georgia, and after 2 years they're too timid to even make an indictment. The government now has become so stifled with bureaucracy and politics, they can't do anything. I'm sure something will become of it. But 2 years?

Carlson:They can affect elections---BS, probably the fairest election we ever had!

Carlson:  and murder Presidents.--more BS again, so Tucker thinks the deep state was so afraid of Trump? Why didn't they just kill him?

Carlson Source---"It's a whole different country from what we thought it was.  It's all fake!"

"It's all fake." That sounds like something I'd say over and over again when I was 10 years old". And we're supposed to believe this came from a high up official? 

Of course the point is  we didn't know at the time that an element of our Security State possibly overthrew the government. But the idea that we changed forever and never got it back because  of the JFKA has a lot of appeal here, and the authors here do benefit from that perception. But if you're going to assign blame. It was really the Vietnam War which was at least a magnitude 10 more  powerful because it directly affected everyday people. That's why things never came back!
But get real and stop the sentimentalizing! You can never go back!
Another myth perpetuated here by Carlson is that something magically changed that day and the  same regime is dominating us to this day. (Like Carlson's employers????) and yet the current power structure has so many new and different characters now, and the great majority of them don't think the JFKA was a great thing, and either think we have, or probably wish we could get down to the truth of it as well and they bear no relation to the coup of the 60's, but are only much more insidious!  It's so completely different now. And the JFKAC still hasn't adjusted to a completely non 60's power structure.

"It's a whole different country from what we thought it was.  It's all fake."

But here's the irony. But still it was just one aspect of life at the time. In reality the U.S. was much more real after the 60's than they were after the 50's. American culture was sizzling, and the power of it's civilization was at it's apex.
Not just JFK but it's interesting to speculate where we'd be now if  there were 16 years of Kennedys, and RFK became President, and stayed President. But of course, now we've seen how 8 years of Obama freaked America out! Though I was sucked into it as a young man, we now see how illusory it is to think that Bobby could have wiped out racial prejudice in the U.S.! Could it have just been suppressed to come out later? Watching the silly pendulum over the last 50 years. How much could the Kennedys have done that would be reflected now?  It's hard to say.



 The right wing seizes on the JFKA to try to persuade people that all the government does is tax you on your hard earned money and gives you nothing back and will even overthrow the will of the people. So you're better off to just defund the government "deep state". It is the message of the ultra wealthy, the elites (despite their supposed disdain for the elites) and the International Corporate state*, and their goal is to to defund the "administrative state" as Steve Banon has called it to maybe the size of government in the 50's or in the more extreme case the 30's.
*Not that those interests are just exclusive to just the right wing.
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6 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

And on a side note, Tucker said, implied or however  you want to phrase it that his source saw a document which proved the CIA murdered JFK - personally I have a hard time buying that sort of thing was written down at any point in time but the real question is why did not the source identify the document, tell Tucker where to find it, basically do anything that would make his story  actionable.

This was my biggest issue as well, as it set expectations for something that likely isn't there. Unless I'm mistaken, all these documents are in the possession of the National Archives and have already been seen by people like Tunheim; it's just that the general public hasn't been allowed to see them.

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Matt actually there were numerous JFK records, many identified by the ARRB, that were never actually collected by NARA.  In addition NARA was supposed to assume the role of prospecting for new, relevant documents as the ARRB was doing.  NARA's failure to do both is part of the MFF legal action.

Beyond that there  may be a special collection outside CIA HQ files or station files...very much like Angleton special file.  We know that when that was revealed the CIA assigned a special master to sort his large segemented file and move parts into the regular HQ file.  What we don't know is what happened to items that might be too hot to move...do they still exist somewhere or were they destroyed?

While I find it hard to believe any plot against the President was put on paper, it is not inconceivable that a document containing at least strong suspicions of CIA operational involvement existed at some point in time - as an example Sforza's investigation of the exiles has been confirmed once again in the re-release...so where is the report that resulted from that work?


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3 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Alot of leopards are showing their spots in this thread, Thankyoufor showing me how intellectually biased you are on the subject.. I will quit wasting my time now because you are not a serious person..

But, I guess when your self identity is 'Not being conservative' why expect less than cognitive dissidence and mental gynstics when facts are shown. You didn't cite any source of facts Bob, that's a problem considering you still think you know more on the subject and then the Spinless Republicans that watch Tucker. Funny how you sound like a "NARC" when you talk about Trump "He said Hillary emails were hacked by Russia" He should be investagated on just that alone!! Then you say that Biden Should Pardon Hunter Biden.. You sound like the spineless one here. 


Please. Quit wasting your time and especially my time by burrowing into rabbit holes. I'm not going to respond to somebody posting links to someone else's arguments. It's a waste of time. The end result of that presidency was obvious when he stepped on the elevator.

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