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Protecting Tucker’s Source

Lori Spencer

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Jeff and I are having a bit of a lover’s spat on Twitter. 😝 

Your thoughts? Should Tucker’s anonymous source be outed, or protected at all costs? 

The thread continues w/ replies back and forth between Jeff & Mark Zaid… both want Carlson to reveal his source, which may expose this individual to potential prosecution (or worse). 


The US government does not treat whistleblowers kindly, and the list of dead witnesses in this case is long. I fear for the safety of this source. 

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24 minutes ago, Lori Spencer said:

Jeff and I are having a bit of a lover’s spat on Twitter. 😝 

Your thoughts? Should Tucker’s anonymous source be outed, or protected at all costs? 

The thread continues w/ replies back and forth between Jeff & Mark Zaid… both want Carlson to reveal his source, which may expose this individual to potential prosecution (or worse). 


The US government does not treat whistleblowers kindly, and the list of dead witnesses in this case is long. I fear for the safety of this source. 

If Tucker gave his word to get the info, then he cannot go back on his word. A journalist's word must be sacred and must be stronger than any contract, any law, or circumstance. 

If Tucker goes back on his word, he not only violates his own word, but undermines the profession, and any journalist working anywhere.

I assume Tucker knows all this. 

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I know Mark Zaid is part of the legal team suing the government but I wonder WHY. 

Zaid is a friend of the CIA. And he’s the one pressuring Tucker to reveal his source, alongside Morley. 


This is a very troubling thing to see … I am having a hard time squaring how a longtime WAPO reporter doesn’t understand source protection. 

The CIA protects their sources and methods. Journalists must do the same, especially when real harm could befall the source. 

@Lawrence Schnapf

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3 hours ago, Lori Spencer said:

Zaid just keeps going… like the Energizer bunny on this thread: 


Rather ironic given that he represents anyomous whistle blowers..



Who is Mark Zaid? The fascinating background of the attorney representing Trump's whistleblowers 



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TC is no journalist. Never has been as far as I know. Neither is Hannity, who doesn’t have a college degree, or the rest of the Murdoch puppets. They are ‘opinion makers.’

Fox actually has one of the best news departments in the biz if they’re not covering politics which is slanted (every cable news outfit is these days). But they can cover breaking news like the current winter conditions better than anyone, for example.

I don’t believe TC carefully vetted his “source” or even cares to. If he did, the Fox news department would be on it. It just fit the narrative he wanted to tell for some political purpose/ratings.

Usually his propaganda is destructive but in this case it may serve a good purpose as Morley has pointed out - getting the new House to subpoena the 44 Joannides records the CIA is still withholding. 

I’ve always maintained that the full truth of the JFKA would never be told until there was some political imperative to do so - either to avoid political damage or to gain advantage. We may finally reach that crossroad in the New Year. TC, despite his putrid racist propaganda that JFK would abhor, may have helped make it happen.


Edited by Michaleen Kilroy
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When undocumented claims are made against Trump folks are anxious to accept them and no, I do not like Trump. Probably 99.99% of the folks here had never had to protect a source. Twice in Detroit Homicide we sat in a luxury hotel with shotguns and submachine guns guarding someone actually willing to testify against a drug gang. Don't dismiss Tucker Carlson's sources just you don't like him. I never watch him so I don't care if you like him or not, but often in the real world the people with the most  valuable info are some of God's most troubling creations!

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Is it really necessary to start another thread with Tucker Carlson's name in the header?

No, of course it isn't.

TC lobbed his grenade against his hated U.S. Government, forgot about it, and then went back to complaining about drag queens and how tough it is being rich, white, and male in the United States.

This board isn't about famous garbage human, Tucker Carlson.

Or his propaganda.


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Quite right, Matt.  These threads are not about Carlson, his past, or what anyone thinks of him and his motive for saying what he did, despite some attempts to make them about that.  They're about what he said, which has created the space for others to pursue.   Particularly, in my view, his thoughts about the damage to society that the JFKA has caused since, and the role of the CIA in that.

May I make a further suggestion?  Please stop your attempts at gatekeeping--what people can say and what they shouldn't be allowed to say.

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7 minutes ago, Roger Odisio said:

Quite right, Matt.  These threads are not about Carlson, his past, or what anyone thinks of him and his motive for saying what he did, despite some attempts to make them about that.  They're about what he said, which has created the space for others to pursue.   Particularly, in my view, his thoughts about the damage to society that the JFKA has caused since, and the role of the CIA in that.

May I make a further suggestion?  Please stop your attempts at gatekeeping--what people can say and what they shouldn't be allowed to say.

I’m afraid there is gate keeping on both sides.

For some, assassination research has taken over their life and their ego and sense of self has become intertwined with the topic. This can result in a lack of critical distance. 

You are correct that everyone is entitled to their opinion. Perhaps the most challenging thing can be to try and view the world from someone else’s perspective sometimes.

Personally, I doubt TC’s source exists and it’s not the first time someone from within the agency has allegedly said ‘yeah we did it’ or words to that effect.



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Mark Zaid calling out a source in the JFK case?

This is the guy who was screaming at the top of his lungs praising Luis Alvarez. And that is just for starters.



Edited by James DiEugenio
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I value the Tucker episode and what Tucker said quite a bit, but I'm not sure why there's all this pressure to reveal the ID of the person who said it.

The quote is "I believe they were involved." So it's the opinion of someone in DC, presumably within the government somewhere. This is useful to hear, but you'd have to guess the person who said it doesn't want to do a long on-camera interview about the topic. It'd be an awkward day at work the next morning.

Also "being anonymous is absolutely worthless & beneath all standards of professional journalism" is a bit rich given that mainstream US journalism pretty much copyrighted the phrase "...according to sources familiar with the matter". If I had a dollar every time I read that line over the past half decade, my wallet would be in great shape.

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5 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Mark Zaid calling out a source in the JFK case?

This is the guy who was screaming at the top of his lungs praising Luis Alvarez.



Oh, it's worse.. Zaid bragged about this: 



Posted by John Titor | Nov 8, 2019 |     

Whistleblower Attorney Bragged About Getting Security Clearances for Guys With “Child Porn Issues”

As we learn more about the apparatus behind the effort to impeach President Trump, questions about the attorney representing a CIA whistleblower at the heart of the inquiry have emerged.

On Thursday it emerged that the attorney, Mark Zaid, tweeted “We will get rid of him,” in reference to President Trump, followed weeks later with the tweet “#coup has started” in support of fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates, who refused to enforce an Executive Order banning the admission of refugees from certain countries.

In response to his anti-Trump tweets, Zaid said on Friday: “I was referring to a completely lawful process of what President Trump would likely face as a result of stepping over the line, and that particularly whatever would happen would come about as a result of lawyers.”

“The coup comment referred to those working inside the Administration who were already, just a week into office, standing up to him to enforce recognized rules of law.” -Mark Zaid


What Zaid hasn’t addressed is why his alleged YouTube channel ‘liked’ videos about “Disney Girls,” and why he enjoys going to children’s theme parks alone based on his social media history.


On Friday, Twitter users pointed out that Zaid oddly bragged about helping “guys with child porn issues” obtain government clearances in response to a February thread about former Trump aide Rob Porter, who was fired following allegations of domestic abuse.

Why would the whistleblower’s lawyer brag about this? https://t.co/R8Wz9s81FL

— Arthur Schwartz (@ArthurSchwartz) November 8, 2019


And while everyone is entitled to legal representation, why would Zaid, who allegedly enjoys ‘Disney kids,’ brag about getting clearances for pedophiles?

And people wonder why the Department of Defense has a massive pedophile problem.

It truly boggles the mind!

Republished from ZeroHedge.com with permission


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Thanks Matt.

Zaid is a very problematic character.

I know this from way back, as you can tell from my linked story. He was actually buds with Posner.


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Mark Zaid is not part of the MFF legal team. Bill Simpich and I are co-counsel. no one else.

Mark is my attorney on my FOIA lawsuit against NARA for the underlying documents associated with the Trump 2017 and 2018 postponements. This is a separate lawsuit where I am the plaintiff. 

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